bool CDockingPorts::RequestDock (CSpaceObject *pOwner, CSpaceObject *pObj, int iPort)

//	RequestDock
//	RequestDock 

	//	If the requested dock is full, then we fail.

	if (iPort != -1 && m_pPort[iPort].iStatus != psEmpty)
		pObj->SendMessage(pOwner, CONSTLIT("Docking port no longer available"));
		return false;

	//	Get the nearest free port

	int iEmptyPortsLeft;
	if (iPort == -1)
		iPort = FindNearestEmptyPort(pOwner, pObj, NULL, &iEmptyPortsLeft);
		//	If the caller specifies a port then it must be the player, so we
		//	don't worry about leaving an empty port.
		iEmptyPortsLeft = 2;

	//	If we could not find a free port then deny docking service

	if (iPort == -1)
		pObj->SendMessage(pOwner, CONSTLIT("No docking ports available"));
		return false;

	//	If the requester is not the player and there is only one port left, then
	//	fail (we always reserve one port for the player).
	//	[We also make an exception for any ship that the player is escorting.]

	CSpaceObject *pPlayer = g_pUniverse->GetPlayer();
	if (iEmptyPortsLeft < 2
			&& pPlayer
			&& pObj != pPlayer
			&& pObj != pPlayer->GetDestination())
		pObj->SendMessage(pOwner, CONSTLIT("No docking ports available"));
		return false;

	//	Commence docking

	pObj->SendMessage(pOwner, CONSTLIT("Docking sequence engaged"));

	m_pPort[iPort].iStatus = psDocking;
	m_pPort[iPort].pObj = pObj;

	//	Done

	return true;
bool CDockingPorts::ShipsNearPort (CSpaceObject *pOwner, CSpaceObject *pRequestingObj, const CVector &vPortPos)

//	ShipsNearPort
//	Returns TRUE if there are ships near the given port

	int i;
	CSystem *pSystem = pOwner->GetSystem();

	for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
		CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);
		if (pObj
				&& pObj->GetCategory() == CSpaceObject::catShip
				&& !pObj->IsInactive()
				&& pObj != pRequestingObj)
			Metric rDist2 = (pObj->GetPos() - vPortPos).Length2();
			if (rDist2 < MIN_PORT_DISTANCE2 && !IsDockedOrDocking(pObj))
				return true;

	return false;
Example #3
bool CMission::SetFailure (ICCItem *pData)

//	SetFailure
//	Mission failed

    //	Must be in the right state

    if (m_iStatus != statusAccepted && m_iStatus != statusClosed && m_iStatus != statusOpen)
        return false;

    //	Stop the mission

    if (m_iStatus != statusOpen)
        FireOnStop(REASON_FAILURE, pData);

        CSpaceObject *pOwner = m_pOwner.GetObj();
        if (pOwner)
            pOwner->FireOnMissionCompleted(this, REASON_FAILURE);

    //	Done


    return true;
Example #4
bool CMission::SetSuccess (ICCItem *pData)

//	SetSuccess
//	Mission succeeded

    //	Must be in the right state

    if (m_iStatus != statusAccepted && m_iStatus != statusClosed && m_iStatus != statusOpen)
        return false;

    //	Stop the mission

    if (m_iStatus != statusOpen)
        FireOnStop(REASON_SUCCESS, pData);

        CSpaceObject *pOwner = m_pOwner.GetObj();
        if (pOwner)
            pOwner->FireOnMissionCompleted(this, REASON_SUCCESS);

    //	Done


    return true;
Example #5
void CMission::OnDestroyed (SDestroyCtx &Ctx)

//	OnDestroyed
//	Mission is destroyed

    if (m_fInOnCreate)

    //	If the mission is running then we need to stop

    if (m_iStatus == statusClosed || m_iStatus == statusAccepted)

        CSpaceObject *pOwner = m_pOwner.GetObj();
        if (pOwner)
            pOwner->FireOnMissionCompleted(this, REASON_DESTROYED);

    //	Make sure the mission is completed


    //	Destroy the mission

Example #6
void CSovereign::InitEnemyObjectList (CSystem *pSystem)

//	InitEnemyObjectList
//	Compiles and caches a list of enemy objects in the system

	int i;

	if (m_pEnemyObjectsSystem != pSystem)

		for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);

			if (pObj 
					&& pObj->ClassCanAttack()
					&& IsEnemy(pObj->GetSovereign()))

		m_pEnemyObjectsSystem = pSystem;
Example #7
void CSpaceObjectList::NotifyOnObjDocked (CSpaceObject *pDockingObj, CSpaceObject *pDockTarget)

