void BaseModHybridButton::OnSiblingHybridButtonOpened()
	if ( !IsPC() )

	bool bClosed = false;

	FlyoutMenu *pActiveFlyout = FlyoutMenu::GetActiveMenu();

	if ( pActiveFlyout )
		BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( pActiveFlyout->GetNavFrom() );
		if ( button && button == this )
			// We need to close the flyout attached to this button
			bClosed = true;

	if ( !bClosed )

	m_isNavigateTo = false;
// 0 = Deprecated CA buttons
// 1 = Normal Button
// 2 = MainMenu Button or InGameMenu Butto
// 3 = Flyout button
void BaseModHybridButton::PaintButtonEx()
	vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
	Color blotchColor = pScheme->GetColor( "HybridButton.BlotchColor", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) );
	Color borderColor = pScheme->GetColor( "HybridButton.BorderColor", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) );

	int x, y;
	int wide, tall;
	GetSize( wide, tall );

	x = 0;

	// due to vertical resizing, center within the control
	y = ( tall - m_originalTall ) / 2;
	tall = m_originalTall;

	if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_GAMEMODE )
		y = 0;

	if ( ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_DROPDOWN || m_nStyle == BUTTON_GAMEMODE ) && GetCurrentState() == Open && m_nWideAtOpen )
		wide = m_nWideAtOpen;

	bool bAnimateGlow = false;
	bool bDrawGlow = false;
	bool bDrawCursor = false;
	bool bDrawText = true;
	Color col;
	State curState = GetCurrentState();
	switch ( curState )
		case Enabled:
			// selectable, just not highlighted
			if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_RED || m_nStyle == BUTTON_REDMAIN )
				//col.SetColor( 0, 128, 128, 255 );
				col.SetColor( 169, 213, 255, 255 );
				col.SetColor( 135, 170, 193, 255 );
				//col.SetColor( 125, 125, 125, 255 );
				col.SetColor( 83, 148, 192, 255 );
		case Disabled:
			//col.SetColor( 88, 97, 104, 255 );
			//col.SetColor( 65, 74, 96, 255 );
			col.SetColor( 32, 59, 82, 255 );
			bDrawText = true;
			bDrawGlow = false;
		case FocusDisabled:
			col.SetColor( 182, 189, 194, 255 );
			bDrawText = false;
			bDrawGlow = true;
		case Open:
			// flyout menu is attached
			//col.SetColor( 200, 200, 200, 255 );
			col.SetColor( 169, 213, 255, 255 );
			bDrawGlow = true;
			bDrawCursor = true;
		case Focus:
			// active item
			col.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
			bDrawGlow = true;
			bAnimateGlow = true;
			if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_SIMPLE ||
				 m_nStyle == BUTTON_DROPDOWN ||
				 m_nStyle == BUTTON_DIALOG ||
				 m_nStyle == BUTTON_RED )
				bDrawCursor = true;

	wchar_t szUnicode[512];
	GetText( szUnicode, sizeof( szUnicode ) );
	int len = V_wcslen( szUnicode );

	int textWide, textTall;
	surface()->GetTextSize( m_hTextFont, szUnicode, textWide, textTall );

	textWide = clamp( textWide, 0, wide - m_textInsetX * 2 );
	textTall = clamp( textTall, 0, tall - m_textInsetX * 2 );

	int textInsetX = m_textInsetX;
	if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_DIALOG )
		// dialog buttons are centered
		textInsetX = ( wide - textWide ) / 2;

	if ( FlyoutMenu::GetActiveMenu() && FlyoutMenu::GetActiveMenu()->GetNavFrom() != this )
		bDrawCursor = false;

	if ( bDrawCursor )
		// draw backing rectangle
		if ( curState == Open )
			surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) );
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y, x+wide, y+tall, 0, 255, true );

		// draw blotch
		surface()->DrawSetColor( blotchColor );
		if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_DIALOG )
			int blotchWide = textWide;
			int blotchX = x + textInsetX;
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( blotchX, y, blotchX + 0.50f * blotchWide, y+tall, 0, 150, true );
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( blotchX + 0.50f * blotchWide, y, blotchX + blotchWide, y+tall, 150, 0, true );
			int blotchWide = textWide + vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 40 );
			int blotchX = x + textInsetX;
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( blotchX, y, blotchX + 0.25f * blotchWide, y+tall, 0, 150, true );
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( blotchX + 0.25f * blotchWide, y, blotchX + blotchWide, y+tall, 150, 0, true );

