MStatus transRotateCombineMatrix::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	MDataHandle hOutputMatrix = data.outputValue( aOutputMatrix, &status );
	MDataHandle hOutputInverseMatrix = data.outputValue( aOutputInverseMatrix, &status );
	MDataHandle hTransMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputTransMatrix, &status );
	MDataHandle hRotateMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputRotateMatrix, &status );

	MMatrix transMatrix = hTransMatrix.asMatrix();
	MMatrix rotateMatrix = hRotateMatrix.asMatrix();

	double buildMatrix[4][4] = { rotateMatrix( 0,0 ), rotateMatrix( 0,1 ), rotateMatrix( 0,2 ), 0,
		                         rotateMatrix( 1,0 ), rotateMatrix( 1,1 ), rotateMatrix( 1,2 ), 0,
								 rotateMatrix( 2,0 ), rotateMatrix( 2,1 ), rotateMatrix( 2,2 ), 0,
								 transMatrix( 3,0 ),  transMatrix( 3,1 ),  transMatrix( 3,2 ),  1 };

	MMatrix buildMtx = buildMatrix;
	if( plug == aOutputMatrix )
		hOutputMatrix.set( buildMtx );
	if( plug == aOutputInverseMatrix )
		hOutputInverseMatrix.set( buildMtx.inverse() );

	data.setClean( plug );

	return status;
Example #2
MStatus sgLockAngleMatrix::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	MDataHandle hBaseMatrix = data.inputValue( aBaseMatrix );
	m_baseMatrix = hBaseMatrix.asMatrix();

	MDataHandle hInputMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputMatrix );
	m_inputMatrix = hInputMatrix.asMatrix();

	MDataHandle hAngleAxis = data.inputValue( aAngleAxis );
	m_angleAxis = hAngleAxis.asUChar();

	MDataHandle hInputAngle = data.inputValue( aInputAngle );
	m_inputAngle = hInputAngle.asDouble();

	m_mtxResult = getsgLockAngleMatrix( m_inputMatrix*m_baseMatrix.inverse(), m_angleAxis, m_inputAngle );

	MDataHandle hOutputMatrix = data.outputValue( aOutputMatrix );
	hOutputMatrix.set( m_mtxResult * m_baseMatrix );

	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #3
MStatus  matrixFromPolygon::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	//MFnDependencyNode thisNode( thisMObject() );
	//cout << << ", start" << endl;

	if( plug == aOutputMatrix )
		MDataHandle  hInputMesh = data.inputValue( aInputMesh, &status );
		MDataHandle  hInputMeshMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputMeshMatrix, &status );
		MDataHandle  hPolygonIndex = data.inputValue( aPolygonIndex, &status );
		MDataHandle  hU = data.inputValue( aU, &status );
		MDataHandle  hV = data.inputValue( aV, &status );
		MDataHandle  hOutputMatrix = data.outputValue( aOutputMatrix, &status );

		MMatrix outMatrix;
		getMatrixByPoints( outMatrix, hPolygonIndex.asInt(), hU.asDouble(), hV.asDouble(), hInputMesh.asMesh() );

		outMatrix *= hInputMeshMatrix.asMatrix();

		hOutputMatrix.set( outMatrix );

		data.setClean( plug );
	//cout << << ", end" << endl;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus SwirlDeformer::deform( MDataBlock& block, MItGeometry &iter,
												const MMatrix &localToWorld, unsigned int geomIndex )
MStatus stat;
MDataHandle envData = block.inputValue( envelope );
float env = envData.asFloat();	
if( env == 0.0 ) // Deformer has no effect
	return MS::kSuccess;

MDataHandle matData = block.inputValue( deformSpace );
MMatrix mat = matData.asMatrix();
MMatrix invMat = mat.inverse();

MDataHandle startDistHnd = block.inputValue( startDist );
double startDist = startDistHnd.asDouble();	

MDataHandle endDistHnd = block.inputValue( endDist );
double endDist = endDistHnd.asDouble();	

MPoint pt;
float weight;
double dist;
double ang;
double cosAng;
double sinAng;
double x;
double distFactor;
for( iter.reset(); !iter.isDone(); ) 
	weight = weightValue( block, geomIndex, iter.index() );
	if( weight == 0.0f )

	pt = iter.position();
	pt *= invMat;

	dist = sqrt( pt.x * pt.x + pt.z * pt.z );
	if( dist < startDist || dist > endDist )

	distFactor = 1 - ((dist - startDist) / (endDist - startDist));

	ang = distFactor * M_PI * 2.0 * env * weight;
	if( ang == 0.0 )

	cosAng = cos( ang );
	sinAng = sin( ang );
	x = pt.x * cosAng - pt.z * sinAng;
	pt.z = pt.x * sinAng + pt.z * cosAng;
	pt.x = x;

	pt *= mat;
	iter.setPosition( pt );

return stat;
Example #5
MStatus sgMeshIntersect::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	if( m_isDirtyMeshMatrix )
		MDataHandle hInputMeshMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputMeshMatrix );
		m_mtxMesh    = hInputMeshMatrix.asMatrix();
		m_mtxInvMesh = m_mtxMesh.inverse();

	if( m_isDirtyMesh )
		MDataHandle hInputMesh = data.inputValue( aInputMesh );
		m_fnMesh.setObject( hInputMesh.asMesh() );

	if( m_isDirtyPointDest )
		MDataHandle hPointDest   = data.inputValue( aPointDest );
		m_pointDest   = MPoint( hPointDest.asVector() ) * m_mtxInvMesh;

	if( m_isDirtyPointSrc )
		MDataHandle hPointSource = data.inputValue( aPointSource );
		m_pointSource = MPoint( hPointSource.asVector() ) * m_mtxInvMesh;

	m_rayDirection = m_pointDest - m_pointSource;

	m_fnMesh.intersect( m_pointSource, m_rayDirection, m_pointsIntersect, &status );
	if( !status ) return MS::kSuccess;

	MDataHandle hParentInverse = data.inputValue( aParentInverseMatrix );
	m_mtxParentInverse = hParentInverse.asMatrix();

	MDataHandle hOutPoint = data.outputValue( aOutPoint );
	hOutPoint.setMVector( m_pointsIntersect[0]*m_mtxMesh*m_mtxParentInverse );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #6
MStatus MG_curve::compute(const MPlug& plug,MDataBlock& dataBlock)

		if (plug==output)
			MStatus stat;

			//Point array for the curve
			MPointArray pointArray ;

