Example #1


    Gets called once per frame to draw the current snapshot of the game.

void Game::Draw()
    // clear the screen
    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
	if (mBackground)
		Render(mBackground->GetRenderable(), &mBackground->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);
	if (mForeground)
		//Render(mForeground->GetRenderable(), &mForeground->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);
	if (mFlagPole)
		Render(mFlagPole->GetRenderable(), &mFlagPole->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // draw the grid
    if (mGrid)
        int tileWidth = mGrid->TileWidth();
        int tileHeight = mGrid->TileHeight();
        GG::Rect tileRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);
        for (int y = 0; y < mGrid->NumRows(); y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < mGrid->NumCols(); x++)
                const GG::Renderable* renderable = mGrid->GetTile(y, x)->GetRenderable();
                if (renderable)
                    Render(renderable, &tileRect, SDL_FLIP_NONE);
                tileRect.x += tileWidth;
            tileRect.y += tileHeight;
            tileRect.x = 0;

	// Draw the collision rectangles
	if (rectVisible)
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &mRobot->GetBottomTileRect());
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 150, 0, 0, 255);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &mRobot->GetTopTileRect());
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 255, 255, 0, 255);
		SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &mRobot->GetCollisonRect());
		for (auto coinIt = mCoins.begin(); coinIt != mCoins.end(); ++coinIt)
			Coin* coin = *coinIt;
			SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &coin->GetRect());
		for (auto crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIt)
			Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIt;
			SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &crawler->GetCollisionRect());
		for (auto meteorIt = mMeteors.begin(); meteorIt != mMeteors.end(); ++meteorIt)
			Meteor* meteor = *meteorIt;
			SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &meteor->GetRect());
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 0, 0, 255, 255);
		for (auto crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIt)
			Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIt;
			SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &crawler->GetTileRect());

    // draw the robot
	if (mRobot)
		Render(mRobot->GetRenderable(), &mRobot->GetRect(), mRobot->GetDirection()?SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // draw the coins
	std::list<Coin*>::iterator coinIt = mCoins.begin();
    for ( ; coinIt != mCoins.end(); ++coinIt)
        Coin* coin = *coinIt;
        Render(coin->GetRenderable(), &coin->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // draw the mushrooms
	std::list<Layer*>::iterator mushIter = mMushrooms.begin();
    for ( ; mushIter != mMushrooms.end(); ++mushIter)
        Layer* mushroom = *mushIter;
        Render(mushroom->GetRenderable(), &mushroom->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // draw the crawlers
    for (auto crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIt)
        Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIt;
		if (crawler->GetDirection() == 1)
			Render(crawler->GetRenderable(), &crawler->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);
			Render(crawler->GetRenderable(), &crawler->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // draw the explosions
    std::list<Explosion*>::iterator it = mExplosions.begin();
    for ( ; it != mExplosions.end(); ++it)
        Explosion* boom = *it;
        Render(boom->GetRenderable(), &boom->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // draw the meteors
    std::list<Meteor*>::iterator metIt = mMeteors.begin();
    for ( ; metIt != mMeteors.end(); ++metIt)
        Meteor* meteor = *metIt;
        Render(meteor->GetRenderable(), &meteor->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

	// Draw the points label
	if (mPointsLabel)
		Render(mPointsLabel->GetRenderable(), &mPointsLabel->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

	// Draw the lives label
	if (mLivesLabel)
		Render(mLivesLabel->GetRenderable(), &mLivesLabel->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE);

    // display everything we just drew
Example #2


    Gets called once per frame to perform game logic.
    The parameter dt is the time elapsed since last frame (in seconds).

void Game::Update(float dt)
	// Update the robot
	if (mRobot)
		// If the robot has reached the last scene
		// disable its controls and play game over animation
		if (mScene == 6 && !mRobot->GetJumping() && !mRobot->GetFalling())

	// Update the coins
	std::list<Coin*>::iterator coinIt = mCoins.begin();
	while (coinIt != mCoins.end())
		Coin *coin = *coinIt;
		// Check if the robot collides with the coin
		if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < coin->GetRect().y + coin->GetRect().h)
			if ((mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x < coin->GetRect().x + coin->GetRect().w)
				&& (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w > coin->GetRect().x))
				if ((mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < coin->GetRect().y + coin->GetRect().h)
					&& (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h > coin->GetRect().y))
					//I have found that the sound is delayed...So I start it a bit earlier than the actualy delete of the Coin
					if (coin->GetSoundDelay() == 0)
						// You get 5 points!
						mPoints += 5;
						Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mCoinSound, 0);
					//Once it has run through 4 times then it Deletes the coin
					else if (coin->GetSoundDelay() == 5)
						coinIt = mCoins.erase(coinIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator
						delete coin;
						coin = NULL;

