Example #1
void DofManager :: giveUnknownVector(FloatArray &answer, const IntArray &dofIDArry, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, bool padding)
    answer.resize( dofIDArry.giveSize() );
    if ( dofIDArry.giveSize() == 0 ) return;

    int k = 0;
    for ( auto &dofid: dofIDArry ) {
        auto pos = this->findDofWithDofId( ( DofIDItem ) dofid );
        if ( pos == this->end() ) {
            if ( padding ) {
                answer.at(++k) = 0.;
            } else {
        answer.at(++k) = (*pos)->giveUnknown(mode, tStep);

    // Transform to global c.s.
    FloatMatrix L2G;
    if ( this->computeL2GTransformation(L2G, dofIDArry) ) {
        answer.rotatedWith(L2G, 'n');
Example #2
PetscSparseMtrx :: assemble(const IntArray &rloc, const IntArray &cloc, const FloatMatrix &mat)
    if ( emodel->isParallel() ) {
        // translate eq numbers
        IntArray grloc( rloc.giveSize() ), gcloc( cloc.giveSize() );
        emodel->givePetscContext(this->di, ut)->giveN2Gmap()->map2New(grloc, rloc, 0);
        emodel->givePetscContext(this->di, ut)->giveN2Gmap()->map2New(gcloc, cloc, 0);

        MatSetValues(this->mtrx, grloc.giveSize(), grloc.givePointer(),
                     gcloc.giveSize(), gcloc.givePointer(), mat.givePointer(), ADD_VALUES);
    } else {
    int i, rsize = rloc.giveSize(), csize = cloc.giveSize();
    IntArray grloc(rsize), gcloc(csize);
    for ( i = 1; i <= rsize; i++ ) {
        grloc.at(i) = rloc.at(i) - 1;

    for ( i = 1; i <= csize; i++ ) {
        gcloc.at(i) = cloc.at(i) - 1;

    MatSetValues(this->mtrx, rsize, grloc.givePointer(),
                 csize, gcloc.givePointer(), mat.givePointer(), ADD_VALUES);

    // increment version
    this->newValues = true;
    return 1;
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: giveValueAtPoint(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &coords, IntArray &dofIDs, EngngModel &myEngngModel)
    answer.resize( dofIDs.giveSize() );

    FloatArray closest, lcoords, values;

    Element *elementAtCoords = myEngngModel.giveDomain(1)->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords, 1);
    if ( elementAtCoords == NULL ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Cannot find element closest to point");

    IntArray eldofids;

    elementAtCoords->computeField(VM_Total, thisTimestep, lcoords, values);

    for ( int i = 1; i <= dofIDs.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        for ( int j = 1; j <= eldofids.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            if ( dofIDs.at(i) == eldofids.at(j) ) {
                answer.at(i) = values.at(j);
Example #4
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: giveValueAtPoint(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &coords, IntArray &dofIDs, EngngModel &myEngngModel)
    answer.resize( dofIDs.giveSize() );

    FloatArray closest, lcoords, values;

    Element *elementAtCoords = myEngngModel.giveDomain(1)->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords, 1);
    if ( elementAtCoords == NULL ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Cannot find element closest to point");

    EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface *em = dynamic_cast< EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface * >( elementAtCoords->giveInterface(EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterfaceType) );

    IntArray eldofids;

    em->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(VM_Total, thisTimestep, lcoords, values);

