Example #1
MapNodeHelper::parse(MapNode*             mapNode,
                     osg::ArgumentParser& args,
                     osgViewer::View*     view,
                     osg::Group*          root,
                     Control*             userControl ) const
    // this is a dubious move.
    if ( !root )
        root = mapNode;

    // options to use for the load
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    // parse out custom example arguments first:
    bool useSky        = args.read("--sky");
    bool useOcean      = args.read("--ocean");
    bool useMGRS       = args.read("--mgrs");
    bool useDMS        = args.read("--dms");
    bool useDD         = args.read("--dd");
    bool useCoords     = args.read("--coords") || useMGRS || useDMS || useDD;
    bool useOrtho      = args.read("--ortho");
    bool useAutoClip   = args.read("--autoclip");

    float ambientBrightness = 0.2f;
    args.read("--ambientBrightness", ambientBrightness);

    std::string kmlFile;
    args.read( "--kml", kmlFile );

    std::string imageFolder;
    args.read( "--images", imageFolder );

    std::string imageExtensions;
    args.read("--image-extensions", imageExtensions);

    // install a canvas for any UI controls we plan to create:
    ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::get(view, false);

    Container* mainContainer = canvas->addControl( new VBox() );
    mainContainer->setAbsorbEvents( true );
    mainContainer->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
    mainContainer->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
    mainContainer->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

    // install the user control:
    if ( userControl )
        mainContainer->addControl( userControl );

    // look for external data in the map node:
    const Config& externals = mapNode->externalConfig();

    const Config& skyConf         = externals.child("sky");
    const Config& oceanConf       = externals.child("ocean");
    const Config& annoConf        = externals.child("annotations");
    const Config& declutterConf   = externals.child("decluttering");
    Config        viewpointsConf  = externals.child("viewpoints");

    // some terrain effects.
    const Config& normalMapConf   = externals.child("normal_map");
    const Config& detailTexConf   = externals.child("detail_texture");
    const Config& lodBlendingConf = externals.child("lod_blending");
    const Config& vertScaleConf   = externals.child("vertical_scale");
    const Config& contourMapConf  = externals.child("contour_map");

    // backwards-compatibility: read viewpoints at the top level:
    const ConfigSet& old_viewpoints = externals.children("viewpoint");
    for( ConfigSet::const_iterator i = old_viewpoints.begin(); i != old_viewpoints.end(); ++i )
        viewpointsConf.add( *i );

    // Loading a viewpoint list from the earth file:
    if ( !viewpointsConf.empty() )
        std::vector<Viewpoint> viewpoints;

        const ConfigSet& children = viewpointsConf.children();
        if ( children.size() > 0 )
            for( ConfigSet::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i )
                viewpoints.push_back( Viewpoint(*i) );

        if ( viewpoints.size() > 0 )
            Control* c = ViewpointControlFactory().create(viewpoints, view);
            if ( c )
                mainContainer->addControl( c );

    // Adding a sky model:
    if ( useSky || !skyConf.empty() )
        double hours = skyConf.value( "hours", 12.0 );
        SkyNode* sky = new SkyNode( mapNode->getMap() );
        sky->setAmbientBrightness( ambientBrightness );
        sky->setDateTime( DateTime(2011, 3, 6, hours) );
        sky->attach( view );
        root->addChild( sky );
        Control* c = SkyControlFactory().create(sky, view);
        if ( c )
            mainContainer->addControl( c );

    // Adding an ocean model:
    if ( useOcean || !oceanConf.empty() )
        OceanSurfaceNode* ocean = new OceanSurfaceNode( mapNode, oceanConf );
        if ( ocean )
            root->addChild( ocean );
            Control* c = OceanControlFactory().create(ocean, view);
            if ( c )

    // Loading KML from the command line:
    if ( !kmlFile.empty() )
        KMLOptions kml_options;
        kml_options.declutter() = true;

        // set up a default icon for point placemarks:
        IconSymbol* defaultIcon = new IconSymbol();
        kml_options.defaultIconSymbol() = defaultIcon;

        osg::Node* kml = KML::load( URI(kmlFile), mapNode, kml_options );
        if ( kml )
            Control* c = AnnotationGraphControlFactory().create(kml, view);
            if ( c )
                c->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );
                canvas->addControl( c );
            root->addChild( kml );