			//Get data from inputs
			MDataHandle degreeH = dataBlock.inputValue(degree);
			int degreeValue = degreeH.asInt();

			MDataHandle tmH = dataBlock.inputValue(transformMatrix);
			MMatrix tm = tmH.asMatrix();

			MArrayDataHandle inputMatrixH = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(inputMatrix);
			//Loop to get matrix data and convert in points

			for (int unsigned i=0;i<inputMatrixH.elementCount();i++,

				MMatrix currentMatrix = inputMatrixH.inputValue(&stat).asMatrix() ;
				//Compensate the locator matrix
				MMatrix fixedMatrix = currentMatrix*tm.inverse();
				MPoint matrixP (fixedMatrix[3][0],fixedMatrix[3][1],fixedMatrix[3][2]);
		MFnNurbsCurve curveFn;
		MFnNurbsCurveData curveDataFn;
		MObject curveData= curveDataFn.create();

		MDataHandle outputH = dataBlock.outputValue(output);


		return MS::kSuccess;
Example #7
offset::deform( MDataBlock& block,
				MItGeometry& iter,
				const MMatrix& /*m*/,
				unsigned int multiIndex)
// Method: deform
// Description:   Deform the point with a squash algorithm
// Arguments:
//   block		: the datablock of the node
//	 iter		: an iterator for the geometry to be deformed
//   m    		: matrix to transform the point into world space
//	 multiIndex : the index of the geometry that we are deforming
	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Envelope data from the base class.
	// The envelope is simply a scale factor.
	MDataHandle envData = block.inputValue(envelope, &returnStatus);
	if (MS::kSuccess != returnStatus) return returnStatus;
	float env = envData.asFloat();	

	// Get the matrix which is used to define the direction and scale
	// of the offset.
	MDataHandle matData = block.inputValue(offsetMatrix, &returnStatus );
	if (MS::kSuccess != returnStatus) return returnStatus;
	MMatrix omat = matData.asMatrix();
	MMatrix omatinv = omat.inverse();

	// iterate through each point in the geometry
	for ( ; !iter.isDone(); {
		MPoint pt = iter.position();
		pt *= omatinv;
		float weight = weightValue(block,multiIndex,iter.index());
		// offset algorithm
		pt.y = pt.y + env*weight;
		// end of offset algorithm

		pt *= omat;
	return returnStatus;
Example #8
MStatus  retargetLocator::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	MDataHandle hDiscMatrix = data.inputValue( aDiscMatrix );
	MDataHandle hDiscAxis = data.inputValue( aDiscAxis );
	MDataHandle hDiscAngle = data.inputValue( aDiscAngle );
	MDataHandle hDiscDivision = data.inputValue( aDiscDivision );
	MDataHandle hDiscOffset = data.inputValue( aDiscOffset );
	MDataHandle hDiscSize = data.inputValue( aDiscSize );
	MDataHandle hDiscActiveColor = data.inputValue( aDiscActiveColor );
	MDataHandle hDiscLeadColor = data.inputValue( aDiscLeadColor );
	MDataHandle hDiscDefaultColor = data.inputValue( aDiscDefaultColor );
	MDataHandle hDiscFillAlpha = data.inputValue( aDiscFillAlpha );
	MDataHandle hDiscLineAlpha = data.inputValue( aDiscLineAlpha );

	discAxis = hDiscAxis.asInt();
	discDivision = hDiscDivision.asInt();
	discAngle = hDiscAngle.asDouble();
	discSize = hDiscSize.asVector();
	discOffset = hDiscOffset.asVector();
	discActiveColor = hDiscActiveColor.asFloat3();
	discLeadColor = hDiscLeadColor.asFloat3();
	discDefaultColor = hDiscDefaultColor.asFloat3();
	discFillAlpha = hDiscFillAlpha.asFloat();
	discLineAlpha = hDiscLineAlpha.asFloat();

	MArrayDataHandle hArrArrow = data.inputArrayValue( aArrow );
	arrowNum = hArrArrow.elementCount();

	inheritMatrix.setLength( arrowNum );
	aimMatrix.setLength( arrowNum );
	inputMeshObj.setLength( arrowNum );
	startSize.setLength( arrowNum );
	size.setLength( arrowNum );
	activeColor.setLength( arrowNum );
	leadColor.setLength( arrowNum );
	defaultColor.setLength( arrowNum );
	fillAlpha.setLength( arrowNum );
	lineAlpha.setLength( arrowNum );
	offset.setLength( arrowNum );

	for( int i =0; i < arrowNum; i++ )
		MDataHandle hArrow = hArrArrow.inputValue();

		MDataHandle hInheritMatrix = hArrow.child( aInheritMatrix );
		MDataHandle hAimMatrix = hArrow.child( aAimMatrix );
		MDataHandle hInputMesh = hArrow.child( aInputMesh );
		MDataHandle hStartSize = hArrow.child( aStartSize );
		MDataHandle hSize = hArrow.child( aSize );
		MDataHandle hActiveColor = hArrow.child( aActiveColor );
		MDataHandle hLeadColor = hArrow.child( aLeadColor );
		MDataHandle hDefaultColor = hArrow.child( aDefaultColor );
		MDataHandle hFillAlpha = hArrow.child( aFillAlpha );
		MDataHandle hLineAlpha = hArrow.child( aLineAlpha );
		MDataHandle hOffset = hArrow.child( aOffset );

		inheritMatrix[i] = hInheritMatrix.asBool();
		aimMatrix[i] = hAimMatrix.asMatrix()*hDiscMatrix.asMatrix().inverse();
		inputMeshObj[i] = hInputMesh.asMesh();
		startSize[i] = hStartSize.asFloat();
		size[i] = hSize.asFloat();
		activeColor[i] = hActiveColor.asFloat3();
		leadColor[i] = hLeadColor.asFloat3();
		defaultColor[i] = hDefaultColor.asFloat3();
		fillAlpha[i] = hFillAlpha.asFloat();
		lineAlpha[i] = hLineAlpha.asFloat();
		offset[i] = hOffset.asVector();;

	MDataHandle hOutput = data.outputValue( aOutput );
	hOutput.set( 1.0 );
	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #9
MStatus inverseSkinCluster::deform(MDataBlock& data,
	MItGeometry& itGeo,
	const MMatrix& localToWorldMatrix,
	unsigned int geomIndex)
	MStatus status;

	MMatrix geomMatrix;
	bool updateSkinInfo;

