ClassAd myClassAd; myClassAd.InsertAttr("age", 25); int age = 0; myClassAd.LookupInteger("age", age); cout << "Age is: " << age << endl;
ClassAd myClassAd; myClassAd.InsertAttr("grade", "A"); int grade = 0; myClassAd.LookupInteger("grade", grade); cout << "Grade is: " << grade << endl;In this example, we create a ClassAd object and add an attribute "grade" with a value of "A". We then use the LookupInteger function to look up the "grade" attribute and store it in the integer variable grade. However, since the value of "grade" is a string, not an integer, the LookupInteger function will return an error and grade will remain 0. Therefore, it is important to use LookupInteger only when the attribute you are looking up is actually an integer. Package library: ClassAd