/** * Add in the extra notes in rhythm practice */ void CConductor::expandPianistInput(CMidiEvent inputNote) { if (m_playMode == PB_PLAY_MODE_rhythmTapping) { CChord chord; int i; CMidiEvent newNote = inputNote; if (inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_ON || inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_OFF) { chord = m_wantedChord; CChord chordForOneHand; int notesFound = 0; if (inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_OFF) { chord = m_piano->removeSavedChord(inputNote.note()); for(i = 0; i < chord.length(); i++) { inputNote.setNote( chord.getNote(i).pitch()); pianistInput(inputNote); } // We have already played and removed this chord if (chord.length() > 0) return; } whichPart_t targetPart = (inputNote.note() >= MIDDLE_C) ? PB_PART_right : PB_PART_left; for(i = 0; i < chord.length(); i++) { if (chord.getNote(i).part() == targetPart && playingMusic()) { newNote.setNote(chord.getNote(i).pitch()); if ( notesFound >= 1 && cfg_rhythmTapping == PB_RHYTHM_TAP_drumsOnly) newNote.setVelocity(-1); else chordForOneHand.addNote(targetPart, chord.getNote(i).pitch()); pianistInput(newNote); notesFound++; } } if (notesFound > 0) m_piano->addSavedChord(inputNote, chordForOneHand); else { inputNote.setChannel(MIDI_DRUM_CHANNEL); pianistInput(inputNote); } } else { pianistInput(inputNote); } } else { pianistInput(inputNote); } }
// This will allow us to map midi tracks onto midi channels // tacks will eventually allow for more than the 16 midi channels (eg with two mid devices) void CConductor::playTrackEvent(CMidiEvent event) { int track = event.channel(); int chan = track2Channel(track); if (chan == -1) return; event.setChannel(chan); playMidiEvent(event); }
void CConductor::pianistInput(CMidiEvent inputNote) { bool goodSound = true; // inputNote.transpose(+12); fixme if (m_testWrongNoteSound) goodSound = false; whichPart_t hand; hand = (inputNote.note() >= m_pianistSplitPoint)? PB_PART_right : PB_PART_left; // for rhythm tapping if ( inputNote.channel() == MIDI_DRUM_CHANNEL) hand = (inputNote.note() >= MIDDLE_C) ? PB_PART_right : PB_PART_left; if (inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_ON) { if ( validatePianistNote(inputNote) == true) { m_goodPlayedNotes.addNote(hand, inputNote.note()); m_piano->addPianistNote(hand, inputNote,true); int pianistTiming; if ( ( cfg_timingMarkersFlag && m_followSkillAdvanced ) || m_playMode == PB_PLAY_MODE_rhythmTapping ) pianistTiming = m_pianistTiming; else pianistTiming = NOT_USED; m_scoreWin->setPlayedNoteColour(inputNote.note(), (!m_followPlayingTimeOut)? Cfg::playedGoodColour():Cfg::playedBadColour(), m_chordDeltaTime, pianistTiming); if (validatePianistChord() == true) { if (m_chordDeltaTime < 0) m_tempo.removePlayingTicks(-m_chordDeltaTime); m_goodPlayedNotes.clear(); fetchNextChord(); // count the good notes so that the live percentage looks OK m_rating.totalNotes(m_wantedChord.length()); m_rating.calculateAccuracy(); m_settings->pianistActive(); if (m_rating.isAccuracyGood() || m_playMode == PB_PLAY_MODE_playAlong) setFollowSkillAdvanced(true); // change the skill level only when they are good enough else setFollowSkillAdvanced(false); setEventBits( EVENT_BITS_forceRatingRedraw); } } else { if (m_playing == true) { goodSound = false; m_piano->addPianistNote(hand, inputNote, false); m_rating.wrongNotes(1); } else m_piano->addPianistNote(hand, inputNote, true); } } else if (inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_OFF) { if (m_piano->removePianistNote(inputNote.note()) == true) goodSound = false; bool hasNote = m_goodPlayedNotes.removeNote(inputNote.note()); if (hasNote) m_scoreWin->setPlayedNoteColour(inputNote.note(), (!m_followPlayingTimeOut)? Cfg::noteColour():Cfg::playedStoppedColour(), m_chordDeltaTime); outputSavedNotesOff(); } if ( inputNote.velocity() == -1 ) return; if (goodSound == true || m_cfg_wrongNoteSound < 0) { if (m_cfg_rightNoteSound >= 0) // don't play anything if the sound is set to -1 (none) { bool playDrumBeat = false; if ( inputNote.channel() != MIDI_DRUM_CHANNEL) { if (cfg_rhythmTapping != PB_RHYTHM_TAP_drumsOnly || m_playMode != PB_PLAY_MODE_rhythmTapping) { inputNote.setChannel(m_pianistGoodChan); playTrackEvent( inputNote ); } } else { playDrumBeat = true; } if (cfg_rhythmTapping != PB_RHYTHM_TAP_mellodyOnly && m_playMode == PB_PLAY_MODE_rhythmTapping) playDrumBeat = true; if (playDrumBeat) { inputNote.setChannel(MIDI_DRUM_CHANNEL); ppLogTrace("note %d", inputNote.note()); inputNote.setNote((hand == PB_PART_right)? m_cfg_rhythmTapRightHandDrumSound : m_cfg_rhythmTapLeftHandDrumSound); playTrackEvent( inputNote ); } } } else { inputNote.setChannel(m_pianistBadChan); if (m_playMode == PB_PLAY_MODE_rhythmTapping) { inputNote.setChannel(MIDI_DRUM_CHANNEL); ppLogTrace("note %d", inputNote.note()); inputNote.setNote((hand == PB_PART_right)? m_cfg_rhythmTapRightHandDrumSound : m_cfg_rhythmTapLeftHandDrumSound); } playTrackEvent( inputNote ); } /* // use the same channel for the right and wrong note int pianoSound = (goodSound == true) ? m_cfg_rightNoteSound : m_cfg_wrongNoteSound; if (pianoSound != m_lastSound) { m_lastSound = pianoSound; CMidiEvent midiSound; midiSound.programChangeEvent(0,inputNote.channel(),pianoSound); playTrackEvent( midiSound ); } */ }
void CConductor::pianistInput(CMidiEvent inputNote) { bool goodSound = true; if (m_testWrongNoteSound) goodSound = false; if (inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_ON) { whichPart_t hand; hand = (inputNote.note() >= m_pianistSplitPoint)? PB_PART_right : PB_PART_left; if ( validatePianistNote(inputNote) == true) { m_goodPlayedNotes.addNote(hand, inputNote.note()); m_piano->addPianistNote(hand, inputNote.note(),true); int pianistTiming = ( cfg_timingMarkersFlag && m_followSkillAdvanced) ? m_pianistTiming : NOT_USED; m_scoreWin->setPlayedNoteColour(inputNote.note(), (!m_followPlayingTimeOut)? Cfg::playedGoodColour():Cfg::playedBadColour(), m_chordDeltaTime, pianistTiming); if (validatePianistChord() == true) { if (m_chordDeltaTime < 0) m_tempo.removePlayingTicks(-m_chordDeltaTime); m_goodPlayedNotes.clear(); fetchNextChord(); // count the good notes so that the live percentage looks OK m_rating.totalNotes(m_wantedChord.length()); m_rating.calculateAccuracy(); m_settings->pianistActive(); if (m_rating.isAccuracyGood() || m_playMode == PB_PLAY_MODE_playAlong) setFollowSkillAdvanced(true); // change the skill level only when they are good enough else setFollowSkillAdvanced(false); setEventBits( EVENT_BITS_forceRatingRedraw); } } else { if (m_playing == true) { goodSound = false; m_piano->addPianistNote(hand, inputNote.note(), false); m_rating.wrongNotes(1); } else m_piano->addPianistNote(hand, inputNote.note(), true); } } else if (inputNote.type() == MIDI_NOTE_OFF) { if (m_piano->removePianistNote(inputNote.note()) == true) goodSound = false; bool hasNote = m_goodPlayedNotes.removeNote(inputNote.note()); if (hasNote) m_scoreWin->setPlayedNoteColour(inputNote.note(), (!m_followPlayingTimeOut)? Cfg::noteColour():Cfg::playedStoppedColour(), m_chordDeltaTime); outputSavedNotesOff(); } if (goodSound == true || m_cfg_wrongNoteSound < 0) { if (m_cfg_rightNoteSound >= 0) // don't play anything if the sound is set to -1 (none) { inputNote.setChannel(m_pianistGoodChan); playMidiEvent( inputNote ); } } else { inputNote.setChannel(m_pianistBadChan); playMidiEvent( inputNote ); } /* // use the same channel for the right and wrong note int pianoSound = (goodSound == true) ? m_cfg_rightNoteSound : m_cfg_wrongNoteSound; if (pianoSound != m_lastSound) { m_lastSound = pianoSound; CMidiEvent midiSound; midiSound.programChangeEvent(0,inputNote.channel(),pianoSound); playMidiEvent( midiSound ); } */ }