Example #1
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet   = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();   // everything
        osg::StateSet* surfaceStateSet   = getSurfaceStateSet();    // just the surface
        //terrainStateSet->setRenderBinDetails(0, "SORT_FRONT_TO_BACK");
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

            new osg::CullFace(), osg::StateAttribute::ON);

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install patch param if we are tessellation on the GPU.
        if ( _terrainOptions.gpuTessellation() == true )
            #ifdef HAVE_PATCH_PARAMETER
              terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PatchParameter(3) );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            Shaders package;

            VirtualProgram* terrainVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(terrainStateSet);
            terrainVP->setName( "Rex Terrain" );
            package.load(terrainVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_MODEL);
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", _terrainOptions.color().get()));

            if (_terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true)

            // Funtions that affect only the terrain surface:
            VirtualProgram* surfaceVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(surfaceStateSet);
            surfaceVP->setName("Rex Surface");

            // Functions that affect the terrain surface only:
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_VIEW);
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_FRAG);

            // Elevation?
            if (this->elevationTexturesRequired())

            // Normal mapping shaders:
            if ( this->normalTexturesRequired() )
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_VERT);
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_FRAG);

            // Morphing?
            if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true ||
                _terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.MORPHING_VERT);

                if (_terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true)

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                // Color filter frag function:
                std::string fs_colorfilters =
                    "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                    GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                    "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                    "void oe_rexEngine_applyFilters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                    "{ \n"
                    "} \n";

                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                for( int i=0; i<imageLayers.size(); ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers.at(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( surfaceStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                        0.6 );

            // Apply uniforms for sampler bindings:
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Render Bindings:\n";
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> tex = new osg::Texture2D(ImageUtils::createEmptyImage(1,1));
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < _renderBindings.size(); ++i)
                SamplerBinding& b = _renderBindings[i];
                if (b.isActive())
                    osg::Uniform* u = new osg::Uniform(b.samplerName().c_str(), b.unit());
                    terrainStateSet->addUniform( u );
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << " > Bound \"" << b.samplerName() << "\" to unit " << b.unit() << "\n";
                    terrainStateSet->setTextureAttribute(b.unit(), tex.get());

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_opacity", 1.0f) );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_uid", (int)-1 ) );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_order", (int)0) );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", -1.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_attenuationRange", _terrainOptions.attentuationDistance().get()) );
                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            terrainStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_tile_size", (float)_terrainOptions.tileSize().get()));

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;