double AbstractFunctionalCalculator<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM, PROBLEM_DIM>::CalculateOnElement(Element<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>& rElement)
    double result_on_element = 0;

    // Third order quadrature.  Note that the functional may be non-polynomial (see documentation of class).
    GaussianQuadratureRule<ELEMENT_DIM> quad_rule(3);

    /// NOTE: This assumes that the Jacobian is constant on an element, ie
    /// no curvilinear bases were used for position
    double jacobian_determinant;
    c_matrix<double, SPACE_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM> jacobian;
    c_matrix<double, ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM> inverse_jacobian;
    rElement.CalculateInverseJacobian(jacobian, jacobian_determinant, inverse_jacobian);

    const unsigned num_nodes = rElement.GetNumNodes();

    // Loop over Gauss points
    for (unsigned quad_index=0; quad_index < quad_rule.GetNumQuadPoints(); quad_index++)
        const ChastePoint<ELEMENT_DIM>& quad_point = quad_rule.rGetQuadPoint(quad_index);

        c_vector<double, ELEMENT_DIM+1> phi;
        LinearBasisFunction<ELEMENT_DIM>::ComputeBasisFunctions(quad_point, phi);
        c_matrix<double, ELEMENT_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM+1> grad_phi;
        LinearBasisFunction<ELEMENT_DIM>::ComputeTransformedBasisFunctionDerivatives(quad_point, inverse_jacobian, grad_phi);

        // Location of the Gauss point in the original element will be stored in x
        ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> x(0,0,0);
        c_vector<double,PROBLEM_DIM> u = zero_vector<double>(PROBLEM_DIM);
        c_matrix<double,PROBLEM_DIM,SPACE_DIM> grad_u = zero_matrix<double>(PROBLEM_DIM,SPACE_DIM);

        for (unsigned i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
            const c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM>& r_node_loc = rElement.GetNode(i)->rGetLocation();

            // Interpolate x
            x.rGetLocation() += phi(i)*r_node_loc;

            // Interpolate u and grad u
            unsigned node_global_index = rElement.GetNodeGlobalIndex(i);
            for (unsigned index_of_unknown=0; index_of_unknown<PROBLEM_DIM; index_of_unknown++)
                // NOTE - following assumes that, if say there are two unknowns u and v, they
                // are stored in the current solution vector as
                // [U1 V1 U2 V2 ... U_n V_n]
                unsigned index_into_vec = PROBLEM_DIM*node_global_index + index_of_unknown;

                double u_at_node = mSolutionReplicated[index_into_vec];
                u(index_of_unknown) += phi(i)*u_at_node;
                for (unsigned j=0; j<SPACE_DIM; j++)
                    grad_u(index_of_unknown,j) += grad_phi(j,i)*u_at_node;

        double wJ = jacobian_determinant * quad_rule.GetWeight(quad_index);
        result_on_element += GetIntegrand(x, u, grad_u) * wJ;

    return result_on_element;