//	NotifyOnObjDocked
//	Notify that an object docked.

	int i;

	if (GetCount() > 0)
		TArray<CSpaceObject *> List(m_List);

		for (i = 0; i < List.GetCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = List[i];

			//	NOTE: We do not notify the dock target because it got notified
			//	separately.

			if (!pObj->IsDestroyed() 
					&& pObj != pDockTarget 
					&& pObj->HasOnObjDockedEvent())
				pObj->FireOnObjDocked(pDockingObj, pDockTarget);
void AddSystemData (CSystem *pSystem, bool bAll, SNodeDesc *retResult)
	int i;

	//	Loop over all objects

	for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
		CStationType *pType;
		CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);
		if (pObj == NULL 
				|| pObj->IsDestroyed()
				|| (pType = pObj->GetEncounterInfo()) == NULL)

		//	Skip if we're not interested in this encounter

		if (!bAll && !pType->CanBeEncounteredRandomly())

		//	Get table

		CCountTable *pTable = retResult->Table.SetAt(pSystem->GetType()->GetUNID());

		//	Add to count

		bool bNew;
		int *pCount = pTable->SetAt(pType->GetUNID(), &bNew);
		if (bNew)
			*pCount = 1;
			*pCount += 1;
Example #9
bool CDeviceClass::AccumulateEnhancements (CItemCtx &Device, CInstalledDevice *pTarget, TArray<CString> &EnhancementIDs, CItemEnhancementStack *pEnhancements)

//	AccumulateEnhancements
//	If this device can enhance pTarget, then we add to the list of enhancements.

	int i;
	bool bEnhanced = false;

	CInstalledDevice *pDevice = Device.GetDevice();
	CSpaceObject *pSource = Device.GetSource();

	//	See if we can enhance the target device

	if (pDevice == NULL 
			|| (pDevice->IsEnabled() && !pDevice->IsDamaged()))
		for (i = 0; i < m_Enhancements.GetCount(); i++)
			//	If this type of enhancement has already been applied, skip it

			if (!m_Enhancements[i].sType.IsBlank()
					&& EnhancementIDs.Find(m_Enhancements[i].sType))

			//	If we don't match the criteria, skip it.

			if (pSource 
					&& pTarget
					&& !pSource->GetItemForDevice(pTarget).MatchesCriteria(m_Enhancements[i].Criteria))

			//	Add the enhancement

			bEnhanced = true;

			//	Remember that we added this enhancement class

			if (!m_Enhancements[i].sType.IsBlank())

	//	Let sub-classes add their own

	if (OnAccumulateEnhancements(Device, pTarget, EnhancementIDs, pEnhancements))
		bEnhanced = true;

	//	Done

	return bEnhanced;
Example #10
bool CFerianShipAI::InRangeOfThreat (CSpaceObject **retpThreat)

//	InRangeOfThreat
//	Returns the nearest threat

	if (m_pShip->IsDestinyTime(19))
		CSystem *pSystem = m_pShip->GetSystem();
		int iDestiny = m_pShip->GetDestiny();

		//	Get the list of objects that intersect the object

		SSpaceObjectGridEnumerator i;
		pSystem->EnumObjectsInBoxStart(i, m_pShip->GetPos(), MAX_THREAT_DIST);

		//	Loop over all objects

		Metric rNearestDist2 = MAX_THREAT_DIST * MAX_THREAT_DIST2;
		CSpaceObject *pNearestObj = NULL;

		while (pSystem->EnumObjectsInBoxHasMore(i))
			CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->EnumObjectsInBoxGetNext(i);

			//	If the object is in the bounding box then remember
			//	it so that we can do a more accurate calculation.

			if (pObj->GetCategory() == CSpaceObject::catShip
					&& (!m_pShip->IsFriend(pObj) || pObj->GetDestiny() < iDestiny)
					&& pObj->CanAttack())
				Metric rDist2 = m_pShip->GetDistance2(pObj);
				if (rDist2 < rNearestDist2)
					pNearestObj = pObj;
					rNearestDist2 = rDist2;

		//	Done

		if (pNearestObj)
			*retpThreat = pNearestObj;
			return true;

	return false;
Example #11
bool CWeaponFireDesc::FireOnFragment (const CDamageSource &Source, CSpaceObject *pShot, const CVector &vHitPos, CSpaceObject *pNearestObj, CSpaceObject *pTarget)

//	FireOnFragment
//	Event fires when a shot fragments. If we return TRUE then we skip the default
//	fragmentation event.

