Example #1
bool FStructScriptLoader::ShouldDeferScriptSerialization(FArchive& Ar)
	if (Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.IsPersistent())
		if (ULinkerLoad* Linker = Cast<ULinkerLoad>(Ar.GetLinker()))
			return ((Linker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads) != 0);
	return false;
void UStructProperty::Serialize( FArchive& Ar )
	Super::Serialize( Ar );

	static UScriptStruct* FallbackStruct = GetFallbackStruct();
	if (Ar.IsPersistent() && Ar.GetLinker() && Ar.IsLoading() && !Struct)
		// It's necessary to solve circular dependency problems, when serializing the Struct causes linking of the Property.
		Struct = FallbackStruct;

	Ar << Struct;
	if (Ar.IsPersistent() && Ar.GetLinker())
		if (!Struct && Ar.IsLoading())
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Error, TEXT("UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property '%s'. Unknown structure."), *GetFullName());
			Struct = FallbackStruct;
		else if ((FallbackStruct == Struct) && Ar.IsSaving())
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Error, TEXT("UStructProperty::Serialize Saving: Property '%s'. FallbackStruct structure."), *GetFullName());
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
	if (Struct)
Example #3
* Serialize function used to serialize this bulk data structure.
* @param Ar	Archive to serialize with
* @param Owner	Object owning the bulk data
* @param Idx	Index of bulk data item being serialized
void FUntypedBulkData::Serialize( FArchive& Ar, UObject* Owner, int32 Idx )
	check( LockStatus == LOCKSTATUS_Unlocked );

		// Special case for transacting bulk data arrays.

		// constructing the object during load will save it to the transaction buffer. If it tries to load the bulk data now it will try to break it.
		bool bActuallySave = Ar.IsSaving() && (!Owner || !Owner->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad));

		Ar << bActuallySave;

		if (bActuallySave)
				// Flags for bulk data.
				Ar << BulkDataFlags;
				// Number of elements in array.
				Ar << ElementCount;

				// Allocate bulk data.
				BulkData = FMemory::Realloc( BulkData, GetBulkDataSize() );

				// Deserialize bulk data.
				SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
			else if(Ar.IsSaving())
				// Flags for bulk data.
				Ar << BulkDataFlags;
				// Number of elements in array.
				Ar << ElementCount;

				// Don't attempt to load or serialize BulkData if the current size is 0.
				// This could be a newly constructed BulkData that has not yet been loaded, 
				// and allocating 0 bytes now will cause a crash when we load.
				if (GetBulkDataSize() > 0)
					// Make sure bulk data is loaded.

					// Serialize bulk data.
					SerializeBulkData(Ar, BulkData);
	else if( Ar.IsPersistent() && !Ar.IsObjectReferenceCollector() && !Ar.ShouldSkipBulkData() )
		FThreadSafeBulkDataToObjectMap::Get().Add( this, Owner );
		// Offset where the bulkdata flags are stored
		int64 SavedBulkDataFlagsPos	= Ar.Tell();
		Ar << BulkDataFlags;

		// Number of elements in array.
		Ar << ElementCount;
		// We're loading from the persistent archive.
		if( Ar.IsLoading() )
			Filename = TEXT("");
			// @todo when Landscape (and others?) only Lock/Unlock once, we can enable this
			if (false) // FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData())
				// Bulk data that is being serialized via seekfree loading is single use only. This allows us 
				// to free the memory as e.g. the bulk data won't be attached to an archive in the case of
				// seek free loading.
				BulkDataFlags |= BULKDATA_SingleUse;

			// Size on disk, which in the case of compression is != GetBulkDataSize()
			Ar << BulkDataSizeOnDisk;
			Ar << BulkDataOffsetInFile;

			// fix up the file offset 
			if (Owner != NULL && Owner->GetLinker())
				BulkDataOffsetInFile += Owner->GetLinker()->Summary.BulkDataStartOffset;

			// determine whether the payload is stored inline or at the end of the file
			bool bPayloadInline = !(BulkDataFlags&BULKDATA_PayloadAtEndOfFile);

