Example #1
void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::getNextTab(const LLDate& item_date, S32& tab_idx, LLDate& tab_date)
	const U32 seconds_in_day = 24 * 60 * 60;

	S32 tabs_cnt = mItemContainers.size();
	S32 curr_year = 0, curr_month = 0, curr_day = 0;

	tab_date = LLDate::now();
	tab_date.split(&curr_year, &curr_month, &curr_day);
	tab_date.fromYMDHMS(curr_year, curr_month, curr_day); // Set hour, min, and sec to 0
	tab_date.secondsSinceEpoch(tab_date.secondsSinceEpoch() + seconds_in_day);

	tab_idx = -1;

	while (tab_idx < tabs_cnt - 1 && item_date < tab_date)

		if (tab_idx <= tabs_cnt - 4)
			// All tabs, except last three, are tabs for one day, so just push tab_date back by one day
			tab_date.secondsSinceEpoch(tab_date.secondsSinceEpoch() - seconds_in_day);
		else if (tab_idx == tabs_cnt - 3) // 6 day and older, low boundary is 1 month
			tab_date =  LLDate::now();
			tab_date.split(&curr_year, &curr_month, &curr_day);
			if (0 == curr_month)
				curr_month = 12;
			tab_date.fromYMDHMS(curr_year, curr_month, curr_day);
		else if (tab_idx == tabs_cnt - 2) // 1 month and older, low boundary is 6 months
			tab_date =  LLDate::now();
			tab_date.split(&curr_year, &curr_month, &curr_day);
			if (curr_month > 6)
				curr_month -= 6;
				curr_month += 6;
			tab_date.fromYMDHMS(curr_year, curr_month, curr_day);
		else // 6 months and older
bool LLDateUtil::dateFromPDTString(LLDate& date, const std::string& str)
	S32 month, day, year;
	S32 matched = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year);
	if (matched != 3) return false;
	date.fromYMDHMS(year, month, day);
	F64 secs_since_epoch = date.secondsSinceEpoch();
	// Correct for the fact that specified date is in Pacific time, == UTC - 8
	secs_since_epoch += 8.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;
	return true;