bool NLPDirectTester::finite_diff_check( NLPDirect *nlp ,const Vector &xo ,const Vector *xl ,const Vector *xu ,const Vector *c ,const Vector *Gf ,const Vector *py ,const Vector *rGf ,const MatrixOp *GcU ,const MatrixOp *D ,const MatrixOp *Uz ,bool print_all_warnings ,std::ostream *out ) const { using std::setw; using std::endl; using std::right; using AbstractLinAlgPack::sum; using AbstractLinAlgPack::dot; using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StV; using AbstractLinAlgPack::random_vector; using AbstractLinAlgPack::assert_print_nan_inf; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_MtV; using LinAlgOpPack::M_StM; using LinAlgOpPack::M_StMtM; typedef VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t vec_mut_ptr_t; // using AbstractLinAlgPack::TestingPack::CompareDenseVectors; // using AbstractLinAlgPack::TestingPack::CompareDenseSparseMatrices; using TestingHelperPack::update_success; bool success = true, preformed_fd; if(out) { *out << std::boolalpha << std::endl << "*********************************************************\n" << "*** NLPDirectTester::finite_diff_check(...) ***\n" << "*********************************************************\n"; } const Range1D var_dep = nlp->var_dep(), var_indep = nlp->var_indep(), con_decomp = nlp->con_decomp(), con_undecomp = nlp->con_undecomp(); NLP::vec_space_ptr_t space_x = nlp->space_x(), space_c = nlp->space_c(); // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Validate the input TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( py && !c, std::invalid_argument ,"NLPDirectTester::finite_diff_check(...) : " "Error, if py!=NULL then c!=NULL must also be true!" ); const CalcFiniteDiffProd &fd_deriv_prod = this->calc_fd_prod(); const value_type rand_y_l = -1.0, rand_y_u = 1.0, small_num = ::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon()); try { // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // (1) Check Gf if(Gf) { switch( Gf_testing_method() ) { case FD_COMPUTE_ALL: { // Compute FDGf outright TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // ToDo: update above! break; } case FD_DIRECTIONAL: { // Compute FDGF'*y using random y's if(out) *out << "\nComparing products Gf'*y with finite difference values FDGf'*y for " << "random y's ...\n"; vec_mut_ptr_t y = space_x->create_member(); value_type max_warning_viol = 0.0; int num_warning_viol = 0; const int num_fd_directions_used = ( num_fd_directions() > 0 ? num_fd_directions() : 1 ); for( int direc_i = 1; direc_i <= num_fd_directions_used; ++direc_i ) { if( num_fd_directions() > 0 ) { random_vector( rand_y_l, rand_y_u, y.get() ); if(out) *out << "\n****" << "\n**** Random directional vector " << direc_i << " ( ||y||_1 / n = " << (y->norm_1() / y->dim()) << " )" << "\n***\n"; } else { *y = 1.0; if(out) *out << "\n****" << "\n**** Ones vector y ( ||y||_1 / n = "<<(y->norm_1()/y->dim())<<" )" << "\n***\n"; } value_type Gf_y = dot( *Gf, *y ), FDGf_y; preformed_fd = fd_deriv_prod.calc_deriv_product( xo,xl,xu ,*y,NULL,NULL,true,nlp,&FDGf_y,NULL,out,dump_all(),dump_all() ); if( !preformed_fd ) goto FD_NOT_PREFORMED; assert_print_nan_inf(FDGf_y, "FDGf'*y",true,out); const value_type calc_err = ::fabs( ( Gf_y - FDGf_y )/( ::fabs(Gf_y) + ::fabs(FDGf_y) + small_num ) ); if( calc_err >= Gf_warning_tol() ) { max_warning_viol = my_max( max_warning_viol, calc_err ); ++num_warning_viol; } if(out) *out << "\nrel_err(Gf'*y,FDGf'*y) = " << "rel_err(" << Gf_y << "," << FDGf_y << ") = " << calc_err << endl; if( calc_err >= Gf_error_tol() ) { if(out) { *out << "Error, above relative error exceeded Gf_error_tol = " << Gf_error_tol() << endl; if(dump_all()) { *out << "\ny =\n" << *y; } } } } if(out && num_warning_viol) *out << "\nThere were " << num_warning_viol << " warning tolerance " << "violations out of num_fd_directions = " << num_fd_directions() << " computations of FDGf'*y\n" << "and the maximum violation was " << max_warning_viol << " > Gf_waring_tol = " << Gf_warning_tol() << endl; break; } default: TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // Invalid value } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// // (2) Check py = -inv(C)*c // // We want to check; // // FDC * (inv(C)*c) \approx c // \_________/ // -py // // We can compute this as: // // FDC * py = [ FDC, FDN ] * [ -py ; 0 ] // \__________/ // FDA' // // t1 = [ -py ; 0 ] // // t2 = FDA'*t1 // // Compare t2 \approx c // if(py) { if(out) *out << "\nComparing c with finite difference product FDA'*[ -py; 0 ] = -FDC*py ...\n"; // t1 = [ -py ; 0 ] VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t t1 = space_x->create_member(); V_StV( t1->sub_view(var_dep).get(), -1.0, *py ); *t1->sub_view(var_indep) = 0.0; // t2 = FDA'*t1 VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t t2 = nlp->space_c()->create_member(); preformed_fd = fd_deriv_prod.calc_deriv_product( xo,xl,xu ,*t1,NULL,NULL,true,nlp,NULL,t2.get(),out,dump_all(),dump_all() ); if( !preformed_fd ) goto FD_NOT_PREFORMED; const value_type sum_c = sum(*c), sum_t2 = sum(*t2); assert_print_nan_inf(sum_t2, "sum(-FDC*py)",true,out); const value_type calc_err = ::fabs( ( sum_c - sum_t2 )/( ::fabs(sum_c) + ::fabs(sum_t2) + small_num ) ); if(out) *out << "\nrel_err(sum(c),sum(-FDC*py)) = " << "rel_err(" << sum_c << "," << sum_t2 << ") = " << calc_err << endl; if( calc_err >= Gc_error_tol() ) { if(out) *out << "Error, above relative error exceeded Gc_error_tol = " << Gc_error_tol() << endl; if(print_all_warnings) *out << "\nt1 = [ -py; 0 ] =\n" << *t1 << "\nt2 = FDA'*t1 = -FDC*py =\n" << *t2; update_success( false, &success ); } if( calc_err >= Gc_warning_tol() ) { if(out) *out << "\nWarning, above relative error exceeded Gc_warning_tol = " << Gc_warning_tol() << endl; } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// // (3) Check D = -inv(C)*N if(D) { switch( Gc_testing_method() ) { case FD_COMPUTE_ALL: { // // Compute FDN outright and check // -FDC * D \aprox FDN // // We want to compute: // // FDC * -D = [ FDC, FDN ] * [ -D; 0 ] // \__________/ // FDA' // // To compute the above we perform: // // T = FDA' * [ -D; 0 ] (one column at a time) // // Compare T \approx FDN // /* // FDN DMatrix FDN(m,n-m); fd_deriv_computer.calc_deriv( xo, xl, xu , Range1D(m+1,n), nlp, NULL , &FDN() ,BLAS_Cpp::trans, out ); // T = FDA' * [ -D; 0 ] (one column at a time) DMatrix T(m,n-m); DVector t(n); t(m+1,n) = 0.0; for( int s = 1; s <= n-m; ++s ) { // t = [ -D(:,s); 0 ] V_StV( &t(1,m), -1.0, D->col(s) ); // T(:,s) = FDA' * t fd_deriv_prod.calc_deriv_product( xo,xl,xu,t(),NULL,NULL,nlp,NULL,&T.col(s),out); } // Compare T \approx FDN if(out) *out << "\nChecking the computed D = -inv(C)*N\n" << "where D(i,j) = (-FDC*D)(i,j), dM(i,j) = FDN(i,j) ...