		// draw border lines
		surface()->DrawSetColor( borderColor );
		if ( curState == Open )
			FlyoutMenu *pActiveFlyout = FlyoutMenu::GetActiveMenu();
			BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( pActiveFlyout ? pActiveFlyout->GetNavFrom() : NULL );
			if ( pActiveFlyout && pActiveFlyout->GetOriginalTall() == 0 && button && button == this )
				surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y, x + wide, y+2, 255, 0, true );
				// the border lines end at the beginning of the flyout
				// the flyout will draw to complete the look
				surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y, x + wide, y+2, 0, 255, true );
				surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y+tall-2, x + wide, y+tall, 0, 255, true );
			// top and bottom border lines
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y, x + 0.5f * wide, y+2, 0, 255, true );
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x + 0.5f * wide, y, x + wide, y+2, 255, 0, true );
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y+tall-2, x + 0.5f * wide, y+tall, 0, 255, true );
			surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( x + 0.5f * wide, y+tall-2, x + wide, y+tall, 255, 0, true );

	// assume drawn, unless otherwise shortened with ellipsis
	int iLabelCharsDrawn = len;

	// draw the text
	if ( bDrawText )
		int availableWidth = GetWide() - x - textInsetX;

		if ( m_bShowDropDownIndicator )
			int textTall = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( m_hTextFont );
			int textLen = 0;

			int len = wcslen( szUnicode );
			for ( int i=0;i<len;i++ )
				textLen += vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_hTextFont, szUnicode[i] );

			int imageX = x + textInsetX + textLen + m_iSelectedArrowSize / 2;
			int imageY = y + ( textTall - m_iSelectedArrowSize ) / 2;

			if ( ( imageX + m_iSelectedArrowSize ) > GetWide() )
				imageX = GetWide() - m_iSelectedArrowSize;

			if ( curState == Open || m_bOverrideDropDownIndicator )
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iSelectedArrow );
				vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iUnselectedArrow );

			vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( col );
			vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( imageX, imageY, imageX + m_iSelectedArrowSize, imageY + m_iSelectedArrowSize );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( 0 );

			availableWidth -= m_iSelectedArrowSize * 2;

		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + textInsetX, y + m_textInsetY  );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( col );

		if ( textWide > availableWidth )
			// length of 3 dots
			int ellipsesLen = 3 * vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_hTextFont, L'.' );

			availableWidth -= ellipsesLen;

			iLabelCharsDrawn = 0;
			int charX = x + textInsetX;
			for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ )
				vgui::surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( szUnicode[i] );

				charX += vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_hTextFont, szUnicode[i] );
				if ( charX >= ( x + textInsetX + availableWidth ) )
			vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( L"...", 3 );
			vgui::surface()->DrawUnicodeString( szUnicode );
	else if ( GetCurrentState() == Disabled || GetCurrentState() == FocusDisabled )
		Color textcol = col;
		textcol[ 3 ] = 64;

		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + textInsetX, y + m_textInsetY  );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( textcol );
		vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( szUnicode, len );

	// draw the help text
	if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_GAMEMODE && curState != Open )
		const char *pHelpText = GetHelpText( IsEnabled() );
		wchar_t szHelpUnicode[512];
		wchar_t *pUnicodeString;
		if ( pHelpText && pHelpText[0] == '#' )
			pUnicodeString = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pHelpText );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pHelpText, szHelpUnicode, sizeof( szHelpUnicode ) );
			pUnicodeString = szHelpUnicode;
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hHintTextFont );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + textInsetX, y + m_textInsetY + m_nTextFontHeight );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( col );
		vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( pUnicodeString, wcslen( pUnicodeString ) );

	// draw the pulsing glow
	if ( bDrawGlow )
		if ( !bDrawText )
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( col );
			int alpha = bAnimateGlow ? 60.0f + 30.0f * sin( Plat_FloatTime() * 4.0f ) : 30;
			Color glowColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( glowColor );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextBlurFont );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x + textInsetX, y + m_textInsetY );

		for ( int i=0; i<len && i < iLabelCharsDrawn; i++ )
			vgui::surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( szUnicode[i] );

	if ( m_nStyle == BUTTON_DROPDOWN && curState != Open )
		// draw right justified item
		wchar_t *pUnicodeString = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( m_DropDownSelection.String() );
		if ( !pUnicodeString )
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DropDownSelection.String(), szUnicode, sizeof( szUnicode ) );
			pUnicodeString = szUnicode;
		int len = V_wcslen( pUnicodeString );

		int textWide, textTall;
		surface()->GetTextSize( m_hSelectionFont, pUnicodeString, textWide, textTall );

		// horizontal right justify
		int xx = wide - textWide - textInsetX;
		// vertical center within
		int yy = ( tall - textTall )/2;

		// draw the drop down selection text
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hSelectionFont );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( xx, yy );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( col );
		vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( pUnicodeString, len );

		if ( bDrawGlow )
			int alpha = bAnimateGlow ? 60.0f + 30.0f * sin( Plat_FloatTime() * 4.0f ) : 30;
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, alpha ) );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hSelectionBlurFont );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( xx, yy );
			vgui::surface()->DrawPrintText( pUnicodeString, len );