Example #1
MStatus moveContext::doDrag( MEvent & event )
	MStatus stat;
	stat = MPxSelectionContext::doDrag( event );

	// If we are not in selecting mode (i.e. an object has been selected)
	// then do the translation.
	if ( !isSelecting() ) {
		event.getPosition( endPos_x, endPos_y );
		MPoint endW, startW;
		MVector vec;
		view.viewToWorld( startPos_x, startPos_y, startW, vec );
		view.viewToWorld( endPos_x, endPos_y, endW, vec );
		downButton = event.mouseButton();

		// We reset the the move vector each time a drag event occurs 
		// and then recalculate it based on the start position. 

		switch( currWin )
			case TOP:
				switch ( downButton )
					case MEvent::kMiddleMouse :
						cmd->setVector( endW.x - startW.x, 0.0, 0.0 );
					case MEvent::kLeftMouse :
						cmd->setVector( endW.x - startW.x, 0.0,
											   endW.z - startW.z );

			case FRONT:
				switch ( downButton )
					case MEvent::kMiddleMouse :
						cmd->setVector( endW.x - startW.x, 0.0, 0.0 );
					case MEvent::kLeftMouse :
						cmd->setVector( endW.x - startW.x,
											   endW.y - startW.y, 0.0 );

			case SIDE:
				switch ( downButton )
					case MEvent::kMiddleMouse :
						cmd->setVector( 0.0, 0.0, endW.z - startW.z );
					case MEvent::kLeftMouse :
						cmd->setVector( 0.0, endW.y - startW.y,
											   endW.z - startW.z );

			case PERSP:

		stat = cmd->redoIt();
		view.refresh( true );
	return stat;
Example #2
MStatus MannequinMoveManipulator::doPress(M3dView& view) {
  getPointValue(_translateIndex, false, _opValueBegin);

  GLuint activeAxis;

  if (activeAxis == _glPickableItem + 0) {
    _opAxis = _x;
    _opAxisIndex = 0;
  } else if (activeAxis == _glPickableItem + 1) {
    _opAxis = _y;
    _opAxisIndex = 1;
  } else if (activeAxis == _glPickableItem + 2) {
    _opAxis = _z;
    _opAxisIndex = 2;
  } else {
    _opAxis = MVector::zero;
    _opValid = false;
    return MS::kUnknownParameter;

  _opOrigin = _origin;

  // Determine the translation "plane"; it is orthogonal to the axis and faces
  // the view as best as possible.
  short originX, originY;
  view.worldToView(_opOrigin, originX, originY);

  MPoint rayNear;
  MVector dirToOrigin;
  view.viewToWorld(originX, originY, rayNear, dirToOrigin);

  MVector dirInPlane = dirToOrigin ^ _opAxis;
  _opPlaneNormal = dirInPlane ^ _opAxis;

  // Determine where the current mouse ray hits the plane.
  MPoint rayOrigin;
  MVector rayDirection;
  mouseRayWorld(rayOrigin, rayDirection);

  MPoint isect;
  bool didIsect = Util::rayPlaneIntersection(rayOrigin,

  if (!didIsect) {
    _opValid = false;
    return MS::kUnknownParameter;

  _opHitBegin = isect;
  _opValid = true;

  // We need to calculate the handle directions in parent space. This is
  // because the handle positions align with the child pivot rotation, so they
  // DO NOT correspond to the child's X, Y, and Z-position, which are
  // indicated in terms of the parent's coordinate space.
  MMatrix parentInverse = _parentXform.asMatrixInverse();
  _xInParentSpace = _x * parentInverse;
  _yInParentSpace = _y * parentInverse;
  _zInParentSpace = _z * parentInverse;

  return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus sgCurveEditBrush_context::editCurve( MDagPath dagPathCurve,
		int beforeX, int beforeY, int currentX, int currentY, float radius, 
		const MDoubleArray& dArrLength, MPointArray &points )
	MStatus status;

	if( radius < 0 ) return MS::kSuccess;

	MDagPath dagPathCam;
	M3dView view = M3dView::active3dView( &status );

	view.getCamera( dagPathCam );

	MPoint  camPos = dagPathCam.inclusiveMatrix()[3];
	MVector vCamUp  = dagPathCam.inclusiveMatrix()[1];

	radius *= .05;

	MPoint nearClipBefore;
	MPoint farClipBefore;
	view.viewToWorld( beforeX, beforeY, nearClipBefore, farClipBefore );

	MVector rayBefore  = nearClipBefore - camPos;
	rayBefore *= 20;
	MPoint  posBefore = rayBefore + camPos;

	MPoint nearClipCurrent;
	MPoint farClipCurrent;
	view.viewToWorld( currentX, currentY, nearClipCurrent, farClipCurrent );

	MVector rayCurrent = nearClipCurrent - camPos;
	rayCurrent *= 20;
	MPoint  posCurrent = rayCurrent + camPos;

	MVector vMove = posCurrent - posBefore;

	MMatrix mtxCurve = dagPathCurve.inclusiveMatrix();
	MFnNurbsCurve fnCurve( dagPathCurve );

	fnCurve.getCVs( points );

	for( int i=0; i< points.length(); i++ )
		points[i] *= mtxCurve;

	for( int i=1; i< points.length(); i++ )
		MPoint cuPoint = points[i];
		MVector vPoint = cuPoint - camPos;

		MVector projV = ( vPoint * rayBefore )/( pow( rayBefore.length(), 2 ) )* rayBefore;
		MVector vertical = vPoint - projV;
		float radiusForPoint = vertical.length() / projV.length();

		if( radius < radiusForPoint )
		MPoint parentPoint = points[i-1];

		MVector vCurveDirection = cuPoint - parentPoint;
		double vDirLength = vCurveDirection.length();

		MVector vEditDirection = vCurveDirection + vMove/rayBefore.length()*projV.length();

		double dotEdit = vCurveDirection.normal() * vEditDirection.normal();
		if( dotEdit < 0 ) continue;
		vEditDirection = vEditDirection * dotEdit + vCurveDirection*( 1-dotEdit );

		MVector vEditLength = vEditDirection / vEditDirection.length() * vCurveDirection.length();

		MVector vEdit = (vEditLength - vCurveDirection) * pow((double)(1-radiusForPoint/radius), 1 );
		points[i] += vEdit;

		for( int j=i+1; j< points.length(); j++ )
			MPoint beforePoint = points[j];
			MPoint pPoint = points[j-1];
			MPoint beforePPoint = pPoint - vEdit;

			MVector vBefore = points[j] - beforePPoint;
			MVector vAfter  = points[j] - pPoint;
			MVector vCurrent = vAfter.normal() * dArrLength[j];
			points[j] = vCurrent + pPoint;

			vEdit = points[j] - beforePoint;

	MMatrix invMtxCurve = mtxCurve.inverse();
	for( int i=0; i< points.length(); i++ )
		points[i] *= invMtxCurve;

	fnCurve.setCVs( points );

	return MS::kSuccess;