\n"; result = comp_M.comp( T(), FDN, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans , CompareDenseSparseMatrices::FULL_MATRIX , CompareDenseSparseMatrices::REL_ERR_BY_COL , Gc_warning_tol(), Gc_error_tol() , print_all_warnings, out ); update_success( result, &success ); if(!result) return false; */ TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // Todo: Implement above! break; } case FD_DIRECTIONAL: { // // Compute -FDC * D * v \aprox FDN * v // for random v's // // We will compute this as: // // t1 = [ 0; y ] <: R^(n) // // t2 = FDA' * t1 ( FDN * y ) <: R^(m) // // t1 = [ -D * y ; 0 ] <: R^(n) // // t3 = FDA' * t1 ( -FDC * D * y ) <: R^(m) // // Compare t2 \approx t3 // if(out) *out << "\nComparing finite difference products -FDC*D*y with FDN*y for " "random vectors y ...\n"; VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t y = space_x->sub_space(var_indep)->create_member(), t1 = space_x->create_member(), t2 = space_c->create_member(), t3 = space_c->create_member(); value_type max_warning_viol = 0.0; int num_warning_viol = 0; const int num_fd_directions_used = ( num_fd_directions() > 0 ? num_fd_directions() : 1 ); for( int direc_i = 1; direc_i <= num_fd_directions_used; ++direc_i ) { if( num_fd_directions() > 0 ) { random_vector( rand_y_l, rand_y_u, y.get() ); if(out) *out << "\n****" << "\n**** Random directional vector " << direc_i << " ( ||y||_1 / n = " << (y->norm_1() / y->dim()) << " )" << "\n***\n"; } else { *y = 1.0; if(out) *out << "\n****" << "\n**** Ones vector y ( ||y||_1 / n = "<<(y->norm_1()/y->dim())<<" )" << "\n***\n"; } // t1 = [ 0; y ] <: R^(n) *t1->sub_view(var_dep) = 0.0; *t1->sub_view(var_indep) = *y; // t2 = FDA' * t1 ( FDN * y ) <: R^(m) preformed_fd = fd_deriv_prod.calc_deriv_product( xo,xl,xu ,*t1,NULL,NULL,true,nlp,NULL,t2.get(),out,dump_all(),dump_all() ); if( !preformed_fd ) goto FD_NOT_PREFORMED; // t1 = [ -D * y ; 0 ] <: R^(n) V_StMtV( t1->sub_view(var_dep).get(), -1.0, *D, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, *y ); *t1->sub_view(var_indep) = 0.0; // t3 = FDA' * t1 ( -FDC * D * y ) <: R^(m) preformed_fd = fd_deriv_prod.calc_deriv_product( xo,xl,xu ,*t1,NULL,NULL,true,nlp,NULL,t3.get(),out,dump_all(),dump_all() ); // Compare t2 \approx t3 const value_type sum_t2 = sum(*t2), sum_t3 = sum(*t3); const value_type calc_err = ::fabs( ( sum_t2 - sum_t3 )/( ::fabs(sum_t2) + ::fabs(sum_t3) + small_num ) ); if(out) *out << "\nrel_err(sum(-FDC*D*y),sum(FDN*y)) = " << "rel_err(" << sum_t3 << "," << sum_t2 << ") = " << calc_err << endl; if( calc_err >= Gc_warning_tol() ) { max_warning_viol = my_max( max_warning_viol, calc_err ); ++num_warning_viol; } if( calc_err >= Gc_error_tol() ) { if(out) *out << "Error, above relative error exceeded Gc_error_tol = " << Gc_error_tol() << endl << "Stoping the tests!\n"; if(print_all_warnings) *out << "\ny =\n" << *y << "\nt1 = [ -D*y; 0 ] =\n" << *t1 << "\nt2 = FDA' * [ 0; y ] = FDN * y =\n" << *t2 << "\nt3 = FDA' * t1 = -FDC * D * y =\n" << *t3; update_success( false, &success ); } } if(out && num_warning_viol) *out << "\nThere were " << num_warning_viol << " warning tolerance " << "violations out of num_fd_directions = " << num_fd_directions() << " computations of sum(FDC*D*y) and sum(FDN*y)\n" << "and the maximum relative iolation was " << max_warning_viol << " > Gc_waring_tol = " << Gc_warning_tol() << endl; break; } default: TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // (4) Check rGf = Gf(var_indep) + D'*Gf(var_dep) if(rGf) { if( Gf && D ) { if(out) *out << "\nComparing rGf_tmp = Gf(var_indep) - D'*Gf(var_dep) with rGf ...