	// update all crawlers
	std::list<Crawler*>::iterator crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin();
    while (crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end())
		Crawler *crawler =   *crawlerIt;
		if (crawler->GetState() == Crawler::CRAWLER_DEAD)
			crawlerIt = mCrawlers.erase(crawlerIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator
            delete crawler;              // delete the object
			// If the robot is falling from a jump or just falling
			if (mRobot->GetVerticalVelocity() > 0.0 && (mRobot->GetJumping() || mRobot->GetFalling()))
				// Check if the robot has started squashing the poor crawler
				if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w > crawler->GetCollisionRect().x && 
				mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x < crawler->GetCollisionRect().x + crawler->GetCollisionRect().w)
					if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h > crawler->GetCollisionRect().y &&
						mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < crawler->GetCollisionRect().y)
						if (crawler->GetState() != CrawlerWeak::CRAWLER_DYING)
							// You get 25 points!
							mPoints += 25;
							if (crawler->IsJumpedOn())
								Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mStompSound, 0);
								mRobot->Bounce(-400, false);
								Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mStompSoundNoKill, 0);
								mRobot->Bounce(-400, false);
			// If the robot runs into a crawler, the robot must die (but it should not falling onto it from above)
			else if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w > crawler->GetCollisionRect().x && 
				mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x < crawler->GetCollisionRect().x + crawler->GetCollisionRect().w)
				if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h > crawler->GetCollisionRect().y && 
				mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < crawler->GetCollisionRect().y + crawler->GetCollisionRect().h)
					if (!mRobot->IsDead() && mRobot->GetVerticalVelocity() == -850.0f && crawler->GetState() != CrawlerWeak::CRAWLER_DYING)
						// You lose a life:(
						mRobot->SetLives(mRobot->GetLives() - 1);
						Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mDieSound, 0);
						// Stop the background music
						if (mRobot->GetLives() == 0)
							printf("\nGame over music is being played!");
							Mix_PlayMusic(mBadGameOverMusic, 0);
						mRobot->Bounce(-400, true);             // kill the robot

    // update the explosions
    std::list<Explosion*>::iterator it = mExplosions.begin();
    while (it != mExplosions.end())

        Explosion* entity = *it;        // get a pointer to this explosion

        if (entity->IsFinished())
            it = mExplosions.erase(it); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator
            delete entity;              // delete the object
            entity->Update(dt);     // update the entity
            ++it;                   // advance list iterator

    // update the meteors
    std::list<Meteor*>::iterator metIt = mMeteors.begin();
    while (metIt != mMeteors.end())
        Meteor* entity = *metIt;        // get a pointer to this meteor

		// If the meteor has either reached the ground, destroy it with an explosion
        if (entity->GetRect().y > mScrHeight-32-64) 
			if (!mRobot->IsDead())
				Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mThudSound, 0);
			Explosion* boom = new Explosion(entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w / 2, entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h / 2);
            metIt = mMeteors.erase(metIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator
            delete entity;              // delete the object
		// If the meteor has hit the robot from the top, destroy it with an explosion and also kill the robot
		else if (entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y &&
				entity->GetRect().y < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h &&
				entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x &&
				entity->GetRect().x < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w && !mRobot->IsDead())
			// You lose a life:(
			mRobot->SetLives(mRobot->GetLives() - 1);
			Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mThudSound, 0);
			Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mDieSound, 0);
			// Stop the background music
			if (mRobot->GetLives() == 0)
				Mix_PlayMusic(mBadGameOverMusic, 0);
			mRobot->Bounce(-400, true);             // kill the robot
			Explosion* boom = new Explosion(entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w / 2, entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h / 2);
			metIt = mMeteors.erase(metIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator
			delete entity;              // delete the object
            entity->Update(dt);     // update the entity
            ++metIt;                   // advance list iterator

    // update the mushrooms
    std::list<Layer*>::iterator mushIt = mMushrooms.begin();
    while (mushIt != mMushrooms.end())
        Layer* entity = *mushIt;
		// If the robot collects the mushroom, it gets an extra life!
		if (entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y &&
			entity->GetRect().y < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h &&
			entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x &&
			entity->GetRect().x < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w && !mRobot->IsDead())
			mRobot->SetLives(mRobot->GetLives() + 1);
			Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mOneupSound, 0);
			mushIt = mMushrooms.erase(mushIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator
			delete entity;              // delete the object
            ++mushIt;                   // advance list iterator

    // generates a grayscale flash every 50 ms (if needed)
	if (mFlashesNeeded > 0.0f)
		if (mTime - mFlashTime > 0.1)
			if ((int)mFlashesNeeded % 2)
			mFlashTime = mTime;

    // create a new meteor every 0.2 to 1.2 seconds in scene 5
	if (mTime - mMeteorTime > GG::UnitRandom() + 0.2 && mScene == 5)
		int randomX = GG::RandomInt(mScrWidth-64);
		int randomRotation = GG::RandomInt(90) + 180;
		randomRotation = (randomRotation % 2) ? randomRotation : -randomRotation;
		Meteor* meteor = new Meteor(randomX, -64, (double)randomRotation);  
		// timestamp this meteor!
		mMeteorTime = mTime;

	// Update the points label
	std::stringstream newLabel;
	newLabel << "Points = " << mPoints;
	SDL_Color text_color = {0, 0, 0};
	mTexMgr->LoadTexture("PointsLabel", newLabel.str().c_str(), text_color);
	delete mPointsLabel;
	mPointsLabel = new Label(10.0f, -5.0f, "PointsLabel");

	// Update the lives label
	newLabel << "Lives = " << mRobot->GetLives();
	text_color.r = 255;
	text_color.g = 50;
	text_color.b = 50;
	mTexMgr->LoadTexture("LivesLabel", newLabel.str().c_str(), text_color);
	delete mLivesLabel;
	mLivesLabel = new Label(140.0f, -5.0f, "LivesLabel");