Example #1
 * Find the closest match in db, return as element of matches
void SemanticDescriptor::findClosestMatch(Database & db, Matches & matches) 
    SemanticDescriptor bestMatch = (*(db.dDB.begin())).first;


    SemanticDescriptor compareID;
    int matchStrength;

    map<SemanticDescriptor, string>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = db.dDB.begin(); iter != db.dDB.end(); ++iter) {
        compareID = iter->first;
        matchStrength = closerMatch(compareID, bestMatch, db);
        /* If compareID is a better match, reset matches */
        if (matchStrength > 0)
            if (compareID.coverage(*this, db) >= .5) {
                bestMatch = compareID;
        /* If compareID is an equal match, then add it to the set of matches */
        if (matchStrength == 0)
            if (compareID.coverage(*this, db) >= .5)
bool ImageTransformation::findHomography( const Keypoints& source, const Keypoints& result, const Matches& input, Matches& inliers, cv::Mat& homography)
    if (input.size() < 8)
        return false;

    std::vector<cv::Point2f> srcPoints, dstPoints;
    const int pointsCount = input.size();

    for (int i=0; i<pointsCount; i++)

    std::vector<unsigned char> status;
    cv::findHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints, CV_FM_RANSAC, 3, status);

    for (int i=0; i<pointsCount; i++)
        if (status[i])

    return true;
void TestRunner::getHash(Testable* testable, unsigned char result[]){
    Matches matches = testable->collect();
    std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(), Match::sortFun);

    Matches::iterator it;

    for(it=matches.begin(); it!=matches.end(); ++it){
    	std::string matchStr = (*it).toString();
        SHA1_Update(&shaCtx, matchStr.c_str(), matchStr.size());
    SHA1_Final(result, &shaCtx);
Example #4
 * Find exact matches for the semantic descriptor in the database
bool SemanticDescriptor::findExactMatches(Database & db, Matches & matches)
    SemanticDescriptor compareID;

    map<SemanticDescriptor, string>::iterator iter;

    for (iter = db.dDB.begin(); iter != db.dDB.end(); ++iter) {
        compareID = iter->first;

        if (equals(compareID, db)) {

    return matches.size();
Example #5
    MatchPersistence MatchPersistenceFromJSON(const Value &value) {
        auto executableName = value["executableName"].GetString();
        auto matcherName = value["matcherName"].GetString();
		auto executableArchitecture = value["executableArchitecture"].GetString();
		auto realTime = value["realTime"].GetDouble();
        auto cpuTime = value["cpuTime"].GetDouble();

        Matches matches;
        auto &matchesValue = value["matches"];
        for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < matchesValue.Size(); ++i) {
            auto match = MatchFromJSON(matchesValue[i]);
            if (match) {
        return MatchPersistence(executableName,matcherName,executableArchitecture,realTime,cpuTime,matches);
bool computeMatchesDistanceStatistics(const Matches& matches, float& meanDistance, float& stdDev)
  if (matches.empty())
    return false;

  std::vector<float> distances(matches.size());
  for (size_t i=0; i<matches.size(); i++)
    distances[i] = matches[i].distance;

  cv::Scalar mean, dev;
  cv::meanStdDev(distances, mean, dev);

  meanDistance = static_cast<float>(mean.val[0]);
  stdDev       = static_cast<float>(dev.val[0]);

  return false;
void ratioTest(const std::vector<Matches>& knMatches, float maxRatio, Matches& goodMatches)

  for (size_t i=0; i< knMatches.size(); i++)
    const cv::DMatch& best = knMatches[i][0];
    const cv::DMatch& good = knMatches[i][1];

    assert(best.distance <= good.distance);
    float ratio = (best.distance / good.distance);

    if (ratio <= maxRatio)
static void generateSummary( Summary &summary, char *htmlInput, const char *queryStr, const char *urlStr ) {
	Xml xml;
	ASSERT_TRUE(xml.set(htmlInput, strlen(htmlInput), 0, CT_HTML));

	Words words;
	ASSERT_TRUE(words.set(&xml, true));

	Bits bits;

	Url url;

	Sections sections;
	ASSERT_TRUE(sections.set(&words, &bits, &url, "", CT_HTML));

	Query query;
	ASSERT_TRUE(query.set2(queryStr, langEnglish, true));

	LinkInfo linkInfo;
	memset ( &linkInfo , 0 , sizeof(LinkInfo) );
	linkInfo.m_lisize = sizeof(LinkInfo);

	Title title;
	ASSERT_TRUE(title.setTitle(&xml, &words, 80, &query, &linkInfo, &url, NULL, 0, CT_HTML, langEnglish));

	Pos pos;

	Bits bitsForSummary;

	Phrases phrases;
	ASSERT_TRUE(phrases.set(&words, &bits));

	Matches matches;
	ASSERT_TRUE(matches.set(&words, &phrases, &sections, &bitsForSummary, &pos, &xml, &title, &url, &linkInfo));

	summary.setSummary(&xml, &words, &sections, &pos, &query, 180, 3, 3, 180, &url, &matches, title.getTitle(), title.getTitleLen());
Example #9
bool HybridTracker::Localize(const Marker& target, const Frame& scene, Matches& out) {
   vector<cv::DMatch> matches;
   methods.Match(target.descriptor, scene.descriptor, matches);

   for(auto& it : matches) {

   return matches.size() > 20;
Example #10
 * Function:		initRouteMatrix()
 * Comments:		Initializes global route matrix for this Solution
void Solution::initRouteMatrix()
	if(matrixInitType == FLUSH || myInternalMatrix.use_count() == 0)
		Matches matches;
		Riders riders;
		for(MatchesMap::iterator it = myMatches.begin();
				it != myMatches.end();
			for(Riders::iterator rider = it->second.confirmedRiders.begin();
					rider != it->second.confirmedRiders.end();
		for(RidersMap::iterator it = myRiders.begin();
				it != myRiders.end();

		Drivers emptyDrivers;
			myInternalMatrix.reset(new RouteMatrixLocal(emptyDrivers,riders,matches));
			myInternalMatrix.reset(new RouteMatrix<>(emptyDrivers,riders,matches));
		//std::cout << "Using old route Matrix" <<std::endl;
	routeMatrix = myInternalMatrix;
bool performEstimation
    const FeatureAlgorithm& alg,
    const ImageTransformation& transformation,
    const cv::Mat& sourceImage,
    std::vector<FrameMatchingStatistics>& stat
  Keypoints   sourceKp;
  Descriptors sourceDesc;

  cv::Mat gray;
  if (sourceImage.channels() == 3)
      cv::cvtColor(sourceImage, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
  else if (sourceImage.channels() == 4)
      cv::cvtColor(sourceImage, gray, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
  else if(sourceImage.channels() == 1)
      gray = sourceImage;

  if (!alg.extractFeatures(gray, sourceKp, sourceDesc))
    return false;

  std::vector<float> x = transformation.getX();

  const int count = x.size();

  cv::Mat     transformedImage;
  Keypoints   resKpReal;
  Descriptors resDesc;
  Matches     matches;

  // To convert ticks to milliseconds
  const double toMsMul = 1000. / cv::getTickFrequency();

#pragma omp parallel for private(transformedImage, resKpReal, resDesc, matches)
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    float       arg = x[i];
    FrameMatchingStatistics& s = stat[i];

    transformation.transform(arg, gray, transformedImage);

    int64 start = cv::getTickCount();

    alg.extractFeatures(transformedImage, resKpReal, resDesc);

    // Initialize required fields
    s.isValid        = resKpReal.size() > 0;
    s.argumentValue  = arg;

    if (!s.isValid)

    if (alg.knMatchSupported)
      std::vector<Matches> knMatches;
      alg.matchFeatures(sourceDesc, resDesc, 2, knMatches);
      ratioTest(knMatches, 0.75, matches);

      // Compute percent of false matches that were rejected by ratio test
      s.ratioTestFalseLevel = (float)(knMatches.size() - matches.size()) / (float) knMatches.size();
      alg.matchFeatures(sourceDesc, resDesc, matches);

    int64 end = cv::getTickCount();

    Matches correctMatches;
    cv::Mat homography;
    bool homographyFound = ImageTransformation::findHomography(sourceKp, resKpReal, matches, correctMatches, homography);

    // Some simple stat:
    s.isValid        = homographyFound;
    s.totalKeypoints = resKpReal.size();
    s.consumedTimeMs = (end - start) * toMsMul;

    // Compute overall percent of matched keypoints
    s.percentOfMatches      = (float) matches.size() / (float)(std::min(sourceKp.size(), resKpReal.size()));
    s.correctMatchesPercent = (float) correctMatches.size() / (float)matches.size();

    // Compute matching statistics
    computeMatchesDistanceStatistics(correctMatches, s.meanDistance, s.stdDevDistance);

  return true;
Example #12
void LookupWidget::setCompletionItems(const Matches& matches) {
typename PointMatcher<T>::ErrorMinimizer::ErrorElements& PointMatcher<T>::ErrorMinimizer::getMatchedPoints(
		const DataPoints& requestedPts,
		const DataPoints& sourcePts,
		const Matches& matches, 
		const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights)
	typedef typename Matches::Ids Ids;
	typedef typename Matches::Dists Dists;
	assert(matches.ids.rows() > 0);
	assert(matches.ids.cols() > 0);
	assert(matches.ids.cols() == requestedPts.features.cols()); //nbpts
	assert(outlierWeights.rows() == matches.ids.rows());  // knn
	const int knn = outlierWeights.rows();
	const int dimFeat = requestedPts.features.rows();
	const int dimReqDesc = requestedPts.descriptors.rows();

	// Count points with no weights
	const int pointsCount = (outlierWeights.array() != 0.0).count();
	if (pointsCount == 0)
		throw ConvergenceError("ErrorMnimizer: no point to minimize");

	Matrix keptFeat(dimFeat, pointsCount);
	Matrix keptDesc;
	if(dimReqDesc > 0)
		keptDesc = Matrix(dimReqDesc, pointsCount);

