Example #1
// Write the 'connectAttr' commands for all of a node's incoming
// connections.
void maTranslator::writeNodeConnections(fstream& f, const MObject& node)
	MFnDependencyNode	nodeFn(node);
	MPlugArray			plugs;


	unsigned int		numBrokenConns = fBrokenConnSrcs.length();
	unsigned int		numPlugs = plugs.length();
	unsigned int		i;

	for (i = 0; i < numPlugs; i++)
		// We only care about connections where we are the destination.
		MPlug		destPlug = plugs[i];
		MPlugArray	srcPlug;

		destPlug.connectedTo(srcPlug, true, false);

		if (srcPlug.length() > 0)
			MObject				srcNode = srcPlug[0].node();
			MFnDependencyNode	srcNodeFn(srcNode);

			// Don't write the connection if the source is not writable...
			if (!srcNodeFn.canBeWritten()) continue;

			// or the connection was made in a referenced file...
			if (destPlug.isFromReferencedFile()) continue;

			// or the plug is procedural...
			if (destPlug.isProcedural()) continue;

			// or it is a connection between a default node and a shared
			// node (because those will get set up automatically).
			if (srcNodeFn.isDefaultNode() && nodeFn.isShared()) continue;

			f << "connectAttr \"";

			// Default nodes get a colon at the start of their names.
			if (srcNodeFn.isDefaultNode()) f << ":";

			f << srcPlug[0].partialName(true).asChar()
			  << "\" \"";

			if (nodeFn.isDefaultNode()) f << ":";

			f << destPlug.partialName(true).asChar()
			  << "\"";

			// If the src plug is also one from which a broken
			// connection originated, then add the "-rd/referenceDest" flag
			// to the command.  That will help Maya to better adjust if the
			// referenced file has changed the next time it is loaded.
			if (srcNodeFn.isFromReferencedFile())
				unsigned int j;

				for (j = 0; j < numBrokenConns; j++)
					if (fBrokenConnSrcs[j] == srcPlug[0])
						f << " -rd \""
						  << fBrokenConnDests[j].partialName(true).asChar()
						  << "\"";


			// If the plug is locked, then add a "-l/lock" flag to the
			// command.
			if (destPlug.isLocked()) f << " -l on";

			// If the destination attribute is a multi for which index
			// does not matter, then we must add the "-na/nextAvailable"
			// flag to the command.
			MObject			attr = destPlug.attribute();
			MFnAttribute	attrFn(attr);

			if (!attrFn.indexMatters()) f << " -na";

			f << ";" << endl;