    for ( int i = 1; i <= dofIDs.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        for ( int j = 1; j <= eldofids.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            if ( dofIDs.at(i) == eldofids.at(j) ) {
                answer.at(i) = values.at(j);
StaggeredSolver :: giveTotalLocationArray(IntArray &condensedLocationArray, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *d)
    IntArray nodalArray, ids, locationArray;
    for ( auto &dman : d->giveDofManagers() ) {
        dman->giveCompleteLocationArray(nodalArray, s);
    for ( auto &elem : d->giveElements() ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= elem->giveNumberOfInternalDofManagers(); i++ ) {
            elem->giveInternalDofManDofIDMask(i, ids);
            elem->giveInternalDofManager(i)->giveLocationArray(ids, nodalArray, s);
    IntArray nonZeroMask;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= nonZeroMask.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        condensedLocationArray.at(i) = locationArray.at( nonZeroMask.at(i) );    
VTKXMLExportModule :: makeFullForm(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &reducedForm, InternalStateValueType type, const IntArray &redIndx)
    if ( type == ISVT_TENSOR_S3 ) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= redIndx.giveSize(); i++) {
            if (redIndx.at(i) > 0) {
                answer.at(redToFull.at(i)) = reducedForm.at(redIndx.at(i));
    } else if ( type == ISVT_TENSOR_S3E ) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= redIndx.giveSize(); i++) {
            if (redIndx.at(i) > 3) {
                answer.at(redToFull.at(i)) = reducedForm.at(i)*0.5;
            } else if (redIndx.at(i) > 0) {
                answer.at(redToFull.at(i)) = reducedForm.at(i);
    // Symmetrize
    answer.at(4) = answer.at(2);
    answer.at(7) = answer.at(3);
    answer.at(8) = answer.at(6);
Example #7
Node2NodeContact :: giveLocationArray(IntArray &answer, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s)
    // should return location array for the master and the slave node
    // TODO this whole thing should be rewritten  
    //TODO should use a proper unknownnumberingscheme
    IntArray dofIdArray = {D_u, D_v, D_w};
    // master node
    for ( int i = 1; i <= dofIdArray.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        if ( this->masterNode->hasDofID( (DofIDItem)dofIdArray.at(i) ) ) { // add corresponding number
            Dof *dof= this->masterNode->giveDofWithID( (DofIDItem)dofIdArray.at(i) );
            answer.at(i) = s.giveDofEquationNumber( dof );

    // slave node
    for ( int i = 1; i <= dofIdArray.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        if ( this->slaveNode->hasDofID( (DofIDItem)dofIdArray.at(i) ) ) { // add corresponding number
            Dof *dof= this->slaveNode->giveDofWithID( (DofIDItem)dofIdArray.at(i) );
            answer.at(3 + i) = s.giveDofEquationNumber( dof );
Example #8
void DynCompCol :: checkSizeTowards(const IntArray &rloc, const IntArray &cloc)
    int i, maxid = 0;
    int rsize = rloc.giveSize();
    int csize = cloc.giveSize();

    // adjust the size of receiver
    for ( i = 0; i < rsize; i++ ) {
        maxid = max( maxid, rloc(i) );

    for ( i = 0; i < csize; i++ ) {
        maxid = max( maxid, cloc(i) );


#ifndef DynCompCol_USE_STL_SETS
    IntArray rowsToAdd( rloc.giveSize() );
    int ii, j, jj;

    for ( i = 0; i < csize; i++ ) {
        if ( ( ii = cloc(i) ) ) {
            for ( j = 0; j < rsize; j++ ) {
                if ( ( jj = rloc(j) ) ) {
                    insertRowInColumn(ii - 1, jj - 1);

Example #9
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: setLoads(EngngModel *myEngngModel, int d)
    DynamicInputRecord ir;
    FloatArray gradP;

    gradP.resize( this->giveDomain()->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions() );
    gradP.at(d) = 1.0;

    ir.setRecordKeywordField("deadweight", 1);
    ir.setField(gradP, _IFT_Load_components);
    ir.setField(1, _IFT_GeneralBoundaryCondition_timeFunct);

    int bcID = myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions() + 1;
    GeneralBoundaryCondition *myBodyLoad;
    myBodyLoad = classFactory.createBoundaryCondition( "deadweight", bcID, myEngngModel->giveDomain(1) );
    myBodyLoad->initializeFrom(& ir);
    myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->setBoundaryCondition(bcID, myBodyLoad);

    for ( int i = 1; i <= myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveNumberOfElements(); i++ ) {
        IntArray *blArray;
        blArray = myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(i)->giveBodyLoadArray();
        blArray->resizeWithValues(blArray->giveSize() + 1);
        blArray->at( blArray->giveSize() ) = bcID;
Example #10
Tr2Shell7 :: giveBoundaryLocationArray(IntArray &locationArray, const IntArray &bNodes, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, IntArray *dofIdArray)
  IntArray localloc;