    // Annotations in the map node externals:
    if ( !annoConf.empty() )
        osg::Group* annotations = 0L;
        AnnotationRegistry::instance()->create( mapNode, annoConf, dbOptions.get(), annotations );
        if ( annotations )
            root->addChild( annotations );

    // Configure the de-cluttering engine for labels and annotations:
    if ( !declutterConf.empty() )
        Decluttering::setOptions( DeclutteringOptions(declutterConf) );

    // Configure the mouse coordinate readout:
    if ( useCoords )
        LabelControl* readout = new LabelControl();
        readout->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        readout->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        readout->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

        Formatter* formatter = 
            useMGRS ? (Formatter*)new MGRSFormatter(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_1M, 0L, MGRSFormatter::USE_SPACES) :
            useDMS  ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS) :
            useDD   ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES) :

        MouseCoordsTool* mcTool = new MouseCoordsTool( mapNode );
        mcTool->addCallback( new MouseCoordsLabelCallback(readout, formatter) );
        view->addEventHandler( mcTool );

        canvas->addControl( readout );

    // Configure for an ortho camera:
    if ( useOrtho )
        EarthManipulator* manip = dynamic_cast<EarthManipulator*>(view->getCameraManipulator());
        if ( manip )
            manip->getSettings()->setCameraProjection( EarthManipulator::PROJ_ORTHOGRAPHIC );

    // Install an auto clip plane clamper
    if ( useAutoClip )
        mapNode->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );

    // Scan for images if necessary.
    if ( !imageFolder.empty() )
        std::vector<std::string> extensions;
        if ( !imageExtensions.empty() )
            StringTokenizer( imageExtensions, extensions, ",;", "", false, true );
        if ( extensions.empty() )
            extensions.push_back( "tif" );

        OE_INFO << LC << "Loading images from " << imageFolder << "..." << std::endl;
        ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
        DataScanner scanner;
        scanner.findImageLayers( imageFolder, extensions, imageLayers );

        if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
                mapNode->getMap()->addImageLayer( i->get() );
        OE_INFO << LC << "...found " << imageLayers.size() << " image layers." << std::endl;

    // Install a normal map layer.
    if ( !normalMapConf.empty() )
        osg::ref_ptr<NormalMap> effect = new NormalMap(normalMapConf, mapNode->getMap());
        if ( effect->getNormalMapLayer() )
            mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( effect.get() );

    // Install a detail texturer
    if ( !detailTexConf.empty() )
        osg::ref_ptr<DetailTexture> effect = new DetailTexture(detailTexConf);
        if ( effect->getImage() )
            mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( effect.get() );

    // Install elevation morphing
    if ( !lodBlendingConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new LODBlending(lodBlendingConf) );

    // Install vertical scaler
    if ( !vertScaleConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new VerticalScale(vertScaleConf) );

    // Install a contour map effect.
    if ( !contourMapConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new ContourMap(contourMapConf) );

    // Generic named value uniform with min/max.
    VBox* uniformBox = 0L;
    while( args.find( "--uniform" ) >= 0 )
        std::string name;
        float minval, maxval;
        if ( args.read( "--uniform", name, minval, maxval ) )
            if ( uniformBox == 0L )
                uniformBox = new VBox();
                uniformBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
                canvas->addControl( uniformBox );
            osg::Uniform* uniform = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, name);
            uniform->set( minval );
            root->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( uniform, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            HBox* box = new HBox();
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(name) );
            HSliderControl* hs = box->addControl( new HSliderControl(minval, maxval, minval, new ApplyValueUniform(uniform)));
            hs->setHorizFill(true, 200);
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(hs) );
            uniformBox->addControl( box );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Installed uniform controller for " << name << std::endl;

    root->addChild( canvas );
MapNodeHelper::parse(MapNode*             mapNode,
                     osg::ArgumentParser& args,
                     osgViewer::View*     view,
                     osg::Group*          root,
                     Control*             userControl ) const
    if ( !root )
        root = mapNode;

