Example #1
// This function demonstrates the basic methods of our arrays and lists.
// To keep it simple it does not check for errors. For real-life code
// you have to check the return value of Append() or Insert() before you
// access the memory.
static void	BaseArrayDemo()
	BaseArray<VLONG>	test;																		// this could be BlockArray, PointerArray, SortedArray or BaseList
	VLONG							copyMe = 42;
	VLONG							i;
	test.Append();																						// append an element with default value
	test.Append(copyMe);																			// append a copy of copyMe
	test.Insert(1);																						// insert an element with default value at index 1
	test.Insert(2, copyMe);																		// insert a copy of copyMe at index 2
	test.Erase(0);																						// erase element at index 0
	test[2] = 12345;																					// assign a value to the element at index 2

	// iterate over all elements, assign value
	for (i = 0; i < test.GetCount(); i++)
		test[i] = i;

	test.Resize(27);																					// the array has now 27 elements
	test.Erase(10, 15);																				// erase 15 elements from index 10 on

	// iterate over all elements, check for some value
	for (AutoIterator<BaseArray<VLONG> > it(test); it; ++it)
		if (*it == 9876)
			break;																								// BTW: the index of this element is it - test.Begin();
Example #2
EStatus BaseArray::Insert (INT  iStartIndex,
                           INT  iNumToInsert,
                           BOOL bDebug)
  // This routine inserts new entries before the iStartIndex.
  INT  iStartIndexActual = iStartIndex;

  // perform the insertion on the actual sequential data
  INT  iOldLength = iLength;

  if (iStartIndexActual > iLength) return (EStatus::kFailure);

  if (SetLength (iOldLength + iNumToInsert) == EStatus::kFailure) {return EStatus::kFailure;};
  if (Length () < (iOldLength + iNumToInsert) )  {return EStatus::kFailure;};

  if (bDebug)
    DBG_INFO ("BA:Ins %d old:%d cur:%d\n", iStartIndexActual, iOldLength, Length ());
  //printf ("start index %d old length %d\n", iStartIndexActual,iOldLength);
  if ((iStartIndexActual != iLength) && (iOldLength - iStartIndexActual > 0))
    //DBG_INFO ("Copy values rev %d %d %d\n", iStartIndexActual, iStartIndexActual + iNumToInsert, iOldLength - iStartIndexActual);
    CopyValuesRev (pArray, iStartIndexActual, iStartIndexActual + iNumToInsert, iOldLength - iStartIndexActual);

  // update siblings
  BaseArray *  pCurr = pNext;
  while (pCurr != this)
    pCurr->Insert (iStartIndex, iNumToInsert);
    pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
  return (EStatus::kSuccess);