Example #1
void CSovereign::InitEnemyObjectList (CSystem *pSystem)

//	InitEnemyObjectList
//	Compiles and caches a list of enemy objects in the system

	int i;

	if (m_pEnemyObjectsSystem != pSystem)

		for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
			CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);

			if (pObj 
					&& pObj->ClassCanAttack()
					&& IsEnemy(pObj->GetSovereign()))

		m_pEnemyObjectsSystem = pSystem;
bool CNavigationPath::PathIsClear (CSystem *pSystem,
								   CSovereign *pSovereign,
								   const CVector &vFrom, 
								   const CVector &vTo, 
								   CSpaceObject **retpEnemy, 
								   CVector *retvAway)

//	PathIsClear
//	Returns TRUE if the path from vFrom to vTo is free from enemy stations.
//	If FALSE, retpEnemy is initialized with the enemy that is blocking the
//	path and retvAway is a unit vector away from the enemy that avoids it

	int i;

	//	Loop over all objects in the system

	CSpaceObject *pNearestEnemy = NULL;
	Metric rNearestDist = MAX_SAFE_DIST;
	CVector vNearestAway;

	for (i = 0; i < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); i++)
		CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(i);
		CSovereign *pObjSovereign;

		if (pObj
				&& (pObj->GetScale() == scaleStructure 
					|| ((pObj->GetScale() == scaleShip) && (pObj->GetVel().Length2() < MIN_SPEED2)))
				&& (pObjSovereign = pObj->GetSovereign())
				&& (pObjSovereign->IsEnemy(pSovereign))
				&& pObj->CanAttack())
			CVector vAway;
			Metric rDist = CalcDistanceToPath(pObj->GetPos(), vFrom, vTo, NULL, &vAway);
			if (rDist < rNearestDist)
				rNearestDist = rDist;
				pNearestEnemy = pObj;
				vNearestAway = vAway;

	//	If we found a threatening object, return it

	if (pNearestEnemy)
		if (retpEnemy)
			*retpEnemy = pNearestEnemy;
		if (retvAway)
			*retvAway = vNearestAway;
		return false;

	//	Otherwise, the path is OK

	return true;