#include "classad/classad.h" int main() { // Creating a new empty ClassAd classad::ClassAd job; // Setting some job attributes job.InsertAttr("request_cpus", 4); job.InsertAttr("request_memory", 4096); // Creating a new resource ClassAd classad::ClassAd resource; // Setting some resource attributes resource.InsertAttr("cpus", 8); resource.InsertAttr("memory", 8192); // Matching the job and resource using ClassAd classad::ClassAdMatchClassAd match; bool matched = match.Evaluate(&job, &resource); // Checking if the match was successful if (matched) { std::cout << "Job matched to resource!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Job could not be matched to resource." << std::endl; } return 0; }This example demonstrates creating job and resource ClassAds, setting their attributes, and matching them using ClassAdMatchClassAd. The result of the match is then evaluated and output. The package library for using ClassAd in C++ is the ClassAd library, which provides the necessary headers and classes for working with ClassAds. The library can be obtained from the HTCondor project, which provides a suite of tools for managing high-throughput computing systems.