	Matches keptMatches (Dists(1,pointsCount), Ids(1, pointsCount));
	OutlierWeights keptWeights(1, pointsCount);

	int j = 0;
	int rejectedMatchCount = 0;
	int rejectedPointCount = 0;
	bool matchExist = false;
	this->weightedPointUsedRatio = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < requestedPts.features.cols(); ++i) //nb pts
		matchExist = false;
		for(int k = 0; k < knn; k++) // knn
			if (outlierWeights(k,i) != 0.0)
				if(dimReqDesc > 0)
					keptDesc.col(j) = requestedPts.descriptors.col(i);
				keptFeat.col(j) = requestedPts.features.col(i);
				keptMatches.ids(0, j) = matches.ids(k, i);
				keptMatches.dists(0, j) = matches.dists(k, i);
				keptWeights(0,j) = outlierWeights(k,i);
				this->weightedPointUsedRatio += outlierWeights(k,i);
				matchExist = true;

		if(matchExist == false)

	assert(j == pointsCount);

	this->pointUsedRatio = double(j)/double(knn*requestedPts.features.cols());
	this->weightedPointUsedRatio /= double(knn*requestedPts.features.cols());
	assert(dimFeat == sourcePts.features.rows());
	const int dimSourDesc = sourcePts.descriptors.rows();
	Matrix associatedFeat(dimFeat, pointsCount);
	Matrix associatedDesc;
	if(dimSourDesc > 0)
		associatedDesc = Matrix(dimSourDesc, pointsCount);

	// Fetch matched points
	for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i)
		const int refIndex(keptMatches.ids(i));
		associatedFeat.col(i) = sourcePts.features.block(0, refIndex, dimFeat, 1);
		if(dimSourDesc > 0)
			associatedDesc.col(i) = sourcePts.descriptors.block(0, refIndex, dimSourDesc, 1);

	this->lastErrorElements.reading = DataPoints(
	this->lastErrorElements.reference = DataPoints(
	this->lastErrorElements.weights = keptWeights;
	this->lastErrorElements.matches = keptMatches;
	this->lastErrorElements.nbRejectedMatches = rejectedMatchCount;
	this->lastErrorElements.nbRejectedPoints = rejectedPointCount;

	return this->lastErrorElements;
void InspectorsImpl<T>::AbstractVTKInspector::dumpDataLinks(
	const DataPoints& ref, 
	const DataPoints& reading, 
	const Matches& matches, 
	const OutlierWeights& featureOutlierWeights, 
	std::ostream& stream)

	const Matrix& refFeatures(ref.features);
	const int refPtCount(refFeatures.cols());
	//const int featDim(refFeatures.rows());
	const Matrix& readingFeatures(reading.features);
	const int readingPtCount(readingFeatures.cols());
	const int totalPtCount(refPtCount+readingPtCount);
	stream << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n";
	stream << "comment\n";
	stream << "ASCII\n";
	stream << "DATASET POLYDATA\n";
	stream << "POINTS " << totalPtCount << " float\n";
	if(refFeatures.rows() == 4)
		// reference pt
		stream << refFeatures.topLeftCorner(3, refFeatures.cols()).transpose() << "\n";
		// reading pt
		stream << readingFeatures.topLeftCorner(3, readingFeatures.cols()).transpose() << "\n";
		// reference pt
		stream << refFeatures.transpose() << "\n";
		// reading pt
		stream << readingFeatures.transpose() << "\n";
	const int knn = matches.ids.rows();
	stream << "LINES " << readingPtCount*knn << " "  << readingPtCount*knn * 3 << "\n";
	//int j = 0;
	for(int k = 0; k < knn; k++) // knn
		for (int i = 0; i < readingPtCount; ++i)
			stream << "2 " << refPtCount + i << " " << matches.ids(k, i) << "\n";

	stream << "CELL_DATA " << readingPtCount*knn << "\n";
	stream << "SCALARS outlier float 1\n";
	stream << "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n";
	//stream << "LOOKUP_TABLE alphaOutlier\n";
	for(int k = 0; k < knn; k++) // knn
		for (int i = 0; i < readingPtCount; ++i) //nb pts
			stream << featureOutlierWeights(k, i) << "\n";

	//stream << "LOOKUP_TABLE alphaOutlier 2\n";
	//stream << "1 0 0 0.5\n";
	//stream << "0 1 0 1\n";

Example #15
int main()
    std::string port=":9000";
    int listenQueueBacklog = 400;
    if ( FCGX_Init() )
       exit( 1 );

    int listen_socket = FCGX_OpenSocket( port.c_str(), listenQueueBacklog );
    if ( listen_socket < 0 )
       exit( 1 );

    FCGX_Request request;
    if ( FCGX_InitRequest( &request,  listen_socket, 0 ) )
       exit( 1 );

    std::string header = "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
    NumTable db;
    std::map<Number,Number> posts;
        sql::Driver *driver;
        sql::Connection *con;
        sql::Statement *stmt;
        sql::ResultSet *res;

        driver = get_driver_instance();
        con = driver->connect( "tcp://", "wiki_bot", "31415" );
        con->setSchema( "orpheus" );

        stmt = con->createStatement();
        res = stmt->executeQuery( "SELECT hash, track_id FROM hashes_all" );
        while ( res->next() )
            Number h = res->getUInt64( "hash" );
            db.push_back( h );
            posts[h] = res->getUInt64( "track_id" );

        delete res;
        delete stmt;
        delete con;
    catch ( sql::SQLException &e )
        std::cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
        std::cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line "  << __LINE__ << std::endl;
        std::cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
        std::cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
        std::cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Start building." << std::endl;

    HEngine_sn e( 7 );
    e.build( db );

    std::cout << "Building done." << std::endl;

    while ( FCGX_Accept_r( &request ) == 0 )
        std::cout << "Have request. " << std::endl;

        NumTable q;
        Number hash;
        std::string query = FCGX_GetParam( "QUERY_STRING", request.envp );

        std::stringstream ss( query );
        while ( ss >> hash )
            q.push_back( hash );

            if ( ss.peek() == ',' )

        std::string body = header;
        int c = 0;
        for ( auto &h: q )
            Matches res = e.query( h );
            c += res.size();
            for ( auto &r: res )
                body += std::to_string( posts[r.first] ) + ":" + std::to_string( r.first ) + ":" + std::to_string( r.second ) + "<br/>";

        FCGX_PutS( body.c_str(), request.out );
        FCGX_Finish_r( &request );

    return 0;
bool ImageTransformation::findHomography( const Keypoints& source, const Keypoints& result, const Matches& input, Matches& inliers, cv::Mat& homography)
    if (input.size() < 4)
        return false;
    const int pointsCount = input.size();
    const float reprojectionThreshold = 2;

    //Prepare src and dst points
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> srcPoints, dstPoints;    
    for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++)
    // Find homography using RANSAC algorithm
    std::vector<unsigned char> status;
    homography = cv::findHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints, cv::RANSAC, reprojectionThreshold, status);
    // Warp dstPoints to srcPoints domain using inverted homography transformation
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> srcReprojected;
    cv::perspectiveTransform(dstPoints, srcReprojected, homography.inv());

    // Pass only matches with low reprojection error (less than reprojectionThreshold value in pixels)
    for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++)
        cv::Point2f actual = srcPoints[i];
        cv::Point2f expect = srcReprojected[i];
        cv::Point2f v = actual - expect;
        float distanceSquared = v.dot(v);
        if (/*status[i] && */distanceSquared <= reprojectionThreshold * reprojectionThreshold)
    // Test for bad case
    if (inliers.size() < 4)
        return false;
    // Now use only good points to find refined homography:
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> refinedSrc, refinedDst;
    for (int i = 0; i < inliers.size(); i++)
    // Use least squares method to find precise homography
    cv::Mat homography2 = cv::findHomography(refinedSrc, refinedDst, 0, reprojectionThreshold);

    // Reproject again:
    cv::perspectiveTransform(dstPoints, srcReprojected, homography2.inv());

    for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++)
        cv::Point2f actual = srcPoints[i];
        cv::Point2f expect = srcReprojected[i];
        cv::Point2f v = actual - expect;
        float distanceSquared = v.dot(v);

        if (distanceSquared <= reprojectionThreshold * reprojectionThreshold)
    homography = homography2;
    return inliers.size() >= 4;
Example #17
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    float  userTime;
    struct rusage startTime, stopTime;

    getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &startTime );

    if ( argc != 4 )
        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <k> <data file> <query file>" << std::endl << std::endl;

        return 1;

    unsigned k = atoi( argv[1] );
    std::string line;

    std::cout << "Reading the dataset ........ ";
    fflush( stdout );

    NumTable db;

    std::ifstream dict;
    dict.open( argv[2], std::ifstream::in );
    while ( getline( dict, line ) )
        Number h;

        std::istringstream reader( line );
        reader >> h;
        db.push_back( h );

    NumTable q;

    std::ifstream qdict;
    qdict.open( argv[3], std::ifstream::in );
    while ( getline( qdict, line ) )
        Number h;

        std::istringstream reader( line );
        reader >> h;
        q.push_back( h );

    std::cout <<  "done. " << db.size() << " db hashes and " << q.size() << " query hashes." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Building with " << k << " hamming distance bound ....... ";
    fflush( stdout );

    HEngine_sn e( k );
    e.build( db );

    std::cout << "done." << std::endl;

    getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &stopTime );
    userTime =
                ( (float) ( stopTime.ru_utime.tv_sec  - startTime.ru_utime.tv_sec ) ) +
                ( (float) ( stopTime.ru_utime.tv_usec - startTime.ru_utime.tv_usec ) ) * 1e-6;