  // not a nice solution here, trying to deduce if Boundary is egde or surface
  if (bNodes.giveSize() == 3) { // should be edge
    //detect edge number
    if (bNodes.at(1)==1 && bNodes.at(2)==2 && bNodes.at(3)==4) {
      // edge #1
      giveEdgeDofMapping(localloc, 1);
    } else if (bNodes.at(1)==2 && bNodes.at(2)==3 && bNodes.at(3)==5) {
      // edge #2
      giveEdgeDofMapping(localloc, 2);
    } else if (bNodes.at(1)==3 && bNodes.at(2)==1 && bNodes.at(3)==6) {
      // edge #3
      giveEdgeDofMapping(localloc, 3);
    } else {
      OOFEM_ERROR ("wrong edge number detected");
  } else if (bNodes.giveSize() == 6) { // should be surface
    this->giveSurfaceDofMapping(localloc, 1);
  } else {
    OOFEM_ERROR ("boundary not supported/detected");
  IntArray eloc, dofID;
  this->giveLocationArray(eloc, s, &dofID);
  for (int i=1; i<=localloc.giveSize(); i++) {
    dofIdArray->at(i) = dofID.at(localloc.at(i));
SimpleCrossSection :: giveReducedCharacteristicVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp,
                                                      const FloatArray &charVector3d)
// returns reduced stressVector or strainVector from full 3d vector reduced
// to vector required by gp->giveStressStrainMode()
    MaterialMode mode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
    StructuralMaterial *mat = static_cast< StructuralMaterial * >( gp->giveElement()->giveMaterial() );
    IntArray indx;
    int size = charVector3d.giveSize();
    int i, j;

    if ( ( mode == _3dShell ) || ( mode == _3dBeam ) || ( mode == _2dPlate ) || ( mode == _2dBeam ) ) {
        if ( size != 12 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("SimpleCrossSection :: giveReducedCharacteristicVector - charVector3d size mismatch");

        mat->giveStressStrainMask( indx, ReducedForm, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
        answer.resize( indx.giveSize() );

        for ( i = 1; i <= indx.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( ( j = indx.at(i) ) ) {
                answer.at(i) = charVector3d.at(j);

    } else if ( mode == _3dBeam ) {
        if ( size != 6 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("SimpleCrossSection :: giveReducedCharacteristicVector - charVector3d size mismatch");

        answer =  charVector3d;
    } else if ( mode == _PlaneStressRot ) {
        if ( size != 7 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("SimpleCrossSection :: giveReducedCharacteristicVector - charVector3d size mismatch");

        mat->giveStressStrainMask( indx, ReducedForm, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
        answer.resize( indx.giveSize() );

        for ( i = 1; i <= indx.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( ( j = indx.at(i) ) ) {
                answer.at(i) = charVector3d.at(j);

    } else {
        StructuralCrossSection :: giveReducedCharacteristicVector(answer, gp, charVector3d);
NonLinearDynamic :: timesMtrx(FloatArray &vec, FloatArray &answer, CharType type, Domain *domain, TimeStep *tStep)
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    //int neq = this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations(EID_MomentumBalance);
    int jj, kk, n;
    FloatMatrix charMtrx;
    IntArray loc;
    Element *element;
    EModelDefaultEquationNumbering en;

    answer.resize( this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations(domain->giveNumber(), en) );
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        element = domain->giveElement(i);
        // Skip remote elements (these are used as mirrors of remote elements on other domains
        // when nonlocal constitutive models are used. They introduction is necessary to
        // allow local averaging on domains without fine grain communication between domains).
        if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {


        element->giveLocationArray(loc, EID_MomentumBalance, en);
        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx, type, tStep);