    // options to use for the load
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    // parse out custom example arguments first:
    bool useSky        = args.read("--sky");
    bool useOcean      = args.read("--ocean");
    bool useMGRS       = args.read("--mgrs");
    bool useDMS        = args.read("--dms");
    bool useDD         = args.read("--dd");
    bool useCoords     = args.read("--coords") || useMGRS || useDMS || useDD;
    bool useOrtho      = args.read("--ortho");
    bool useAutoClip   = args.read("--autoclip");
    bool useShadows    = args.read("--shadows");
    bool animateSky    = args.read("--animate-sky");
    bool showActivity  = args.read("--activity");
    bool useLogDepth   = args.read("--logdepth");
    bool useLogDepth2  = args.read("--logdepth2");
    bool kmlUI         = args.read("--kmlui");

    if (args.read("--verbose"))
    if (args.read("--quiet"))

    float ambientBrightness = 0.2f;
    args.read("--ambientBrightness", ambientBrightness);

    std::string kmlFile;
    args.read( "--kml", kmlFile );

    std::string imageFolder;
    args.read( "--images", imageFolder );

    std::string imageExtensions;
    args.read("--image-extensions", imageExtensions);
    // animation path:
    std::string animpath;
    if ( args.read("--path", animpath) )
        view->setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator(animpath) );

    // Install a new Canvas for our UI controls, or use one that already exists.
    ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::getOrCreate( view );

    Container* mainContainer = canvas->addControl( new VBox() );
    mainContainer->setAbsorbEvents( true );
    mainContainer->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
    mainContainer->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
    mainContainer->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

    // install the user control:
    if ( userControl )
        mainContainer->addControl( userControl );

    // look for external data in the map node:
    const Config& externals = mapNode->externalConfig();

    const Config& skyConf         = externals.child("sky");
    const Config& oceanConf       = externals.child("ocean");
    const Config& annoConf        = externals.child("annotations");
    const Config& declutterConf   = externals.child("decluttering");

    // some terrain effects.
    // TODO: Most of these are likely to move into extensions.
    const Config& lodBlendingConf = externals.child("lod_blending");
    const Config& vertScaleConf   = externals.child("vertical_scale");
    const Config& contourMapConf  = externals.child("contour_map");

    // Adding a sky model:
    if ( useSky || !skyConf.empty() )
        SkyOptions options(skyConf);
        if ( options.getDriver().empty() )
            if ( mapNode->getMapSRS()->isGeographic() )

        SkyNode* sky = SkyNode::create(options, mapNode);
        if ( sky )
            sky->attach( view, 0 );
            if ( mapNode->getNumParents() > 0 )
                osgEarth::insertGroup(sky, mapNode->getParent(0));
                sky->addChild( mapNode );
                root = sky;
            Control* c = SkyControlFactory().create(sky, view);
            if ( c )
                mainContainer->addControl( c );

            if (animateSky)
                sky->setUpdateCallback( new AnimateSkyUpdateCallback() );


    // Adding an ocean model:
    if ( useOcean || !oceanConf.empty() )
        OceanNode* ocean = OceanNode::create(OceanOptions(oceanConf), mapNode);
        if ( ocean )
            // if there's a sky, we want to ocean under it
            osg::Group* parent = osgEarth::findTopMostNodeOfType<SkyNode>(root);
            if ( !parent ) parent = root;
            parent->addChild( ocean );

            Control* c = OceanControlFactory().create(ocean);
            if ( c )

    // Shadowing.
    if ( useShadows )
        ShadowCaster* caster = new ShadowCaster();
        caster->setLight( view->getLight() );
        caster->getShadowCastingGroup()->addChild( mapNode->getModelLayerGroup() );
        if ( mapNode->getNumParents() > 0 )
            insertGroup(caster, mapNode->getParent(0));
            root = caster;

    // Loading KML from the command line:
    if ( !kmlFile.empty() )
        KMLOptions kml_options;
        kml_options.declutter() = true;

        // set up a default icon for point placemarks:
        IconSymbol* defaultIcon = new IconSymbol();
        kml_options.defaultIconSymbol() = defaultIcon;

        osg::Node* kml = KML::load( URI(kmlFile), mapNode, kml_options );
        if ( kml )
            if (kmlUI)
                Control* c = AnnotationGraphControlFactory().create(kml, view);
                if ( c )
                    c->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );
                    canvas->addControl( c );
            root->addChild( kml );
            OE_NOTICE << "Failed to load " << kmlFile << std::endl;

    // Annotations in the map node externals:
    if ( !annoConf.empty() )
        osg::Group* annotations = 0L;
        AnnotationRegistry::instance()->create( mapNode, annoConf, dbOptions.get(), annotations );
        if ( annotations )
            root->addChild( annotations );

    // Configure the de-cluttering engine for labels and annotations:
    if ( !declutterConf.empty() )
        Decluttering::setOptions( DeclutteringOptions(declutterConf) );