    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Building time: " << userTime << " seconds" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Searching HEngine matches ......." << std::endl;

    getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &startTime );
    int c = 0;
    for ( auto &h: q )
        Matches res = e.query( h );
        c += res.size();
        /*for ( auto &d : res )
            //std::cout << "[" << d.second << "] "<< std::endl;// << HEngine::binStr2Number( h ) << " -> " << HEngine::binStr2Number( d.first ) << std::endl;

    getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &stopTime );
    userTime =
                ( (float) ( stopTime.ru_utime.tv_sec  - startTime.ru_utime.tv_sec ) ) +
                ( (float) ( stopTime.ru_utime.tv_usec - startTime.ru_utime.tv_usec ) ) * 1e-6;

    std::cout << "found " << c << " total matches. HEngine query time: " << userTime << " seconds" << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Searching linear matches ......." << std::endl;
    getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &startTime );
    c = 0;
    for ( auto &item: db )
        for ( auto &h: q )
            unsigned d = HEngine::getHammingDistance( h, item );
            if ( d <= k )
    getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &stopTime );
    userTime =
                ( (float) ( stopTime.ru_utime.tv_sec  - startTime.ru_utime.tv_sec ) ) +
                ( (float) ( stopTime.ru_utime.tv_usec - startTime.ru_utime.tv_usec ) ) * 1e-6;

    std::cout << "found " << c  << " total matches. Linear query time: " << userTime << " seconds" << std::endl << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;
typename ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::Matrix
ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::PointToPlaneWithCovErrorMinimizer::estimateCovariance(const DataPoints& reading, const DataPoints& reference, const Matches& matches, const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights, const TransformationParameters& transformation)
	int max_nbr_point = outlierWeights.cols();

	Matrix covariance(Matrix::Zero(6,6));
	Matrix J_hessian(Matrix::Zero(6,6));
	Matrix d2J_dReadingdX(Matrix::Zero(6, max_nbr_point));
	Matrix d2J_dReferencedX(Matrix::Zero(6, max_nbr_point));

	Vector reading_point(Vector::Zero(3));
	Vector reference_point(Vector::Zero(3));
	Vector normal(3);
	Vector reading_direction(Vector::Zero(3));
	Vector reference_direction(Vector::Zero(3));

	Matrix normals = reference.getDescriptorViewByName("normals");

	if (normals.rows() < 3)    // Make sure there are normals in DataPoints
		return std::numeric_limits<T>::max() * Matrix::Identity(6,6);

	T beta = -asin(transformation(2,0));
	T alpha = atan2(transformation(2,1), transformation(2,2));
	T gamma = atan2(transformation(1,0)/cos(beta), transformation(0,0)/cos(beta));
	T t_x = transformation(0,3);
	T t_y = transformation(1,3);
	T t_z = transformation(2,3);

	Vector tmp_vector_6(Vector::Zero(6));

	int valid_points_count = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < max_nbr_point; ++i)
		if (outlierWeights(0,i) > 0.0)
			reading_point = reading.features.block(0,i,3,1);
			int reference_idx = matches.ids(0,i);
			reference_point = reference.features.block(0,reference_idx,3,1);

			normal = normals.block(0,reference_idx,3,1);

			T reading_range = reading_point.norm();
			reading_direction = reading_point / reading_range;
			T reference_range = reference_point.norm();
			reference_direction = reference_point / reference_range;

			T n_alpha = normal(2)*reading_direction(1) - normal(1)*reading_direction(2);
			T n_beta = normal(0)*reading_direction(2) - normal(2)*reading_direction(0);
			T n_gamma = normal(1)*reading_direction(0) - normal(0)*reading_direction(1);

			T E = normal(0)*(reading_point(0) - gamma*reading_point(1) + beta*reading_point(2) + t_x - reference_point(0));
			E +=  normal(1)*(gamma*reading_point(0) + reading_point(1) - alpha*reading_point(2) + t_y - reference_point(1));
			E +=  normal(2)*(-beta*reading_point(0) + alpha*reading_point(1) + reading_point(2) + t_z - reference_point(2));

			T N_reading = normal(0)*(reading_direction(0) - gamma*reading_direction(1) + beta*reading_direction(2));
			N_reading +=  normal(1)*(gamma*reading_direction(0) + reading_direction(1) - alpha*reading_direction(2));
			N_reading +=  normal(2)*(-beta*reading_direction(0) + alpha*reading_direction(1) + reading_direction(2));

			T N_reference = -(normal(0)*reference_direction(0) + normal(1)*reference_direction(1) + normal(2)*reference_direction(2));

			// update the hessian and d2J/dzdx
			tmp_vector_6 << normal(0), normal(1), normal(2), reading_range * n_alpha, reading_range * n_beta, reading_range * n_gamma;

			J_hessian += tmp_vector_6 * tmp_vector_6.transpose();

			tmp_vector_6 << normal(0) * N_reading, normal(1) * N_reading, normal(2) * N_reading, n_alpha * (E + reading_range * N_reading), n_beta * (E + reading_range * N_reading), n_gamma * (E + reading_range * N_reading);

			d2J_dReadingdX.block(0,valid_points_count,6,1) = tmp_vector_6;

			tmp_vector_6 << normal(0) * N_reference, normal(1) * N_reference, normal(2) * N_reference, reference_range * n_alpha * N_reference, reference_range * n_beta * N_reference, reference_range * n_gamma * N_reference;

			d2J_dReferencedX.block(0,valid_points_count,6,1) = tmp_vector_6;

		} // if (outlierWeights(0,i) > 0.0)

	Matrix d2J_dZdX(Matrix::Zero(6, 2 * valid_points_count));
	d2J_dZdX.block(0,0,6,valid_points_count) = d2J_dReadingdX.block(0,0,6,valid_points_count);
	d2J_dZdX.block(0,valid_points_count,6,valid_points_count) = d2J_dReferencedX.block(0,0,6,valid_points_count);

	Matrix inv_J_hessian = J_hessian.inverse();

	covariance = d2J_dZdX * d2J_dZdX.transpose();
	covariance = inv_J_hessian * covariance * inv_J_hessian;

	return (sensorStdDev * sensorStdDev) * covariance;
Example #19
void Solution::initMyMatches(const Matches& matches){
	for (size_t ii = 0; ii < matches.size(); ii++){
		myMatches[matches[ii].myDriver.routeId] = matches[ii];
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Title::setTitle ( Xml *xml, Words *words, int32_t maxTitleLen, Query *query,
                       LinkInfo *linkInfo, Url *firstUrl, const char *filteredRootTitleBuf, int32_t filteredRootTitleBufSize,
                       uint8_t contentType, uint8_t langId, int32_t niceness ) {
	// make Msg20.cpp faster if it is just has
	// Msg20Request::m_setForLinkInfo set to true, no need to extricate a title.
	if ( maxTitleLen <= 0 ) {
		return true;

	m_niceness = niceness;
	m_maxTitleLen = maxTitleLen;

	// if this is too big the "first line" algo can be huge!!!
	// and really slow everything way down with a huge title candidate
	int32_t maxTitleWords = 128;

	// assume no title

	int32_t NW = words->getNumWords();

	// now get all the candidates

	// . allow up to 100 title CANDIDATES
	// . "as" is the word # of the first word in the candidate
	// . "bs" is the word # of the last word IN the candidate PLUS ONE
	int32_t n = 0;
	int32_t as[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t bs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float scores[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	Words *cptrs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t types[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t parent[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// record the scoring algos effects
	float  baseScore        [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  noCapsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  qtermsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  inCommonCandBoost[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// reset these
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
		// assume no parent
		parent[i] = -1;

	// xml and words class for each link info, rss item
	int32_t  ti = 0;

	// restrict how many link texts and rss blobs we check for titles
	// because title recs like www.google.com have hundreds and can
	// really slow things down to like 50ms for title generation
	int32_t kcount = 0;
	int32_t rcount = 0;

	//int64_t x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . get every link text
	// . TODO: repeat for linkInfo2, the imported link text
	for ( Inlink *k = NULL; linkInfo && (k = linkInfo->getNextInlink(k)) ; ) {
		// breathe
		// fast skip check for link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 && ++kcount >= 20 ) continue;
		// fast skip check for rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem > 10 && ++rcount >= 20 ) continue;

		// set Url
		Url u;
		u.set( k->getUrl(), k->size_urlBuf );

		// is it the same host as us?
		bool sh = true;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( firstUrl->getHostLen() != u.getHostLen() ) {
			sh = false;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( strncmp( firstUrl->getHost(), u.getHost(), u.getHostLen() ) ) {
			sh = false;

		// get the link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 ) {
			char *p    = k->getLinkText();
			int32_t  plen = k->size_linkText - 1;
			if ( ! verifyUtf8 ( p , plen ) ) {
				log("title: set4 bad link text from url=%s", k->getUrl());

			// now the words.
			if ( !tw[ti].set( k->getLinkText(), k->size_linkText - 1, true, 0 ) ) {
				return false;

			// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			// score higher if same host
			if ( sh ) scores[n] = 1.05;
			// do not count so high if remote!
			else      scores[n] = 0.80;
			// set the type
			if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL;
			else      types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE;
			// another candidate
			// use xml and words
			// break out if too many already. save some for below.
			if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;
		// get the rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem <= 10 ) continue;
		// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
		// . use a 0 for niceness
		if ( ! k->setXmlFromRSS ( &tx[ti] , 0 ) ) return false;
		// get the word range
		int32_t tslen;
		bool isHtmlEnc;
		char *ts = tx[ti].getRSSTitle ( &tslen , &isHtmlEnc );
		// skip if not in the rss
		if ( ! ts ) continue;
		// skip if empty
		if ( tslen <= 0 ) continue;
		// now set words to that
		if ( !tw[ti].set( ts, tslen, true, 0 ) ) {
			return false;

		// point to that
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		// increment since we are using it
		// base score for rss title
		if ( sh ) scores[n] = 5.0;
		// if not same host, treat like link text
		else      scores[n] = 2.0;
		// set the type
		if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_RSSITEMLOCAL;
		else      types [n] = TT_RSSITEMREMOTE;
		// advance
		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took1=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . set the flags array
	// . indicates what words are in title candidates already, but
	//   that is set below
	// . up here we set words that are not allowed to be in candidates,
	//   like words that are in a link that is not a self link
	// . alloc for it
	char *flags = NULL;
	char localBuf[10000];

	int32_t  need = words->getNumWords();
	if ( need <= 10000 ) {
		flags = (char *)localBuf;
	} else {
		flags = (char *)mmalloc(need,"TITLEflags");

	if ( ! flags ) {
		return false;