	SEventHandlerDesc Event;
	if (FindEventHandler(evtOnFragment, &Event))
		//	Setup arguments

		CCodeChainCtx CCCtx;

		CCCtx.DefineSpaceObject(CONSTLIT("aNearestObj"), pNearestObj);
		CCCtx.DefineSpaceObject(CONSTLIT("aTargetObj"), pTarget);
		CCCtx.DefineVector(CONSTLIT("aHitPos"), vHitPos);
		CCCtx.DefineInteger(CONSTLIT("aHitDir"), (pShot ? pShot->GetRotation() : 0));
		CCCtx.DefineItemType(CONSTLIT("aWeaponType"), GetWeaponType());
		CCCtx.DefineString(CONSTLIT("aWeaponFragment"), m_sUNID);

		CSpaceObject *pAttacker = Source.GetObj();
		CCCtx.DefineSpaceObject(CONSTLIT("aCause"), pShot);
		CCCtx.DefineSpaceObject(CONSTLIT("aAttacker"), pAttacker);
		CCCtx.DefineSpaceObject(CONSTLIT("aOrderGiver"), (pAttacker ? pAttacker->GetOrderGiver(Source.GetCause()) : NULL));

		ICCItem *pResult = CCCtx.Run(Event);
		if (pResult->IsError())
			pShot->ReportEventError(ON_FRAGMENT_EVENT, pResult);

		//	If we return Nil, then we continue processing

		bool bResult;
		if (pResult->IsNil())
			bResult = false;

		//	Otherwise, we skip fragmentation

			bResult = true;


		return bResult;
		return false;
int GetValidObjCount (CSystem *pSystem)
    int i;
    int iCount = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
        CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);
        if (pObj && !pObj->IsDestroyed())

    return iCount;
// Проверяем все объекты, обновляем данные
void UpdateAllSpaceObject(float Time)
	CSpaceObject *tmp = StartSpaceObject;
	while (tmp!=0)
		CSpaceObject *tmp2 = tmp->Next;
		// делаем обновление данных по объекту
		if (!tmp->Update(Time))
			// если его нужно уничтожить - делаем это
			delete tmp; tmp = 0;
		tmp = tmp2;
// Прорисовываем все объекты
void DrawAllSpaceObject(bool VertexOnlyPass, unsigned int ShadowMap)

	CSpaceObject *tmp = StartSpaceObject;
	while (tmp!=0)
		CSpaceObject *tmp2 = tmp->Next;

		// планеты и астероиды рисуем до тайловой анимации в игре!!!
		if (tmp->ObjectType != 14 && !(tmp->ObjectType == 15 && (tmp->ObjectCreationType>10 && tmp->ObjectCreationType<20)))
			tmp->Draw(VertexOnlyPass, ShadowMap);

		tmp = tmp2;

Example #15
CSpaceObject *CFerianShipAI::FindRandomAsteroid (void)

//	FindRandomAsteroid
//	Returns a random asteroid within 60 light-seconds

	int i;
	Metric rMaxDist2 = MAX_MINING_RANGE2;
	Metric rCloseDist2 = CLOSE_MINING_RANGE2;
	CSpaceObject *Table[MAX_RANDOM_COUNT];
	int iCount = 0;

	for (i = 0; 
			(i < m_pShip->GetSystem()->GetObjectCount() && iCount < MAX_RANDOM_COUNT); 
		CSpaceObject *pObj = m_pShip->GetSystem()->GetObject(i);

		if (pObj && pObj->HasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ASTEROID))
			CVector vRange = pObj->GetPos() - m_pShip->GetPos();
			Metric rDistance2 = vRange.Dot(vRange);

			//	If we're within the max dist, add it to the list

			if (rDistance2 < rMaxDist2)
				Table[iCount++] = pObj;

			//	If we're within 10 light-seconds, add it twice more (to increase
			//	the probability)

			if (rDistance2 < rCloseDist2)
				Table[iCount++] = pObj;
				Table[iCount++] = pObj;

	//	Pick a random entry from the list

	if (iCount == 0)
		return NULL;
		return Table[mathRandom(0, iCount-1)];
Example #16
bool CNavigationPath::PathIsClear (CSystem *pSystem,
								   CSovereign *pSovereign,
								   const CVector &vFrom, 
								   const CVector &vTo, 
								   CSpaceObject **retpEnemy, 
								   CVector *retvAway)