\n"; VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t rGf_tmp = space_x->sub_space(var_indep)->create_member(); *rGf_tmp = *Gf->sub_view(var_indep); Vp_MtV( rGf_tmp.get(), *D, BLAS_Cpp::trans, *Gf->sub_view(var_dep) ); const value_type sum_rGf_tmp = sum(*rGf_tmp), sum_rGf = sum(*rGf); const value_type calc_err = ::fabs( ( sum_rGf_tmp - sum_rGf )/( ::fabs(sum_rGf_tmp) + ::fabs(sum_rGf) + small_num ) ); if(out) *out << "\nrel_err(sum(rGf_tmp),sum(rGf)) = " << "rel_err(" << sum_rGf_tmp << "," << sum_rGf << ") = " << calc_err << endl; if( calc_err >= Gc_error_tol() ) { if(out) *out << "Error, above relative error exceeded Gc_error_tol = " << Gc_error_tol() << endl; if(print_all_warnings) *out << "\nrGf_tmp =\n" << *rGf_tmp << "\nrGf =\n" << *rGf; update_success( false, &success ); } if( calc_err >= Gc_warning_tol() ) { if(out) *out << "\nWarning, above relative error exceeded Gc_warning_tol = " << Gc_warning_tol() << endl; } } else if( D ) { if(out) *out << "\nComparing rGf'*y with the finite difference product" << " fd_prod(f,[D*y;y]) for random vectors y ...\n"; VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t y = space_x->sub_space(var_indep)->create_member(), t = space_x->create_member(); value_type max_warning_viol = 0.0; int num_warning_viol = 0; const int num_fd_directions_used = ( num_fd_directions() > 0 ? num_fd_directions() : 1 ); for( int direc_i = 1; direc_i <= num_fd_directions_used; ++direc_i ) { if( num_fd_directions() > 0 ) { random_vector( rand_y_l, rand_y_u, y.get() ); if(out) *out << "\n****" << "\n**** Random directional vector " << direc_i << " ( ||y||_1 / n = " << (y->norm_1() / y->dim()) << " )" << "\n***\n"; } else { *y = 1.0; if(out) *out << "\n****" << "\n**** Ones vector y ( ||y||_1 / n = "<<(y->norm_1()/y->dim())<<" )" << "\n***\n"; } // t = [ D*y; y ] LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV(&*t->sub_view(var_dep),*D,BLAS_Cpp::no_trans,*y); *t->sub_view(var_indep) = *y; value_type fd_rGf_y = 0.0; // fd_Gf_y preformed_fd = fd_deriv_prod.calc_deriv_product( xo,xl,xu ,*t,NULL,NULL,true,nlp,&fd_rGf_y,NULL,out,dump_all(),dump_all() ); if( !preformed_fd ) goto FD_NOT_PREFORMED; if(out) *out << "fd_prod(f,[D*y;y]) = " << fd_rGf_y << "\n"; // rGf_y = rGf'*y const value_type rGf_y = dot(*rGf,*y); if(out) *out << "rGf'*y = " << rGf_y << "\n"; // Compare fd_rGf_y and rGf*y const value_type calc_err = ::fabs( ( rGf_y - fd_rGf_y )/( ::fabs(rGf_y) + ::fabs(fd_rGf_y) + small_num ) ); if( calc_err >= Gc_warning_tol() ) { max_warning_viol = my_max( max_warning_viol, calc_err ); ++num_warning_viol; } if(out) *out << "\nrel_err(rGf'*y,fd_prod(f,[D*y;y])) = " << "rel_err(" << fd_rGf_y << "," << rGf_y << ") = " << calc_err << endl; if( calc_err >= Gf_error_tol() ) { if(out) *out << "Error, above relative error exceeded Gc_error_tol = " << Gc_error_tol() << endl; if(print_all_warnings) *out << "\ny =\n" << *y << "\nt = [ D*y; y ] =\n" << *t; update_success( false, &success ); } } } else { TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // ToDo: Test rGf without D? (This is not going to be easy!) } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (5) Check GcU, and/or Uz (for undecomposed equalities) if(GcU || Uz) { TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // ToDo: Implement! } FD_NOT_PREFORMED: if(!preformed_fd) { if(out) *out << "\nError, the finite difference computation was not preformed due to cramped bounds\n" << "Finite difference test failed!