	MDataHandle hInMesh = data.inputValue( aInMesh, &status );
	MObject oInMesh = hInMesh.asMesh();
	if( oInMesh.isNull() )
		return MS::kFailure;
	MFnMesh inMesh = oInMesh;
	inMesh.getPoints( m_meshPoints );

	if( originalMeshUpdated )
		itGeo.allPositions( pTaskData->basePoints );
		originalMeshUpdated = false;

	MDataHandle hGeomMatrix = data.inputValue( aGeomMatrix );
	geomMatrix = hGeomMatrix.asMatrix();

	MDataHandle hUpdateWeightList = data.inputValue( aUpdateWeightList );
	updateSkinInfo = hUpdateWeightList.asBool();

	MDataHandle hEnvelop = data.inputValue( envelope );
	envelopValue = hEnvelop.asFloat();

	pTaskData->envelop = envelopValue;
	pTaskData->invEnv  = 1.0f - envelopValue;
	pTaskData->beforePoints = m_meshPoints;

	if( updateSkinInfo )
		MDataHandle hUpdateSkinInfoOutput = data.outputValue( aUpdateWeightList );
		hUpdateSkinInfoOutput.set( false );
		weightListUpdated = false;

	if( logicalIndexArray.length() == 0 )

	MDataHandle hUpdateMatrix = data.inputValue( aUpdateMatrix );

	if( hUpdateMatrix.asBool() )
		matrixAttrUpdated = false;
		matrixInfoUpdated = false;

	MArrayDataHandle hArrMatrix = data.inputArrayValue( aMatrix );
	MArrayDataHandle hArrBindPreMatrix = data.inputArrayValue( aBindPreMatrix );
	updateMatrixAttribute( hArrMatrix, hArrBindPreMatrix );

	if( !matrixInfoUpdated )
		updateMatrixInfo( hArrMatrix, hArrBindPreMatrix );

	if( !weightListUpdated )
		pTaskData->afterPoints.setLength( m_meshPoints.length() );
		pTaskData->envPoints.setLength( m_meshPoints.length() );


	if( !matrixInfoUpdated || !weightListUpdated )
		if( pSkinInfo->weightsArray.size() > 0 )
			getWeightedMatrices( geomMatrix );
			return MS::kFailure;

		matrixInfoUpdated = true;
		weightListUpdated = true;

	if( envelopValue )
		MThreadPool::newParallelRegion( parallelCompute, pThread );

		itGeo.setAllPositions( pTaskData->envPoints );
		itGeo.setAllPositions( pTaskData->basePoints );

	return MS::kSuccess;
/*! Compute function, gets the input surface, determines what type it is and calls the appropriate conversion function
    Encapsulates an cowpointer to the body into the naiadBodyData type and outputs it */
MStatus NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
    if (plug == _outBody)
        //Get the body name
        MDataHandle bodyNameHndl = data.inputValue( _bodyName, &status );
        MString bodyName = bodyNameHndl.asString();

        //Create the MFnPluginData for the naiadBody
        MFnPluginData dataFn;
        dataFn.create( MTypeId( naiadBodyData::id ), &status);
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to create naiadBodyData in MFnPluginData");

        //Get subdivision info from plugs so better approximations of meshes can be done
        int divisions = data.inputValue( _subDivide, &status ).asBool();
        //Getting genericAttribute handle containing the surface and pick the correct conversion function
        MObject meshObj;
        MDataHandle inSurfaceHdl = data.inputValue( _inSurface, &status );
        if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kNurbsSurface)
            MFnNurbsSurface nurbsFn(inSurfaceHdl.asNurbsSurface());

            // Create the data holder for the tesselated mesh
            MFnMeshData dataCreator;
            MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

            //Setup the tesselation parameters
            MTesselationParams tParams;
            tParams.setOutputType( MTesselationParams::kTriangles );
            tParams.setFormatType( MTesselationParams::kGeneralFormat );
            tParams.setUIsoparmType( MTesselationParams::kSpanEquiSpaced );
            tParams.setVIsoparmType( MTesselationParams::kSpanEquiSpaced );
            tParams.setUNumber( divisions+1 );
            tParams.setVNumber( divisions+1 );

            // Tesselate and get the returned mesh
            meshObj = nurbsFn.tesselate( tParams, newOutputData, &status );
            NM_CheckMStatus( status, "NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute Failed to tesselate nurbs surface to poly");
        else if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kMesh)
            meshObj = inSurfaceHdl.asMesh();

            if ( divisions > 0 )
                MFnMeshData dataCreator;
                MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

                MFnMesh meshFn(meshObj);
                MIntArray faceIds;
                for ( unsigned int i(0); i < meshFn.numPolygons(); ++i )

                meshFn.subdivideFaces( faceIds , divisions );
        else if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kSubdSurface)
            // Create the subd function set so we can tesselate
            MFnSubd subDfn(inSurfaceHdl.asSubdSurface());

            // Create the data holder for the tesselated mesh
            MFnMeshData dataCreator;
            MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

            // Tesselate the subD surface
            meshObj = subDfn.tesselate(true, 1 , divisions , newOutputData, &status );
            NM_CheckMStatus( status, "NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute Failed to tesselate SubD surface to poly");
            return status ;

	//Get the handle for the input transform
        MDataHandle inTransformHdl = data.inputValue( _inTransform, &status );
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get inTransform handle");

	MDataHandle useTransformHdl = data.inputValue( _useTransform, &status);
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get worldSpaceHdl ");
	bool useTransform = useTransformHdl.asBool();

        //Get a new naiadBodyData
        naiadBodyData * newBodyData = (naiadBodyData*) &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get naiadBodyData handle from MFnPluginData");

        try {
            newBodyData->nBody = mayaMeshToNaiadBody( meshObj, std::string(bodyName.asChar()), useTransform, inTransformHdl.asMatrix() );
        catch(std::exception& ex) {
            NM_ExceptionPlugDisplayError("NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute ", plug, ex );