// 			check( (bPayloadInline && BulkDataOffsetInFile == Ar.Tell()) || 
// 				   (!bPayloadInline && BulkDataOffsetInFile > Ar.Tell()));
			// We're allowing defered serialization.
			if( Ar.IsAllowingLazyLoading() && Owner != NULL)
				Linker = Owner->GetLinker();

				Ar.AttachBulkData( Owner, this );
				AttachedAr = &Ar;
				Filename = Linker->Filename;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
				// only skip over payload, if it's stored inline
				if (bPayloadInline)
					Ar.Seek( Ar.Tell() + BulkDataSizeOnDisk );
			// Serialize the bulk data right away.
				// memory for bulk data can come from preallocated GPU-accessible resource memory or default to system memory
				BulkData = GetBulkDataResourceMemory(Owner,Idx);
				if( !BulkData )
					BulkData = FMemory::Realloc( BulkData, GetBulkDataSize() );
				if (bPayloadInline)
					// if the payload is stored inline, just serialize it
					SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
					// if the payload is NOT stored inline ...
					// store the current file offset
					int64 CurOffset = Ar.Tell();
					// seek to the location in the file where the payload is stored
					// serialize the payload
					SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
					// seek to the location we came from
		// We're saving to the persistent archive.
		else if( Ar.IsSaving() )
			// check if we save the package compressed
			UPackage* Pkg = Owner ? dynamic_cast<UPackage*>(Owner->GetOutermost()) : nullptr;
			if (Pkg && !!(Pkg->PackageFlags & PKG_StoreCompressed) )
				ECompressionFlags BaseCompressionMethod = COMPRESS_Default;
				if (Ar.IsCooking())
					BaseCompressionMethod = Ar.CookingTarget()->GetBaseCompressionMethod();


			// Remove single element serialization requirement before saving out bulk data flags.
			BulkDataFlags &= ~BULKDATA_ForceSingleElementSerialization;

			// Make sure bulk data is loaded.
			// Only serialize status information if wanted.
			int64 SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos	= INDEX_NONE;
			int64 SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos	= INDEX_NONE;
			// Keep track of position we are going to serialize placeholder BulkDataSizeOnDisk.
			SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos = Ar.Tell();
			BulkDataSizeOnDisk = INDEX_NONE;
			// And serialize the placeholder which is going to be overwritten later.
			Ar << BulkDataSizeOnDisk;

			// Keep track of position we are going to serialize placeholder BulkDataOffsetInFile.
			SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos = Ar.Tell();
			BulkDataOffsetInFile = INDEX_NONE;
			// And serialize the placeholder which is going to be overwritten later.
			Ar << BulkDataOffsetInFile;

				// try to get the linkersave object
			ULinkerSave* LinkerSave = dynamic_cast<ULinkerSave*>(Ar.GetLinker());

			// determine whether we are going to store the payload inline or not.
			bool bStoreInline = !!(BulkDataFlags&BULKDATA_ForceInlinePayload) || LinkerSave == NULL;

			if (!bStoreInline)
				// set the flag indicating where the payload is stored
				BulkDataFlags |= BULKDATA_PayloadAtEndOfFile;

				// with no LinkerSave we have to store the data inline
				check(LinkerSave != NULL);				
				// add the bulkdata storage info object to the linkersave
				int32 Index = LinkerSave->BulkDataToAppend.AddZeroed(1);
				ULinkerSave::FBulkDataStorageInfo& BulkStore = LinkerSave->BulkDataToAppend[Index];

				BulkStore.BulkDataOffsetInFilePos = SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos;
				BulkStore.BulkDataSizeOnDiskPos = SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos;
				BulkStore.BulkData = this;
				// Serialize bulk data into the storage info
				BulkDataSizeOnDisk = -1;
				// set the flag indicating where the payload is stored
				BulkDataFlags &= ~BULKDATA_PayloadAtEndOfFile;

				int64 SavedBulkDataStartPos = Ar.Tell();

				// Serialize bulk data.
				SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
				// store the payload endpos
				int64 SavedBulkDataEndPos = Ar.Tell();

				checkf(SavedBulkDataStartPos >= 0 && SavedBulkDataEndPos >= 0,
					   TEXT("Bad archive positions for bulkdata. StartPos=%d EndPos=%d"),
					   SavedBulkDataStartPos, SavedBulkDataEndPos);