	// clear it
	memset ( flags , 0 , need );

	// check tags in body
	nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();

	// scan to set link text flags
	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	char inLink   = false;
	char selfLink = false;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// breathe

		// if in a link that is not self link, cannot be in a candidate
		if ( inLink && ! selfLink ) {
			flags[i] |= 0x02;

		// out of a link
		if ( tids[i] == (TAG_A | BACKBIT) ) {
			inLink = false;

		// if not start of <a> tag, skip it
		if ( tids[i] != TAG_A ) {

		// flag it
		inLink = true;

		// get the node in the xml
		int32_t xn = words->getNodes()[i];

		// is it a self link?
		int32_t len;
		char *link = xml->getString(xn,"href",&len);

		// . set the url class to this
		// . TODO: use the base url in the doc
		Url u;
		u.set( link, len, true, false );

		// compare
		selfLink = u.equals ( firstUrl );

		// skip if not selfLink
		if ( ! selfLink ) {

		// if it is a selflink , check for an "onClick" tag in the
		// anchor tag to fix that Mixx issue for:
		// http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137

		int32_t  oclen;
		char *oc = xml->getString(xn,"onclick",&oclen);

		if ( ! oc ) {
			oc = xml->getString(xn,"onClick",&oclen);

		// assume not a self link if we see that...
		if ( oc ) {
			selfLink = false;

		// if this <a href> link has a "title" attribute, use that
		// instead! that thing is solid gold.
		int32_t  atlen;
		char *atitle = xml->getString(xn,"title",&atlen);

		// stop and use that, this thing is gold!
		if ( ! atitle || atlen <= 0 ) {

		// craziness? ignore it...
		if ( atlen > 400 ) {

		// if it contains permanent, permalink or share, ignore it!
		if ( strncasestr ( atitle, "permalink", atlen ) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"permanent", atlen) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"share", atlen) ) {

		// do not count the link text as viable
		selfLink = false;

		// aw, dammit
		if ( ti >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// other dammit
		if ( n >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// ok, process it
		if ( ! tw[ti].set ( atitle, atlen, true, 0 )) {
			return false;

		// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		scores  [n] = 3.0; // not ALWAYS solid gold!
		types   [n] = TT_TITLEATT;

		// we are using the words class

		// advance

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 20 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took2=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	//int64_t *wids = WW->getWordIds();
	// . find the last positive scoring guy
	// . do not consider title candidates after "r" if "r" is non-zero
	// . FIXES http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/

	// the candidate # of the title tag
	int32_t tti = -1;

	// allow up to 4 tags from each type
	char table[512];

	// sanity check
	if ( getNumXmlNodes() > 512 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// clear table counts
	memset ( table , 0 , 512 );

	// the first word
	char *wstart = NULL;
	if ( NW > 0 ) {
		wstart = words->getWord(0);

	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// come back up here if we encounter another "title-ish" tag
		// within our first alleged "title-ish" tag
		// stop after 30k of text
		if ( words->getWord(i) - wstart > 200000 ) {
			break; // 1106

		// get the tag id minus the back tag bit
		nodeid_t tid = tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP;

		// pen up and pen down for these comment like tags
		if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT || tid == TAG_STYLE ) {
			// ignore "titles" in script or style tags
			if ( ! (tids[i] & BACKBIT) ) {

		/// @todo ALC we should allow more tags than just title/link
		// skip if not a good tag.
		if (tid != TAG_TITLE && tid != TAG_A) {

		// must NOT be a back tag
		if ( tids[i] & BACKBIT ) {

		// skip if we hit our limit
		if ( table[tid] >= 4 ) {

		// skip over tag/word #i

		// no words in links, unless it is a self link
		if ( i < NW && (flags[i] & 0x02) ) {

		// the start should be here
		int32_t start = -1;

		// do not go too far
		int32_t max = i + 200;

		// find the corresponding back tag for it
		for (  ; i < NW && i < max ; i++ ) {
			// hey we got it, BUT we got no alnum word first
			// so the thing was empty, so loop back to subloop
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == tid  &&   
			     (tids[i] & BACKBIT    ) && 
			     start == -1 ) {
				goto subloop;

			// if we hit another title-ish tag, loop back up
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_TITLE || (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_A ) {
				// if no alnum text, restart at the top
				if ( start == -1 ) {
					goto subloop;

				// otherwise, break out and see if title works

			// if we hit a breaking tag...
			if ( isBreakingTagId ( tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP ) &&
			     // do not consider <span> tags breaking for 
			     // our purposes. i saw a <h1><span> setup before.
			     tids[i] != TAG_SPAN ) {

			// skip if not alnum word
			if ( ! words->isAlnum(i) ) {

			// if we hit an alnum word, break out
			if ( start == -1 ) {
				start = i;

		// if no start was found, must have had a 0 score in there
		if ( start == -1 ) {

		// if we exhausted the doc, we are done
		if ( i >= NW ) {

		// skip if way too big!
		if ( i >= max ) {

		// if was too long do not consider a title
		if ( i - start > 300 ) {

		// . skip if too many bytes
		// . this does not include the length of word #i, but #(i-1)
		if ( words->getStringSize ( start , i ) > 1000 ) {

		// when using pdftohtml, the title tag is the filename when PDF property does not have title tag
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && contentType == CT_PDF ) {
			// skip if title == '/in.[0-9]*'
			char* title_start = words->getWord(start);
			char* title_end = words->getWord(i);
			size_t title_size = title_end - title_start;
			const char* result = strnstr( title_start, "/in.", title_size );
			if (result != NULL) {
				char* endp = NULL;
				// do some further verification to avoid screwing up title
				if ((strtoll(result + 4, &endp, 10) > 0) && (endp == title_end)) {

		// count it

		// max it out if we are positive scoring. stop after the
		// first positive scoring guy in a section. this might
		// hurt the "Hamlet" thing though...

		// store a point to the title tag guy. Msg20.cpp needs this
		// because the zak's proximity algo uses it in Summary.cpp
		// and in Msg20.cpp

		// only get the first one! often the 2nd on is in an iframe!! which we now expand into here.
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && m_titleTagStart == -1 ) {
			m_titleTagStart = start;
			m_titleTagEnd   = i;

			// save the candidate # because we always use this
			// as the title if we are a root
			if ( tti < 0 ) {
				tti = n;

		// point to words class of the body that was passed in to us
		cptrs[n] = words;
		as[n] = start;
		bs[n] = i;
		if ( tid == TAG_B ) {
			types[n] = TT_BOLDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.8;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.7;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.6;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) {
			types[n] = TT_TITLETAG;
			scores[n] = 3.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_DIV ) {
			types[n] = TT_DIVTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TD ) {
			types[n] = TT_TDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_P ) {
			types[n] = TT_PTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_FONT ) {
			types[n] = TT_FONTTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_A ) {
			types[n] = TT_ATAG;
			// . self link is very powerful BUT
			//   http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137
			//   doesn't use it right! so use
			//   1.3 instead of 3.0. that has an "onClick" thing in the
			//   <a> tag, so check for that!
			// this was bad for
			// http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			// so i am demoting from 3.0 to 1.5
			scores[n] = 1.5;

		// count it

		// start loop over at tag #i, for loop does an i++, so negate
		// that so this will work

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 10 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took3=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// to handle text documents, throw in the first line of text
	// as a title candidate, just make the score really low
	bool textDoc = (contentType == CT_UNKNOWN || contentType == CT_TEXT);

	if (textDoc) {
		// make "i" point to first alphabetical word in the document
		int32_t i ;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < NW && !words->isAlpha(i) ; i++);

		// if we got a first alphabetical word, then assume that to be the start of our title
		if ( i < NW && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// first word in title is "t0"
			int32_t t0 = i;
			// find end of first line
			int32_t numWords = 0;

			// set i to the end now. we MUST find a \n to terminate the
			// title, otherwise we will not have a valid title
			while (i < NW && numWords < maxTitleWords && (words->isAlnum(i) || !words->hasChar(i, '\n'))) {
				if(words->isAlnum(i)) {


			// "t1" is the end
			int32_t t1 = -1;

			// we must have found our \n in order to set "t1"
			if (i <= NW && numWords < maxTitleWords ) {
				t1 = i;

			// set the ptrs
			cptrs   [n] =  words;

			// this is the last resort i guess...
			scores  [n] =  0.5;
			types   [n] =  TT_FIRSTLINE;
			as      [n] =  t0;
			bs      [n] =  t1;

			// add it as a candidate if t0 and t1 were valid
			if (t0 >= 0 && t1 > t0) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took4=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

		// now add the last url path to contain underscores or hyphens
		char *pstart = firstUrl->getPath();

		// get first url
		Url *fu = firstUrl;

		// start at the end
		char *p = fu->getUrl() + fu->getUrlLen();

		// end pointer
		char *pend = NULL;

		// come up here for each path component
		while ( p >= pstart ) {
			// save end
			pend = p;

			// skip over /
			if ( *p == '/' ) {

			// now go back to next /
			int32_t count = 0;
			for ( ; p >= pstart && *p !='/' ; p-- ) {
				if ( *p == '_' || *p == '-' ) {

			// did we get it?
			if ( count > 0 ) {

		// did we get any?
		if ( p > pstart && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// now set words to that
			if ( ! tw[ti].set ( p, (pend - p), true, 0 )) {
				return false;

			// point to that
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			scores  [n] = 1.0;
			types   [n] = TT_URLPATH;

			// increment since we are using it

			// advance

	// save old n
	int32_t oldn = n;

	// . do not split titles if we are a root url maps.yahoo.com was getting "Maps" for the title
	if ( firstUrl->isRoot() ) {
		oldn = -2;

	// point to list of \0 separated titles
	const char *rootTitleBuf    = NULL;
	const char *rootTitleBufEnd = NULL;