\n" << endl; return false; } } // end try catch( const AbstractLinAlgPack::NaNInfException& except ) { if(out) *out << "Error, found a NaN or Inf. Stoping tests\n"; success = false; } if( out ) { if( success ) *out << "\nCongradulations, all the finite difference errors where within the\n" "specified error tolerances!\n"; else *out << "\nOh no, at least one of the above finite difference tests failed!\n"; } return success; }
void MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS::Vp_StMtV( VectorMutable* y, value_type alpha, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_rhs1 , const Vector& x, value_type beta ) const { using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vt_S; using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StV; using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV; typedef VectorDenseEncap vde; typedef VectorDenseMutableEncap vdme; using Teuchos::Workspace; Teuchos::WorkspaceStore* wss = Teuchos::get_default_workspace_store().get(); assert_initialized(); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !( original_is_updated_ ) ); // For now just always update // y = b*y + Bk * x // // y = b*y + (1/gk)*x - [ (1/gk)*S Y ] * inv(Q) * [ (1/gk)*S' ] * x // [ Y' ] // Perform the following operations (in order): // // y = b*y // // y += (1/gk)*x // // t1 = [ (1/gk)*S'*x ] <: R^(2*m) // [ Y'*x ] // // t2 = inv(Q) * t1 <: R^(2*m) // // y += -(1/gk) * S * t2(1:m) // // y += -1.0 * Y * t2(m+1,2m) const value_type invgk = 1.0 / gamma_k_; // y = b*y Vt_S( y, beta ); // y += (1/gk)*x Vp_StV( y, invgk, x ); if( !m_bar_ ) return; // No updates have been added yet. const multi_vec_ptr_t S = this->S(), Y = this->Y(); // Get workspace const size_type mb = m_bar_; Workspace<value_type> t1_ws(wss,2*mb); DVectorSlice t1(&t1_ws[0],t1_ws.size()); Workspace<value_type> t2_ws(wss,2*mb); DVectorSlice t2(&t2_ws[0],t2_ws.size()); VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t t = S->space_rows().create_member(); // t1 = [ (1/gk)*S'*x ] // [ Y'*x ] V_StMtV( t.get(), invgk, *S, BLAS_Cpp::trans, x ); t1(1,mb) = vde(*t)(); V_MtV( t.get(), *Y, BLAS_Cpp::trans, x ); t1(mb+1,2*mb) = vde(*t)(); // t2 = inv(Q) * t1 V_invQtV( &t2, t1 ); // y += -(1/gk) * S * t2(1:m) (vdme(*t)() = t2(1,mb)); Vp_StMtV( y, -invgk, *S, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, *t ); // y += -1.0 * Y * t2(m+1,2m (vdme(*t)() = t2(mb+1,2*mb)); Vp_StMtV( y, -1.0, *Y, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, *t ); }
void MatrixSymPosDefLBFGS::V_InvMtV( VectorMutable* y, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_rhs1 , const Vector& x ) const { using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StMtV; using DenseLinAlgPack::V_InvMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_mV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_V; using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_MtV; using DenseLinAlgPack::Vp_StMtV; typedef VectorDenseEncap vde; typedef VectorDenseMutableEncap vdme; using Teuchos::Workspace; Teuchos::WorkspaceStore* wss = Teuchos::get_default_workspace_store().get(); assert_initialized(); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !