NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addCrossing(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) {
    bool ok = true;
    NBNode* node = 0;
    EdgeVector edges;
    const std::string nodeID = attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_NODE, 0, ok);
    const double width = attrs.getOpt<double>(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, nodeID.c_str(), ok, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, true);
    const bool discard = attrs.getOpt<bool>(SUMO_ATTR_DISCARD, nodeID.c_str(), ok, false, true);
    int tlIndex = attrs.getOpt<int>(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, 0, ok, -1);
    int tlIndex2 = attrs.getOpt<int>(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX2, 0, ok, -1);
    std::vector<std::string> edgeIDs;
    if (!attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES)) {
        if (discard) {
            node = myNodeCont.retrieve(nodeID);
            if (node == 0) {
                WRITE_ERROR("Node '" + nodeID + "' in crossing is not known.");
        } else {
            WRITE_ERROR("No edges specified for crossing at node '" + nodeID + "'.");
    SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES, 0, ok), edgeIDs);
    if (!ok) {
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = edgeIDs.begin(); it != edgeIDs.end(); ++it) {
        NBEdge* edge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(*it);
        if (edge == 0) {
            WRITE_ERROR("Edge '" + (*it) + "' for crossing at node '" + nodeID + "' is not known.");
        if (node == 0) {
            if (edge->getToNode()->getID() == nodeID) {
                node = edge->getToNode();
            } else if (edge->getFromNode()->getID() == nodeID) {
                node = edge->getFromNode();
            } else {
                WRITE_ERROR("Edge '" + (*it) + "' does not touch node '" + nodeID + "'.");
        } else {
            if (edge->getToNode() != node && edge->getFromNode() != node) {
                WRITE_ERROR("Edge '" + (*it) + "' does not touch node '" + nodeID + "'.");
    bool priority = attrs.getOpt<bool>(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, nodeID.c_str(), ok, node->isTLControlled(), true);
    if (node->isTLControlled() && !priority) {
        // traffic_light nodes should always have priority crossings
        WRITE_WARNING("Crossing at controlled node '" + nodeID + "' must be prioritized");
        priority = true;
    PositionVector customShape = attrs.getOpt<PositionVector>(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, 0, ok, PositionVector::EMPTY);
    if (!NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(customShape)) {
        WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project shape for crossing at node '" + node->getID() + "'.");
    if (discard) {
    } else {
        if (node->checkCrossingDuplicated(edges)) {
            WRITE_ERROR("Crossing with edges '" + toString(edges) + "' already exists at node '" + node->getID() + "'.");
        node->addCrossing(edges, width, priority, tlIndex, tlIndex2, customShape);
Example #2
NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(OptionsCont& oc) {
    // check whether the option is set (properly)
    if (!oc.isUsableFileList("sumo-net-file")) {
    // parse file(s)
    std::vector<std::string> files = oc.getStringVector("sumo-net-file");
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file = files.begin(); file != files.end(); ++file) {
        if (!FileHelpers::isReadable(*file)) {
            WRITE_ERROR("Could not open sumo-net-file '" + *file + "'.");
        PROGRESS_BEGIN_MESSAGE("Parsing sumo-net from '" + *file + "'");
        XMLSubSys::runParser(*this, *file, true);
    // build edges
    for (std::map<std::string, EdgeAttrs*>::const_iterator i = myEdges.begin(); i != myEdges.end(); ++i) {
        EdgeAttrs* ed = (*i).second;
        // skip internal edges
        if (ed->func == EDGEFUNC_INTERNAL || ed->func == EDGEFUNC_CROSSING || ed->func == EDGEFUNC_WALKINGAREA) {
        // get and check the nodes
        NBNode* from = myNodeCont.retrieve(ed->fromNode);
        NBNode* to = myNodeCont.retrieve(ed->toNode);
        if (from == 0) {
            WRITE_ERROR("Edge's '" + ed->id + "' from-node '" + ed->fromNode + "' is not known.");
        if (to == 0) {
            WRITE_ERROR("Edge's '" + ed->id + "' to-node '" + ed->toNode + "' is not known.");
        // edge shape
        PositionVector geom;
        if (ed->shape.size() > 0) {
            geom = ed->shape;
        } else {
            // either the edge has default shape consisting only of the two node
            // positions or we have a legacy network
            geom = reconstructEdgeShape(ed, from->getPosition(), to->getPosition());
        // build and insert the edge
        NBEdge* e = new NBEdge(ed->id, from, to,
                               ed->type, ed->maxSpeed,
                               (unsigned int) ed->lanes.size(),
                               ed->priority, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET,
                               geom, ed->streetName, "", ed->lsf, true); // always use tryIgnoreNodePositions to keep original shape
        if (!myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().insert(e)) {
            WRITE_ERROR("Could not insert edge '" + ed->id + "'.");
            delete e;
        ed->builtEdge = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(ed->id);
    // assign further lane attributes (edges are built)
    for (std::map<std::string, EdgeAttrs*>::const_iterator i = myEdges.begin(); i != myEdges.end(); ++i) {
        EdgeAttrs* ed = (*i).second;
        NBEdge* nbe = ed->builtEdge;
        if (nbe == 0) { // inner edge or removed by explicit list, vclass, ...