        //Give the data to the output handle and set it clean
        MDataHandle bodyDataHnd = data.outputValue( _outBody, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get outputData handle for outBody");
        bodyDataHnd.set( newBodyData );
        data.setClean( plug );

    return status;
Example #11
MStatus BCIViz::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block )
	if( plug == outValue ) {
		MStatus status;
		MDagPath path;
		MDagPath::getAPathTo(thisMObject(), path);
		MMatrix worldInverseSpace = path.inclusiveMatrixInverse();
		MDataHandle inputdata = block.inputValue(ainput, &status);
        if(status) {
			const MMatrix drvSpace = inputdata.asMatrix();
			fDriverPos.x = drvSpace(3, 0);
			fDriverPos.y = drvSpace(3, 1);
			fDriverPos.z = drvSpace(3, 2);
			fDriverPos *= worldInverseSpace;
		MArrayDataHandle htarget = block.inputArrayValue( atargets );
		unsigned numTarget = htarget.elementCount();
		for(unsigned i = 0; i<numTarget; i++) {
			MDataHandle tgtdata = htarget.inputValue(&status);
			if(status) {
				const MMatrix tgtSpace = tgtdata.asMatrix();
				MPoint tgtPos(tgtSpace(3,0), tgtSpace(3,1), tgtSpace(3,2));
				tgtPos *= worldInverseSpace;
				MVector disp = tgtPos;
				tgtPos = disp;
				fTargetPositions[i] = tgtPos;
		m_hitTriangle = 0;
		neighbourId[0] = 0;
		neighbourId[1] = 1;
		neighbourId[2] = 2;
			MGlobal::displayWarning("convex hull must have no less than 4 targes.");
			return MS::kSuccess;
			MGlobal::displayWarning("first 4 targes cannot sit on the same plane.");
			return MS::kSuccess;
			MGlobal::displayWarning("convex hull failed on construction.");
			return MS::kSuccess;


        MArrayDataHandle outputHandle = block.outputArrayValue( outValue );
		int numWeight = fTargetPositions.length();

		for(int i=0; i < numWeight; i++) 
			m_resultWeights[i] = 0.0;
		m_resultWeights[neighbourId[0]] = fAlpha;
		m_resultWeights[neighbourId[1]] = fBeta;
		m_resultWeights[neighbourId[2]] = fGamma;
		MArrayDataBuilder builder(outValue, numWeight, &status);
		for(int i=0; i < numWeight; i++) {
			MDataHandle outWeightHandle = builder.addElement(i);
			outWeightHandle.set( m_resultWeights[i] );
			//MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("wei ") + i + " " + weights[i]);

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus geometrySurfaceConstraint::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block )
	MStatus returnStatus;
    if(plug == constraintTranslateX || plug == constraintTranslateY || plug == constraintTranslateZ) {
        if(!m_isInitd) {
// read rest position
            MDataHandle htgo = block.inputValue(targetRestP);
            double3 & tgo = htgo.asDouble3();
            MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("target rest p ")+tgo[0]+" "+tgo[1]+" "+tgo[2]);
            m_restPos = MPoint(tgo[0],tgo[1],tgo[2]);
			m_isInitd = true;
		MArrayDataHandle targetArray = block.inputArrayValue( compoundTarget );
		const unsigned int targetArrayCount = targetArray.elementCount();
        MMatrix tm;
        unsigned int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < targetArrayCount; i++ ) {
            MDataHandle targetElement = targetArray.inputValue(&returnStatus);
            if(!returnStatus) {
                MGlobal::displayInfo("failed to get input value target element");
            MDataHandle htm = targetElement.child(targetTransform);
            MFnMatrixData ftm(, &returnStatus);
            if(!returnStatus) {
                MGlobal::displayInfo("failed to get matrix data");
            tm = ftm.matrix();
		MDataHandle hparentInvMat = block.inputValue(constraintParentInverseMatrix);
		MMatrix parentInvMat = hparentInvMat.asMatrix();

// world position
        MPoint curPos(tm(3,0), tm(3,1), tm(3,2));
// offset in local space
		m_offsetToRest = m_restPos - curPos;
// object position in world space
		MPoint localP = m_offsetToRest * tm + curPos;
// in local space
		localP *= parentInvMat;

        MDataHandle hout;
        if(plug == constraintTranslateX) {
            hout = block.outputValue(constraintTranslateX);
        else if(plug == constraintTranslateY) {
            hout = block.outputValue(constraintTranslateY);
        else if(plug == constraintTranslateZ) {
            hout = block.outputValue(constraintTranslateZ);
		//MPlug pgTx(thisMObject(), constraintTargetX);
		//MPlug pgTy(thisMObject(), constraintTargetY);
		//MPlug pgTz(thisMObject(), constraintTargetZ);
		MPlug pgOx(thisMObject(), constraintObjectX);
		MPlug pgOy(thisMObject(), constraintObjectY);
		MPlug pgOz(thisMObject(), constraintObjectZ);
       // MFnNumericData nd;
		//MObject offsetData = nd.create( MFnNumericData::k3Double);
        //nd.setData3Double(m_lastPos.x, m_lastPos.y, m_lastPos.z);
        //MPlug pgTgo(thisMObject(), targetOffset);
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #13
MStatus sgHair_controlJoint::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	MDataHandle   hStaticRotation = data.inputValue( aStaticRotation );
	m_bStaticRotation = hStaticRotation.asBool();

	if( m_isDirtyMatrix )
		MDataHandle hInputBaseCurveMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputBaseCurveMatrix );
		m_mtxBaseCurve       = hInputBaseCurveMatrix.asMatrix(); 
	if( m_isDirtyParentMatrixBase )
		MDataHandle hJointParenBasetMatrix = data.inputValue( aJointParentBaseMatrix );
		m_mtxJointParentBase = hJointParenBasetMatrix.asMatrix();
	if( m_isDirtyCurve || m_isDirtyParentMatrixBase )
		MDataHandle hInputBaseCurve = data.inputValue( aInputBaseCurve );
		MFnNurbsCurve fnCurve = hInputBaseCurve.asNurbsCurve();
		fnCurve.getCVs( m_cvs );
	if( m_isDirtyGravityOption || m_isDirtyCurve || m_isDirtyParentMatrixBase )
		MDataHandle hGravityParam  = data.inputValue( aGravityParam );
		MDataHandle hGravityRange  = data.inputValue( aGravityRange );
		MDataHandle hGravityWeight = data.inputValue( aGravityWeight );
		MDataHandle hGravityOffsetMatrix = data.inputValue( aGravityOffsetMatrix );

		m_paramGravity = hGravityParam.asDouble();
		m_rangeGravity = hGravityRange.asDouble();
		m_weightGravity = hGravityWeight.asDouble();
		m_mtxGravityOffset = hGravityOffsetMatrix.asMatrix();
		m_mtxGravityOffset( 3,0 ) = 0.0;
		m_mtxGravityOffset( 3,1 ) = 0.0;
		m_mtxGravityOffset( 3,2 ) = 0.0;


