/* * Function: userTurn * -------------------- * This is the user's turn. Prompt them for random/set board, get their word selections * use the boggles obj to check words * * Preconditions: * * @param: word: the word to check * @return: boolean true if valid word */ void userTurn(Boggle& boggles) { Set<string> humanWords; string userInputW; //int humanScore = 0; while(true) { clearConsole(); // First time through this is skipped, goes to else if(userInputW!=""){ if(boggles.checkWord(userInputW)){ if(boggles.humanWordSearch(toLowerCase(userInputW))){ string statusMessage = "You found a new word! \""+toUpperCase(userInputW)+"\""; BoggleGUI::setStatusMessage(statusMessage); cout << statusMessage<<endl; BoggleGUI::recordWord(userInputW,BoggleGUI::HUMAN); } else{ string statusMessage = "That word cant be formed on this board!"; BoggleGUI::setStatusMessage(statusMessage); cout << statusMessage<<endl; } } else { cout << "You must enter an unfound 4+ letter word from the dictionary." << endl; } }else { string sM = "It's your turn!"; BoggleGUI::setStatusMessage(sM); cout << sM << endl; } cout << boggles; cout << "Your words (" << boggles.getUserValidStrings().size() << "): " << boggles.getUserValidStrings().toString() << endl; cout << "Your score: " << boggles.getScoreHuman() << endl; BoggleGUI::setScore(boggles.getScoreHuman(),BoggleGUI::HUMAN); userInputW = getLine("Type a word (or enter to stop): "); // Enter to stop if(userInputW==""){ break; } } }
void playOneGame(Lexicon& dictionary) { // TODO: implement Boggle boggle = Boggle(dictionary, ""); Set<string> humanWords; while (true) { string humanWord = getLine("Please enter a human word (Enter to exit human turn): "); if(humanWord=="") break; if(boggle.humanWordSearch(humanWord)){ humanWords.add(humanWord); cout << "This is a valid word!" << endl; } else cout << "This is not a valid word!" << endl; } cout << humanWords.toString() << endl; //Set<string> results = boggle.computerWordSearch(); }
void humanTurn(string message, Boggle& boggleobj) { while (true) { printStatus(message, "Your", boggleobj.getScoreHuman(), boggleobj.getFoundWords(), boggleobj); string word = getLine("Type a word (or Enter to stop):"); word = toLowerCase(word); if (word == "") { break; } else { clearConsole(); if (boggleobj.checkWord(word) && boggleobj.humanWordSearch(word)) { message = "You have found a new word! \"" + word + "\""; BoggleGUI::recordWord(word, BoggleGUI::HUMAN); BoggleGUI::setScore(boggleobj.getScoreHuman(),BoggleGUI::HUMAN); } else { message = "You must enter an unfound 4+ letter word from the dictionary."; } } } }