Example #1
 * Cast the element to a container.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Container CastToContainer(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Container_* container = dynamic_cast<Container_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != container);
    return success ? Container(container, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Container();
Example #2
 * Cast to variable.
 * @param element The element we want to cast.
 * @param success is this cast successful?
Variable CastToVariable(Element const& element ,bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Variable_* s = dynamic_cast<Variable_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != s);
    return success ? Variable(s, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Variable("");
Example #3
 * Cast the element to a container.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Container CastToContainer(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<Container_> container = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Container_>(element_);
    success = (0 != container.get());
    return success ? Container(container, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Container();
Example #4
 * Cast to tail recursion element.
 * @param element The element we want to cast.
 * @param success is this cast successful?
TailRecurse CastToTailRecurse(Element const& element ,bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    TailRecurse_* s = dynamic_cast<TailRecurse_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != s);
    return success ? TailRecurse(s) : TailRecurse();
Example #5
 * Cast the element to a True.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
True CastToTrue(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    True_* f = dynamic_cast<True_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != f);
    return True();
Example #6
 * Cast to a set.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Set CastToSet(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Set_* s = dynamic_cast<Set_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != s);
    return success ? Set(s, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Set();
Example #7
 * Cast to a super string.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
SuperString CastToSuperString(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    SuperString_* s = dynamic_cast<SuperString_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != s);
    return success ? SuperString(s, element.GetSourceLocation()) : SuperString();
Example #8
 * Cast the element to an if.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
If CastToIf(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    If_* i = dynamic_cast<If_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != i);
    return success ? If(i, element.GetSourceLocation()) : If();
Example #9
 * Cast to a number.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Number CastToNumber(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Number_* number = dynamic_cast<Number_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != number);
    return success ? Number(number, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Number();
Example #10
 * Cast the element to an imperative.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Imperative CastToImperative(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Imperative_* imperative = dynamic_cast<Imperative_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != imperative);
    return success ? Imperative(imperative, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Imperative();
Example #11
 * Cast the element to a False.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
False CastToFalse(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    False_* f = dynamic_cast<False_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != f);
    return False();
Example #12
 * Cast the element to a Function.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Function CastToFunction(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Function_* function = dynamic_cast<Function_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != function);
    return success ? Function(function, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Function();
 * The following method takes the path and elements passed in and creates a 
 * new ExecutorProcess_ element that will be in charge of running the 
 * program.
 * @version 
 * - JR Lewis       2012.03.05
 *   - Initial version.
Element ExecutorBuiltinImplementation::InterpretParsed_( Environment& environment
                                                       , Element& path_element
                                                       , std::vector<Element> const& parms) 
    String_* path = dynamic_cast<String_*>(path_element.ElementHandle());
    Element out;

    std::vector<Element> parameters;
    Funcall_::InterpretParameters( environment
                                 , parms
                                 , parameters );  

    if (  0 != path )
        Container container;
        size_t const PARMS_SIZE = parameters.size();
        for(size_t i=0; i<PARMS_SIZE; ++i)
        ExecutorProcessing_* processing = new ExecutorProcessing_( this->strine
                                                                 , QString::fromStdString(path->Value())
                                                                 , container);
        out = Processing(processing); 
    return out;
Example #14
 * Cast the element to a case expression.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Case CastToCase(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Case_* c = dynamic_cast<Case_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != c);
    return success ? Case(c, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Case();
Example #15
 * Interpret a builtin call. Yes, this can be slow because each time we invoke
 * this we must query the mapping in the builtins table to see if it can be 
 * executed (builtin implementation). HOWEVER, this also allows us to swap out
 * builtin implementations on the fly.
 * @return The interpreted element.
Element Builtin_::InterpretCall( Environment& environment
                               , Element const& builtin_element
                               , std::vector<Element> const& parms )
    std::shared_ptr<Builtin_> builtin(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Builtin_>(builtin_element.ElementHandle()));
    BuiltinsTable& table = *(builtin->table);
    BuiltinImplementation* impl = table.Get(builtin->Name());