	MArrayDataHandle  hArrOutput = data.outputValue( aOutput );
	MArrayDataBuilder builderOutput( aOutput, m_cvs.length() );

	for( int i=0; i< m_cvs.length(); i++ )
		MDataHandle hOutput = builderOutput.addElement( i );
		MDataHandle hOutTrans = hOutput.child( aOutTrans );
		MDataHandle hOutOrient = hOutput.child( aOutOrient );

		hOutTrans.set( m_vectorArrTransJoint[i] );
		hOutOrient.set( m_vectorArrRotateJoint[i] );

	hArrOutput.set( builderOutput );

	data.setClean( plug );

	m_isDirtyMatrix  = false;
	m_isDirtyCurve   = false;
	m_isDirtyGravityOption = false;
	m_isDirtyParentMatrixBase = false;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #14
MStatus LSSolverNode::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	MStatus stat;
	if( plug == deformed)
		MDataHandle tetWorldMatrixData = data.inputValue(tetWorldMatrix, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting tetWorldMatrix data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restShapeData = data.inputValue(restShape, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restVerticesData = data.inputValue(restVertices, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restElementsData = data.inputValue(restElements, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle selectedConstraintVertsData = data.inputValue(selectedConstraintVerts, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle selectedForceVertsData = data.inputValue(selectedForceVerts, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle timeData = data.inputValue(time, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle outputMeshData = data.outputValue(deformed, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting outputMesh data handle\n");
		MMatrix twmat = tetWorldMatrixData.asMatrix();
		MObject rs = restShapeData.asMesh();
		double t = timeData.asDouble();

		MDataHandle poissonRatioData = data.inputValue(poissonRatio, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting poissonRatio data handle\n");

		MDataHandle youngsModulusData = data.inputValue(youngsModulus, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting youngsmodulus data handle\n");

		MDataHandle objectDensityData = data.inputValue(objectDensity, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting objectDensity data handle\n");

		MDataHandle frictionData = data.inputValue(friction, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting friction data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restitutionData = data.inputValue(restitution, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting restitution data handle\n");

		MDataHandle dampingData = data.inputValue(damping, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting damping data handle\n");

		MDataHandle userSuppliedDtData = data.inputValue(userSuppliedDt, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user supplied dt data handle\n");

		MDataHandle integrationTypeData = data.inputValue(integrationType, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user integrationTypeData\n");

		MDataHandle forceModelTypeData = data.inputValue(forceModelType, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceModelTypeData\n");

		MDataHandle forceApplicationTimeData = data.inputValue(forceApplicationTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceApplicationTime\n");
		MDataHandle forceReleasedTimeData = data.inputValue(forceReleasedTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceReleasedTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceIncrementTimeData = data.inputValue(forceIncrementTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIncrementTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceStartTimeData = data.inputValue(forceStartTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceStartTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceStopTimeData = data.inputValue(forceStopTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceStopTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceMagnitudeData = data.inputValue(forceMagnitude, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIdleTime\n");

		MDataHandle useSuppliedForceData = data.inputValue(useSuppliedForce, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIdleTime\n");

		MDataHandle useSuppliedConstraintsData = data.inputValue(useSuppliedConstraints, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIdleTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceDirectionData = data.inputValue(forceDirection, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceDirection\n");

		MDataHandle contactKsData = data.inputValue(contactKs, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceDirection\n");	

		MDataHandle contactKdData = data.inputValue(contactKd, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceDirection\n");

		MTime currentTime, maxTime;
		currentTime = MAnimControl::currentTime();
		maxTime = MAnimControl::maxTime();
		if (currentTime == MAnimControl::minTime())
			// retrive restVertices and restElements

			MFnDoubleArrayData restVertArrayData(;
			MDoubleArray verts = restVertArrayData.array();
			int vertArrayLen = verts.length();
			double *vertArray = new double[vertArrayLen];

			for(int v=0;v<vertArrayLen;v=v+3)
				MPoint mpoint = MPoint(vertArray[v],vertArray[v+1],vertArray[v+2])*twmat;
				vertArray[v] = mpoint.x;
				vertArray[v+1] = mpoint.y;
				vertArray[v+2] = mpoint.z;

			MFnIntArrayData restEleArrayData(;
			MIntArray ele = restEleArrayData.array();
			int eleArrayLen = ele.length();
			int *eleArray = new int[eleArrayLen];

			MFnIntArrayData selectedConstraintVertsArrayData(;
			MIntArray sv = selectedConstraintVertsArrayData.array();

			// building selectedConstraintVerts
			vector<int> selectedConstraintVertIndices;
			for (int i = 0 ; i < sv.length() ; i++)
			//std::string tmp=std::to_string((long double)selectedConstraintVertIndices.size());
			//std::cout<<currentConstriant<<" up"<<std::endl;
			for(int i=0;i<constraintIndex[currentConstriant].size();i++){
			//std::cout<<currentConstriant<<" up"<<std::endl;

			/*for(int i=0;i<10;i++){

			MFnIntArrayData selectedForceVertsArrayData(;
			MIntArray sf = selectedForceVertsArrayData.array();

			vector<int> selectedForceVertIndices;
			for (int i = 0 ; i < sf.length() ; i++)

			// temporarily create force direction vector
			double *forceDir = forceDirectionData.asDouble3();

			vector<double> dir;
			dir.push_back(forceDir[0]); dir.push_back(forceDir[1]);dir.push_back(forceDir[2]);

			prevDeformed = 0;
			double youngsModulusDouble = youngsModulusData.asDouble();
			double poissonRatioDouble = poissonRatioData.asDouble();
			double objectDensityDouble = objectDensityData.asDouble();
			double frictionDouble = frictionData.asDouble();
			double restitutionDouble = restitutionData.asDouble();
			double dampingDouble = dampingData.asDouble();
			double userSuppliedDtDouble = userSuppliedDtData.asDouble();
			double forceMagnitudeDouble = forceMagnitudeData.asDouble();
			int fAppT = forceApplicationTimeData.asInt();
			int fReleasedT = forceReleasedTimeData.asInt();
			int fIncT = forceIncrementTimeData.asInt();
			int fStartT = forceStartTimeData.asInt();
			int fStopT = forceStopTimeData.asInt();
			int integrationTypeInt = integrationTypeData.asShort();
			int forceModelTypeInt = forceModelTypeData.asShort();