	// get the root title if we are not root!
	if (filteredRootTitleBuf) {
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
		// point to list of \0 separated titles
		rootTitleBuf    = filteredRootTitleBuf;
		rootTitleBufEnd =  filteredRootTitleBuf + filteredRootTitleBufSize;

		Matches m;
		if ( rootTitleBuf && query ) {
			m.setQuery ( query );

		// convert into an array
		int32_t nr = 0;
		const char *pr = rootTitleBuf;
		const char *rootTitles[20];
		int32_t  rootTitleLens[20];

		// loop over each root title segment
		for ( ; pr && pr < rootTitleBufEnd ; pr += strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr) + 1 ) {
			// if we had a query...
			if ( query ) {
				// reset it

				// see if root title segment has query terms in it
				m.addMatches ( const_cast<char*>(pr), strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr), MF_TITLEGEN, m_niceness );

				// if matches query, do NOT add it, we only add it for
				// removing from the title of the page...
				if ( m.getNumMatches() ) {
			// point to it. it should start with an alnum already
			// since it is the "filtered" list of root titles...
			// if not, fix it in xmldoc then.
			rootTitles   [nr] = pr;
			rootTitleLens[nr] = gbstrlen(pr);
			// advance
			// no breaching
			if ( nr >= 20 ) break;

		// now split up candidates in children candidates by tokenizing
		// using :, | and - as delimters.
		// the hyphen must have a space on at least one side, so "cd-rom" does
		// not create a pair of tokens...
		// FIX: for the title:
		// Best Careers 2009: Librarian - US News and World Report
		// we need to recognize "Best Careers 2009: Librarian" as a subtitle
		// otherwise we don't get it as the title. so my question is are we
		// going to have to do all the permutations at some point? for now
		// let's just add in pairs...
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < oldn && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
			// stop if no root title segments
			if ( nr <= 0 ) break;
			// get the word info
			Words *w = cptrs[i];
			int32_t   a = as[i];
			int32_t   b = bs[i];
			// init
			int32_t lasta = a;
			char prev  = false;
			// char length in bytes
			//int32_t charlen = 1;
			// see how many we add
			int32_t added = 0;
			char *skipTo = NULL;
			bool qualified = true;
			// . scan the words looking for a token
			// . sometimes the candidates end in ": " so put in "k < b-1"
			// . made this from k<b-1 to k<b to fix
			//   "Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) - IMDb" to strip IMDb
			for ( int32_t k = a ; k < b && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES; k++){
				// get word
				char *wp = w->getWord(k);
				// skip if not alnum
				if ( ! w->isAlnum(k) ) {
					// in order for next alnum word to
					// qualify for "clipping" if it matches
					// the root title, there has to be more
					// than just spaces here, some punct.
					// otherwise title
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from Answers.com"
					// becomes
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from"
				// gotta be qualified!
				if ( ! qualified ) continue;
				// skip if in root title
				if ( skipTo && wp < skipTo ) continue;
				// does this match any root page title segments?
				int32_t j;
				for ( j = 0 ; j < nr ; j++ ) {
					// . compare to root title
					// . break out if we matched!
					if ( ! strncmp( wp, rootTitles[j], rootTitleLens[j] ) ) {

				// if we did not match a root title segment,
				// keep on chugging
				if ( j >= nr ) continue;
				// . we got a root title match!
				// . skip over
				skipTo = wp + rootTitleLens[j];
				// must land on qualified punct then!!
				int32_t e = k+1;
				for ( ; e<b && w->getWord(e)<skipTo ; e++ );
				// ok, word #e must be a qualified punct
				if ( e<b &&
				     ! isWordQualified(w->getWord(e),w->getWordLen(e)))
					// assume no match then!!
				// if we had a previous guy, reset the end of the
				// previous candidate
				if ( prev ) {
					bs[n-2] = k;
					bs[n-1] = k;
				// . ok, we got two more candidates
				// . well, only one more if this is not the 1st time
				if ( ! prev ) {
					cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
					scores  [n] = scores  [i];
					types   [n] = types   [i];
					as      [n] = lasta;
					bs      [n] = k;
					parent  [n] = i;
				// the 2nd one
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = e + 1;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// now add in the last pair as a whole token
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = lasta;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// nuke the current candidate then since it got
				// split up to not contain the root title...
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

				// update this
				lasta = k+1;

				// if we encounter another delimeter we will have to revise bs[n-1], so note that
				prev = true;

			// nuke the current candidate then since it got
			// split up to not contain the root title...
			if ( added ) {
				scores[i] = 0.001;
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

			// erase the pair if that there was only one token
			if ( added == 3 ) n--;

	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) baseScore[i] = scores[i];
	// . now punish by 0.85 for every lower case non-stop word it has
	// . reward by 1.1 if has a non-stopword in the query
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w ) {

		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();

		// skip if empty
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) {

		// get the word boundaries
		int32_t a = as[i];
		int32_t b = bs[i];

		// record the boosts
		float ncb = 1.0;
		float qtb = 1.0;

		// a flag
		char uncapped = false;

		// scan the words in this title candidate
		for ( int32_t j = a ; j < b ; j++ ) {
			// skip stop words
			if ( w->isQueryStopWord( j, langId ) ) {

			// punish if uncapitalized non-stopword
			if ( ! w->isCapitalized(j) ) {
				uncapped = true;

			// skip if no query
			if ( ! query ) {

			int64_t wid = w->getWordId(j);

			// reward if in the query
			if ( query->getWordNum(wid) >= 0 ) {
				qtb       *= 1.5;
				scores[i] *= 1.5;

		// . only punish once if missing a capitalized word hurts us for:
		//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
		if ( uncapped ) {
			ncb *= 1.00;
			scores[i] *= 1.00;

		// punish if a http:// title thingy
		char *s = wptrs[a];
		int32_t size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		if ( size > 9 && memcmp("http://", s, 7) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;
		if ( size > 14 && memcmp("h\0t\0t\0p\0:\0/\0/", s, 14) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;

		// set these guys
		scores[i] *= ncb;

		noCapsBoost[i]  = ncb;
		qtermsBoost[i]  = qtb;

	// . now compare each candidate to the other candidates
	// . give a boost if matches
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w1 = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w1 ) {

		int32_t a1 = as[i];
		int32_t b1 = bs[i];

		// reset some flags
		char localFlag1 = 0;
		char localFlag2 = 0;

		// record the boost
		float iccb = 1.0;

		// total boost
		float total = 1.0;

		// to each other candidate
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
			// not to ourselves
			if ( j == i ) {

			// or our derivatives
			if ( parent[j] == i ) {

			// or derivates to their parent
			if ( parent[i] == j ) {

			// only check parents now. do not check kids.
			// this was only for when doing percent contained
			// not getSimilarity() per se
			//if ( parent[j] != -1 ) continue;

			// TODO: do not accumulate boosts from a parent
			// and its kids, subtitles...
			// do not compare type X to type Y
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_TITLETAG ) {

			// do not compare a div candidate to another div cand
			// http://friendfeed.com/foxiewire?start=30
			// likewise, a TD to another TD
			// http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/match/351681.html
			// ... etc.
			if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG ||
			     types[i] == TT_HTAG    ||
			     types[i] == TT_DIVTAG  ||
			     types[i] == TT_TDTAG   ||
			     types[i] == TT_FONTTAG    ) {
				if ( types[j] == types[i] ) continue;
			// . do not compare one kid to another kid
			// . i.e. if we got "x | y" as a title and "x | z"
			//   as a link text, it will emphasize "x" too much
			//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
			if ( parent[j] != -1 && parent[i] != -1 ) continue;

			// . body type tags are mostly mutually exclusive
			// . for the legacy.com url mentioned below, we have
			//   good stuff in <td> tags, so this hurts us...
			// . but for the sake of 
			//   http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/
			//   i put bold tags back

			if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) continue;
			if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) continue;

			// only compare to one local link text for each i
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL && localFlag1 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  && localFlag2 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				localFlag1 = 1;
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  ) {
				localFlag2 = 1;

			// not link title attr to link title attr either
			// fixes http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT &&
			     types[j] == TT_TITLEATT )

			// get our words
			Words *w2 = cptrs[j];

			// skip if got nuked above
			if ( ! w2 ) continue;
			int32_t   a2 = as   [j];
			int32_t   b2 = bs   [j];

			// how similar is title #i to title #j ?
			float fp = getSimilarity ( w2 , a2 , b2 , w1 , a1 , b1 );

			// error?
			if ( fp == -1.0 ) return false;

			// custom boosting...
			float boost = 1.0;
			if      ( fp >= .95 ) boost = 3.0;
			else if ( fp >= .90 ) boost = 2.0;
			else if ( fp >= .85 ) boost = 1.5;
			else if ( fp >= .80 ) boost = 1.4;
			else if ( fp >= .75 ) boost = 1.3;
			else if ( fp >= .70 ) boost = 1.2;
			else if ( fp >= .60 ) boost = 1.1;
			else if ( fp >= .50 ) boost = 1.08;
			else if ( fp >= .40 ) boost = 1.04;

			// limit total
			total *= boost;
			if ( total > 100.0 ) break;
			// if you are matching the url path, that is pretty 
			// good so give more!
			// actually, that would hurt:
			// http://michellemalkin.com/2008/12/29/gag-worthy/

			// custom boosting!
			if ( fp > 0.0 && g_conf.m_logDebugTitle )
				logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: i=%" PRId32" j=%" PRId32" fp=%.02f "
				     "b=%.02f", i,j,fp,boost);
			// apply it
			scores[i] *= boost;

			iccb      *= boost;

		inCommonCandBoost[i] = iccb;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took7=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// loop over all n candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if not in the document body
		if ( cptrs[i] != words ) continue;
		// point to the words
		int32_t       a1    = as   [i];
		int32_t       b1    = bs   [i];

		// . loop through this candidates words
		// . TODO: use memset here?
		for ( int32_t j = a1 ; j <= b1 && j < NW ; j++ ) {
			// flag it
			flags[j] |= 0x01;