( inverse_is_updated_ ) ); // For now just always update // y = inv(Bk) * x = Hk * x // // = gk*x + [S gk*Y] * [ inv(R')*(D+gk*Y'Y)*inv(R) -inv(R') ] * [ S' ] * x // [ -inv(R) 0 ] [ gk*Y' ] // // Perform in the following (in order): // // y = gk*x // // t1 = [ S'*x ] <: R^(2*m) // [ gk*Y'*x ] // // t2 = inv(R) * t1(1:m) <: R^(m) // // t3 = - inv(R') * t1(m+1,2*m) <: R^(m) // // t4 = gk * Y'Y * t2 <: R^(m) // // t4 += D*t2 // // t5 = inv(R') * t4 <: R^(m) // // t5 += t3 // // y += S*t5 // // y += -gk*Y*t2 // y = gk*x V_StV( y, gamma_k_, x ); const size_type mb = m_bar_; if( !mb ) return; // No updates have been performed. const multi_vec_ptr_t S = this->S(), Y = this->Y(); // Get workspace Workspace<value_type> t1_ws(wss,2*mb); DVectorSlice t1(&t1_ws[0],t1_ws.size()); Workspace<value_type> t2_ws(wss,mb); DVectorSlice t2(&t2_ws[0],t2_ws.size()); Workspace<value_type> t3_ws(wss,mb); DVectorSlice t3(&t3_ws[0],t3_ws.size()); Workspace<value_type> t4_ws(wss,mb); DVectorSlice t4(&t4_ws[0],t4_ws.size()); Workspace<value_type> t5_ws(wss,mb); DVectorSlice t5(&t5_ws[0],t5_ws.size()); VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t t = S->space_rows().create_member(); const DMatrixSliceTri &R = this->R(); const DMatrixSliceSym &YTY = this->YTY(); // t1 = [ S'*x ] // [ gk*Y'*x ] V_MtV( t.get(), *S, BLAS_Cpp::trans, x ); t1(1,mb) = vde(*t)(); V_StMtV( t.get(), gamma_k_, *Y, BLAS_Cpp::trans, x ); t1(mb+1,2*mb) = vde(*t)(); // t2 = inv(R) * t1(1:m) V_InvMtV( &t2, R, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, t1(1,mb) ); // t3 = - inv(R') * t1(m+1,2*m) V_mV( &t3, t1(mb+1,2*mb) ); V_InvMtV( &t3, R, BLAS_Cpp::trans, t3 ); // t4 = gk * Y'Y * t2 V_StMtV( &t4, gamma_k_, YTY, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, t2 ); // t4 += D*t2 Vp_DtV( &t4, t2 ); // t5 = inv(R') * t4 V_InvMtV( &t5, R, BLAS_Cpp::trans, t4 ); // t5 += t3 Vp_V( &t5, t3 ); // y += S*t5 (vdme(*t)() = t5); Vp_MtV( y, *S, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, *t ); // y += -gk*Y*t2 (vdme(*t)() = t2); Vp_StMtV( y, -gamma_k_, *Y, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, *t ); }
bool MatrixOpNonsingTester::test_matrix( const MatrixOpNonsing &M ,const char M_name[] ,std::ostream *out ) { namespace rcp = MemMngPack; using BLAS_Cpp::no_trans; using BLAS_Cpp::trans; using BLAS_Cpp::left; using BLAS_Cpp::right; using AbstractLinAlgPack::sum; using AbstractLinAlgPack::dot; using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StV; using AbstractLinAlgPack::assert_print_nan_inf; using AbstractLinAlgPack::random_vector; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_VpV; using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_V; // ToDo: Check the preconditions bool success = true, result, lresult; const value_type rand_y_l = -1.0, rand_y_u = 1.0, small_num = ::pow(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon(),0.25), alpha = 2.0; // // Perform the tests // if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_BASIC) *out << "\nCheck: alpha*op(op(inv("<<M_name<<"))*op("<<M_name<<"))*v == alpha*v ..."; if(out && print_tests() > PRINT_BASIC) *out << std::endl; VectorSpace::vec_mut_ptr_t v_c1 = M.space_cols().create_member(), v_c2 = M.space_cols().create_member(), v_r1 = M.space_rows().create_member(), v_r2 = M.space_rows().create_member(); // Side of the matrix inverse const BLAS_Cpp::Side a_side[2] = { BLAS_Cpp::left, BLAS_Cpp::right }; // If the matrices are transposed or not const BLAS_Cpp::Transp a_trans[2] = { BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, BLAS_Cpp::trans }; for( int side_i = 0; side_i < 2; ++side_i ) { for( int trans_i = 0; trans_i < 2; ++trans_i ) { const BLAS_Cpp::Side t_side = a_side[side_i]; const BLAS_Cpp::Transp t_trans = a_trans[trans_i]; if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_MORE) *out << "\n" << side_i+1 << "." << trans_i+1 << ") " << "Check: (t2 = "<<(t_side==left?"inv(":"alpha * ")<< M_name<<(t_trans==trans?"\'":"")<<(t_side==left?")":"") << " * (t1 = "<<(t_side==right?"inv(":"alpha * ")<<M_name<<(t_trans==trans?"\'":"")<<(t_side==right?")":"") << " * v)) == alpha * v ..."; if(out && print_tests() > PRINT_MORE) *out << std::endl; result = true; VectorMutable *v = NULL, *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL; if( (t_side == left && t_trans == no_trans) || (t_side == right && t_trans == trans) ) { // (inv(R)*R*v or R'*inv(R')*v v = v_r1.get(); t1 = v_c1.get(); t2 = v_r2.get(); } else { // (inv(R')*R'*v or R*inv(R)*v v = v_c1.get(); t1 = v_r1.get(); t2 = v_c2.get(); } for( int k = 1; k <= num_random_tests(); ++k ) { lresult = true; random_vector( rand_y_l, rand_y_u, v ); if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) { *out << "\n"<<side_i+1<<"."<<trans_i+1<<"."<<k<<") random vector " << k << " ( ||v||_1 / n = " << (v->norm_1() / v->dim()) << " )\n"; if(dump_all() && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) *out << "\nv =\n" << *v; } // t1 if( t_side == right ) { // t1 = inv(op(M))*v V_InvMtV( t1, M, t_trans, *v ); } else { // t1 = alpha*op(M)*v V_StMtV( t1, alpha, M, t_trans, *v ); } // t2 if( t_side == left ) { // t2 = inv(op(M))*t1 V_InvMtV( t2, M, t_trans, *t1 ); } else { // t2 = alpha*op(M)*t1 V_StMtV( t2, alpha, M, t_trans, *t1 ); } const value_type sum_t2 = sum(*t2), sum_av = alpha*sum(*v); assert_print_nan_inf(sum_t2, "sum(t2)",true,out); assert_print_nan_inf(sum_av, "sum(alpha*t1)",true,out); const value_type calc_err = ::fabs( ( sum_av - sum_t2 ) /( ::fabs(sum_av) + ::fabs(sum_t2) + small_num ) ); if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) *out << "\nrel_err(sum(alpha*v),sum(t2)) = " << "rel_err(" << sum_av << "," << sum_t2 << ") = " << calc_err << std::endl; if( calc_err >= warning_tol() ) { if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) *out << std::endl << ( calc_err >= error_tol() ? "Error" : "Warning" ) << ", rel_err(sum(alpha*v),sum(t2)) = " << "rel_err(" << sum_av << "," << sum_t2 << ") = " << calc_err << " exceeded " << ( calc_err >= error_tol() ? "error_tol" : "warning_tol" ) << " = " << ( calc_err >= error_tol() ? error_tol() : warning_tol() ) << std::endl; if(calc_err >= error_tol()) { if(dump_all() && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) { *out << "\nalpha = " << alpha << std::endl; *out << "\nv =\n" << *v; *out << "\nt1 =\n" << *t2; *out << "\nt2 =\n" << *t2; } lresult = false; } } if(!lresult) result = false; } if(!result) success = false; if( out && print_tests() == PRINT_MORE ) *out << " : " << ( result ? "passed" : "failed" ) << std::endl; } } if( out && print_tests() == PRINT_BASIC ) *out << " : " << ( success ? "passed" : "failed" ); return success; }