        // assemble it manually
#ifdef DEBUG
        if ( ( n = loc.giveSize() ) != charMtrx.giveNumberOfRows() ) {
            _error("solveYourselfAt : dimension mismatch");


        n = loc.giveSize();

        for ( int j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            jj = loc.at(j);
            if ( jj ) {
                for ( int k = 1; k <= n; k++ ) {
                    kk = loc.at(k);
                    if ( kk ) {
                        answer.at(jj) += charMtrx.at(j, k) * vec.at(kk);

    this->updateSharedDofManagers(answer, MassExchangeTag);
Example #13
File: set.C Project: Micket/oofem
const IntArray &Set :: giveNodeList()
    // Lazy evaluation, we compute the unique set of nodes if needed (and store it).
    if ( this->totalNodes.giveSize() == 0 ) {
        IntArray afflictedNodes( this->domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers() );
        for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= this->elements.giveSize(); ++ielem ) {
            Element *e = this->domain->giveElement( this->elements.at(ielem) );
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= e->giveNumberOfNodes(); ++inode ) {
                afflictedNodes.at( e->giveNode(inode)->giveNumber() ) = 1;
        /* boundary entities are obsolete, use edges and/or surfaces instead */
        IntArray bNodes;
        for ( int ibnd = 1; ibnd <= this->elementBoundaries.giveSize() / 2; ++ibnd ) {
            Element *e = this->domain->giveElement( this->elementBoundaries.at(ibnd * 2 - 1) );
            int boundary = this->elementBoundaries.at(ibnd * 2);
            FEInterpolation *fei = e->giveInterpolation();
            fei->boundaryGiveNodes(bNodes, boundary);
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= bNodes.giveSize(); ++inode ) {
                afflictedNodes.at( e->giveNode( bNodes.at(inode) )->giveNumber() ) = 1;

        IntArray eNodes;
        for ( int iedge = 1; iedge <= this->elementEdges.giveSize() / 2; ++iedge ) {
            Element *e = this->domain->giveElement( this->elementEdges.at(iedge * 2 - 1) );
            int edge = this->elementEdges.at(iedge * 2);
            FEInterpolation *fei = e->giveInterpolation();
            fei->boundaryEdgeGiveNodes(eNodes, edge);
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= eNodes.giveSize(); ++inode ) {
                afflictedNodes.at( e->giveNode( eNodes.at(inode) )->giveNumber() ) = 1;

        for ( int isurf = 1; isurf <= this->elementSurfaces.giveSize() / 2; ++isurf ) {
            Element *e = this->domain->giveElement( this->elementSurfaces.at(isurf * 2 - 1) );
            int surf = this->elementSurfaces.at(isurf * 2);
            FEInterpolation *fei = e->giveInterpolation();
            fei->boundarySurfaceGiveNodes(eNodes, surf);
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= eNodes.giveSize(); ++inode ) {
                afflictedNodes.at( e->giveNode( eNodes.at(inode) )->giveNumber() ) = 1;


        for ( int inode = 1; inode <= this->nodes.giveSize(); ++inode ) {
            afflictedNodes.at( this->nodes.at(inode) ) = 1;
    return this->totalNodes;
Example #14
PrescribedMean :: computeDomainSize()
    if (domainSize > 0.0) return;

    if (elementEdges) {
        IntArray setList = ((GeneralBoundaryCondition *)this)->giveDomain()->giveSet(set)->giveBoundaryList();

        elements.resize(setList.giveSize() / 2);
        sides.resize(setList.giveSize() / 2);

        for (int i=1; i<=setList.giveSize(); i=i+2) {
            elements.at(i/2+1) = setList.at(i);
            sides.at(i/2+1) = setList.at(i+1);
    } else {
        IntArray setList = ((GeneralBoundaryCondition *)this)->giveDomain()->giveSet(set)->giveElementList();
        elements = setList;

    domainSize = 0.0;

    for ( int i=1; i<=elements.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        int elementID = elements.at(i);
        Element *thisElement = this->giveDomain()->giveElement(elementID);
        FEInterpolation *interpolator = thisElement->giveInterpolation(DofIDItem(dofid));