	// free our stuff
	if ( flags!=localBuf ) {
		mfree (flags, need, "TITLEflags");

	// now get the highest scoring candidate title
	float max    = -1.0;
	int32_t  winner = -1;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if got nuked
		if ( ! cptrs[i] ) {

		if ( winner != -1 && scores[i] <= max ) {

		// url path's cannot be titles in and of themselves
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH ) {

		// skip if empty basically, like if title was exact
		// copy of root, then the whole thing got nuked and
		// some empty string added, where a > b
		if ( as[i] >= bs[i] ) {

		// got one
		max = scores[i];

		// save it
		winner = i;

	// if we are a root, always pick the title tag as the title
	if ( oldn == -2 && tti >= 0 ) {
		winner = tti;

	// if no winner, all done. no title
	if ( winner == -1 ) {
		// last resort use file name
		if ((contentType == CT_PDF) && (firstUrl->getFilenameLen() != 0)) {
			Words w;
			w.set(firstUrl->getFilename(), firstUrl->getFilenameLen(), true);
			if (!copyTitle(&w, 0, w.getNumWords())) {
				return false;
		return true;

	// point to the words class of the winner
	Words *w = cptrs[winner];
	// skip if got nuked above
	if ( ! w ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// need to make our own Pos class if title not from body
	Pos  tp;
	if ( w != words ) {
		// set "Scores" ptr to NULL. we assume all are positive scores
		if ( ! tp.set ( w ) ) {
			return false;

	// the string ranges from word #a up to and including word #b
	int32_t a = as[winner];
	int32_t b = bs[winner];
	// sanity check
	if ( a < 0 || b > w->getNumWords() ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// save the title
	if ( ! copyTitle(w, a, b) ) {
		return false;

	// debug logging
	SafeBuf sb;
	SafeBuf *pbuf = &sb;

	log("title: candidates for %s",xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl() );

	pbuf->safePrintf("<div stype=\"border:1px solid black\">");
	pbuf->safePrintf("<b>***Finding Title***</b><br>\n");

	pbuf->safePrintf("<table cellpadding=5 border=2><tr>"
			 "<td colspan=20><center><b>Title Generation</b>"
			 "<td>base score</td>"
			 "<td>format penalty</td>"
			 "<td>query term boost</td>"
			 "<td>candidate intersection boost</td>"
			 "<td>FINAL SCORE</td>"
			 "</tr>\n" );

	// print out all candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		char *ts = "unknown";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL  ) ts = "local inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE ) ts = "remote inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL   ) ts = "local rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMREMOTE  ) ts = "remote rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG        ) ts = "bold tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_HTAG           ) ts = "header tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG       ) ts = "title tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FIRSTLINE      ) ts = "first line in text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FONTTAG        ) ts = "font tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_ATAG           ) ts = "anchor tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_DIVTAG         ) ts = "div tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TDTAG          ) ts = "td tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_PTAG           ) ts = "p tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH        ) ts = "url path";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT       ) ts = "title attribute";
		// get the title
				 "<td>#%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%0.2f</td>" // baseScore
				 ts ,
		// ptrs
		Words *w = cptrs[i];
		int32_t   a = as[i];
		int32_t   b = bs[i];
		// skip if no words
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) continue;
		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();
		// string ptrs
		char *ptr  = wptrs[a];//w->getWord(a);
		int32_t  size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		// it is utf8
		pbuf->safeMemcpy ( ptr , size );
		// end the line


	// log these for now
	log("title: %s",sb.getBufStart());

	return true;

// . return length stored into "buf"
// . content must be NULL terminated
// . if "useAnchors" is true we do click and scroll
// . if "isQueryTerms" is true, we do typical anchors in a special way
int32_t Highlight::set ( SafeBuf *sb,
		      //char        *buf          ,
		      //int32_t         bufLen       ,
		      char        *content      ,
		      int32_t         contentLen   ,
		      // primary language of the document (for synonyms)
		      char         docLangId    ,
		      Query       *q            ,
		      bool         doStemming   ,
		      bool         useAnchors   ,
		      const char  *baseUrl      ,
		      const char  *frontTag     ,
		      const char  *backTag      ,
		      int32_t         fieldCode    ,
		      int32_t         niceness      ) {

	Words words;
	if ( ! words.set ( content      , 
			   contentLen   , 
			   true         , // computeId
			   true         ) ) // has html entites?
		return -1;

	int32_t version = TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION;

	Bits bits;
	if ( ! bits.set (&words,version,niceness) ) return -1;

	Phrases phrases;
	if ( !phrases.set(&words,&bits,true,false,version,niceness))return -1;

	//SafeBuf langBuf;
	//if ( !setLangVec ( &words , &langBuf , niceness )) return 0;
	//uint8_t *langVec = (uint8_t *)langBuf.getBufStart();

	// make synonyms
	//Synonyms syns;
	//if(!syns.set(&words,NULL,docLangId,&phrases,niceness,NULL)) return 0;

	Matches matches;
	matches.setQuery ( q );

	if ( ! matches.addMatches ( &words , &phrases ) ) return -1;

	// store
	m_numMatches = matches.getNumMatches();

	return set ( sb , 
		     //buf         ,
		     //bufLen      , 
		     &words      ,
		     &matches    ,
		     doStemming  ,
		     useAnchors  ,
		     baseUrl     ,
		     frontTag    ,
		     backTag     ,
		     fieldCode   ,
		     q		 );
int main(int ac, char* av[])
	cout << "InfinitePanorama. v0.2 -- (C) 2012 by Wilston Oreo." << endl;

	stringstream descStr; 
	descStr << "Allowed options:" << endl;

	//descStr << "Panorama mode (interactive):" << endl;
	//descStr << "\tinfinitepanorama -P -l left.dat -r right.dat" << endl << endl;
	descStr << "Panorama mode (generate output file):" << endl;
	descStr << "\tinfinitepanorama -P -l left.dat -r right.dat -n 10 -h 1024 -o output.png" << endl << endl;
	descStr << "Database mode (generate database from directory):" << endl;
	descStr << "\tinfinitepanorama -D -i inputdir -l left.dat -r right.dat" << endl;
	descStr << "Database mode (generate database from filelist):" << endl;
	descStr << "\tinfinitepanorama -D -f filelist -l left.dat -r right.dat" << endl;
	descStr << "Preprocessing mode (generate database from filelist):" << endl;
	descStr << "\tinfinitepanorama -S -f filelist -i input.jpg -l left.dat -r right.dat" << endl;

	po::options_description desc(descStr.str());
	string inputDir, fileList, databaseFileLeft, databaseFileRight; 
	string outputImageFile, configFile;
	int width = 10240;
	int height = 768;

	int gistCount = 10000,histLargeCount = 100, histSmallCount = 0, thumbCount = 0;

		("help", 		"Display help message.")
		("database,D", 	"Database mode")
		("panorama,P", 	"Panorama mode")
		("preprocess,S","Preprocessing mode")
		("config,c", 	po::value<string>(&configFile), "Config file")
		("inputdir,i", 	po::value<string>(&inputDir), "Input directory")
		("filelist,f",  po::value<string>(&fileList), "File list or data base list")
		("left,l", 		po::value<string>(&databaseFileLeft), "Database for left part of images")
		("right,r", 	po::value<string>(&databaseFileRight),"Database for right part of images")
		("output,o", 	po::value<string>(&outputImageFile), "Output image file")
		("width,w", 	po::value<int>(&width), "Panorama width. Default: 10240")
		("height,h", 	po::value<int>(&height), "Panorama height. Default: 768")
		("gist",		po::value<int>(&gistCount),		"Gist count")
		("histlarge",	po::value<int>(&histLargeCount), "Histogram (large) count")
		("histsmall",	po::value<int>(&histSmallCount), "Histogram (small) count")
		("thumb", 		po::value<int>(&thumbCount), 	"Thumbnail count")
		("linear", 		"Enable linear blending (default)")
		("poisson", 	"Enable poisson blending")

	po::variables_map vm;
	po::store(po::parse_command_line(ac, av, desc), vm);

	#define V vm.count
	if (V("help")) { cout << desc << endl; return 1; }
	if (V("config")) loadConfig(configFile); 

	if (V("gist")) 		config.set("FILTER_GIST_MATCHES",gistCount);
	if (V("histsmall")) config.set("FILTER_HISTSMALL_MATCHES",histSmallCount);
	if (V("histlarge")) config.set("FILTER_HISTLARGE_MATCHES",histLargeCount);
	if (V("thumb")) 	config.set("FILTER_THUMBNAIL_MATCHES",thumbCount);

	Panorama pan(width,height,&config);

	Panorama::BlendingMode blend = Panorama::BLEND_LINEAR;
	if (V("poisson")) blend = Panorama::BLEND_POISSON;

	if (V("preprocess") && V("left") && V("right") && V("inputdir"))
		Image image(inputDir);
		float border = 1.0f/6.0f;
		Descriptor leftDesc(image,int(image.columns()*border),image.rows(),0,0);
		Descriptor rightDesc(image,int(image.columns()*border),image.rows(),int((1.0f-border)*image.columns()),0);


		Database leftFinal(&config), rightFinal(&config);

		vector< left_right > files = loadDatabaseList(fileList);

		BOOST_FOREACH( left_right& file, files)
			Statistics statistics(0,true);
			DescriptorFilter filter(&config,&statistics);

			LOG_MSG << fmt("Reading databases '%' (left) and '%' (right)...") % file.first % file.second; 
			Database leftTmp(file.first), rightTmp(file.second);
			Descriptors leftDescs = leftTmp.descriptors(), rightDescs = rightTmp.descriptors();

			Matches leftMatches = filter.getMatches(leftDesc,leftDescs);

			BOOST_FOREACH ( const Match& m, leftMatches)
				if (m.desc)

			Matches rightMatches = filter.getMatches(rightDesc,rightDescs);

			Matches matches = leftMatches;
			BOOST_FOREACH ( const Match& m, rightMatches )