    // Configure the mouse coordinate readout:
    if ( useCoords )
        LabelControl* readout = new LabelControl();
        readout->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        readout->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        readout->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

        Formatter* formatter = 
            useMGRS ? (Formatter*)new MGRSFormatter(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_1M, 0L, MGRSFormatter::USE_SPACES) :
            useDMS  ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS) :
            useDD   ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES) :

        MouseCoordsTool* mcTool = new MouseCoordsTool( mapNode );
        mcTool->addCallback( new MouseCoordsLabelCallback(readout, formatter) );
        view->addEventHandler( mcTool );

        canvas->addControl( readout );

    // Configure for an ortho camera:
    if ( useOrtho )
        EarthManipulator* manip = dynamic_cast<EarthManipulator*>(view->getCameraManipulator());
        if ( manip )
            manip->getSettings()->setCameraProjection( EarthManipulator::PROJ_ORTHOGRAPHIC );

    // activity monitor (debugging)
    if ( showActivity )
        VBox* vbox = new VBox();
        vbox->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        vbox->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        vbox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
        view->addEventHandler( new ActivityMonitorTool(vbox) );
        canvas->addControl( vbox );

    // Install an auto clip plane clamper
    if ( useAutoClip )
        mapNode->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );

    // Install logarithmic depth buffer on main camera
    if ( useLogDepth )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( true );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    else if ( useLogDepth2 )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer (vertex-only) on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( false );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    // Scan for images if necessary.
    if ( !imageFolder.empty() )
        std::vector<std::string> extensions;
        if ( !imageExtensions.empty() )
            StringTokenizer( imageExtensions, extensions, ",;", "", false, true );
        if ( extensions.empty() )
            extensions.push_back( "tif" );

        OE_INFO << LC << "Loading images from " << imageFolder << "..." << std::endl;
        ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
        DataScanner scanner;
        scanner.findImageLayers( imageFolder, extensions, imageLayers );

        if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
                mapNode->getMap()->addImageLayer( i->get() );
        OE_INFO << LC << "...found " << imageLayers.size() << " image layers." << std::endl;

    // Install elevation morphing
    if ( !lodBlendingConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new LODBlending(lodBlendingConf) );

    // Install vertical scaler
    if ( !vertScaleConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new VerticalScale(vertScaleConf) );

    // Install a contour map effect.
    if ( !contourMapConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new ContourMap(contourMapConf) );

    // Generic named value uniform with min/max.
    VBox* uniformBox = 0L;
    while( args.find( "--uniform" ) >= 0 )
        std::string name;
        float minval, maxval;
        if ( args.read( "--uniform", name, minval, maxval ) )
            if ( uniformBox == 0L )
                uniformBox = new VBox();
                uniformBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
                canvas->addControl( uniformBox );
            osg::Uniform* uniform = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, name);
            uniform->set( minval );
            root->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( uniform, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            HBox* box = new HBox();
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(name) );
            HSliderControl* hs = box->addControl( new HSliderControl(minval, maxval, minval, new ApplyValueUniform(uniform)));
            hs->setHorizFill(true, 200);
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(hs) );
            uniformBox->addControl( box );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Installed uniform controller for " << name << std::endl;

    // Process extensions.
    for(std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<Extension> >::const_iterator eiter = mapNode->getExtensions().begin();
        eiter != mapNode->getExtensions().end();
        Extension* e = eiter->get();

        // Check for a View interface:
        ExtensionInterface<osg::View>* viewIF = ExtensionInterface<osg::View>::get( e );
        if ( viewIF )
            viewIF->connect( view );

        // Check for a Control interface:
        ExtensionInterface<Control>* controlIF = ExtensionInterface<Control>::get( e );
        if ( controlIF )
            controlIF->connect( mainContainer );

    root->addChild( canvas );
Example #3
MapNodeHelper::parse(MapNode*             mapNode,
                     osg::ArgumentParser& args,
                     osgViewer::View*     view,
                     osg::Group*          root,
                     Container*           userContainer ) const
    if ( !root )
        root = mapNode;