//	PathIsClear
//	Returns TRUE if the path from vFrom to vTo is free from enemy stations.
//	If FALSE, retpEnemy is initialized with the enemy that is blocking the
//	path and retvAway is a unit vector away from the enemy that avoids it

	int i;

	//	Loop over all objects in the system

	CSpaceObject *pNearestEnemy = NULL;
	Metric rNearestDist = MAX_SAFE_DIST;
	CVector vNearestAway;

	for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
		CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);
		CSovereign *pObjSovereign;

		if (pObj
				&& (pObj->GetScale() == scaleStructure 
					|| ((pObj->GetScale() == scaleShip) && (pObj->GetVel().Length2() < MIN_SPEED2)))
				&& (pObjSovereign = pObj->GetSovereign())
				&& (pObjSovereign->IsEnemy(pSovereign))
				&& pObj->CanAttack())
			CVector vAway;
			Metric rDist = CalcDistanceToPath(pObj->GetPos(), vFrom, vTo, NULL, &vAway);
			if (rDist < rNearestDist)
				rNearestDist = rDist;
				pNearestEnemy = pObj;
				vNearestAway = vAway;

	//	If we found a threatening object, return it

	if (pNearestEnemy)
		if (retpEnemy)
			*retpEnemy = pNearestEnemy;
		if (retvAway)
			*retvAway = vNearestAway;
		return false;

	//	Otherwise, the path is OK

	return true;
Example #17
void CGalacticMapSession::OnPaint (CG32bitImage &Screen, const RECT &rcInvalid)

//	OnPaint
//	Paint

	int cxScreen = Screen.GetWidth();
	int cyScreen = Screen.GetHeight();

	const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals();
	CG32bitPixel rgbBackgroundColor = VI.GetColor(colorAreaDeep);
	CG32bitPixel rgbLineColor = VI.GetColor(colorLineFrame);
	const CG16bitFont &HeaderFont = VI.GetFont(fontHeader);
	const CG16bitFont &MediumFont = VI.GetFont(fontMedium);

	//	Paint the actual map

	if (m_pPainter)

		//	Paint the ship

		CSpaceObject *pPlayer = g_pUniverse->GetPlayerShip();
		if (pPlayer)
			int xPos, yPos;
			g_pUniverse->GetCurrentSystem()->GetTopology()->GetDisplayPos(&xPos, &yPos);

			int xShip, yShip;
			m_pPainter->GalacticToView(xPos, yPos, m_xCenter, m_yCenter, m_Scale.GetScale(), &xShip, &yShip);

			pPlayer->PaintMap(CMapViewportCtx(), Screen, xShip, yShip);

	//	Paint some help text

            m_rcView.left + SCREEN_BORDER_X, 
            m_rcView.bottom - (SCREEN_BORDER_Y + m_HelpPainter.GetHeight()));
Example #18
void CSpaceObjectList::RemoveSystemObjs (void)

//	RemoveSystemObjs
//	Remove objects that are part of the current system.

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < m_List.GetCount(); i++)
		CSpaceObject *pObj = m_List[i];
		if (!pObj->IsNonSystemObj())
Example #19
void CDamageSource::SetObj (CSpaceObject *pSource)

//	SetObj
//	Sets the damage source
	//	If this is the player, remember it in case we lose the
	//	source later.

	if (pSource)
		CSpaceObject *pOrderGiver;

		if (pSource->IsPlayer())
			m_dwFlags |= FLAG_IS_PLAYER;
			m_dwFlags |= FLAG_IS_PLAYER_CAUSED;
		else if ((pOrderGiver = pSource->GetOrderGiver()) && pOrderGiver->IsPlayer())
			m_dwFlags |= FLAG_IS_PLAYER_CAUSED;

	//	If the source is already destroyed, then don't store it--just get the
	//	name of the source.

	if (pSource && pSource->IsDestroyed())
		m_sSourceName = pSource->GetName(&m_dwSourceNameFlags);
		m_pSource = NULL;

	//	Otherwise, remember the source

		m_pSource = pSource;
Example #20
void AccumulateSystem (CTopologyNode *pNode, CSystem *pSystem, TSortMap<DWORD, STypeInfo> &AllTypes)
	int j;

	int iSystemLevel = pSystem->GetLevel();