			BOOST_FOREACH ( const Match& m, matches)
				if (m.desc)
					Descriptor* newLeft = new Descriptor(leftTmp[m.desc->index()]);
					Descriptor* newRight = new Descriptor(rightTmp[m.desc->index()]);	
			LOG_MSG << fmt("Left database contains %, right database contains %") % leftFinal.size() % rightFinal.size();
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool processLoop ( void *state ) {
	// get it
	State2 *st = (State2 *)state;
	// get the tcp socket from the state
	TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
	// get it
	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	if ( ! xd->m_loaded ) {
		// setting just the docid. niceness is 0.
		//xd->set3 ( st->m_docId , st->m_coll , 0 );
		// callback
		xd->setCallback ( state , processLoop );
		// . and tell it to load from the old title rec
		// . this sets xd->m_oldTitleRec/m_oldTitleRecSize
		// . this sets xd->ptr_* and all other member vars from
		//   the old title rec if found in titledb.
		if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec ( ) ) return false;

	if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// now force it to load old title rec
	//char **tr = xd->getTitleRec();
	SafeBuf *tr = xd->getTitleRecBuf();
	// blocked? return false if so. it will call processLoop() when it rets
	if ( tr == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// we did not block. check for error? this will free "st" too.
	if ( ! tr ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// if title rec was empty, that is a problem
	if ( xd->m_titleRecBuf.length() == 0 ) 
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOTFOUND);

	// set callback
	char *na = xd->getIsNoArchive();
	// wait if blocked
	if ( na == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// error?
	if ( ! na ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// forbidden? allow turkeys through though...
	if ( ! st->m_isAdmin && *na )
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOCACHE );

	SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;

	// &page=4 will print rainbow sections
	if ( ! st->m_printed && st->m_r.getLong("page",0) ) {
		// do not repeat this call
		st->m_printed = true;
		// this will call us again since we called
		// xd->setCallback() above to us
		if ( ! xd->printDocForProCog ( sb , &st->m_r ) )
			return false;

	char *contentType = "text/html";
	char format = st->m_format;
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) contentType = "application/json";

	// if we printed a special page (like rainbow sections) then return now
	if ( st->m_printed ) {
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
							    -1, NULL, "utf8" );
		// nuke state2
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
		delete (st);
		return status;

	  // this was calling XmlDoc and setting sections, etc. to
	  // get the SpiderReply junk... no no no
	// is it banned or filtered? this ignores the TagRec in the titleRec
	// and uses msg8a to get it fresh instead
	char *vi = xd->getIsFiltered();//Visible( );
	// wait if blocked
	if ( vi == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// error?
	if ( ! vi ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// banned?
	if ( ! st->m_isAdmin && ! *vi ) return sendErrorReply (st,EDOCBANNED);

	// get the utf8 content
	char **utf8 = xd->getUtf8Content();
	//long   len  = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
	// wait if blocked???
	if ( utf8 == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// strange
	if ( xd->size_utf8Content<=0) {
		log("pageget: utf8 content <= 0");
		return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );
	// alloc error?
	if ( ! utf8 ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// get this host
	Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( g_hostdb.m_hostId );
	if ( ! h ) {
		log("pageget: hostid %li is bad",g_hostdb.m_hostId);
		return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );

	char *content    = xd->ptr_utf8Content;
	long  contentLen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;

	// shortcut
	char strip = st->m_strip;

	// alloc buffer now
	//char *buf = NULL;
	//long  bufMaxSize = 0;
	//bufMaxSize = len + ( 32 * 1024 ) ;
	//bufMaxSize = contentLen + ( 32 * 1024 ) ;
	//buf        = (char *)mmalloc ( bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
	//char *p          = buf;
	//char *bufEnd     = buf + bufMaxSize;
	//if ( ! buf ) {
	//	return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// for undoing the header
	//char *start1 = p;
	long startLen1 = sb->length();

	// we are always utfu
	if ( strip != 2 )
		sb->safePrintf( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "

	// base href
	//Url *base = &xd->m_firstUrl;
	//if ( xd->ptr_redirUrl.m_url[0] )
	//	base = &xd->m_redirUrl;
	char *base = xd->ptr_firstUrl;
	if ( xd->ptr_redirUrl ) base = xd->ptr_redirUrl;
	//Url *redir = *xd->getRedirUrl();
	if ( strip != 2 ) {
		sb->safePrintf ( "<BASE HREF=\"%s\">" , base );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

	// default colors in case css files missing
	if ( strip != 2 ) {
		sb->safePrintf( "\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

	//char format = st->m_format;
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) sb->reset();
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) sb->reset();

	// for undoing the stuff below
	long startLen2 = sb->length();//p;

	// query should be NULL terminated
	char *q    = st->m_q;
	long  qlen = st->m_qlen;

	char styleTitle[128] =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"
	char styleText[128]  =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:400;"
	char styleLink[128] =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:400;"
	char styleTell[128] =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"

	// get the url of the title rec
	Url *f = xd->getFirstUrl();

	bool printDisclaimer = st->m_printDisclaimer;

	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		printDisclaimer = false;

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) printDisclaimer = false;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) printDisclaimer = false;

	char tbuf[100];
	tbuf[0] = 0;
	time_t lastSpiderDate = xd->m_spideredTime;

	if ( printDisclaimer ||
	     format == FORMAT_XML ||
	     format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &lastSpiderDate );
		strftime ( tbuf, 100,"%b %d, %Y UTC", timeStruct);

	// We should always be displaying this disclaimer.
	// - May eventually want to display this at a different location
	//   on the page, or on the click 'n' scroll browser page itself
	//   when this page is not being viewed solo.
	// CNS: if ( ! st->m_clickNScroll ) {
	if ( printDisclaimer ) {

		sb->safePrintf(//sprintf ( p , 
			  //"<BASE HREF=\"%s\">"
			  //"<table border=1 width=100%%>"
			  "<table border=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#"
			  "\" cellpadding=\"10\" "
			  //"id=\"gbcnsdisctable\" class=\"gbcnsdisctable_v\""
			  "cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%%\" color=\"#ffffff\">"
			  //" id=\"gbcnsdisctr\" class=\"gbcnsdisctr_v\""
			  //"<font face=times,sans-serif color=black size=-1>"
			  "<span style=\"%s\">"
			  "This is Gigablast's cached page of </span>"
			  "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"%s\">%s</a>"
			  "" , styleTitle, f->getUrl(), styleLink,
			  f->getUrl() );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );
		// then the rest
		//sprintf(p , 
			"<span style=\"%s\">. "
			"Gigablast is not responsible for the content of "
			"this page.</span>", styleTitle );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

		sb->safePrintf ( "<br/><span style=\"%s\">"
			  "Cached: </span>"
			  "<span style=\"%s\">",
			  styleTitle, styleText );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

		// then the spider date in GMT
		// time_t lastSpiderDate = xd->m_spideredTime;
		// struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &lastSpiderDate );
		// char tbuf[100];
		// strftime ( tbuf, 100,"%b %d, %Y UTC", timeStruct);
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

		// Moved over from PageResults.cpp
		sb->safePrintf( "</span> - <a href=\""
			      " style=\"%s\">"
			      q , st->m_coll , 
			      st->m_docId, styleLink ); 

		// a link to alexa
		if ( f->getUrlLen() > 5 ) {
			sb->safePrintf( " - <a href=\"http:"
					 " style=\"%s\">"
					 "[older copies]</a>" ,
					 f->getUrl(), styleLink );

		if (st->m_noArchive){
			sb->safePrintf( " - <span style=\"%s\"><b>"
				     styleTell );
		if (st->m_isBanned){
			sb->safePrintf(" - <span style=\"%s\"><b>"
				     styleTell );

		// only print this if we got a query
		if ( qlen > 0 ) {
			sb->safePrintf("<br/><br/><span style=\"%s\"> "
				   "These search terms have been "
				   "highlighted:  ",
				   styleText );
			//p += gbstrlen ( p );

	// how much space left in p?
	//long avail = bufEnd - p;
	// . make the url that we're outputting for (like in PageResults.cpp)
	// . "thisUrl" is the baseUrl for click & scroll
	char thisUrl[MAX_URL_LEN];
	char *thisUrlEnd = thisUrl + MAX_URL_LEN;
	char *x = thisUrl;
	// . use the external ip of our gateway
	// . construct the NAT mapped port
	// . you should have used iptables to map port to the correct
	//   internal ip:port
	//unsigned long  ip   =g_conf.m_mainExternalIp  ; // h->m_externalIp;
	//unsigned short port=g_conf.m_mainExternalPort;//h->m_externalHttpPort
	// local check
	//if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
	unsigned long  ip   = h->m_ip;
	unsigned short port = h->m_httpPort;
	//sprintf ( x , "http://%s:%li/get?q=" , iptoa ( ip ) , port );
	// . we no longer put the port in here
	// . but still need http:// since we use <base href=>
	if (port == 80) sprintf(x,"http://%s/get?q=",iptoa(ip));
	else            sprintf(x,"http://%s:%hu/get?q=",iptoa(ip),port);
	x += gbstrlen ( x );
	// the query url encoded
	long elen = urlEncode ( x , thisUrlEnd - x , q , qlen );
	x += elen;
	// separate cgi vars with a &
	//sprintf ( x, "&seq=%li&rtq=%lid=%lli",
	//	  (long)st->m_seq,(long)st->m_rtq,st->m_msg22.getDocId());
	sprintf ( x, "&d=%lli",st->m_docId );
	x += gbstrlen(x);		
	// set our query for highlighting
	Query qq;
	qq.set2 ( q, st->m_langId , true );