    // options to use for the load
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    // parse out custom example arguments first:
    bool useMGRS       = args.read("--mgrs");
    bool useDMS        = args.read("--dms");
    bool useDD         = args.read("--dd");
    bool useCoords     = args.read("--coords") || useMGRS || useDMS || useDD;

    bool useAutoClip   = args.read("--autoclip");
    bool animateSky    = args.read("--animate-sky");
    bool showActivity  = args.read("--activity");
    bool useLogDepth   = args.read("--logdepth");
    bool useLogDepth2  = args.read("--logdepth2");
    bool kmlUI         = args.read("--kmlui");

    if (args.read("--verbose"))
    if (args.read("--quiet"))

    float ambientBrightness = 0.2f;
    args.read("--ambientBrightness", ambientBrightness);

    std::string kmlFile;
    args.read( "--kml", kmlFile );

    std::string imageFolder;
    args.read( "--images", imageFolder );

    std::string imageExtensions;
    args.read("--image-extensions", imageExtensions);
    // animation path:
    std::string animpath;
    if ( args.read("--path", animpath) )
        view->setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator(animpath) );

    // Install a new Canvas for our UI controls, or use one that already exists.
    ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::getOrCreate( view );

    Container* mainContainer;
    if ( userContainer )
        mainContainer = userContainer;
        mainContainer = new VBox();
        mainContainer->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        mainContainer->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        mainContainer->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
        mainContainer->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
    canvas->addControl( mainContainer );

    // Add an event handler to toggle the canvas with a key press;
    view->addEventHandler(new ToggleCanvasEventHandler(canvas) );

    // look for external data in the map node:
    const Config& externals = mapNode->externalConfig();

    //const Config& screenSpaceLayoutConf = 
    //    externals.hasChild("screen_space_layout") ? externals.child("screen_space_layout") :
    //    externals.child("decluttering"); // backwards-compatibility

    // some terrain effects.
    // TODO: Most of these are likely to move into extensions.
    const Config& lodBlendingConf = externals.child("lod_blending");
    const Config& vertScaleConf   = externals.child("vertical_scale");

    // Shadowing.
    if (args.read("--shadows"))
        int unit;
        if ( mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit(unit, "ShadowCaster") )
            ShadowCaster* caster = new ShadowCaster();
            caster->setTextureImageUnit( unit );
            caster->setLight( view->getLight() );
            caster->getShadowCastingGroup()->addChild( mapNode );
            if ( mapNode->getNumParents() > 0 )
                insertGroup(caster, mapNode->getParent(0));
                root = caster;

    // Loading KML from the command line:
    if ( !kmlFile.empty() )
        KMLOptions kml_options;
        kml_options.declutter() = true;

        // set up a default icon for point placemarks:
        IconSymbol* defaultIcon = new IconSymbol();
        kml_options.defaultIconSymbol() = defaultIcon;

        TextSymbol* defaultText = new TextSymbol();
        defaultText->halo() = Stroke(0.3,0.3,0.3,1.0);
        kml_options.defaultTextSymbol() = defaultText;

        osg::Node* kml = KML::load( URI(kmlFile), mapNode, kml_options );
        if ( kml )
            if (kmlUI)
                Control* c = AnnotationGraphControlFactory().create(kml, view);
                if ( c )
                    c->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );
                    canvas->addControl( c );
            root->addChild( kml );
            OE_NOTICE << "Failed to load " << kmlFile << std::endl;

    //// Configure the de-cluttering engine for labels and annotations:
    //if ( !screenSpaceLayoutConf.empty() )
    //    ScreenSpaceLayout::setOptions( ScreenSpaceLayoutOptions(screenSpaceLayoutConf) );

    // Configure the mouse coordinate readout:
    if ( useCoords )
        LabelControl* readout = new LabelControl();
        readout->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        readout->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        readout->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

        Formatter* formatter = 
            useMGRS ? (Formatter*)new MGRSFormatter(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_1M, 0L, MGRSFormatter::USE_SPACES) :
            useDMS  ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS) :
            useDD   ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES) :

        MouseCoordsTool* mcTool = new MouseCoordsTool( mapNode );
        mcTool->addCallback( new MouseCoordsLabelCallback(readout, formatter) );
        view->addEventHandler( mcTool );

        canvas->addControl( readout );

    // Configure for an ortho camera:
    if ( args.read("--ortho") )
        view->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho(-1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1);

    // activity monitor (debugging)
    if ( showActivity )
        VBox* vbox = new VBox();
        vbox->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        vbox->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        vbox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
        view->addEventHandler( new ActivityMonitorTool(vbox) );
        canvas->addControl( vbox );