			bool useSuppliedForceBool = useSuppliedForceData.asBool();
			bool useSuppliedConstraintsBool = useSuppliedConstraintsData.asBool();

			double contactKs = contactKsData.asDouble();
			double contactKd = contactKdData.asDouble();

			if( sm)
				delete sm;
			sm = new SoftBodySim(youngsModulusDouble,poissonRatioDouble,objectDensityDouble,
				frictionDouble,restitutionDouble,dampingDouble, eleArrayLen, eleArray, vertArrayLen, vertArray,integrationTypeInt,forceModelTypeInt);
			if (useSuppliedConstraintsBool)
				sm->initialize("",userSuppliedDtDouble, selectedConstraintVertIndices);
				vector<int> empty;
				sm->initialize("",userSuppliedDtDouble, empty);
			if (useSuppliedForceBool)
				sm->setUserForceAttributes(forceMagnitudeDouble, dir,selectedForceVertIndices,fAppT,fReleasedT,fIncT,fStartT,fStopT);

			std::vector<int> childList=fdg.GetDomainChild(currentConstriant);
			if(childList.size()!=0){//not the root
				for(int i=0;i<childList.size();i++){
					int childIndex=-1;
					for(int j=0;j<fdomain_list.size();j++){
					glm::dvec3 oldPos=glm::dvec3(0,0,0);
					for(int j=0;j<parentConstraintIndex[childIndex].size();j++){
						int index=3*parentConstraintIndex[childIndex][j];
			if(currentConstriant==fdomain_list.size()) currentConstriant=0;

			std::vector<int> childList=fdg.GetDomainChild(domainID);
			if(childList.size()!=0){//not the root
				for(int i=0;i<childList.size();i++){
					int childIndex=-1;
					for(int j=0;j<fdomain_list.size();j++){
					glm::dvec3 newPos=glm::dvec3(0,0,0);
					for(int j=0;j<parentConstraintIndex[childIndex].size();j++){
						int index=3*parentConstraintIndex[childIndex][j];
			//update the parents' fixed point moving distance
			std::vector<float> pos;
			int num=0;
			if(domainParentIndex[domainID]!=-1){//has parent
				for(int i=0;i<constraintIndex[domainID].size();i++){
					int index=3*constraintIndex[domainID][i];
			if(domainParentIndex[domainID]!=-1){//has parent
				for(int i=0;i<constraintIndex[domainID].size();i++){
					int index=3*constraintIndex[domainID][i];
					if(index>3*sm->numOfVertices) std::cout<<index-3*sm->numOfVertices<<"big "<<currentConstriant<<std::endl;
					glm::dvec3 movePos=parentLastPosNew[domainID]-parentLastPosOld[domainID];

		MFnMesh surfFn(rs,&stat);
		McheckErr( stat, "compute - MFnMesh error" );

		MFnMeshData ouputMeshDataCreator;
		MObject oMesh = ouputMeshDataCreator.create(&stat);
		buildOutputMesh(surfFn, sm->m_vertices,oMesh);


		stat = MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return stat;
MStatus LSSolverNode::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	MStatus stat;
	if( plug == deformed)
		MDataHandle tetWorldMatrixData = data.inputValue(tetWorldMatrix, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting tetWorldMatrix data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restShapeData = data.inputValue(restShape, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restVerticesData = data.inputValue(restVertices, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restElementsData = data.inputValue(restElements, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle selectedConstraintVertsData = data.inputValue(selectedConstraintVerts, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle selectedForceVertsData = data.inputValue(selectedForceVerts, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle timeData = data.inputValue(time, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting step data handle\n");

		MDataHandle outputMeshData = data.outputValue(deformed, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting outputMesh data handle\n");
		MMatrix twmat = tetWorldMatrixData.asMatrix();
		MObject rs = restShapeData.asMesh();
		double t = timeData.asDouble();

		MDataHandle poissonRatioData = data.inputValue(poissonRatio, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting poissonRatio data handle\n");

		MDataHandle youngsModulusData = data.inputValue(youngsModulus, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting youngsmodulus data handle\n");

		MDataHandle objectDensityData = data.inputValue(objectDensity, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting objectDensity data handle\n");

		MDataHandle frictionData = data.inputValue(friction, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting friction data handle\n");

		MDataHandle restitutionData = data.inputValue(restitution, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting restitution data handle\n");

		MDataHandle dampingData = data.inputValue(damping, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting damping data handle\n");

		MDataHandle userSuppliedDtData = data.inputValue(userSuppliedDt, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user supplied dt data handle\n");

		MDataHandle integrationTypeData = data.inputValue(integrationType, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user integrationTypeData\n");

		MDataHandle forceModelTypeData = data.inputValue(forceModelType, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceModelTypeData\n");

		MDataHandle forceApplicationTimeData = data.inputValue(forceApplicationTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceApplicationTime\n");
		MDataHandle forceReleasedTimeData = data.inputValue(forceReleasedTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceReleasedTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceIncrementTimeData = data.inputValue(forceIncrementTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIncrementTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceStartTimeData = data.inputValue(forceStartTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceStartTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceStopTimeData = data.inputValue(forceStopTime, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceStopTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceMagnitudeData = data.inputValue(forceMagnitude, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIdleTime\n");

		MDataHandle useSuppliedForceData = data.inputValue(useSuppliedForce, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIdleTime\n");

		MDataHandle useSuppliedConstraintsData = data.inputValue(useSuppliedConstraints, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceIdleTime\n");

		MDataHandle forceDirectionData = data.inputValue(forceDirection, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceDirection\n");

		MDataHandle contactKsData = data.inputValue(contactKs, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceDirection\n");	

		MDataHandle contactKdData = data.inputValue(contactKd, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting user forceDirection\n");

		MTime currentTime, maxTime;
		currentTime = MAnimControl::currentTime();
		maxTime = MAnimControl::maxTime();
		if (currentTime == MAnimControl::minTime())
			// retrive restVertices and restElements
			MFnDoubleArrayData restVertArrayData(;
			MDoubleArray verts = restVertArrayData.array();
			int vertArrayLen = verts.length();
			double *vertArray = new double[vertArrayLen];

			for(int v=0;v<vertArrayLen;v=v+3)
				MPoint mpoint = MPoint(vertArray[v],vertArray[v+1],vertArray[v+2])*twmat;
				vertArray[v] = mpoint.x;
				vertArray[v+1] = mpoint.y;
				vertArray[v+2] = mpoint.z;

