FrontierList Planner::getFrontiers(GridMap* map, GridPoint start)
	// Initialization
	mFrontierCellCount = 0;
	mFrontierCount = 0;
	GridMap plan = GridMap(map->getWidth(), map->getHeight());
	FrontierList result;
	// Initialize the queue with the robot position
	Queue queue;
	queue.insert(Entry(0, start));
	plan.setData(start, VISIBLE);
	// Do full search with weightless Dijkstra-Algorithm
		// Get the nearest cell from the queue
		Queue::iterator next = queue.begin();
		int distance = next->first;
		GridPoint point = next->second;
		// Add neighbors
		bool isFrontier = false;
		PointList neighbors = getNeighbors(point, false);
        char c = 0;
		for(PointList::const_iterator cell = neighbors.begin(); cell < neighbors.end(); cell++)
            if(map->getData(*cell,c) && c == UNKNOWN)
                plan.setData(*cell, OBSTACLE);
                isFrontier = true;
            if(map->getData(*cell, c) && c == VISIBLE && 
                plan.getData(*cell, c) && c == UNKNOWN)
                queue.insert(Entry(distance+1, *cell));
                plan.setData(*cell, VISIBLE);
			result.push_back(getFrontier(map, &plan, point));
	// Set result message and return the point list
	if(result.size() > 0)
		mStatus = SUCCESS;
		sprintf(mStatusMessage, "Found %d frontiers with %d frontier cells.", mFrontierCount, mFrontierCellCount);
		mStatus = NO_GOAL;
		sprintf(mStatusMessage, "No reachable frontiers found.");
	return result;
PointList Planner::getFrontierCells(GridMap* map, GridPoint start, bool stopAtFirst)
	// Initialization
	mFrontierCellCount = 0;
	GridMap plan = GridMap(map->getWidth(), map->getHeight());
	PointList result;
	// Initialize the queue with the robot position
	Queue queue;
	queue.insert(Entry(0, start));
	plan.setData(start, 0);
	// Do full search with weightless Dijkstra-Algorithm
		// Get the nearest cell from the queue
		Queue::iterator next = queue.begin();
		int distance = next->first;
		GridPoint point = next->second;
		bool foundFrontier = false;
		// Add all adjacent cells
		PointList neighbors = getNeighbors(point);
		for(PointList::const_iterator cell = neighbors.begin(); cell < neighbors.end(); cell++)
            char c = 0;
			if(map->getData(*cell, c) && c == UNKNOWN)
				foundFrontier = true;

			if(map->getData(*cell, c) && c == VISIBLE && plan.getData(*cell, c) && c == UNKNOWN)
				queue.insert(Entry(distance+1, *cell));

			GridPoint frontier = point;
			frontier.distance = distance;
			if(stopAtFirst) break;
	// Set result message and return the point list
	if(result.size() > 0)
		mStatus = SUCCESS;
		sprintf(mStatusMessage, "Found %d reachable frontier cells.", (int)result.size());
		mStatus = NO_GOAL;
		sprintf(mStatusMessage, "No reachable frontier cells found.");
	return result;