	// print the query terms into our highlight buffer
	Highlight hi;
	// make words so we can set the scores to ignore fielded terms
	Words qw;
	qw.set ( q            ,  // content being highlighted, utf8
		 qlen         ,  // content being highlighted, utf8
		 true         ,  // computeIds
		 false        ); // hasHtmlEntities?
	// . assign scores of 0 to query words that should be ignored
	// . TRICKY: loop over words in qq.m_qwords, but they should be 1-1
	//   with words in qw.
	// . sanity check
	//if ( qw.getNumWords() != qq.m_numWords ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;}
	// declare up here
	Matches m;
	// do the loop
	//Scores ss;
	//ss.set ( &qw , NULL );
	//for ( long i = 0 ; i < qq.m_numWords ; i++ )
	//	if ( ! m.matchWord ( &qq.m_qwords[i],i ) ) ss.m_scores[i] = 0;
	// now set m.m_matches[] to those words in qw that match a query word
	// or phrase in qq.
	m.setQuery ( &qq );
	//m.addMatches ( &qw , &ss , true );
	m.addMatches ( &qw );
	long hilen = 0;

	// CNS: if ( ! st->m_clickNScroll ) {
	// and highlight the matches
	if ( printDisclaimer ) {
		hilen = hi.set ( //p       ,
				 //avail   ,
				sb ,
				 &qw     , // words to highlight
				 &m      , // matches relative to qw
				 false   , // doSteming
				 false   , // st->m_clickAndScroll , 
				 (char *)thisUrl );// base url for ClcknScrll
		//p += hilen;
		// now an hr
		//memcpy ( p , "</span></table></table>\n" , 24 );   p += 24;

	bool includeHeader = st->m_includeHeader;

	// do not show header for json object display
	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		includeHeader = false;

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) includeHeader = false;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) includeHeader = false;

	//mfree(uq, uqCapacity, "PageGet");
	// undo the header writes if we should
	if ( ! includeHeader ) {
		// including base href is off by default when not including
		// the header, so the caller must explicitly turn it back on
		if ( st->m_includeBaseHref ) sb->m_length=startLen2;//p=start2;
		else                         sb->m_length=startLen1;//p=start1;


	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {

	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {

	// identify start of <title> tag we wrote out
	char *sbstart = sb->getBufStart();
	char *sbend   = sb->getBufEnd();
	char *titleStart = NULL;
	char *titleEnd   = NULL;
	for ( char *t = sbstart ; t < sbend ; t++ ) {
		// title tag?
		if ( t[0]!='<' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[1])!='t' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[2])!='i' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[3])!='t' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[4])!='l' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[5])!='e' ) continue;
		// point to it
		char *x = t + 5;
		// max - to keep things fast
		char *max = x + 500;
		for ( ; *x && *x != '>' && x < max ; x++ );
		// find end
		char *e = x;
		for ( ; *e && e < max ; e++ ) {
			if ( e[0]=='<' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[1])=='/' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[2])=='t' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[3])=='i' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[4])=='t' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[5])=='l' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[6])=='e' )
		if ( e < max ) {
			titleStart = x;
			titleEnd   = e;

	// . print title at top!
	// . consider moving
	if ( titleStart ) {

		char *ebuf = st->m_r.getString("eb");
		if ( ! ebuf ) ebuf = "";

		//p += sprintf ( p , 
			       "<table border=1 "
			       "cellpadding=10 "
			       "cellspacing=0 "
			       "width=100%% "
			       "color=#ffffff>" );

		long printLinks = st->m_r.getLong("links",0);

		if ( ! printDisclaimer && printLinks )
			sb->safePrintf(//p += sprintf ( p , 
				       // first put cached and live link
				       "<td bgcolor=lightyellow>"
				       // print cached link
				       "&nbsp; "
				       "<a "
				       "color:#000000;\" "
				       "cached link</a>"
				       " &nbsp; "
				       "<a "
				       "color:#000000;\" "
				       "href=%s>live link</a>"
				       ,thisUrl // st->ptr_ubuf

		if ( printLinks ) {
			sb->safePrintf(//p += sprintf ( p ,
				       "<tr><td bgcolor=pink>"
				       "<span style=\"font-size:18px;"
				       "&nbsp; "
				       "<b>PAGE TITLE:</b> "
			long tlen = titleEnd - titleStart;
			sb->safeMemcpy ( titleStart , tlen );
			sb->safePrintf ( "</span></td></tr>" );

		sb->safePrintf( "</table><br>\n" );


	// is the content preformatted?
	bool pre = false;
	char ctype = (char)xd->m_contentType;
	if ( ctype == CT_TEXT ) pre = true ; // text/plain
	if ( ctype == CT_DOC  ) pre = true ; // filtered msword
	if ( ctype == CT_PS   ) pre = true ; // filtered postscript

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) pre = false;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) pre = false;

	// if it is content-type text, add a <pre>
	if ( pre ) {//p + 5 < bufEnd && pre ) {
		//p += 5;

	if ( st->m_strip == 1 )
		contentLen = stripHtml( content, contentLen, 
					(long)xd->m_version, st->m_strip );
	// it returns -1 and sets g_errno on error, line OOM
	if ( contentLen == -1 ) {
		//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );	
		return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	Xml xml;
	Words ww;

	// if no highlighting, skip it
	bool queryHighlighting = st->m_queryHighlighting;
	if ( st->m_strip == 2 ) queryHighlighting = false;

	// do not do term highlighting if json
	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		queryHighlighting = false;

	SafeBuf tmp;
	SafeBuf *xb = sb;
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) xb = &tmp;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) xb = &tmp;

	if ( ! queryHighlighting ) {
		xb->safeMemcpy ( content , contentLen );
		//p += contentLen ;
	else {
		// get the content as xhtml (should be NULL terminated)
		//Words *ww = xd->getWords();
		if ( ! xml.set ( content , contentLen , false ,
				 false , 0 , CT_HTML ) ) { // niceness is 0
			//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		if ( ! ww.set ( &xml , true , 0 ) ) { // niceness is 0
			//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// sanity check
		//if ( ! xd->m_wordsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// how much space left in p?
		//avail = bufEnd - p;

		Matches m;
		m.setQuery ( &qq );
		m.addMatches ( &ww );
		hilen = hi.set ( xb , // p , avail , 
				 &ww , &m ,
				 false /*doStemming?*/ ,  
				 st->m_clickAndScroll , 
				 thisUrl /*base url for click & scroll*/);
		//p += hilen;
		log(LOG_DEBUG, "query: Done highlighting cached page content");

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {
		sb->cdataEncode ( xb->getBufStart() );

	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		sb->jsonEncode ( xb->getBufStart() );

	// if it is content-type text, add a </pre>
	if ( pre ) { // p + 6 < bufEnd && pre ) {
		sb->safeMemcpy ( "</pre>" , 6 );
		//p += 6;

	// calculate bufLen
	//long bufLen = p - buf;

	long ct = xd->m_contentType;

	// now filter the entire buffer to escape out the xml tags
	// so it is displayed nice
	SafeBuf newbuf;

	if ( ct == CT_XML ) {
		// encode the xml tags into &lt;tagname&gt; sequences
		if ( !newbuf.htmlEncodeXmlTags ( sb->getBufStart() ,
						 0)){// niceness=0
			//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// free out buffer that we alloc'd before returning since this
		// should have copied it into another buffer
		//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );	
		// reassign
		//buf    = newbuf.getBufStart();
		//bufLen = newbuf.length();
		sb->stealBuf ( &newbuf );

	// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
	// sendErr:
	contentType = "text/html";
	if ( strip == 2 ) contentType = "text/xml";
	// xml is usually buggy and this throws browser off
	//if ( ctype == CT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";

	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		contentType = "application/json";

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) contentType = "application/json";

	// safebuf, sb, is a member of "st" so this should copy the buffer
	// when it constructs the http reply, and we gotta call delete(st)
	// AFTER this so sb is still valid.
	bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
						     -1, NULL, "utf8" );

	// nuke state2
	mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
	delete (st);

	// free out buffer that we alloc'd before returning since this
	// should have copied it into another buffer

	//if      ( ct == CT_XML ) newbuf.purge();
	//else if ( buf          ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
	// and convey the status
	return status;
Example #24
int main() {
   cv::VideoCapture cap("../data/guitar_scene.mp4");
   if(!cap.isOpened()) {
      cerr << "Camera/Video was not opened\n";
      return 1;

   //SystemAlgorithms algorithms(new SIFTDetector(500), new SIFTExtractor, new BruteForceMatcher(cv::NORM_L2), new LucasKanadeAlgorithm);
   SystemAlgorithms algorithms = SystemAlgorithms::Create(false, true);

   HybridTracker tracker(algorithms);

   Marker target = tracker.Registry(PreMarker("../data/guitar_object.jpg", nullptr));
   Size2i targetSize = target.GetSize();

   vector<cv::Point2f> targetCorner(4);
   targetCorner[0] = cv::Point2f(0.0, 0.0);
   targetCorner[3] = cv::Point2f(0.0, targetSize.height);
   targetCorner[2] = cv::Point2f(targetSize.width, targetSize.height);
   targetCorner[1] = cv::Point2f(targetSize.width, 0.0);

   uint numFrames = 0;
   double time = (double) cv::getTickCount();

   Frame frame;
   Matches matches;

   while(true) {
      cap >> frame.image;

      if(frame.image.empty() and numFrames == 0) continue;
      if(frame.image.empty()) break;


      matches = tracker.Find(target, frame);

      if(matches.size() > 20) target.SetLost(false);
      else target.SetLost(true);

      if(matches.size() >= 4) {
         vector<Point2f> corners;
         Mat homography = cv::findHomography(matches.targetPts(), matches.scenePts(), cv::RANSAC, 4);
         cv::perspectiveTransform(targetCorner, corners, homography);

         if(!corners.empty()) {
            cv::line(frame.image, corners[0], corners[1], cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);
            cv::line(frame.image, corners[1], corners[2], cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);
            cv::line(frame.image, corners[2], corners[3], cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);
            cv::line(frame.image, corners[3], corners[0], cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);

      for(auto p : matches.scenePts()) {
         cv::circle(frame.image, p, 3, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);

      cv::imshow("Tracker Test", frame.image);
      char key = cv::waitKey(1);
      if(key == 0x1B) // ESC

   time = (double)(cv::getTickCount() - time) / cv::getTickFrequency();
   cout << (numFrames/time) << " fps\n";

   return 0;