        IntegrationRule *iRule;

        if (elementEdges) {
            iRule = interpolator->giveBoundaryIntegrationRule(3, sides.at(i));
        } else {
            iRule = interpolator->giveIntegrationRule(3);

        for ( GaussPoint * gp: * iRule ) {
            FloatArray lcoords = gp->giveNaturalCoordinates();

            double detJ;
            if (elementEdges) {
                detJ = fabs ( interpolator->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian(sides.at(i), lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement)) );
            } else {
                detJ = fabs ( interpolator->giveTransformationJacobian(lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement)) );
            domainSize = domainSize + detJ*gp->giveWeight();

        delete iRule;

    printf("%f\n", domainSize);

StationaryTransportProblem :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    const char *__proc = "initializeFrom"; // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro
    IRResultType result;                // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    EngngModel :: initializeFrom(ir);

    int val = SMT_Skyline;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, val, _IFT_EngngModel_smtype);
    this->sparseMtrxType = ( SparseMtrxType ) val;

    ///@todo Combine this option with structural problems, where it is possible to keep the secant tangent elastic tangent (or generally, the initial tangent) etc. One option should fit all common needs here.
    this->keepTangent = ir->hasField(_IFT_StationaryTransportProblem_keepTangent);

    // read field export flag
    IntArray exportFields;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, exportFields, _IFT_StationaryTransportProblem_exportfields);
    if ( exportFields.giveSize() ) {
        IntArray mask(1);
        FieldManager *fm = this->giveContext()->giveFieldManager();
        for ( int i = 1; i <= exportFields.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( exportFields.at(i) == FT_Temperature ) {
                mask.at(1) = T_f;
		//std::tr1::shared_ptr<Field> _temperatureField = make_shared<MaskedPrimaryField>(FT_Temperature, this->UnknownsField, mask);
		std::tr1::shared_ptr<Field> _temperatureField (new MaskedPrimaryField(FT_Temperature, this->UnknownsField, mask));
		fm->registerField(_temperatureField, ( FieldType ) exportFields.at(i));
                MaskedPrimaryField *_temperatureField = new MaskedPrimaryField(FT_Temperature, this->UnknownsField, mask);
                fm->registerField(_temperatureField, ( FieldType ) exportFields.at(i), true);
            } else if ( exportFields.at(i) == FT_HumidityConcentration ) {
                mask.at(1) = C_1;
		//std::tr1::shared_ptr<Field> _temperatureField = make_shared<MaskedPrimaryField>(FT_Temperature, this->UnknownsField, mask);
		std::tr1::shared_ptr<Field> _concentrationField (new MaskedPrimaryField(FT_HumidityConcentration, this->UnknownsField, mask));
		fm->registerField(_concentrationField, ( FieldType ) exportFields.at(i));
                MaskedPrimaryField *_concentrationField = new MaskedPrimaryField(FT_HumidityConcentration, this->UnknownsField, mask);
                fm->registerField(_concentrationField, ( FieldType ) exportFields.at(i), true);

    if( UnknownsField == NULL ){ // can exist from nonstationary transport problem
        UnknownsField = new PrimaryField(this, 1, FT_TransportProblemUnknowns, EID_ConservationEquation, 0);

    return IRRT_OK;
Example #16
// see https://github.com/woodem/woo/blob/master/pkg/dem/FlowAnalysis.cpp
// and https://woodem.org/user/flow-analysis.html for explanation about the interpolation routine
int UniformGridField::evaluateAt(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &coords,
                           ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep){
    // scalar value
    double& ret(answer[0]);

    // find cell containing coords, and coords within the cell
    IntArray ijk; FloatArray normXyz;

