Example #1
// <Security::EncryptMessage>
// Encrypt and send a Z-Wave message securely.
bool Security::EncryptMessage
	uint8 const* _nonce
#if 1
	if( m_nonceTimer.GetMilliseconds() > 10000 )
		// The nonce was  not received within 10 seconds
		// of us sending the nonce request.  Send it again
		return false;

	// Fetch the next payload from the queue and encapsulate it
	if( m_queue.empty() )
		// Nothing to do
		return false;

	SecurityPayload * payload = m_queue.front();
	//uint32 queueSize = m_queue.size();
	uint32 queueSize = m_queue.size();
	struct SecurityPayload payload;
	payload.m_length = 7;
	payload.m_part = 0;
	uint8 tmpdata[7] = {0x62, 0x03, 0x00, 0x10, 0x02, 0xfe, 0xfe};
	for (int i = 0; i < payload.m_length; i++)
		payload.m_data[i] = tmpdata[i];
	// Encapsulate the message fragment
	/* MessageEncapNonceGet doesn't seem to work */
	//Msg* msg = new Msg( (queueSize>1) ? "SecurityCmd_MessageEncapNonceGet" : "SecurityCmd_MessageEncap", GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true );
	string LogMessage("SecurityCmd_MessageEncap (");
	Msg* msg = new Msg( LogMessage, GetNodeId(), REQUEST, FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_DATA, true, true, FUNC_ID_APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER, GetCommandClassId() );
	msg->Append( GetNodeId() );
	msg->Append( payload->m_length + 20 );
	msg->Append( GetCommandClassId() );
	//msg->Append( (queueSize>1) ? SecurityCmd_MessageEncapNonceGet : SecurityCmd_MessageEncap );
	msg->Append( SecurityCmd_MessageEncap );
	/* create the iv
	uint8 initializationVector[16];
	/* the first 8 bytes of a outgoing IV are random */
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		//initializationVector[i] = (rand()%0xFF)+1;
		initializationVector[i] = 0xAA;
	/* the remaining 8 bytes are the NONCE we got from the device */
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		initializationVector[8+i] = _nonce[i];

	/* Append the first 8 bytes of the initialization vector
	 * to the message. The remaining 8 bytes are the NONCE we recieved from
	 * the node, and is ommitted from sending back to the Node. But we use the full 16 bytes to
	 * as the IV to encrypt out message.
	for(int i=0; i<8; ++i )
		msg->Append( initializationVector[i] );

	// Append the sequence data
	uint8 sequence = 0;
	if( payload->m_part == 0 )
		sequence = 0;
	else if( payload->m_part == 1 )
		sequence = (++m_sequenceCounter) & 0x0f;
		sequence |= 0x10;		// Sequenced, first frame
	if( payload->m_part == 2 )
		sequence = m_sequenceCounter & 0x0f;
		sequence |= 0x30;		// Sequenced, second frame
	/* at most, the payload will be 28 bytes + 1 byte for the Sequence. */
	uint8 plaintextmsg[32];
	plaintextmsg[0] = sequence;
	for (int i = 0; i < payload->m_length; i++)
		plaintextmsg[i+1] = payload->m_data[i];

	/* Append the message payload after encrypting it with AES-OFB (key is EncryptPassword,
	 * full IV (16 bytes - 8 Random and 8 NONCE) and payload.m_data
	PrintHex("Input Packet:", plaintextmsg, payload->m_length+1);
#ifdef DEBUG
	PrintHex("IV:", initializationVector, 16);
	uint8 encryptedpayload[30];
	if (aes_ofb_encrypt(plaintextmsg, encryptedpayload, payload->m_length+1, initializationVector, this->EncryptKey) == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		Log::Write(LogLevel_Warning, GetNodeId(), "Failed to Encrypt Packet");
		delete msg;
		return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
	PrintHex("Encrypted Output", encryptedpayload, payload->m_length+1);

	/* The Following Code attempts to Decrypt the Packet and Verify */

	/* the first 8 bytes of a outgoing IV are random */
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		//initializationVector[i] = (rand()%0xFF)+1;
		initializationVector[i] = 0xAA;
	/* the remaining 8 bytes are the NONCE we got from the device */
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		initializationVector[8+i] = _nonce[i];
	uint8 tmpoutput[16];
	if (aes_ofb_encrypt(encryptedpayload, tmpoutput, payload->m_length+1, initializationVector, this->EncryptKey) == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		Log::Write(LogLevel_Warning, GetNodeId(), "Failed to Encrypt Packet");
		delete msg;
		return false;

	PrintHex("Decrypted output", tmpoutput, payload->m_length+1);
	for(int i=0; i<payload->m_length+1; ++i )
		msg->Append( encryptedpayload[i] );

	// Append the nonce identifier :)

	/* Append space for the authentication data Set with AES-CBCMAC (key is AuthPassword,
	 * Full IV (16 bytes - 8 random and 8 NONCE) and sequence|SrcNode|DstNode|payload.m_length|payload.m_data
	/* Regenerate IV */
	/* the first 8 bytes of a outgoing IV are random */
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		//initializationVector[i] = (rand()%0xFF)+1;
		initializationVector[i] = 0xAA;
	/* the remaining 8 bytes are the NONCE we got from the device */
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		initializationVector[8+i] = _nonce[i];
	uint8 mac[8];
	this->GenerateAuthentication(&msg->GetBuffer()[7], msg->GetLength()+2, GetDriver()->GetNodeId(), GetNodeId(), initializationVector, mac);
	for(int i=0; i<8; ++i )
		msg->Append( mac[i] );
#ifdef DEBUG
	PrintHex("Auth", mac, 8);
	msg->Append( GetDriver()->GetTransmitOptions() );
#ifdef DEBUG
	PrintHex("Outgoing", msg->GetBuffer(), msg->GetLength());
	GetDriver()->SendMsg(msg, Driver::MsgQueue_Security);

	/* finally, if the message we just sent is a NetworkKeySet, then we need to reset our Network Key here
	 * as the reply we will get back will be encrypted with the new Network key
	if ((this->m_networkkeyset == false) && (payload->m_data[0] == 0x98) && (payload->m_data[1] == 0x06)) {
		Log::Write(LogLevel_Info, GetNodeId(), "Reseting Network Key after Inclusion");
		this->m_networkkeyset = true;

	delete payload;
	return true;