Example #1
 * Print Statistics for the generated Packets
 * Description:\n
 * Prints Total number of packets sent, the elapsed time,
 * the mean power, mean real and imaginary values for the samples
 * for both LCP and RCP
	timeval end;
	gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

	int32_t sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
	int32_t usec = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
	if (usec < 0) {
		usec += 1000000;
	cout << packet << " packets sent in "
		<< sec << "." << usec << " seconds" << endl;
	int32_t maxQueue = sndX->getSendHWM();
	cout << "maximum output queue X " << maxQueue << endl;
	maxQueue = sndY->getSendHWM();
	cout << "maximum output queue Y " << maxQueue << endl;

	int64_t samples;
	float64_t total;
	ComplexFloat64 power;
	ComplexFloat64 fSum;
	ComplexInt64 iSum;
*	 X pol Statistics
	samples = genX.getSampleCnt();
	power = genX.getPower();
	total = power.real() + power.imag();
	cout << "X pol" << endl;
	cout << samples << " samples, average (float) sample power = ";
	cout << total / samples << endl;
	cout << "power (float): re = " << power.real() << ", im = " << power.imag();
	cout << ", total = " << total << endl;
#ifdef notdef
	power = genX.getIntegerPower();
	total = power.real() + power.imag();
	cout << samples << " samples, average (short) sample power = ";
	cout << total / samples << endl;
	cout << "power (integer): re = " << power.real() << ", im = ";
	cout << power.imag() << ", total = " << total << endl;
	fSum = genX.getSum();
	cout << "sum of amplitudes (float64) = (" << fSum.real();
	cout << ", " << fSum.imag() << ")" << endl;
	cout << "avg of amplitudes (float64) = (" << fSum.real() / samples;
	cout << ", " << fSum.imag() / samples << ")" << endl;
#ifdef notdef
	iSum = genX.getIntegerSum();
	cout << "sum of amplitudes (short) = (" << iSum.real();
	cout << ", " << iSum.imag() << ")" << endl;
	cout << "avg of amplitudes (short) = (";
	cout << (float64_t) iSum.real() / samples;
	cout << ", " << (float64_t) iSum.imag() / samples << ")" << endl;

*	 Y pol Statistics
	samples = genY.getSampleCnt();
	power = genY.getPower();
	total = power.real() + power.imag();
	cout << "Y pol" << endl;
	cout << samples << " samples, average (float) sample power = ";
	cout << total / samples << endl;
	cout << "power (float): re = " << power.real() << ", im = " << power.imag();
	cout << ", total = " << total << endl;
#ifdef notdef
	power = genY.getIntegerPower();
	total = power.real() + power.imag();
	cout << samples << " samples, average (short) sample power = ";
	cout << total / samples << endl;
	cout << "power (integer): re = " << power.real() << ", im = ";
	cout << power.imag() << ", total = " << total << endl;
	fSum = genY.getSum();
	cout << "sum of amplitudes (float64) = (" << fSum.real();
	cout << ", " << fSum.imag() << ")" << endl;
	cout << "avg of amplitudes (float64) = (" << fSum.real() / samples;
	cout << ", " << fSum.imag() / samples << ")" << endl;
#ifdef notdef
	iSum = genY.getIntegerSum();
	cout << "sum of amplitudes (short) = (" << iSum.real();
	cout << ", " << iSum.imag() << ")" << endl;
	cout << "avg of amplitudes (short) = (";
	cout << (float64_t) iSum.real() / samples;
	cout << ", " << (float64_t) iSum.imag() / samples << ")" << endl;