    // 3D interpolation
        const int& i(ijk[0]); const int& j(ijk[1]); const int& k(ijk[2]);
        int I(i+1), J(j+1), K(k+1);
        const double& x(normXyz[0]); const double& y(normXyz[1]); const double& z(normXyz[2]);
        double X(1-x), Y(1-y), Z(1-z);
        double weights[]={
        int pts[][3]={
        assert(abs(weights[0]+weights[1]+weights[2]+weights[3]+weights[4]+weights[5]+weights[6]+weights[7]-1) < 1e-5);
        for(int p=0; p<8; p++){
            // std::cerr<<p<<": at "<<coords[0]<<","<<coords[1]<<","<<coords[2]<<", ijk "<<i<<","<<j<<","<<k<<" normXYZ "<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<std::endl;
    // 2D interpolation
    else if (ijk.giveSize()==2){
        const int& i(ijk[0]); const int& j(ijk[1]); int I(i+1); int J(j+1);
        const double& x(normXyz[0]); const double y(normXyz[1]); double X(1-x); double Y(1-y);
        double weights[]={X*Y,x*Y,X*y,x*y}; // TODO: check
        int pts[][2]={{i,j},{I,j},{i,J},{I,J}}; // TODO: check
        for(int p=0; p<4; p++){
            // std::cerr<<p<<": at "<<coords[0]<<","<<coords[1]<<" ij "<<i<<","<<j<<" normXY "<<x<<","<<y<<std::endl;
    // any other is unsupported
    else {
        OOFEM_ERROR((std::string("UniformGridField::evaluateAt: erroneous dimension of input coordinates (")+std::to_string(coords.giveSize())+", must be 2 or 3).").c_str());
        return 1;

    return 0; // OK
void ParmetisLoadBalancer :: addSharedDofmanPartitions(int _locnum, IntArray _partitions)
    int i, s = _partitions.giveSize();
    for ( i = 1; i <= s; i++ ) {
        dofManPartitions [ _locnum - 1 ].insertOnce( _partitions.at(i) );
Example #18
Beam3d :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;                    // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_Beam3d_refnode) ) {
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, referenceNode, _IFT_Beam3d_refnode);
        if ( referenceNode == 0 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("wrong reference node specified. Using default orientation.");
    } else if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_Beam3d_refangle) ) {
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, referenceAngle, _IFT_Beam3d_refangle);
        usingAngle = true;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("reference node or reference angle not set")

    if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_Beam3d_dofstocondense) ) {
        IntArray val;
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, val, _IFT_Beam3d_dofstocondense);
        if ( val.giveSize() >= 12 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("wrong input data for condensed dofs");
            return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;

        dofsToCondense = new IntArray(val);
    } else {
        dofsToCondense = NULL;

    return StructuralElement :: initializeFrom(ir);
Example #19
InteractionPFEMParticle :: givePrescribedUnknownVector(FloatArray &answer, const IntArray &dofIDArry,
                                                       ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *stepN)
    answer.resize( dofIDArry.giveSize() );

    FloatArray velocities;
    FluidStructureProblem *fsiProblem = this->giveFluidStructureMasterProblem();
    if (fsiProblem) {
        StructuralEngngModel *structuralProblem = this->giveStructuralProblem();
        if ( structuralProblem ) {
            int j = 1;
            if (fsiProblem->giveIterationNumber() < 1) {  
                for (int dofid: dofIDArry ) {
                    answer.at(j++) = this->giveDofWithID( dofid )->giveBcValue(mode, stepN);
            } else {
                DofManager *dman = structuralProblem->giveDomain(1)->giveDofManager(coupledNode);
                //dman->giveUnknownVectorOfType(velocities, VelocityVector, VM_Velocity, stepN);
                //dman->giveUnknownVector(velocities, dofIDArry, VM_Velocity, stepN);
                dman->giveCompleteUnknownVector(velocities, VM_Velocity, stepN);
                for ( int dofid: dofIDArry) {
                    answer.at(dofid) = velocities.at( dofid );

