void TranslateBetweenGrids ( const DistMatrix<T,MC,MR>& A, DistMatrix<T,MC,MR>& B ) { DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::TranslateBetweenGrids [MC,MR]")) B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() ); // Just need to ensure that each viewing comm contains the other team's // owning comm. Congruence is too strong. // Compute the number of process rows and columns that each process // needs to send to. const Int colStride = B.ColStride(); const Int rowStride = B.RowStride(); const Int colRank = B.ColRank(); const Int rowRank = B.RowRank(); const Int colStrideA = A.ColStride(); const Int rowStrideA = A.RowStride(); const Int colGCD = GCD( colStride, colStrideA ); const Int rowGCD = GCD( rowStride, rowStrideA ); const Int colLCM = colStride*colStrideA / colGCD; const Int rowLCM = rowStride*rowStrideA / rowGCD; const Int numColSends = colStride / colGCD; const Int numRowSends = rowStride / rowGCD; const Int colAlign = B.ColAlign(); const Int rowAlign = B.RowAlign(); const Int colAlignA = A.ColAlign(); const Int rowAlignA = A.RowAlign(); const bool inBGrid = B.Participating(); const bool inAGrid = A.Participating(); if( !inBGrid && !inAGrid ) return; const Int maxSendSize = (A.Height()/(colStrideA*numColSends)+1) * (A.Width()/(rowStrideA*numRowSends)+1); // Translate the ranks from A's VC communicator to B's viewing so that // we can match send/recv communicators. Since A's VC communicator is not // necessarily defined on every process, we instead work with A's owning // group and account for row-major ordering if necessary. const int sizeA = A.Grid().Size(); vector<int> rankMap(sizeA), ranks(sizeA); if( A.Grid().Order() == COLUMN_MAJOR ) { for( int j=0; j<sizeA; ++j ) ranks[j] = j; } else { // The (i,j) = i + j*colStrideA rank in the column-major ordering is // equal to the j + i*rowStrideA rank in a row-major ordering. // Since we desire rankMap[i+j*colStrideA] to correspond to process // (i,j) in A's grid's rank in this viewing group, ranks[i+j*colStrideA] // should correspond to process (i,j) in A's owning group. Since the // owning group is ordered row-major in this case, its rank is // j+i*rowStrideA. Note that setting // ranks[j+i*rowStrideA] = i+j*colStrideA is *NOT* valid. for( int i=0; i<colStrideA; ++i ) for( int j=0; j<rowStrideA; ++j ) ranks[i+j*colStrideA] = j+i*rowStrideA; } mpi::Translate ( A.Grid().OwningGroup(), sizeA, &ranks[0], B.Grid().ViewingComm(), &rankMap[0] ); // Have each member of A's grid individually send to all numRow x numCol // processes in order, while the members of this grid receive from all // necessary processes at each step. Int requiredMemory = 0; if( inAGrid ) requiredMemory += maxSendSize; if( inBGrid ) requiredMemory += maxSendSize; vector<T> auxBuf( requiredMemory ); Int offset = 0; T* sendBuf = &auxBuf[offset]; if( inAGrid ) offset += maxSendSize; T* recvBuf = &auxBuf[offset]; Int recvRow = 0; // avoid compiler warnings... if( inAGrid ) recvRow = Mod(Mod(A.ColRank()-colAlignA,colStrideA)+colAlign,colStride); for( Int colSend=0; colSend<numColSends; ++colSend ) { Int recvCol = 0; // avoid compiler warnings... if( inAGrid ) recvCol=Mod(Mod(A.RowRank()-rowAlignA,rowStrideA)+rowAlign, rowStride); for( Int rowSend=0; rowSend<numRowSends; ++rowSend ) { mpi::Request sendRequest; // Fire off this round of non-blocking sends if( inAGrid ) { // Pack the data Int sendHeight = Length(A.LocalHeight(),colSend,numColSends); Int sendWidth = Length(A.LocalWidth(),rowSend,numRowSends); copy::util::InterleaveMatrix ( sendHeight, sendWidth, A.LockedBuffer(colSend,rowSend), numColSends, numRowSends*A.LDim(), sendBuf, 1, sendHeight ); // Send data const Int recvVCRank = recvRow + recvCol*colStride; const Int recvViewingRank = B.Grid().VCToViewing( recvVCRank ); mpi::ISend ( sendBuf, sendHeight*sendWidth, recvViewingRank, B.Grid().ViewingComm(), sendRequest ); } // Perform this round of recv's if( inBGrid ) { const Int sendColOffset = colAlignA; const Int recvColOffset = (colSend*colStrideA+colAlign) % colStride; const Int sendRowOffset = rowAlignA; const Int recvRowOffset = (rowSend*rowStrideA+rowAlign) % rowStride; const Int firstSendRow = Mod( Mod(colRank-recvColOffset,colStride)+sendColOffset, colStrideA ); const Int firstSendCol = Mod( Mod(rowRank-recvRowOffset,rowStride)+sendRowOffset, rowStrideA ); const Int colShift = Mod( colRank-recvColOffset, colStride ); const Int rowShift = Mod( rowRank-recvRowOffset, rowStride ); const Int numColRecvs = Length( colStrideA, colShift, colStride ); const Int numRowRecvs = Length( rowStrideA, rowShift, rowStride ); // Recv data // For now, simply receive sequentially. Until we switch to // nonblocking recv's, we won't be using much of the // recvBuf Int sendRow = firstSendRow; for( Int colRecv=0; colRecv<numColRecvs; ++colRecv ) { const Int sendColShift = Shift( sendRow, colAlignA, colStrideA ) + colSend*colStrideA; const Int sendHeight = Length( A.Height(), sendColShift, colLCM ); const Int localColOffset = (sendColShift-B.ColShift()) / colStride; Int sendCol = firstSendCol; for( Int rowRecv=0; rowRecv<numRowRecvs; ++rowRecv ) { const Int sendRowShift = Shift( sendCol, rowAlignA, rowStrideA ) + rowSend*rowStrideA; const Int sendWidth = Length( A.Width(), sendRowShift, rowLCM ); const Int localRowOffset = (sendRowShift-B.RowShift()) / rowStride; const Int sendVCRank = sendRow+sendCol*colStrideA; mpi::Recv ( recvBuf, sendHeight*sendWidth, rankMap[sendVCRank], B.Grid().ViewingComm() ); // Unpack the data copy::util::InterleaveMatrix ( sendHeight, sendWidth, recvBuf, 1, sendHeight, B.Buffer(localColOffset,localRowOffset), colLCM/colStride, (rowLCM/rowStride)*B.LDim() ); // Set up the next send col sendCol = (sendCol + rowStride) % rowStrideA; } // Set up the next send row sendRow = (sendRow + colStride) % colStrideA; } } // Ensure that this round of non-blocking sends completes if( inAGrid ) { mpi::Wait( sendRequest ); recvCol = (recvCol + rowStrideA) % rowStride; } } if( inAGrid ) recvRow = (recvRow + colStrideA) % colStride; } }
void TransposeDist( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A, DistMatrix<T,V,U>& B ) { DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("copy::TransposeDist")) AssertSameGrids( A, B ); const Grid& g = B.Grid(); B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() ); if( !B.Participating() ) return; const Int colStrideA = A.ColStride(); const Int rowStrideA = A.RowStride(); const Int distSize = A.DistSize(); if( A.DistSize() == 1 && B.DistSize() == 1 ) { Copy( A.LockedMatrix(), B.Matrix() ); } else if( A.Width() == 1 ) { const Int height = A.Height(); const Int maxLocalHeight = MaxLength(height,distSize); const Int portionSize = mpi::Pad( maxLocalHeight ); const Int colDiff = Shift(A.DistRank(),A.ColAlign(),distSize) - Shift(B.DistRank(),B.ColAlign(),distSize); const Int sendRankB = Mod( B.DistRank()+colDiff, distSize ); const Int recvRankA = Mod( A.DistRank()-colDiff, distSize ); const Int recvRankB = (recvRankA/colStrideA)+rowStrideA*(recvRankA%colStrideA); vector<T> buffer; FastResize( buffer, (colStrideA+rowStrideA)*portionSize ); T* sendBuf = &buffer[0]; T* recvBuf = &buffer[colStrideA*portionSize]; if( A.RowRank() == A.RowAlign() ) { // Pack // TODO: Use kernel from copy::util const Int AColShift = A.ColShift(); const T* ABuf = A.LockedBuffer(); EL_PARALLEL_FOR for( Int k=0; k<rowStrideA; ++k ) { T* data = &recvBuf[k*portionSize]; const Int shift = Shift_(A.ColRank()+colStrideA*k,A.ColAlign(),distSize); const Int offset = (shift-AColShift) / colStrideA; const Int thisLocalHeight = Length_(height,shift,distSize); for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<thisLocalHeight; ++iLoc ) data[iLoc] = ABuf[offset+iLoc*rowStrideA]; } } // (e.g., A[VC,STAR] <- A[MC,MR]) mpi::Scatter ( recvBuf, portionSize, sendBuf, portionSize, A.RowAlign(), A.RowComm() ); // (e.g., A[VR,STAR] <- A[VC,STAR]) mpi::SendRecv ( sendBuf, portionSize, sendRankB, recvBuf, portionSize, recvRankB, B.DistComm() ); // (e.g., A[MR,MC] <- A[VR,STAR]) mpi::Gather ( recvBuf, portionSize, sendBuf, portionSize, B.RowAlign(), B.RowComm() ); if( B.RowRank() == B.RowAlign() ) { // Unpack // TODO: Use kernel from copy::util T* bufB = B.Buffer(); EL_PARALLEL_FOR for( Int k=0; k<colStrideA; ++k ) { const T* data = &sendBuf[k*portionSize]; const Int shift = Shift_(B.ColRank()+rowStrideA*k,B.ColAlign(),distSize); const Int offset = (shift-B.ColShift()) / rowStrideA; const Int thisLocalHeight = Length_(height,shift,distSize); for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<thisLocalHeight; ++iLoc ) bufB[offset+iLoc*colStrideA] = data[iLoc]; } } }