			MFnIntArrayData restEleArrayData(;
			MIntArray ele = restEleArrayData.array();
			int eleArrayLen = ele.length();
			int *eleArray = new int[eleArrayLen];

			MFnIntArrayData selectedConstraintVertsArrayData(;
			MIntArray sv = selectedConstraintVertsArrayData.array();

			// building selectedConstraintVerts
			vector<int> selectedConstraintVertIndices;
			for (int i = 0 ; i < sv.length() ; i++)

			MFnIntArrayData selectedForceVertsArrayData(;
			MIntArray sf = selectedForceVertsArrayData.array();

			vector<int> selectedForceVertIndices;
			for (int i = 0 ; i < sf.length() ; i++)

			// temporarily create force direction vector
			double *forceDir = forceDirectionData.asDouble3();

			vector<double> dir;
			dir.push_back(forceDir[0]); dir.push_back(forceDir[1]);dir.push_back(forceDir[2]);

			prevDeformed = 0;
			double youngsModulusDouble = youngsModulusData.asDouble();
			double poissonRatioDouble = poissonRatioData.asDouble();
			double objectDensityDouble = objectDensityData.asDouble();
			double frictionDouble = frictionData.asDouble();
			double restitutionDouble = restitutionData.asDouble();
			double dampingDouble = dampingData.asDouble();
			double userSuppliedDtDouble = userSuppliedDtData.asDouble();
			double forceMagnitudeDouble = forceMagnitudeData.asDouble();
			int fAppT = forceApplicationTimeData.asInt();
			int fReleasedT = forceReleasedTimeData.asInt();
			int fIncT = forceIncrementTimeData.asInt();
			int fStartT = forceStartTimeData.asInt();
			int fStopT = forceStopTimeData.asInt();
			int integrationTypeInt = integrationTypeData.asShort();
			int forceModelTypeInt = forceModelTypeData.asShort();

			bool useSuppliedForceBool = useSuppliedForceData.asBool();
			bool useSuppliedConstraintsBool = useSuppliedConstraintsData.asBool();

			double contactKs = contactKsData.asDouble();
			double contactKd = contactKdData.asDouble();

			if( sm)
				delete sm;
			sm = new SoftBodySim(youngsModulusDouble,poissonRatioDouble,objectDensityDouble,
				frictionDouble,restitutionDouble,dampingDouble, eleArrayLen, eleArray, vertArrayLen, vertArray,integrationTypeInt,forceModelTypeInt);
			if (useSuppliedConstraintsBool)
				sm->initialize("",userSuppliedDtDouble, selectedConstraintVertIndices);
				vector<int> empty;
				sm->initialize("",userSuppliedDtDouble, empty);
			if (useSuppliedForceBool)
				sm->setUserForceAttributes(forceMagnitudeDouble, dir,selectedForceVertIndices,fAppT,fReleasedT,fIncT,fStartT,fStopT);


		MFnMesh surfFn(rs,&stat);
		McheckErr( stat, "compute - MFnMesh error" );

		MFnMeshData ouputMeshDataCreator;
		MObject oMesh = ouputMeshDataCreator.create(&stat);
		buildOutputMesh(surfFn, sm->m_vertices,oMesh);


		stat = MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return stat;
Example #16
// COMPUTE ======================================
MStatus gear_rollSplineKine::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)

	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Error check
    if (plug != output)
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Get inputs matrices ------------------------------
	// Inputs Parent
	MArrayDataHandle adh = data.inputArrayValue( ctlParent );
	int count = adh.elementCount();
	if (count < 1)
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputsP(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputsP[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	// Inputs
	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputs );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputs(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputs[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputsRoll );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MDoubleArray roll(adh.elementCount());
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		roll[i] = degrees2radians((double)adh.inputValue().asFloat());

	// Output Parent
	MDataHandle ha = data.inputValue( outputParent );
	MMatrix outputParent = ha.asMatrix();
    // Get inputs sliders -------------------------------
    double in_u = (double)data.inputValue( u ).asFloat();
    bool in_resample = data.inputValue( resample ).asBool();
    int in_subdiv = data.inputValue( subdiv ).asShort();
    bool in_absolute = data.inputValue( absolute ).asBool();
    // Process ------------------------------------------
    // Get roll, pos, tan, rot, scl
    MVectorArray pos(count);
    MVectorArray tan(count);
	MQuaternion *rot;
	rot = new MQuaternion[count];
    MVectorArray scl(count);
	double threeDoubles[3];
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		MTransformationMatrix tp(inputsP[i]);
		MTransformationMatrix t(inputs[i]);
		pos[i] = t.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);
		rot[i] = tp.rotation();

		t.getScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);
		scl[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]);
		tan[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0] * 2.5, 0, 0).rotateBy(t.rotation());
    // Get step and indexes
    // We define between wich controlers the object is to be able to
    // calculate the bezier 4 points front this 2 objects
	double step = 1.0 / max( 1, count-1.0 );
	int index1 = (int)min( count-2.0, in_u/step );
	int index2 = index1+1;
	int index1temp = index1;
	int index2temp = index2;
	double v = (in_u - step * double(index1)) / step;
	double vtemp = v;
   // calculate the bezier
   MVector bezierPos;
   MVector xAxis, yAxis, zAxis;
      // straight bezier solve
      MVectorArray results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
      bezierPos = results[0];
      xAxis = results[1];
   else if(!in_absolute){
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[index1];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[index1];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results(2);
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],sampleu);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(v>=samplelen[i] && v <=  samplelen[i+1]){
            v = (v - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],v);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],v);
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[0];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[0];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results;
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         index1 = (int)min(count-2,sampleu / step);
         index2 = index1+1;
         v = (sampleu - step * double(index1)) / step;
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(in_u>=samplelen[i] && in_u <= samplelen[i+1]){
            in_u = (in_u - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],in_u);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],in_u);

	// compute the scaling (straight interpolation!)
	MVector scl1 = linearInterpolate(scl[index1temp], scl[index2temp],vtemp);

	// compute the rotation!
	MQuaternion q = slerp(rot[index1temp], rot[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = MVector(0,1,0);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy(q);
	// use directly or project the roll values!
	// print roll
	double a = linearInterpolate(roll[index1temp], roll[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy( MQuaternion(xAxis.x * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.y * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.z * sin(a/2.0), cos(a/2.0)));
	zAxis = xAxis ^ yAxis;
	yAxis = zAxis ^ xAxis;

	// Output -------------------------------------------
	MTransformationMatrix result;