    // Transform to global c.s.
    FloatMatrix L2G;
    if (this->computeL2GTransformation(L2G, dofIDArry)) {
        answer.rotatedWith(L2G, 'n');
Example #20
Structural2DElement :: giveEdgeDofMapping(IntArray &answer, int iEdge) const
     * provides dof mapping of local edge dofs (only nonzero are taken into account)
     * to global element dofs
    IntArray eNodes;
    static_cast< FEInterpolation2d* > ( this->giveInterpolation() )->computeLocalEdgeMapping(eNodes,  iEdge);

    answer.resize( eNodes.giveSize() * 2 );
    for ( int i = 1; i <= eNodes.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        answer.at(i * 2 - 1) = eNodes.at(i) * 2 - 1;
        answer.at(i * 2) = eNodes.at(i) * 2;
Example #21
int Line :: computeNumberOfIntersectionPoints(Element *element)

    int numIntersec = 0;
    const double relTol = 1.0e-6;
    const double LineLength = giveLength();
    const double absTol = relTol*std::max(LineLength, XfemTolerances::giveCharacteristicElementLength() );

    const int numEdges = element->giveInterpolation()->giveNumberOfEdges();

    for ( int edgeIndex = 1; edgeIndex <= numEdges; edgeIndex++ ) {
        IntArray bNodes;
        element->giveInterpolation()->boundaryGiveNodes(bNodes, edgeIndex);

        const int nsLoc = bNodes.at(1);
        const int neLoc = bNodes.at( bNodes.giveSize() );

        const FloatArray &xS = *(element->giveNode(nsLoc)->giveCoordinates() );
        const FloatArray &xE = *(element->giveNode(neLoc)->giveCoordinates() );

        const double dist = BasicGeometry :: computeLineDistance(xS, xE, mVertices[0], mVertices[1]);

        if(dist < absTol) {

    return numIntersec;
Example #22
void DynCompCol :: checkSizeTowards(IntArray &loc)
    int i, maxid = 0;
    int size = loc.giveSize();
    // adjust the size of receiver
    for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        maxid = max( maxid, loc(i) );


#ifndef DynCompCol_USE_STL_SETS
    int ii, j, jj;

    for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        if ( ( ii = loc(i) ) ) {
            for ( j = 0; j < size; j++ ) {
                if ( ( jj = loc(j) ) ) {
                    this->insertRowInColumn(ii - 1, jj - 1);

MMAShapeFunctProjection :: __init(Domain *dold, IntArray &varTypes, FloatArray &coords, int region, TimeStep *tStep)
//(Domain* dold, IntArray& varTypes, GaussPoint* gp, TimeStep* tStep)
    int nvar = varTypes.giveSize();
    // check time stemp
    if ( stateCounter == tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter() ) {

    // Project Gauss point components to nodes on old mesh
    if ( this->smootherList.giveSize() != nvar ) {
        for ( int ivar = 1; ivar <= nvar; ivar++ ) {
            this->smootherList.put( ivar, new NodalAveragingRecoveryModel(dold) );

    this->intVarTypes = varTypes;
    for ( int ivar = 1; ivar <= nvar; ivar++ ) {
        this->smootherList.at(ivar)->recoverValues( ( InternalStateType ) varTypes.at(ivar), tStep );

    // remember time stemp
    stateCounter = tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter();
    this->domain = dold;
Example #24
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: copyDofManagersToSurfaceData(modeStruct *mode, IntArray nodeList, bool isPlus, bool isMinus, bool isZeroBoundary)
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nodeList.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        FloatArray values;
        DofManager *dman = mode->myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveDofManager( nodeList.at(i) );

        computeBaseFunctionValueAt(values, * dman->giveCoordinates(), this->dofs, * mode->myEngngModel);

        for ( int j = 1; j <= this->dofs.giveSize(); j++ ) {
            SurfaceDataStruct *surfaceData = new(SurfaceDataStruct);
            Dof *d = dman->giveDofWithID( dofs.at(j) );

            surfaceData->DofID = ( DofIDItem ) this->dofs.at(j);
            surfaceData->DofMan = dman;
            surfaceData->isPlus = isPlus;
            surfaceData->isMinus = isMinus;
            surfaceData->isZeroBoundary = isZeroBoundary;
            surfaceData->isFree = d->giveBcId() == 0;
            surfaceData->value = values.at(j);

