Example #1
int OptCGLike::checkConvg() // check convergence
  NLP1* nlp = nlprob();
  ColumnVector xc(nlp->getXc());

// Test 1. step tolerance 

  double step_tol = tol.getStepTol();
  double snorm = stepTolNorm();
  double xnorm =  Norm2(xc);
  double stol  = step_tol*max(1.0,xnorm);
  if (snorm  <= stol) {
    strcpy(mesg,"Algorithm converged - Norm of last step is less than step tolerance");
    *optout << "checkConvg: snorm = " << e(snorm,12,4) 
      << "  stol = " << e(stol,12,4) << "\n";
    return 1;
// Test 2. function tolerance
  double ftol = tol.getFTol();
  double fvalue = nlp->getF();
  double rftol = ftol*max(1.0,fabs(fvalue));
  Real deltaf = fprev - fvalue;
  if (deltaf <= rftol) {
    strcpy(mesg,"Algorithm converged - Difference in successive fcn values less than tolerance");
    *optout << "checkConvg: deltaf = " << e(deltaf,12,4) 
         << "  ftol = " << e(ftol,12,4) << "\n";
    return 2;

// Test 3. gradient tolerance 

  ColumnVector grad(nlp->getGrad());
  double gtol = tol.getGTol();
  double rgtol = gtol*max(1.0,fabs(fvalue));
  double gnorm = Norm2(grad);
  if (gnorm <= rgtol) {
    strcpy(mesg,"Algorithm converged - Norm of gradient is less than gradient tolerance");
    *optout << "checkConvg: gnorm = " << e(gnorm,12,4) 
      << "  gtol = " << e(rgtol, 12,4) << "\n";
    return 3;

// Test 4. absolute gradient tolerance 

  if (gnorm <= gtol) {
    strcpy(mesg,"Algorithm converged - Norm of gradient is less than gradient tolerance");
    *optout << "checkConvg: gnorm = " << e(gnorm,12,4) 
      << "  gtol = " << e(gtol, 12,4) << "\n";
    return 4;
  // Nothing to report 

  return 0;