				BulkDataSizeOnDisk		= SavedBulkDataEndPos - SavedBulkDataStartPos;
				BulkDataOffsetInFile	= SavedBulkDataStartPos;

			// store current file offset before seeking back
			int64 CurrentFileOffset = Ar.Tell();

			// Seek back and overwrite the flags 
			Ar << BulkDataFlags;

			// Seek back and overwrite placeholder for BulkDataSizeOnDisk
			Ar.Seek( SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos );
			Ar << BulkDataSizeOnDisk;

			// Seek back and overwrite placeholder for BulkDataOffsetInFile
			Ar.Seek( SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos );
			Ar << BulkDataOffsetInFile;

			// Seek to the end of written data so we don't clobber any data in subsequent write 
			// operations
Example #4
bool FStructScriptLoader::LoadStructWithScript(UStruct* DestScriptContainer, FArchive& Ar, bool bAllowDeferredSerialization)
	if (!Ar.IsLoading() || !IsPrimed() || GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing)
		return false;

	bool const bIsLinkerLoader = Ar.IsPersistent() && (Ar.GetLinker() != nullptr);
	int32 const ScriptEndOffset = ScriptSerializationOffset + SerializedScriptSize;

	// to help us move development forward (and not have to support ancient 
	// script code), we define a minimum script version
	bool bSkipScriptSerialization = (Ar.UE4Ver() < VER_MIN_SCRIPTVM_UE4) || (Ar.LicenseeUE4Ver() < VER_MIN_SCRIPTVM_LICENSEEUE4);
	static const FBoolConfigValueHelper SkipByteCodeHelper(TEXT("StructSerialization"), TEXT("SkipByteCodeSerialization"));
	// in editor builds, we're going to regenerate the bytecode anyways, so it
	// is a waste of cycles to try and serialize it in
	bSkipScriptSerialization |= (bool)SkipByteCodeHelper;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
	bSkipScriptSerialization &= bIsLinkerLoader; // to keep consistent with old UStruct::Serialize() functionality

	if (bSkipScriptSerialization)
		int32 TrackedBufferSize = BytecodeBufferSize;
		BytecodeBufferSize = 0; // temporarily clear so that ClearScriptCode() doesn't leave Class->Script with anything allocated
		BytecodeBufferSize = TrackedBufferSize;

		// we have to at least move the archiver forward, so it is positioned 
		// where it expects to be (as if we read in the script)
		return false;

	bAllowDeferredSerialization &= bIsLinkerLoader;
	if (bAllowDeferredSerialization && ShouldDeferScriptSerialization(Ar))
		ULinkerLoad* Linker = CastChecked<ULinkerLoad>(Ar.GetLinker());
		FDeferredScriptTracker::Get().AddDeferredScriptObject(Linker, DestScriptContainer, *this);

		// we have to at least move the archiver forward, so it is positioned 
		// where it expects to be (as if we read in the script)
		return false;

	if (bIsLinkerLoader)
		ULinkerLoad* LinkerLoad = CastChecked<ULinkerLoad>(Ar.GetLinker());

		TArray<uint8> ShaScriptBuffer;

		Ar.Serialize(ShaScriptBuffer.GetData(), SerializedScriptSize);
		ensure(ScriptEndOffset == Ar.Tell());



	int32 BytecodeIndex = 0;
	while (BytecodeIndex < BytecodeBufferSize)
		DestScriptContainer->SerializeExpr(BytecodeIndex, Ar);
	ensure(ScriptEndOffset == Ar.Tell());
	checkf(BytecodeIndex == BytecodeBufferSize, TEXT("'%s' script expression-count mismatch; Expected: %i, Got: %i"), *DestScriptContainer->GetName(), BytecodeBufferSize, BytecodeIndex);

	if (!GUObjectArray.IsDisregardForGC(DestScriptContainer))
		FArchiveScriptReferenceCollector ObjRefCollector(DestScriptContainer->ScriptObjectReferences);

		BytecodeIndex = 0;
		while (BytecodeIndex < BytecodeBufferSize)
			DestScriptContainer->SerializeExpr(BytecodeIndex, ObjRefCollector);

	// success! (we filled the target with serialized script code)
	return true;