Example #1
void SpectralReassignment::setup(){
  // Setup the window so it gets calculated and can be reused
  // Create the time vector
  LOUDIA_DEBUG("SPECTRALREASSIGNMENT: Creating time vector...");
  Real timestep = 1.0 / _sampleRate;

  // The unit of the vectors is Time Sample fractions
  // So the difference between one coeff and the next is 1
  // and the center of the window must be 0, so even sized windows
  // will have the two center coeffs to -0.5 and 0.5
  // This should be a line going from [-(window_size - 1)/2 ... (window_size - 1)/2]
  _time.resize(_frameSize, 1);
  for(int i = 0; i < _time.rows(); i++){
    _time(i, 0) = (i - Real(_time.rows() - 1)/2.0);
  // Create the freq vector
  LOUDIA_DEBUG("SPECTRALREASSIGNMENT: Creating freq vector...");
  // The unit of the vectors is Frequency Bin fractions
  // TODO: Must rethink how the frequency vector is initialized
  // as we did for the time vector
  _freq.resize(1, _fftSize);
  range(0, _fftSize, _fftSize, &_freq);
  // Calculate and set the time weighted window
  LOUDIA_DEBUG("SPECTRALREASSIGNMENT: Calculate time weighted window...");
  MatrixXR windowInteg = _windowAlgo.window();
  windowInteg = windowInteg.cwise() * _time.transpose();

  // Calculate and set the time derivated window
  LOUDIA_DEBUG("SPECTRALREASSIGNMENT: Calculate time derivative window...");
  MatrixXR windowDeriv = _windowAlgo.window();
  for(int i = windowDeriv.cols() - 1; i > 0; i--){
    windowDeriv(0, i) = (windowDeriv(0, i) - windowDeriv(0, i - 1)) / timestep;

  // TODO: Check what is the initial condition for the window
  // Should this be 0 or just the value it was originally * dt
  //windowDeriv(0, 0) = 0.0;

  // Create the necessary buffers for the windowing
  _window.resize(1, _frameSize);
  _windowInteg.resize(1, _frameSize);
  _windowDeriv.resize(1, _frameSize);

  // Create the necessary buffers for the FFT
  _fftAbs2.resize(1, _fftSize);
  _fftInteg.resize(1, _fftSize);
  _fftDeriv.resize(1, _fftSize);
  // Setup the algos