	//	Add the encounters to the appropriate tables

	for (j = 0; j < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); j++)
		CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(j);

		if (pObj)
			//	Add this encounter to the table

			CDesignType *pType;
			if ((pType = pObj->GetEncounterInfo()) || (pType = pObj->GetType()))
				STypeInfo *pInfo = AllTypes.SetAt(pType->GetUNID());

			//	Enumerate the items in this object

			CItemListManipulator ItemList(pObj->GetItemList());
			while (ItemList.MoveCursorForward())
				const CItem &Item(ItemList.GetItemAtCursor());

				if (!Item.IsInstalled() && !Item.IsDamaged())
					STypeInfo *pInfo = AllTypes.SetAt(Item.GetType()->GetUNID());
					pInfo->iTotalCount += Item.GetCount();
					pInfo->PerLevel[iSystemLevel] += Item.GetCount();
Example #21
CVector CreateVectorFromList (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pList)

//	CreateVectorFromList
//	Creates a vector from a code chain list

	CVector vVec;

	if (pList->IsList())
		CreateBinaryFromList(CC, pList, &vVec);
	else if (pList->IsInteger())
		CSpaceObject *pObj = CreateObjFromItem(CC, pList);
		if (pObj)
			vVec = pObj->GetPos();

	return vVec;
Example #22
void CSpaceObjectList::NotifyOnObjEnteredGate (CSpaceObject *pGatingObj, CTopologyNode *pDestNode, const CString &sDestEntryPoint, CSpaceObject *pStargate)

//	NotifyOnObjEnteredGate
//	Notify all objects in the list that the given object has entered a stargate.

	int i;

	if (GetCount() > 0)
		TArray<CSpaceObject *> List(m_List);

		for (i = 0; i < List.GetCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = List[i];
			if (!pObj->IsDestroyed())
				pObj->FireOnObjEnteredGate(pGatingObj, pDestNode, sDestEntryPoint, pStargate);
Example #23
void CSpaceObjectList::NotifyOnPlayerBlacklisted (CSpaceObject *pBlacklistingObj)

//	NotifyOnPlayerBlacklisted
//	Notify all objects that the player was blacklisted

	int i;

	if (GetCount() > 0)
		TArray<CSpaceObject *> List(m_List);

		for (i = 0; i < List.GetCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = List[i];
			if (!pObj->IsDestroyed())
Example #24
void CSpaceObjectList::NotifyOnObjReconned (CSpaceObject *pReconnedObj)

//	NotifyOnObjReconned
//	Notify that an object was reconned

	int i;

	if (GetCount() > 0)
		TArray<CSpaceObject *> List(m_List);

		for (i = 0; i < List.GetCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = List[i];
			if (!pObj->IsDestroyed())
Example #25
void CTranscendenceWnd::DestroyIntroShips (void)

//	DestroyIntroShips
//	Destroys all ships of the same class as the POV

	int i;

	CShip *pShip = g_pUniverse->GetPOV()->AsShip();
	if (pShip == NULL)

	//	Destroy all ships of the current class

	CSystem *pSystem = pShip->GetSystem();
	CShipClass *pClassToDestroy = pShip->GetClass();
	TArray<CSpaceObject *> ShipsToDestroy;
	CSpaceObject *pOtherShip = NULL;
	for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
		CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);
		CShip *pShip;
		if (pObj 
				&& !pObj->IsInactive()
				&& !pObj->IsVirtual()
				&& (pShip = pObj->AsShip()))
			if (pShip->GetClass() == pClassToDestroy)
			else if (pOtherShip == NULL)
				pOtherShip = pObj;

	//	Destroy ships

	for (i = 0; i < ShipsToDestroy.GetCount(); i++)
		ShipsToDestroy[i]->Destroy(removedFromSystem, CDamageSource());
void CAutoDefenseClass::Update (CInstalledDevice *pDevice, 
								CSpaceObject *pSource, 
								int iTick,
								bool *retbSourceDestroyed,
								bool *retbConsumedItems)

//	Update
//	Update device

	if (pDevice->IsReady() && pDevice->IsEnabled())
		int i;

		//	Look for a target

		CSpaceObject *pBestTarget = NULL;

		for (i = 0; i < pSource->GetSystem()->GetObjectCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = pSource->GetSystem()->GetObject(i);

			if (pObj
					&& pObj->GetCategory() == CSpaceObject::catMissile
					&& pObj->GetSource() != pSource
					&& (pObj->GetSource() == NULL || pSource->IsEnemy(pObj->GetSource())))
				CVector vRange = pObj->GetPos() - pSource->GetPos();
				Metric rDistance2 = vRange.Dot(vRange);

				if (rDistance2 < rBestDist2)
					pBestTarget = pObj;
					rBestDist2 = rDistance2;

