void LLFloaterBlacklist::addEntry(LLUUID key, LLSD data)
			LL_WARNS("FloaterBlacklistAdd") << "addEntry called with no entry type, specify LLAssetType::Etype" << LL_ENDL;
		else if(!data.has("entry_name"))
			LL_WARNS("FloaterBlacklistAdd") << "addEntry called with no entry name, specify the name that should appear in the listing for this entry." << LL_ENDL;
				LLDate* curdate = new LLDate(time_corrected());
				std::string input_date = curdate->asString();
				input_date.replace(input_date.find("T"),1," ");
				input_date.resize(input_date.size() - 1);
				data["entry_date"] = input_date;
			if(data["entry_type"].asString() == "1")
			  //remove sounds
			  LLUUID sound_id=LLUUID(key);
			  std::string wav_path= gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CACHE,sound_id.asString()) + ".dsf";
			  if(LLAPRFile::isExist(wav_path, LL_APR_RPB))
		LL_WARNS("FloaterBlacklistAdd") << "addEntry called with a null entry key, please specify LLUUID of asset." << LL_ENDL;
Example #2
	void date_test_object_t::test<3>()
		LLDate date;
		std::istringstream stream(VALID_DATE);
		std::string  expected_string = VALID_DATE;
		ensure_equals("fromStream failed", date.asString(), expected_string);
Example #3
	void date_test_object_t::test<7>()
		LLDate date;
		std::istringstream stream(VALID_DATE);
		stream >> date;
		std::string expected_str = VALID_DATE;
		std::ostringstream out_stream;
        out_stream << date;

		ensure_equals("<< failed", date.asString(),expected_str);
		ensure_equals("<< to >> failed", stream.str(),out_stream.str());		
	void SDTestObject::test<7>()
		// Test assignment and casting to various scalar types.  These
		// assignments should invoke the right conversion without it being
		// mentioned explicitly.  The few exceptions are marked SAD.
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v("  42.375");
		bool b = false;
		b = v;				ensure_equals("assign to bool", b, true);
		b = (bool)v;		ensure_equals("cast to bool", b, true);
		int i = 99;
		i = v;				ensure_equals("assign to int", i, 42);
		i = (int)v;			ensure_equals("cast to int", i, 42);
		double d = 3.14159;
		d = v;				ensure_equals("assign to double", d, 42.375);
		d = (double)v;		ensure_equals("cast to double", d, 42.375);
		std::string s = "yo";
// SAD	s = v;				ensure_equals("assign to string", s, "  42.375");
		s = (std::string)v;	ensure_equals("cast to string", s, "  42.375");

		std::string uuidStr = "b1e50c2b-b627-4d23-8a86-a65d97b6319b";
		v = uuidStr;
		u = v;
					ensure_equals("assign to LLUUID", u, LLUUID(uuidStr));
// SAD	u = (LLUUID)v;
//					ensure_equals("cast to LLUUID", u, LLUUID(uuidStr));
		std::string dateStr = "2005-10-24T15:00:00Z";
		v = dateStr;
		LLDate date;
		date = v;
					ensure_equals("assign to LLDate", date.asString(), dateStr);
// SAD	date = (LLDate)v;
//					ensure_equals("cast to LLDate", date.asString(), dateStr);
		std::string uriStr = "http://secondlife.com";
		v = uriStr;
		LLURI uri;
		uri = v;
					ensure_equals("assign to LLURI", uri.asString(), uriStr);
// SAD 	uri = (LLURI)v;
//					ensure_equals("cast to LLURI", uri.asString(), uriStr);
void FSWSAssetBlacklist::addNewItemToBlacklist(LLUUID id, std::string name, std::string region, LLAssetType::EType type, bool save)
	LLDate curdate = LLDate(time_corrected());
	std::string input_date = curdate.asString();
	input_date.replace(input_date.find("T"),1," ");
	input_date.resize(input_date.size() - 1);
	LLSD data;
	data["asset_name"] = name;
	data["asset_region"] = region;
	data["asset_type"] = type;
	data["asset_date"] = input_date;

	addNewItemToBlacklistData(LLUUID::generateNewID(id.asString() + "hash"), data, save);
void FSWSAssetBlacklist::addNewItemToBlacklist(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& name, const std::string& region, LLAssetType::EType type, bool save)
	if (isBlacklisted(id, type))

	LLDate curdate = LLDate(time_corrected());
	std::string input_date = curdate.asString();
	input_date.replace(input_date.find("T"), 1, " ");
	input_date.resize(input_date.size() - 1);
	LLSD data;
	data["asset_name"] = name;
	data["asset_region"] = region;
	data["asset_type"] = type;
	data["asset_date"] = input_date;

	addNewItemToBlacklistData(id, data, save);