Example #25
void DofManager :: giveLocationArray(const IntArray &dofIDArry, IntArray &locationArray, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s) const
    if ( !hasSlaveDofs ) {
        int size;
        // prevents some size problem when connecting different elements with
        // different number of dofs
        size = dofIDArry.giveSize();
        for ( int i = 1; i <= size; i++ ) {
            auto pos = this->findDofWithDofId( ( DofIDItem ) dofIDArry.at(i) );
            if ( pos == this->end() ) {
                OOFEM_ERROR("incompatible dof (%d) requested", dofIDArry.at(i));

            locationArray.at(i) = s.giveDofEquationNumber( *pos );
    } else {
        IntArray mstrEqNmbrs;

        for ( int dofid: dofIDArry ) {
            auto pos = this->findDofWithDofId( ( DofIDItem ) dofid );
            if ( pos == this->end() ) {
                OOFEM_ERROR("incompatible dof (%d) requested", dofid);
            (*pos)->giveEquationNumbers(mstrEqNmbrs, s);
Example #26
int DynCompCol :: assemble(const IntArray &loc, const FloatMatrix &mat)
    int i, j, ii, jj, dim;

#  ifdef DEBUG
    dim = mat.giveNumberOfRows();
    if ( dim != loc.giveSize() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("dimension of 'k' and 'loc' mismatch");

#  endif

    dim = mat.giveNumberOfRows();

    for ( j = 1; j <= dim; j++ ) {
        jj = loc.at(j);
        if ( jj ) {
            for ( i = 1; i <= dim; i++ ) {
                ii = loc.at(i);
                if ( ii ) {
                    this->at(ii, jj) += mat.at(i, j);

    // increment version

    return 1;
Example #27
File: rowcol.C Project: xyuan/oofem
void RowColumn :: checkSizeTowards(const IntArray &loc)
// If loc points to a coefficient which out of the receiver's range,
// enlarges the receiver.
    int n, i, j, c, first = start;

    n = loc.giveSize();
    if ( !n ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("0-size location array");

    // get first non-zero coefficient in loc
    for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        if ( ( first = loc.at(i) ) ) {

    // get min coefficient in loc
    for ( j = i + 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
        if ( ( c = loc.at(j) ) ) {
            first = min(c, first);

    // enlarge the receiver if necessary
    if ( first < start && first ) {
Example #28
void FloatArray :: beSubArrayOf(const FloatArray &src, const IntArray &indx)
// returns subVector from receiver
// subVector size will be indx max val size
// and on i-th position of subVector will be this->at(indx->at(i))
    int i, ii, n, isize;

    n = indx.giveSize();

#ifdef DEBUG
    if ( src.size != n ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("FloatArray :: beSubArrayOf - size mismatch");


    for ( isize = 0, i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        if ( indx.at(i) > isize ) {
            isize = indx.at(i);

    for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        ii = indx.at(i);
        if ( ii > 0 ) {
            this->at(ii) = src.at(i);
Example #29
void DofManager :: mergePartitionList(IntArray &_p)
    // more optimized version can be made requiring sorted partition list of receiver
    int size = _p.giveSize();
    for ( int i = 1; i <= size; i++ ) {
        partitions.insertOnce( _p.at(i) );
Structural2DElement :: computeNumberOfDofs()
    ///@todo move one hiearchy up and generalize
    IntArray dofIdMask;
    this->giveDofManDofIDMask(-1, dofIdMask); // ok for standard elements
    return this->giveInterpolation()->giveNumberOfNodes() * dofIdMask.giveSize();