EndCriteria::Type DifferentialEvolution::minimize(Problem& P,
											const EndCriteria& endCriteria) {

		EndCriteria::Type ecType = EndCriteria::MaxIterations;
	    QL_REQUIRE(P.currentValue().size() == nParam_,
			"Number of parameters mismatch between problem and DE optimizer");

		Real bestCost = QL_MAX_REAL;
		Size bestPop  = 0;
		for (Size p = 0; p < nPop_; ++p) {
			Array tmp(currGen_[p].pop_);
			try {
				currGen_[p].cost_ = P.costFunction().value(tmp);
			} catch (Error&) {
				currGen_[p].cost_ = QL_MAX_REAL;
			if (currGen_[p].cost_ < bestCost) {
				bestPop = p;
				bestCost = currGen_[p].cost_;

		Size lastChange = 0;
		Size lastParamChange = 0;
		for(Size i=0; i<endCriteria.maxIterations(); ++i) {

			Size newBestPop = bestPop;
			Real newBestCost = bestCost;

			for (Size p=0; p<nPop_; ++p) {
				// Find 3 different populations randomly
				Size r1;
				do {
					r1 = static_cast <Size> (uniformRng_.nextInt32() % nPop_);
				while(r1 == p || r1 == bestPop);

				Size r2;
				do {
					r2 = static_cast <Size> (uniformRng_.nextInt32() % nPop_);
				while ( r2 == p || r2 == bestPop || r2 == r1);

				Size r3;
				do {
					r3 = static_cast <Size> (uniformRng_.nextInt32() % nPop_);
				} while ( r3 == p || r3 == bestPop || r3 == r1 || r3 == r2);

				for(Size j=0; j<nParam_; ++j) {
					nextGen_[p].pop_[j] = currGen_[p].pop_[j];

				Size j = static_cast <Size> (uniformRng_.nextInt32() % nParam_);
				Size L = 0;
				do {
					const double tmp = 
						currGen_[      p].pop_[j] * a0_
					  + currGen_[     r1].pop_[j] * a1_
					  + currGen_[     r2].pop_[j] * a2_
					  + currGen_[     r3].pop_[j] * a3_
					  + currGen_[bestPop].pop_[j] * aBest_;

					nextGen_[p].pop_[j] =
						std::min(maxParams_[j], std::max(minParams_[j], tmp));

					j = (j+1)%nParam_;
				} while ((uniformRng_.nextReal() < CR_) && (L < nParam_));

				// Evaluate the new population
				Array tmp(nextGen_[p].pop_);
				try {
					nextGen_[p].cost_ = P.costFunction().value(tmp);
                } catch (Error&) {
					nextGen_[p].cost_ = QL_MAX_REAL;

				// Not better, discard it and keep the old one.
				if (nextGen_[p].cost_ >= currGen_[p].cost_) {
					nextGen_[p] = currGen_[p];
				// Better, keep it.
				else {
					// New best?
					if (nextGen_[p].cost_ < newBestCost) {
						newBestPop = p;
						newBestCost = nextGen_[p].cost_;

			if(std::abs(newBestCost-bestCost) > endCriteria.functionEpsilon()) {
				lastChange = i;
			const Array absDiff = Abs(nextGen_[newBestPop].pop_-currGen_[bestPop].pop_);
			if(*std::max_element(absDiff.begin(), absDiff.end()) > endCriteria.rootEpsilon()) {
				lastParamChange = i;

			bestPop = newBestPop;
			bestCost = newBestCost;
			currGen_ = nextGen_;

            if(i-lastChange > endCriteria.maxStationaryStateIterations()) {
				ecType = EndCriteria::StationaryFunctionValue;
			if(i-lastParamChange > endCriteria.maxStationaryStateIterations()) {
				ecType = EndCriteria::StationaryPoint;

            if (adaptive_) adaptParameters();
		const Array res(currGen_[bestPop].pop_);
        return ecType;
Example #2
    EndCriteria::Type LevenbergMarquardt::minimize(Problem& P,
                                                   const EndCriteria& endCriteria) {
        EndCriteria::Type ecType = EndCriteria::None;
        Array x_ = P.currentValue();
        currentProblem_ = &P;
        initCostValues_ = P.costFunction().values(x_);
        int m = initCostValues_.size();
        int n = x_.size();
        boost::scoped_array<double> xx(new double[n]);
        std::copy(x_.begin(), x_.end(), xx.get());
        boost::scoped_array<double> fvec(new double[m]);
        boost::scoped_array<double> diag(new double[n]);
        int mode = 1;
        double factor = 1;
        int nprint = 0;
        int info = 0;
        int nfev =0;
        boost::scoped_array<double> fjac(new double[m*n]);
        int ldfjac = m;
        boost::scoped_array<int> ipvt(new int[n]);
        boost::scoped_array<double> qtf(new double[n]);
        boost::scoped_array<double> wa1(new double[n]);
        boost::scoped_array<double> wa2(new double[n]);
        boost::scoped_array<double> wa3(new double[n]);
        boost::scoped_array<double> wa4(new double[m]);
        // requirements; check here to get more detailed error messages.
        QL_REQUIRE(n > 0, "no variables given");
        QL_REQUIRE(m >= n,
                   "less functions (" << m <<
                   ") than available variables (" << n << ")");
        QL_REQUIRE(endCriteria.functionEpsilon() >= 0.0,
                   "negative f tolerance");
        QL_REQUIRE(xtol_ >= 0.0, "negative x tolerance");
        QL_REQUIRE(gtol_ >= 0.0, "negative g tolerance");
        QL_REQUIRE(endCriteria.maxIterations() > 0,
                   "null number of evaluations");