    // Install an auto clip plane clamper
    if ( useAutoClip )
        mapNode->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );

    // Install logarithmic depth buffer on main camera
    if ( useLogDepth )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer (vertex-only) on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( false );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    else if ( useLogDepth2 )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer (precise) on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( true );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    // Scan for images if necessary.
    if ( !imageFolder.empty() )
        std::vector<std::string> extensions;
        if ( !imageExtensions.empty() )
            StringTokenizer( imageExtensions, extensions, ",;", "", false, true );
        if ( extensions.empty() )
            extensions.push_back( "tif" );

        OE_INFO << LC << "Loading images from " << imageFolder << "..." << std::endl;
        ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
        DataScanner scanner;
        scanner.findImageLayers( imageFolder, extensions, imageLayers );

        if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
                mapNode->getMap()->addImageLayer( i->get() );
        OE_INFO << LC << "...found " << imageLayers.size() << " image layers." << std::endl;

    // Install elevation morphing
    if ( !lodBlendingConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new LODBlending(lodBlendingConf) );

    // Install vertical scaler
    if ( !vertScaleConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new VerticalScale(vertScaleConf) );

    // Install a contour map effect.
    if (args.read("--contourmap"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("contourmap", ConfigOptions()));

        // with the cmdline switch, hids all the image layer so we can see the contour map.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < mapNode->getMap()->getNumImageLayers(); ++i) {

    // Generic named value uniform with min/max.
    VBox* uniformBox = 0L;
    while( args.find( "--uniform" ) >= 0 )
        std::string name;
        float minval, maxval;
        if ( args.read( "--uniform", name, minval, maxval ) )
            if ( uniformBox == 0L )
                uniformBox = new VBox();
                uniformBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
                canvas->addControl( uniformBox );
            osg::Uniform* uniform = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, name);
            uniform->set( minval );
            root->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( uniform, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            HBox* box = new HBox();
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(name) );
            HSliderControl* hs = box->addControl( new HSliderControl(minval, maxval, minval, new ApplyValueUniform(uniform)));
            hs->setHorizFill(true, 200);
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(hs) );
            uniformBox->addControl( box );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Installed uniform controller for " << name << std::endl;

    // Map inspector:
    if (args.read("--inspect"))
        mapNode->addExtension( Extension::create("mapinspector", ConfigOptions()) );

    // Memory monitor:
    if (args.read("--monitor"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("monitor", ConfigOptions()) );

    // Simple sky model:
    if (args.read("--sky"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("sky_simple", ConfigOptions()) );

    // Simple ocean model:
    if (args.read("--ocean"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("ocean_simple", ConfigOptions()));

    // Hook up the extensions!
    for(std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<Extension> >::const_iterator eiter = mapNode->getExtensions().begin();
        eiter != mapNode->getExtensions().end();
        Extension* e = eiter->get();

        // Check for a View interface:
        ExtensionInterface<osg::View>* viewIF = ExtensionInterface<osg::View>::get( e );
        if ( viewIF )
            viewIF->connect( view );

        // Check for a Control interface:
        ExtensionInterface<Control>* controlIF = ExtensionInterface<Control>::get( e );
        if ( controlIF )
            controlIF->connect( mainContainer );

    root->addChild( canvas );
Example #4
    // erase all child controls and just rebuild them b/c we're lazy.

    //Rebuild all the image layers    

    int row = 0;

    LabelControl* activeLabel = new LabelControl( "Image Layers", 20, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
    s_imageBox->setControl( 1, row++, activeLabel );

    // the active map layers:
    MapFrame mapf( s_activeMap.get() );
    ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
    int layerNum = imageLayers.size()-1;
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = imageLayers.rbegin(); i != imageLayers.rend(); ++i )
        createLayerItem( s_imageBox, row++, layerNum--, imageLayers.size(), i->get(), true );

    MapFrame mapf2( s_inactiveMap.get() );
    if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
        LabelControl* inactiveLabel = new LabelControl( "Removed:", 18, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
        s_imageBox->setControl( 1, row++, inactiveLabel );

        for( unsigned int i=0; i<imageLayers.size(); ++i )
            createLayerItem( s_imageBox, row++, -1, -1, imageLayers[i].get(), false );

    //Rebuild the elevation layers

    row = 0;

    activeLabel = new LabelControl( "Elevation Layers", 20, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
    s_elevationBox->setControl( 1, row++, activeLabel );

