Example #1
bool BankTool::isCoinDoubleSpent(const Coin &coin1, const Coin &coin2) const {
	// throw an exception if these coins do not share the same S value
	if(coin1.getSPrime() != coin2.getSPrime())
		throw CashException(CashException::CE_UNKNOWN_ERROR,
			"[BankTool::checkIfCoinDoubleSpent] Coins do not share same serial " 
			"coin point and are not valid candidates for checking double "
	// if contract hashes are same, then both coins were spent in the same 
	// transaction so the coin was not double spent
	return (coin1.getR() != coin2.getR());	 
Example #2
ZZ BankTool::identifyDoubleSpender(const Coin& coin1, const ZZ &tPrime2, 
								   const ZZ& rValue2) const {
	// Should probably check that the R values are different
	ZZ mod = coin1.getCashGroup()->getModulus();
	ZZ order = coin1.getCashGroup()->getOrder();
	ZZ t1 = coin1.getTPrime();
    ZZ t2 = tPrime2;
	ZZ r1 = coin1.getR();
    ZZ r2 = rValue2;

    if (r2 > r1) {
		NTL::swap(r2, r1);
		NTL::swap(t2, t1);

	ZZ exp = InvMod(r1 - r2, order);
	ZZ num = PowerMod(t2, r1, mod);
	ZZ denom = InvMod(PowerMod(t1, r2, mod), mod);
	ZZ base = MulMod(num, denom, mod);
	ZZ publicKeyUser = PowerMod(base, exp, mod);
	return publicKeyUser;
Example #3
ZZ BankTool::identifyDoubleSpender(const Coin& coin1, const Coin& coin2) const {
    return identifyDoubleSpender(coin1, coin2.getTPrime(), coin2.getR());