CPDF_Dictionary dict; while (CPDF_Object* pObj = dict.GetNextElement("")) { if (CPDF_Name* pName = pObj->AsName()) { // Do something with the name object } else if (CPDF_Number* pNumber = pObj->AsNumber()) { // Do something with the number object } // ... add more else if statements for other possible types ... }
CPDF_Dictionary dict; CPDF_Object* pObj = dict.GetNextElement("Type"); if (pObj && pObj->AsString()) { std::string type = pObj->GetString(); // Do something with the type string }In this example, we retrieve a specific key-value pair from the dictionary using the "Type" key. If the key is found and its corresponding value is a string, we retrieve the string value using the GetString method and process it accordingly. The CPDF_Dictionary class and its methods are part of the PDFium library.