Example #1
void Filter<K>::operator()(const TrainingData& data, 
                          const Kernel<K>& kx,
                          const Kernel<K>& ky, 
                          const Eigen::MatrixXd& ys,
                          double epsilonMin,
                          double deltaMin,
                          Eigen::MatrixXd& weights)
  uint n = data.x.rows();
  dim_x_ = data.x.cols();
  dim_y_ = data.y.cols();
  //compute transition matrix
  for (int i=0; i<n;i++)
    for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
      g_xxtp1_(i,j) = kx(data.x.row(i), data.xtp1.row(j));
  //compute initial embedding from kbr
  Eigen::VectorXd y0(dim_y_); 
  y0 = data.y.block(0,0,1,dim_y_).transpose();
  Eigen::VectorXd mu_dash(n);
  ky.embed(y0, mu_dash);
  qchol_pre_g_yy_.compute(ky.gramMatrix() + 
  mu_pi_ = qchol_pre_g_yy_.solve(mu_dash);
  weights.row(0) = mu_pi_;

  auto s = weights.rows();
  for (uint i=1; i<s; i++)
    mu_pi_ = mu_pi_.cwiseMax(0.0);
    mu_pi_ = mu_pi_ / mu_pi_.sum();
    mu_pi_ = kx.gramMatrix() * mu_pi_; 
    g_xx_epsilon_ = kx.gramMatrix() + Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n_,n_)*epsilonMin;
    beta_0_ = qchol_g_xx_.solve(mu_pi_);
    beta_0_ = g_xxtp1_ * beta_0_;
    beta_ = qchol_g_xx_.solve(beta_0_);
    if (settings_.normed_weights)
      beta_ = beta_.cwiseMax(0.0);
      beta_ = beta_ / beta_.sum();
    if (i%settings_.observation_period == 0) 
      if (settings_.normed_weights)
        beta_diag_ = beta_.asDiagonal();
        beta_g_yy_ = beta_diag_ * ky.gramMatrix();
        beta_g_yy_ += Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n_,n_)*deltaMin;
        r_xy_ = qchol_g_yy_.solve(beta_diag_);
        double scaleFactor = beta_.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
        beta_ /= scaleFactor;
        beta_ = beta_.cwiseAbs2();
        beta_diag_ = beta_.asDiagonal();
        Eigen::MatrixXd b = ky.gramMatrix() * beta_diag_;
        Eigen::MatrixXd A = b * ky.gramMatrix();
        beta_g_yy_ = A + Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n_,n_)*deltaMin;
        r_xy_ = qchol_g_yy_.solve(b);
      //actual inference part 
      auto yi = ys.row(i);
      ky.embed(yi, w_);
      w_ = r_xy_ * w_;
      if (settings_.normed_weights)
        w_ = w_.cwiseMax(0.0);
        w_ = w_ / w_.sum();
        if (w_.norm() > 0.0)
          w_ = w_ / w_.norm();
      if (!(w_.norm() > 0))
        w_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(w_.size()) / double(w_.size());
        std::cout << "WARNING: DIVERGED" << std::endl;
      weights.row(i) = w_;
      //ensure the current posterior is the next prior
      mu_pi_ = w_;
      weights.row(i) = beta_;
      mu_pi_ = beta_;