Example #1
void CGameHelper::DoExplosionDamage(CFeature* feature,
                                    const float3& expPos, float expRad, CUnit* owner, const DamageArray& damages)
    CollisionVolume* cv = feature->collisionVolume;

    if (cv) {
        float3 dif = (feature->midPos + cv->GetOffsets()) - expPos;
        float expDist = std::max(dif.Length(), 0.1f);
        float expMod = (expRad - expDist) / expRad;

        // always do some damage with explosive stuff
        // (DDM wreckage etc. is too big to normally
        // be damaged otherwise, even by BB shells)
        // NOTE: this will also be only approximate
        // for non-spherical volumes
        if ((expRad > 8.0f) && (expDist < (cv->GetBoundingRadius() * 1.1f)) && (expMod < 0.1f)) {
            expMod = 0.1f;
        if (expMod > 0.0f) {
            feature->DoDamage(damages * expMod, owner,
                              dif * (damages.impulseFactor * expMod / expDist *
                                     (damages[0] + damages.impulseBoost)));
Example #2
float CGameHelper::GuiTraceRayFeature(const float3& start, const float3& dir, float length, CFeature*& feature)
    float nearHit = length;

    GML_RECMUTEX_LOCK(quad); // GuiTraceRayFeature

    std::vector<int> quads = qf->GetQuadsOnRay(start, dir, length);
    std::vector<int>::iterator qi;

    for (qi = quads.begin(); qi != quads.end(); ++qi) {
        const CQuadField::Quad& quad = qf->GetQuad(*qi);
        std::list<CFeature*>::const_iterator ui;

        // NOTE: switch this to custom volumes fully?
        // (not used for any LOF checks, maybe wasteful)
        for (ui = quad.features.begin(); ui != quad.features.end(); ++ui) {
            CFeature* f = *ui;

            if (!gu->spectatingFullView && !f->IsInLosForAllyTeam(gu->myAllyTeam)) {
            if (f->noSelect) {

            CollisionVolume* cv = f->collisionVolume;
            const float3& midPosOffset = cv? cv->GetOffsets(): ZeroVector;
            const float3 dif = (f->midPos + midPosOffset) - start;
            float closeLength = dif.dot(dir);

            if (closeLength < 0)
            if (closeLength > nearHit)

            float3 closeVect = dif - dir * closeLength;
            if (closeVect.SqLength() < f->sqRadius) {
                nearHit = closeLength;
                feature = f;

    return nearHit;