/// Value of this site for a settler
int CvSiteEvaluatorForSettler::PlotFoundValue(CvPlot* pPlot, CvPlayer* pPlayer, YieldTypes eYield, bool bCoastOnly)
	if(!pPlot) return 0;

	if(!CanFound(pPlot, pPlayer, true))
		return 0;

	// Is there any reason this site doesn't work for a settler?
	// First must be on coast if settling a new continent
	bool bIsCoastal = pPlot->isCoastalLand(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN());
	CvArea* pArea = pPlot->area();
	if(!pArea) return 0;
	int iNumAreaCities = pArea->getCitiesPerPlayer(pPlayer->GetID());
	if(bCoastOnly && !bIsCoastal && iNumAreaCities == 0)
		return 0;

	// Seems okay for a settler, use base class to determine exact value
		return CvCitySiteEvaluator::PlotFoundValue(pPlot, pPlayer, eYield);
Example #2
//int getCitiesPerPlayer(PlayerTypes eIndex);
int CvLuaArea::lGetCitiesPerPlayer(lua_State* L)
	CvArea* pkArea = GetInstance(L);
	const PlayerTypes eIndex = (PlayerTypes)lua_tointeger(L, 2);

	const int iResult = pkArea->getCitiesPerPlayer(eIndex);
	lua_pushinteger(L, iResult);
	return 1;
/// Value of this site for a settler
int CvSiteEvaluatorForSettler::PlotFoundValue(CvPlot* pPlot, CvPlayer* pPlayer, YieldTypes eYield, bool bCoastOnly)
	if(!pPlot) return 0;

	if(!CanFound(pPlot, pPlayer, true))
		return 0;

	// Is there any reason this site doesn't work for a settler?
	// First must be on coast if settling a new continent
	bool bIsCoastal = pPlot->isCoastalLand(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN());
	CvArea* pArea = pPlot->area();
	if(!pArea) return 0;
	int iNumAreaCities = pArea->getCitiesPerPlayer(pPlayer->GetID());
	if(bCoastOnly && !bIsCoastal && iNumAreaCities == 0)
		return 0;

	// Seems okay for a settler, use base class to determine exact value
		// if the civ gets a benefit from settling on a new continent (ie: Indonesia)
		// double the fertility of that plot
		int iLuxuryModifier = 0;
		if (pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->WillGetUniqueLuxury(pArea))
			iLuxuryModifier = CvCitySiteEvaluator::PlotFoundValue(pPlot, pPlayer, eYield) * 2;
			return iLuxuryModifier;
			return CvCitySiteEvaluator::PlotFoundValue(pPlot, pPlayer, eYield);