bool UArrayProperty::ConvertFromType(const FPropertyTag& Tag, FArchive& Ar, uint8* Data, UStruct* DefaultsStruct, bool& bOutAdvanceProperty)
	// TODO: The ArrayProperty Tag really doesn't have adequate information for
	// many types. This should probably all be moved in to ::SerializeItem
	bOutAdvanceProperty = false;

	if (Tag.Type == NAME_ArrayProperty && Tag.InnerType != NAME_None && Tag.InnerType != Inner->GetID())
		void* ArrayPropertyData = ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Data);

		int32 ElementCount = 0;
		Ar << ElementCount;

		FScriptArrayHelper ScriptArrayHelper(this, ArrayPropertyData);

		// Convert properties from old type to new type automatically if types are compatible (array case)
		if (ElementCount > 0)
			FPropertyTag InnerPropertyTag;
			InnerPropertyTag.Type = Tag.InnerType;
			InnerPropertyTag.ArrayIndex = 0;

			bool bDummyAdvance;
			if (Inner->ConvertFromType(InnerPropertyTag, Ar, ScriptArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(0), DefaultsStruct, bDummyAdvance))
				for (int32 i = 1; i < ElementCount; ++i)
					verify(Inner->ConvertFromType(InnerPropertyTag, Ar, ScriptArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(i), DefaultsStruct, bDummyAdvance));
				bOutAdvanceProperty = true;
			// TODO: Implement SerializeFromMismatchedTag handling for arrays of structs
				UE_LOG(LogClass, Warning, TEXT("Array Inner Type mismatch in %s of %s - Previous (%s) Current(%s) for package:  %s"), *Tag.Name.ToString(), *GetName(), *Tag.InnerType.ToString(), *Inner->GetID().ToString(), *Ar.GetArchiveName() );
			bOutAdvanceProperty = true;
		return true;

	return false;
bool UStructProperty::ConvertFromType(const FPropertyTag& Tag, FArchive& Ar, uint8* Data, UStruct* DefaultsStruct, bool& bOutAdvanceProperty)
	bOutAdvanceProperty = false;

	auto CanSerializeFromStructWithDifferentName = [](const FArchive& InAr, const FPropertyTag& PropertyTag, const UStructProperty* StructProperty)
			// Old Implementation
			return StructProperty && !StructProperty->UseBinaryOrNativeSerialization(InAr);
		return PropertyTag.StructGuid.IsValid() && StructProperty && StructProperty->Struct && (PropertyTag.StructGuid == StructProperty->Struct->GetCustomGuid());

	if (Struct)
		if ((Struct->StructFlags & STRUCT_SerializeFromMismatchedTag) && (Tag.Type != NAME_StructProperty || (Tag.StructName != Struct->GetFName())) && Struct->StructFlags & STRUCT_SerializeFromMismatchedTag)
			UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps* CppStructOps = Struct->GetCppStructOps();
			check(CppStructOps && CppStructOps->HasSerializeFromMismatchedTag()); // else should not have STRUCT_SerializeFromMismatchedTag
			void* DestAddress = ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Data, Tag.ArrayIndex);
			if (CppStructOps->SerializeFromMismatchedTag(Tag, Ar, DestAddress))
				bOutAdvanceProperty = true;
				UE_LOG(LogClass, Warning, TEXT("SerializeFromMismatchedTag failed: Type mismatch in %s of %s - Previous (%s) Current(StructProperty) for package:  %s"), *Tag.Name.ToString(), *GetName(), *Tag.Type.ToString(), *Ar.GetArchiveName());
			return true;
		else if (Tag.Type == NAME_StructProperty && Tag.StructName != Struct->GetFName() && !CanSerializeFromStructWithDifferentName(Ar, Tag, this))
			//handle Vector -> Vector4 upgrades here because using the SerializeFromMismatchedTag system would cause a dependency from Core -> CoreUObject
			if (Tag.StructName == NAME_Vector && Struct->GetFName() == NAME_Vector4)
				void* DestAddress = ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Data, Tag.ArrayIndex);
				FVector OldValue;
				Ar << OldValue;

				//only set X/Y/Z.  The W should already have been set to the property specific default and we don't want to trash it by forcing 0 or 1.
				FVector4* DestValue = (FVector4*)DestAddress;				
				DestValue->X = OldValue.X;
				DestValue->Y = OldValue.Y;
				DestValue->Z = OldValue.Z;
				UE_LOG(LogClass, Warning, TEXT("Property %s of %s has a struct type mismatch (tag %s != prop %s) in package:  %s. If that struct got renamed, add an entry to ActiveStructRedirects."),
					*Tag.Name.ToString(), *GetName(), *Tag.StructName.ToString(), *Struct->GetName(), *Ar.GetArchiveName());

			return true;
	return false;
void UArrayProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, void const* Defaults ) const

	// Ensure that the Inner itself has been loaded before calling SerializeItem() on it

	FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(this, Value);
	int32		n		= ArrayHelper.Num();
	Ar << n;
	if( Ar.IsLoading() )
		// If using a custom property list, don't empty the array on load. Not all indices may have been serialized, so we need to preserve existing values at those slots.
		if (Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList)
			const int32 OldNum = ArrayHelper.Num();
			if (n > OldNum)
				ArrayHelper.AddValues(n - OldNum);
			else if (n < OldNum)
				ArrayHelper.RemoveValues(n, OldNum - n);
	ArrayHelper.CountBytes( Ar );

	// Serialize a PropertyTag for the inner property of this array, allows us to validate the inner struct to see if it has changed
	FPropertyTag InnerTag(Ar, Inner, 0, (uint8*)Value, (uint8*)Defaults);
	if (Ar.UE4Ver() >= VER_UE4_INNER_ARRAY_TAG_INFO && InnerTag.Type == NAME_StructProperty)
		if (Ar.IsSaving())
			Ar << InnerTag;
		else if (Ar.IsLoading())
			Ar << InnerTag;

			auto CanSerializeFromStructWithDifferentName = [](const FArchive& InAr, const FPropertyTag& PropertyTag, const UStructProperty* StructProperty)
				return PropertyTag.StructGuid.IsValid()
					&& StructProperty 
					&& StructProperty->Struct 
					&& (PropertyTag.StructGuid == StructProperty->Struct->GetCustomGuid());

			// Check if the Inner property can successfully serialize, the type may have changed
			UStructProperty* StructProperty = CastChecked<UStructProperty>(Inner);
			// if check redirector to make sure if the name has changed
			FName* NewName = FLinkerLoad::StructNameRedirects.Find(InnerTag.StructName);
			FName StructName = CastChecked<UStructProperty>(StructProperty)->Struct->GetFName();
			if (NewName != nullptr && *NewName == StructName)
				InnerTag.StructName = *NewName;

			if (InnerTag.StructName != StructProperty->Struct->GetFName()
				&& !CanSerializeFromStructWithDifferentName(Ar, InnerTag, StructProperty))
				UE_LOG(LogClass, Warning, TEXT("Property %s of %s has a struct type mismatch (tag %s != prop %s) in package:  %s. If that struct got renamed, add an entry to ActiveStructRedirects."),
					*InnerTag.Name.ToString(), *GetName(), *InnerTag.StructName.ToString(), *CastChecked<UStructProperty>(Inner)->Struct->GetName(), *Ar.GetArchiveName());

				// Ensure the structure is initialized
				for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i++)
#endif // WITH_EDITOR

				// Skip the property
				const int64 StartOfProperty = Ar.Tell();
				const int64 RemainingSize = InnerTag.Size - (Ar.Tell() - StartOfProperty);
				uint8 B;
				for (int64 i = 0; i < RemainingSize; i++)
					Ar << B;

	// need to know how much data this call to SerializeItem consumes, so mark where we are
	int32 DataOffset = Ar.Tell();

	// If we're using a custom property list, first serialize any explicit indices
	int32 i = 0;
	bool bSerializeRemainingItems = true;
	bool bUsingCustomPropertyList = Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList;
	if (bUsingCustomPropertyList && Ar.ArCustomPropertyList != nullptr)
		// Initially we only serialize indices that are explicitly specified (in order)
		bSerializeRemainingItems = false;

		const FCustomPropertyListNode* CustomPropertyList = Ar.ArCustomPropertyList;
		const FCustomPropertyListNode* PropertyNode = CustomPropertyList;
		while (PropertyNode && i < n && !bSerializeRemainingItems)
			if (PropertyNode->Property != Inner)
				// A null property value signals that we should serialize the remaining array values in full starting at this index
				if (PropertyNode->Property == nullptr)
					i = PropertyNode->ArrayIndex;

				bSerializeRemainingItems = true;
				// Set a temporary node to represent the item
				FCustomPropertyListNode ItemNode = *PropertyNode;
				ItemNode.ArrayIndex = 0;
				ItemNode.PropertyListNext = nullptr;
				Ar.ArCustomPropertyList = &ItemNode;

				// Serialize the item at this array index
				i = PropertyNode->ArrayIndex;
				Inner->SerializeItem(Ar, ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(i));
				PropertyNode = PropertyNode->PropertyListNext;

				// Restore the current property list
				Ar.ArCustomPropertyList = CustomPropertyList;

	if (bSerializeRemainingItems)
		// Temporarily suspend the custom property list (as we need these items to be serialized in full)
		Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList = false;

		// Serialize each item until we get to the end of the array
		while (i < n)
			Inner->SerializeItem(Ar, ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(i++));

		// Restore use of the custom property list (if it was previously enabled)
		Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList = bUsingCustomPropertyList;

	if (Ar.UE4Ver() >= VER_UE4_INNER_ARRAY_TAG_INFO && Ar.IsSaving() && InnerTag.Type == NAME_StructProperty)
		// set the tag's size
		InnerTag.Size = Ar.Tell() - DataOffset;

		if (InnerTag.Size > 0)
			// mark our current location
			DataOffset = Ar.Tell();

			// go back and re-serialize the size now that we know it
			Ar << InnerTag.Size;

			// return to the current location