    // the active map layers:
    ElevationLayerVector elevationLayers;

    layerNum = elevationLayers.size()-1;
    for( ElevationLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = elevationLayers.rbegin(); i != elevationLayers.rend(); ++i )
        createLayerItem( s_elevationBox, row++, layerNum--, elevationLayers.size(), i->get(), true );

    if ( mapf2.elevationLayers().size() > 0 )
        LabelControl* inactiveLabel = new LabelControl( "Removed:", 18, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
        s_elevationBox->setControl( 1, row++, inactiveLabel );

        for( unsigned int i=0; i<mapf2.elevationLayers().size(); ++i )
            createLayerItem( s_elevationBox, row++, -1, -1, mapf2.elevationLayers().at(i), false );

    //Rebuild the model layers

    row = 0;

    activeLabel = new LabelControl( "Model Layers", 20, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
    s_modelBox->setControl( 1, row++, activeLabel );

    // the active map layers:
    ModelLayerVector modelLayers;
    for( ModelLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = modelLayers.rbegin(); i != modelLayers.rend(); ++i )
        createModelLayerItem( s_modelBox, row++, i->get(), true );
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        if ( _elevationTextureUnit < 0 && elevationTexturesRequired() )
            getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit( _elevationTextureUnit, "MP Engine Elevation" );

        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = getTerrainStateSet();
        if ( !terrainStateSet )
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
            vp->setName( "osgEarth.engine_mp.TerrainNode" );
            terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

            Shaders package;

            package.replace( "$MP_PRIMARY_UNIT",   Stringify() << _primaryUnit );
            package.replace( "$MP_SECONDARY_UNIT", Stringify() << (_secondaryUnit>=0?_secondaryUnit:0) );

            package.define( "MP_USE_BLENDING", (_terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true) );

            package.load( vp, package.EngineVertexModel );
            package.load( vp, package.EngineVertexView );
            package.load( vp, package.EngineFragment );
            if ( this->normalTexturesRequired() )
                package.load( vp, package.NormalMapVertex );
                package.load( vp, package.NormalMapFragment );

                terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_tile_normalTex", _normalMapUnit) );

            // terrain background color; negative means use the vertex color.
            Color terrainColor = _terrainOptions.color().getOrUse( Color(1,1,1,-1) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", terrainColor));

            if ( _update_mapf )
                // assemble color filter code snippets.
                bool haveColorFilters = false;
                    // Color filter frag function:
                    std::string fs_colorfilters =
                        "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                        GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                        "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                        "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                        "{ \n"
                        "} \n";

                    std::stringstream cf_head;
                    std::stringstream cf_body;
                    const char* I = "    ";

                    // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                    ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                    bool ifStarted = false;
                    int numImageLayers = imageLayers.size();
                    for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                        ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers[i].get();
                        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                            // install Color Filter function calls:
                            const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                            if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                                haveColorFilters = true;
                                if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                                else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                                cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                                for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                    const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                    cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                    cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                    filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                                cf_body << I << "}\n";
                                ifStarted = true;

                    if ( haveColorFilters )
                        std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                        cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                        cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                        replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                        replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                            0.5f );

            // binding for the terrain texture
                "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

            // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
            if ( parentTexturesRequired() )
                    "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

                // binding for the default secondary texture matrix
                osg::Matrixf parent_mat;
                parent_mat(0,0) = 0.0f;
                    "oe_layer_parent_matrix", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 )->set( parent_mat );

            // uniform for accessing the elevation texture sampler.
            if ( elevationTexturesRequired() )
                    "oe_terrain_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D)->set( _elevationTextureUnit );

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
                "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
                "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
                "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", FLT_MAX) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_attenuationRange", _terrainOptions.attentuationDistance().get()) );
                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

            // assign the uniforms for each shared layer.
            if ( _update_mapf )
                ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                int numImageLayers = imageLayers.size();
                for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers[i].get();
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->isShared() )
                        terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                            layer->shareImageUnit().get() ) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
Example #6
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet   = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();   // everything
        osg::StateSet* surfaceStateSet   = getSurfaceStateSet();    // just the surface
        //terrainStateSet->setRenderBinDetails(0, "SORT_FRONT_TO_BACK");
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

            new osg::CullFace(), osg::StateAttribute::ON);

