Example #1
Agent* initSoarLocal(int soarPort, char* productions) {

  Kernel* pKernel = Kernel::CreateKernelInCurrentThread("SoarKernelSML", soarPort) ;
  std::cout << "done\n";

  pKernel->AddRhsFunction("filewrite", &fileWrite, NULL);
  pKernel->AddRhsFunction("rlhalt", &RLHalt, &soarHalted);

  // Check that nothing went wrong.  We will always get back a kernel object
  // even if something went wrong and we have to abort.
  if (pKernel->HadError()) {
    std::cout << pKernel->GetLastErrorDescription() << std::endl;
    return NULL;

  // Create a Soar agent named test
  // NOTE: We don't delete the agent pointer.  It's owned by the kernel
  Agent* pAgent = pKernel->CreateAgent("sorts") ;

  // Check that nothing went wrong
  // NOTE: No agent gets created if thereâs a problem, so we have to check foor
  // errors through the kernel object.
  if (pKernel->HadError()) {
    std::cout << pKernel->GetLastErrorDescription() << std::endl ;
    return NULL;

  // Load some productions
  pAgent->LoadProductions(productions) ;

  if (pAgent->HadError()) {
    cout << "Soar agent reported an error:\n";
    cout << pAgent->GetLastErrorDescription() << endl ;
    return NULL;


  return pAgent;
Example #2
int main() {

#ifdef _DEBUG
	// When we have a memory leak, set this variable to
	// the allocation number (e.g. 122) and then we'll break
	// when that allocation occurs.
	//_crtBreakAlloc = 17366 ;
#endif // _DEBUG

	{ // create local scope to allow for local memory cleanup before we check at end

		// create the test data
		DataList* dataList = CreateEventTestData();
		// set up Soar
		Kernel* kernel = Kernel::CreateKernelInNewThread();
		Agent* agent = kernel->CreateAgent("Soar1");

		RegisterForEvents(kernel, agent, dataList);

		// Load up TOH as a base set of rules.
		// Comment this out if we don't want any initial set of rules.
		//cout << kernel->ExecuteCommandLine("source ..\\..\\SoarLibrary\\Demos\\towers-of-hanoi\\towers-of-hanoi.soar", agent->GetAgentName()) << endl ;

		// let the user do whatever they want
		string command;
		do {
			cout << agent->GetAgentName() << "> ";
			getline(cin, command);

			// check for special commands
			if(command == "reset") {
				cout << "counts reset" << endl;
			} else if(!command.compare(0, 6, "counts")) {
				string type = "";
				if(command != "counts") { type = command.substr(7,command.length()-7); }
				PrintEventData(dataList, type);
			} else {
				cout << kernel->ExecuteCommandLine(command.c_str(), agent->GetAgentName()) << endl;
		} while( (command != "quit") && (command != "exit") );
		delete kernel;

		// Show results

		//string dummy;
		//cout << endl << endl << "Press any key and enter to continue";
		//cin >> dummy;

		// clean up
		for(DataList::iterator i = dataList->begin(); i != dataList->end(); i++) {
			delete (*i);
		delete dataList;

	} // end local scope
	return 0;