    Element result;

    if (0 != builtin && 0 != impl)
        std::vector<Element> output_parameters; 
        GlobalEnvironment globals(environment.Globals());
        Environment output_environment = Environment::Create(globals);
        bool success = Funcall_::CreateEnvironment( environment
                                                  , parms
                                                  , output_parameters);

        if (success && (0 != impl))
            result = impl->Interpret( output_environment
                                    , output_parameters 
                                    , builtin->AdditionalParameter() );

    return result;
Example #16
 * Cast the element to a True.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
True CastToTrue(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<True_> f = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<True_>(element_);
    success = (0 != f.get());
    return True();
Example #17
 * Cast to variable.
 * @param element The element we want to cast.
 * @param success is this cast successful?
Variable CastToVariable(Element const& element ,bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<Variable_> s = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Variable_>(element_);
    success = (0 != s.get());
    return success ? Variable(s, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Variable("");
Example #18
 * Cast to a super string.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
SuperString CastToSuperString(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<SuperString_> s = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SuperString_>(element_);
    success = (0 != s.get());
    return success ? SuperString(s, element.GetSourceLocation()) : SuperString();
Example #19
 * Cast to tail recursion element.
 * @param element The element we want to cast.
 * @param success is this cast successful?
TailRecurse CastToTailRecurse(Element const& element ,bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<TailRecurse_> s = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TailRecurse_>(element_);
    success = (0 != s.get());
    return success ? TailRecurse(s) : TailRecurse();
Example #20
 * Cast to a number.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Number CastToNumber(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<Number_> number = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Number_>(element_);
    success = (0 != number.get());
    return success ? Number(number, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Number();
Example #21
 * Cast the element to an if.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
If CastToIf(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<If_> i = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<If_>(element_);
    success = (0 != i.get());
    return success ? If(i, element.GetSourceLocation()) : If();
Example #22
 * Cast the element to an imperative.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Imperative CastToImperative(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<Imperative_> imperative = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Imperative_>(element_);
    success = (0 != imperative.get());
    return success ? Imperative(imperative, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Imperative();
Example #23
 * Cast the element to a Function.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Function CastToFunction(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<Function_> function = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Function_>(element_);
    success = (0 != function.get());
    return success ? Function(function, element.GetSourceLocation()) : Function();
Example #24
void perform_cast(std::string& out, Element const& element)
    std::shared_ptr<String_> s = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<String_>(element.ElementHandle());
    if (s)
        out = s->Value();

    std::shared_ptr<SuperString_> ss = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SuperString_>(element.ElementHandle());
    if (ss)
        out = ss->Value();

    out = element.ToString();
Example #25
 * Interpret the element that will be again evaluated through the string 
 * engine.
Element Evaluate_::Interpret_(Environment& environment)
    // Interpret the condition first. 
    Element E = this->element.Interpret(environment);

    if (strine::Types::STRING == E.Type())    
        std::shared_ptr<String_> str = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<String_>(E.ElementHandle());
        E = this->strine.Interpret(str->Value());
    else if (strine::Types::SUPERSTRING == E.Type())
        std::shared_ptr<SuperString_> str = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SuperString_>(E.ElementHandle());
        E = this->strine.Interpret(str->Value());

    return E;
Element RemoteBuiltinImplementation::InterpretParsed_( Environment& environment
                                                     , Element& method_name_element
                                                     , Element& ip_address_element
                                                     , Element& port_element 
                                                     , std::vector<Element> const& parms) 
    String_* method_name = dynamic_cast<String_*>(method_name_element.ElementHandle());
    String_* ip_address = dynamic_cast<String_*>(ip_address_element.ElementHandle());
    Number_* port = dynamic_cast<Number_*>(port_element.ElementHandle());
    Element out;

    std::vector<Element> parameters;
    Funcall_::InterpretParameters( environment
                                 , parms
                                 , parameters );  

    if (  0 != method_name
       && 0 != ip_address
       && 0 != port )
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << '(' << method_name->Value();
        for(size_t i=0; i<parameters.size(); ++i)
            ss << ' ';
            Printer printer(ss);

        ss << ')';
        RemoteProcessing_* processing = new RemoteProcessing_( this->strine
                                                             , QString::fromStdString(ss.str())
                                                             , QString::fromStdString(ip_address->Value())
                                                             , port->IntValue() );
        out = Processing(processing); 
    return out;
Example #27
 * Cast the element to a Builtin.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Builtin CastToBuiltin(Element const& element, bool& success)
    Element_* element_ = const_cast<Element_*>(element.ElementHandle());
    Builtin_* builtin = dynamic_cast<Builtin_*>(element_);
    success = (0 != builtin);
    if (success)
        return Builtin(builtin, element.GetSourceLocation());
        return Builtin(static_cast<BuiltinsTable*>(0));
Example #28
 * Cast the element to a Builtin.
 * @param element The element to cast.
 * @param success Is the cast successful?
Builtin CastToBuiltin(Element const& element, bool& success)
    std::shared_ptr<Element_> element_ = element.ElementHandle();
    std::shared_ptr<Builtin_> builtin = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Builtin_>(element_);
    success = (0 != builtin.get());
    if (success)
        return Builtin(builtin, element.GetSourceLocation());
        return Builtin(static_cast<BuiltinsTable*>(0));