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install patch param if we are tessellation on the GPU.
        if ( _terrainOptions.gpuTessellation() == true )
            #ifdef HAVE_PATCH_PARAMETER
              terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PatchParameter(3) );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            Shaders package;

            VirtualProgram* terrainVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(terrainStateSet);
            terrainVP->setName( "Rex Terrain" );
            package.load(terrainVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_MODEL);
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", _terrainOptions.color().get()));

            if (_terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true)

            // Funtions that affect only the terrain surface:
            VirtualProgram* surfaceVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(surfaceStateSet);
            surfaceVP->setName("Rex Surface");

            // Functions that affect the terrain surface only:
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_VIEW);
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_FRAG);

            // Elevation?
            if (this->elevationTexturesRequired())

            // Normal mapping shaders:
            if ( this->normalTexturesRequired() )
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_VERT);
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_FRAG);

            // Morphing?
            if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true ||
                _terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.MORPHING_VERT);

                if (_terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true)

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                // Color filter frag function:
                std::string fs_colorfilters =
                    "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                    GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                    "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                    "void oe_rexEngine_applyFilters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                    "{ \n"
                    "} \n";

                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                for( int i=0; i<imageLayers.size(); ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers.at(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( surfaceStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                        0.6 );

            // Apply uniforms for sampler bindings:
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Render Bindings:\n";
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> tex = new osg::Texture2D(ImageUtils::createEmptyImage(1,1));
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < _renderBindings.size(); ++i)
                SamplerBinding& b = _renderBindings[i];
                if (b.isActive())
                    osg::Uniform* u = new osg::Uniform(b.samplerName().c_str(), b.unit());
                    terrainStateSet->addUniform( u );
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << " > Bound \"" << b.samplerName() << "\" to unit " << b.unit() << "\n";
                    terrainStateSet->setTextureAttribute(b.unit(), tex.get());

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_opacity", 1.0f) );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_uid", (int)-1 ) );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_order", (int)0) );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", -1.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_attenuationRange", _terrainOptions.attentuationDistance().get()) );
                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            terrainStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_tile_size", (float)_terrainOptions.tileSize().get()));

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
Example #7
RexTerrainEngineNode::addTileLayer(Layer* tileLayer)
    if ( tileLayer && tileLayer->getEnabled() )
        ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageLayer*>(tileLayer);
        if (imageLayer)
            // for a shared layer, allocate a shared image unit if necessary.
            if ( imageLayer->isShared() )
                if (!imageLayer->shareImageUnit().isSet())
                    int temp;
                    if ( getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit(temp, imageLayer->getName().c_str()) )
                        imageLayer->shareImageUnit() = temp;
                        //OE_INFO << LC << "Image unit " << temp << " assigned to shared layer " << imageLayer->getName() << std::endl;
                        OE_WARN << LC << "Insufficient GPU image units to share layer " << imageLayer->getName() << std::endl;

                // Build a sampler binding for the shared layer.
                if ( imageLayer->shareImageUnit().isSet() )
                    // Find the next empty SHARED slot:
                    unsigned newIndex = SamplerBinding::SHARED;
                    while (_renderBindings[newIndex].isActive())

                    // Put the new binding there:
                    SamplerBinding& newBinding = _renderBindings[newIndex];
                    newBinding.usage()       = SamplerBinding::SHARED;
                    newBinding.sourceUID()   = imageLayer->getUID();
                    newBinding.unit()        = imageLayer->shareImageUnit().get();
                    newBinding.samplerName() = imageLayer->shareTexUniformName().get();
                    newBinding.matrixName()  = imageLayer->shareTexMatUniformName().get();

                    OE_INFO << LC 
                        << "Shared Layer \"" << imageLayer->getName() << "\" : sampler=\"" << newBinding.samplerName() << "\", "
                        << "matrix=\"" << newBinding.matrixName() << "\", "
                        << "unit=" << newBinding.unit() << "\n";

            // non-image tile layer. Keep track of these..

        if (_terrain)
            // Update the existing render models, and trigger a data reload.
            // Later we can limit the reload to an update of only the new data.
            UpdateRenderModels updateModels(_mapFrame);

#if 0
            // This uses the loaddata filter approach which will only request
            // data for one layer. It mostly works but not 100%; see hires-insets
            // as an example. Removing the world layer and re-adding it while
            // zoomed in doesn't result in all tiles reloading. Possibly a
            // synchronization issue.
            ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

            if (imageLayers.size() == 1)