        for (unsigned int fromLaneIndex = 0; fromLaneIndex < (unsigned int) ed->lanes.size(); ++fromLaneIndex) {
            LaneAttrs* lane = ed->lanes[fromLaneIndex];
            // connections
            const std::vector<Connection>& connections = lane->connections;
            for (std::vector<Connection>::const_iterator c_it = connections.begin(); c_it != connections.end(); c_it++) {
                const Connection& c = *c_it;
                if (myEdges.count(c.toEdgeID) == 0) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Unknown edge '" + c.toEdgeID + "' given in connection.");
                NBEdge* toEdge = myEdges[c.toEdgeID]->builtEdge;
                if (toEdge == 0) { // removed by explicit list, vclass, ...
                if (nbe->hasConnectionTo(toEdge, c.toLaneIdx)) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Target lane '" + toEdge->getLaneID(c.toLaneIdx) + "' has multiple connections from '" + nbe->getID() + "'.");
                    fromLaneIndex, toEdge, c.toLaneIdx, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED,
                    true, c.mayDefinitelyPass, c.keepClear, c.contPos);

                // maybe we have a tls-controlled connection
                if (c.tlID != "" && myRailSignals.count(c.tlID) == 0) {
                    const std::map<std::string, NBTrafficLightDefinition*>& programs = myTLLCont.getPrograms(c.tlID);
                    if (programs.size() > 0) {
                        std::map<std::string, NBTrafficLightDefinition*>::const_iterator it;
                        for (it = programs.begin(); it != programs.end(); it++) {
                            NBLoadedSUMOTLDef* tlDef = dynamic_cast<NBLoadedSUMOTLDef*>(it->second);
                            if (tlDef) {
                                tlDef->addConnection(nbe, toEdge, fromLaneIndex, c.toLaneIdx, c.tlLinkNo);
                            } else {
                                throw ProcessError("Corrupt traffic light definition '" + c.tlID + "' (program '" + it->first + "')");
                    } else {
                        WRITE_ERROR("The traffic light '" + c.tlID + "' is not known.");
            // allow/disallow XXX preferred
            nbe->setPermissions(parseVehicleClasses(lane->allow, lane->disallow), fromLaneIndex);
            // width, offset
            nbe->setLaneWidth(fromLaneIndex, lane->width);
            nbe->setEndOffset(fromLaneIndex, lane->endOffset);
            nbe->setSpeed(fromLaneIndex, lane->maxSpeed);
        if (!nbe->hasLaneSpecificWidth() && nbe->getLanes()[0].width != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH) {
            nbe->setLaneWidth(-1, nbe->getLaneWidth(0));
        if (!nbe->hasLaneSpecificEndOffset() && nbe->getEndOffset(0) != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET) {
            nbe->setEndOffset(-1, nbe->getEndOffset(0));
    // insert loaded prohibitions
    for (std::vector<Prohibition>::const_iterator it = myProhibitions.begin(); it != myProhibitions.end(); it++) {
        NBEdge* prohibitedFrom = myEdges[it->prohibitedFrom]->builtEdge;
        NBEdge* prohibitedTo = myEdges[it->prohibitedTo]->builtEdge;
        NBEdge* prohibitorFrom = myEdges[it->prohibitorFrom]->builtEdge;
        NBEdge* prohibitorTo = myEdges[it->prohibitorTo]->builtEdge;
        if (prohibitedFrom == 0) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + it->prohibitedFrom + "' in prohibition was not built");
        } else if (prohibitedTo == 0) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + it->prohibitedTo + "' in prohibition was not built");
        } else if (prohibitorFrom == 0) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + it->prohibitorFrom + "' in prohibition was not built");
        } else if (prohibitorTo == 0) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + it->prohibitorTo + "' in prohibition was not built");
        } else {
            NBNode* n = prohibitedFrom->getToNode();
                NBConnection(prohibitorFrom, prohibitorTo),
                NBConnection(prohibitedFrom, prohibitedTo));
    if (!myHaveSeenInternalEdge) {
    if (oc.isDefault("lefthand")) {
        oc.set("lefthand", toString(myAmLefthand));
    if (oc.isDefault("junctions.corner-detail")) {
        oc.set("junctions.corner-detail", toString(myCornerDetail));
    if (oc.isDefault("junctions.internal-link-detail") && myLinkDetail > 0) {
        oc.set("junctions.internal-link-detail", toString(myLinkDetail));
    if (!deprecatedVehicleClassesSeen.empty()) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Deprecated vehicle class(es) '" + toString(deprecatedVehicleClassesSeen) + "' in input network.");
    // add loaded crossings
    if (!oc.getBool("no-internal-links")) {
        for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<Crossing> >::const_iterator it = myPedestrianCrossings.begin(); it != myPedestrianCrossings.end(); ++it) {
            NBNode* node = myNodeCont.retrieve((*it).first);
            for (std::vector<Crossing>::const_iterator it_c = (*it).second.begin(); it_c != (*it).second.end(); ++it_c) {
                const Crossing& crossing = (*it_c);
                EdgeVector edges;
                for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it_e = crossing.crossingEdges.begin(); it_e != crossing.crossingEdges.end(); ++it_e) {
                    NBEdge* edge = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(*it_e);
                    // edge might have been removed due to options
                    if (edge != 0) {
                if (edges.size() > 0) {
                    node->addCrossing(edges, crossing.width, crossing.priority, true);
    // add roundabouts
    for (std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator it = myRoundabouts.begin(); it != myRoundabouts.end(); ++it) {
        EdgeSet roundabout;
        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it_r = it->begin(); it_r != it->end(); ++it_r) {
            NBEdge* edge = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(*it_r);
            if (edge == 0) {
                if (!myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().wasIgnored(*it_r)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Unknown edge '" + (*it_r) + "' in roundabout");
            } else {