	// translation
	result.setTranslation(bezierPos, MSpace::kWorld);
	// rotation
	q = getQuaternionFromAxes(xAxis,yAxis,zAxis);
	result.setRotationQuaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
	// scaling
	threeDoubles[0] = 1;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.y;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.z;
	result.setScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);

	MDataHandle h = data.outputValue( output );
	h.setMMatrix( result.asMatrix() * outputParent.inverse() );

	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus   clusterControledCurve::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	//MFnDependencyNode thisNode( thisMObject() );
	//cout << << ", start" << endl;

	MStatus status;

	MDataHandle hInputCurve = data.inputValue( aInputCurve, &status );
	MDataHandle hInputCurveMatrix = data.inputValue( aInputCurveMatrix, &status );
	MDataHandle hOutputCurve = data.outputValue( aOutputCurve, &status );

	MArrayDataHandle hArrBindPreMatrix = data.inputArrayValue( aBindPreMatrix, &status );
	MArrayDataHandle hArrMatrix = data.inputArrayValue( aMatrix, &status );

	MArrayDataHandle hArrWeightList = data.inputArrayValue( aWeightList, &status );

	MDataHandle hUpdate = data.inputValue( aUpdate, &status );

	MObject oInputCurve = hInputCurve.asNurbsCurve();

	int bindPreMatrixLength = hArrBindPreMatrix.elementCount();
	int matrixLength = hArrMatrix.elementCount();

	MFnNurbsCurve fnInputCurve = oInputCurve;
	int numCVs = fnInputCurve.numCVs();
	int weightListLength = hArrWeightList.elementCount();

	if( weightListLength > 100 )
		cout << "WeightList Count Error : " << weightListLength << endl;
		return MS::kFailure;

	MPointArray inputCvPoints;
	MPointArray outputCvPoints;

	fnInputCurve.getCVs( inputCvPoints );
	outputCvPoints.setLength( numCVs );

	MMatrix matrix;
	MMatrix inputCurveMatrix = hInputCurveMatrix.asMatrix();
	MMatrix inputCurveMatrixInverse = inputCurveMatrix.inverse();

	if( requireUpdate )
	CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT( updateBindPreMatrix( oInputCurve, inputCurveMatrixInverse,
				                                      hArrMatrix, hArrBindPreMatrix, hUpdate.asBool() ) );

	for( int i=0; i< numCVs; i++ )
		inputCvPoints[i] *= inputCurveMatrix;

	for( int i=0; i< numCVs; i++ )
		outputCvPoints[i] = MPoint( 0,0,0 );
		double weight;

		for( int j=0; j< matrixLength; j++ )
			weight = setWeights[i][j];

			hArrMatrix.jumpToElement( j );
			matrix = hArrMatrix.inputValue().asMatrix();
			outputCvPoints[i] += inputCvPoints[i]*bindPreMatrix[j]*matrix*weight;

	for( int i=0; i< numCVs; i++ )
		outputCvPoints[i] *= inputCurveMatrixInverse;

	MFnNurbsCurveData outputCurveData;
	MObject oOutputCurve = outputCurveData.create();

	fnInputCurve.copy( oInputCurve, oOutputCurve );

	MFnNurbsCurve fnOutputCurve( oOutputCurve, &status );
	fnOutputCurve.setCVs( outputCvPoints );

	hOutputCurve.set( oOutputCurve );

	data.setClean( plug );

	//cout << << ", end" << endl;

	return status;
Example #18
MStatus sgBulgeDeformer::deform(MDataBlock& dataBlock, MItGeometry& iter, const MMatrix& mtx, unsigned int index)
	MStatus status;

	float bulgeWeight = dataBlock.inputValue(aBulgeWeight).asFloat();
	double bulgeRadius = dataBlock.inputValue(aBulgeRadius).asDouble();

	MArrayDataHandle hArrInputs = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(aBulgeInputs);

	MPointArray allPositions;

	if (mem_resetElements)
		unsigned int elementCount = hArrInputs.elementCount();

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++,
			MDataHandle hInput = hArrInputs.inputValue();
			MDataHandle hMatrix = hInput.child(aMatrix);
			MDataHandle hMesh   = hInput.child(aMesh);

			MMatrix mtxMesh = hMatrix.asMatrix();
			MObject oMesh   = hMesh.asMesh();

			MFnMeshData meshDataInner, meshDataOuter;
			MObject oMeshInner = meshDataInner.create();
			MObject oMeshOuter = meshDataOuter.create();
			MFnMesh fnMesh;
			fnMesh.copy(oMesh, oMeshInner);
			fnMesh.copy(oMesh, oMeshOuter);

			sgMeshInfo* newMeshInfoInner = new sgMeshInfo(oMeshInner, hMatrix.asMatrix());
			sgMeshInfo* newMeshInfoOuter = new sgMeshInfo(oMeshOuter, hMatrix.asMatrix());

			mem_meshInfosInner[hArrInputs.elementIndex()] = newMeshInfoInner;
			mem_meshInfosOuter[hArrInputs.elementIndex()] = newMeshInfoOuter;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
		mem_meshInfosInner[i]->setBulge(bulgeWeight, MSpace::kWorld );
	MFloatArray weightList;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightList.length(); i++)
		weightList[i] = 0.0f;
	MMatrixArray inputMeshMatrixInverses;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
		inputMeshMatrixInverses[i] = mem_meshInfosInner[i]->matrix();

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allPositions.length(); i++)
		float resultWeight = 0;
		for (unsigned int infoIndex = 0; infoIndex < elementCount; infoIndex++)
			MPoint localPoint = allPositions[i] * mtx* inputMeshMatrixInverses[infoIndex];
			MPoint innerPoint = mem_meshInfosInner[infoIndex]->getClosestPoint(localPoint);
			MPoint outerPoint = mem_meshInfosOuter[infoIndex]->getClosestPoint(localPoint);
			MVector innerVector = innerPoint - localPoint;
			MVector outerVector = outerPoint - localPoint;

			if (innerVector * outerVector < 0)
				double innerLength = innerVector.length();
				double outerLength = outerVector.length();
				double allLength = innerLength + outerLength;

				float numerator = float( innerLength * outerLength );
				float denominator = float( pow(allLength / 2.0, 2) );

				resultWeight = numerator / denominator;
		weightList[i] = resultWeight;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allPositions.length(); i++)
		allPositions[i] += weightList[i] * MVector(0, 1, 0);

	return MS::kSuccess;