        // call lmdif to minimize the sum of the squares of m functions
        // in n variables by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
        MINPACK::LmdifCostFunction lmdifCostFunction = 
            boost::bind(&LevenbergMarquardt::fcn, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5);
        MINPACK::lmdif(m, n, xx.get(), fvec.get(),
                       diag.get(), mode, factor,
                       nprint, &info, &nfev, fjac.get(),
                       ldfjac, ipvt.get(), qtf.get(),
                       wa1.get(), wa2.get(), wa3.get(), wa4.get(),
        info_ = info;
        // check requirements & endCriteria evaluation
        QL_REQUIRE(info != 0, "MINPACK: improper input parameters");
        //QL_REQUIRE(info != 6, "MINPACK: ftol is too small. no further "
        //                               "reduction in the sum of squares "
        //                               "is possible.");
        if (info != 6) ecType = QuantLib::EndCriteria::StationaryFunctionValue;
        //QL_REQUIRE(info != 5, "MINPACK: number of calls to fcn has "
        //                               "reached or exceeded maxfev.");
        endCriteria.checkMaxIterations(nfev, ecType);
        QL_REQUIRE(info != 7, "MINPACK: xtol is too small. no further "
                                       "improvement in the approximate "
                                       "solution x is possible.");
        QL_REQUIRE(info != 8, "MINPACK: gtol is too small. fvec is "
                                       "orthogonal to the columns of the "
                                       "jacobian to machine precision.");
        // set problem
        std::copy(xx.get(), xx.get()+n, x_.begin());
        return ecType;
    LineSearchBasedMethod::minimize(Problem& P,
                                    const EndCriteria& endCriteria) {
        // Initializations
        Real ftol = endCriteria.functionEpsilon();
        Size maxStationaryStateIterations_
            = endCriteria.maxStationaryStateIterations();
        EndCriteria::Type ecType = EndCriteria::None;   // reset end criteria
        P.reset();                                      // reset problem
        Array x_ = P.currentValue();              // store the starting point
        Size iterationNumber_ = 0;
        // dimension line search
        lineSearch_->searchDirection() = Array(x_.size());
        bool done = false;

        // function and squared norm of gradient values;
        Real fnew, fold, gold2;
        Real fdiff;
        // classical initial value for line-search step
        Real t = 1.0;
        // Set gradient g at the size of the optimization problem
        // search direction
        Size sz = lineSearch_->searchDirection().size();
        Array prevGradient(sz), d(sz), sddiff(sz), direction(sz);
        // Initialize cost function, gradient prevGradient and search direction
        P.setFunctionValue(P.valueAndGradient(prevGradient, x_));
        P.setGradientNormValue(DotProduct(prevGradient, prevGradient));
        lineSearch_->searchDirection() = -prevGradient;

        bool first_time = true;
        // Loop over iterations
        do {
            // Linesearch
            if (!first_time)
                prevGradient = lineSearch_->lastGradient();
            t = (*lineSearch_)(P, ecType, endCriteria, t);
            // don't throw: it can fail just because maxIterations exceeded
            //QL_REQUIRE(lineSearch_->succeed(), "line-search failed!");
            if (lineSearch_->succeed())
                // Updates

                // New point
                x_ = lineSearch_->lastX();
                // New function value
                fold = P.functionValue();
                // New gradient and search direction vectors

                // orthogonalization coef
                gold2 = P.gradientNormValue();

                // conjugate gradient search direction
                direction = getUpdatedDirection(P, gold2, prevGradient);

                sddiff = direction - lineSearch_->searchDirection();
                lineSearch_->searchDirection() = direction;
                // Now compute accuracy and check end criteria
                // Numerical Recipes exit strategy on fx (see NR in C++, p.423)
                fnew = P.functionValue();
                fdiff = 2.0*std::fabs(fnew-fold) /
                        (std::fabs(fnew) + std::fabs(fold) + QL_EPSILON);
                if (fdiff < ftol ||
                    endCriteria.checkMaxIterations(iterationNumber_, ecType)) {
                    endCriteria.checkStationaryFunctionValue(0.0, 0.0,
                        maxStationaryStateIterations_, ecType);
                    endCriteria.checkMaxIterations(iterationNumber_, ecType);
                    return ecType;
                P.setCurrentValue(x_);      // update problem current value
                ++iterationNumber_;         // Increase iteration number
                first_time = false;
            } else {
                done = true;
        } while (!done);
        return ecType;