Example #1
int SceneManager::checkNodeVisibility( SceneNode &node, CameraNode &cam, bool checkOcclusion, bool calcLod )
	// Note: This function is a bit hacky with all the hard-coded node types
	if( node._dirty ) updateNodes();

	// Check occlusion
	if( checkOcclusion && cam._occSet >= 0 )
		if( node.getType() == SceneNodeTypes::Mesh && cam._occSet < (int)((MeshNode *)&node)->_occQueries.size() )
			if( gRDI->getQueryResult( ((MeshNode *)&node)->_occQueries[cam._occSet] ) < 1 )
				return -1;
		else if( node.getType() == SceneNodeTypes::Emitter && cam._occSet < (int)((EmitterNode *)&node)->_occQueries.size() )
			if( gRDI->getQueryResult( ((EmitterNode *)&node)->_occQueries[cam._occSet] ) < 1 )
				return -1;
		else if( node.getType() == SceneNodeTypes::Light && cam._occSet < (int)((LightNode *)&node)->_occQueries.size() )
			if( gRDI->getQueryResult( ((LightNode *)&node)->_occQueries[cam._occSet] ) < 1 )
				return -1;
	// Frustum culling
	if( cam.getFrustum().cullBox( node.getBBox() ) )
		return -1;
	else if( calcLod )
		return node.calcLodLevel( cam.getAbsPos() );
		return 0;