		//	If we found a target, try to shoot at it

		if (pBestTarget)
			CDeviceClass *pWeapon = GetWeapon();

			if (pWeapon)
				int iFireAngle;
				if (pWeapon->IsWeaponAligned(pSource, pDevice, pBestTarget, &iFireAngle))
					pWeapon->Activate(pDevice, pSource, pBestTarget, iFireAngle, retbSourceDestroyed, retbConsumedItems);
Example #27
bool CMission::SetAccepted (void)

//	SetAccepted
//	Player accepts a mission

    //	Must be available to player.

    if (m_iStatus != statusOpen)
        return false;

    //	Player accepts the mission


    CSpaceObject *pOwner = m_pOwner.GetObj();
    if (pOwner)

    //	If the above call changed anything, then we're done

    if (m_iStatus != statusOpen)
        return false;

    //	Player has accepted

    m_iStatus = statusAccepted;

    //	Start the mission


    //	Set the player target


    return true;
Example #28
void CSpaceObjectList::NotifyOnObjDestroyed (SDestroyCtx &Ctx)

//	NotifyOnObjDestroyed
//	Notify all objects in the list that another object was destroyed.

	int i;

	if (GetCount() > 0)
		//	We make a copy of our list because an event might remove an object
		//	from our list.

 		TArray<CSpaceObject *> List(m_List);

		for (i = 0; i < List.GetCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = List[i];
			if (!pObj->IsDestroyed())
Example #29
CSpaceObject *CDamageSource::GetObj (void) const

//	GetObj
//	Returns the source object

	CSpaceObject *pOrderGiver;

	//	If the source is the player then always return the player
	//	object (regardless of m_pSource). We do this in case
	//	the player changes ships.

	if (m_dwFlags & FLAG_IS_PLAYER)
		CSystem *pSystem = g_pUniverse->GetCurrentSystem();
		return (pSystem ? pSystem->GetPlayer() : NULL);

	//	Otherwise, if we're a subordinate and our order giver
	//	has changed, switch back to the player.

	else if ((m_dwFlags & FLAG_IS_PLAYER_SUBORDINATE)
			&& (m_pSource == NULL
				|| (pOrderGiver = m_pSource->GetOrderGiver()) == NULL
				|| !pOrderGiver->IsPlayer()))
		CSystem *pSystem = g_pUniverse->GetCurrentSystem();
		return (pSystem ? pSystem->GetPlayer() : NULL);

	//	Otherwise, return the source (even if NULL)

		return m_pSource;
Example #30
void DoTradeSim (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine)
	ALERROR error;
	int i, j;
	CSovereign *pPlayer = Universe.FindSovereign(g_PlayerSovereignUNID);

	int iSystemSample = pCmdLine->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(CONSTLIT("count"), 1, -1, 1);
	bool bLogo = !pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(NO_LOGO_SWITCH);

	//	For each station type we keep track of the items that it sells and the
	//	various prices that each instances charges.

	SStationData AllStations;

	//	For each item type we keep track of the stations that sell and/or
	//	buy it.

	SItemData AllItems;

	//	Generate systems for multiple games

	for (i = 0; i < iSystemSample; i++)
		if (bLogo)
			printf("pass %d...\n", i+1);

		CTopologyNode *pNode = Universe.GetFirstTopologyNode();

		while (true)
			//	Create the system

			CSystem *pSystem;
			if (error = Universe.CreateStarSystem(pNode, &pSystem))
				printf("ERROR: Unable to create star system.\n");

			//	For all active stations in the system, get their trading information

			for (j = 0; j < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); j++)
				CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(j);

				if (pObj && pObj->GetCategory() == CSpaceObject::catStation)
					CompileTradeData(pObj, &AllStations, &AllItems);

			//	Get the next node

			CString sEntryPoint;
			pNode = pSystem->GetStargateDestination(CONSTLIT("Outbound"), &sEntryPoint);
			if (pNode == NULL || pNode->IsEndGame())

			//	Done with old system



	if (bLogo)
		printf("FINAL STATISTICS\n\n");

	//	Loop over each item and output the best trading strategy

	printf("Item\tSeller\tSell Price\tBuyer\tBuy Price\tProfit\n");
	for (i = 0; i < AllItems.GetCount(); i++)