Example #1
// Given a nonlinear operator nlp find the minimizer using a
void OptBCEllipsoid::optimize()
  NLP1*  nlp = nlprob();
  int convgd = 0;
  int       i,n = nlp->getDim(), step_type;
  SerialDenseVector<int,double> xc(nlp->getXc().length()),xscale(getXScale().length()),xs(n);
  xc = nlp->getXc();
  xscale = getXScale();
  double          psi, dtmp;

  // Read input file and output initial message to file 

  if (ret_code == 0) {
    iter_taken = 0;

    // Initialize convergence test variables 
    fval_lowbound = -FLT_MAX;
    fval_upbound  = FLT_MAX;

    // Initialize the A matrix
    SerialSymDenseMatrix<int,double> A(n);
    if (xscal_flag != 1) {xscale.resize(n); xscale = 1.0;}
    dtmp = initial_radius * initial_radius;
    A = 0.0;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) A(i,i) = dtmp / (xscale(i) * xscale(i));

    // scale the initial guess (if scaling is desired)
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) xc(i) = xc(i) / xscale(i);

    // declare other vectors used in the iterations
    SerialDenseVector<int,double> ghk(n), aghk(n), aghkscal(n);

    // assuming that the function has been evaluated, get the value
    fprev = nlp->getF();

    // Move the initial guess into the feasible region, if needed
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) xs(i) = xc(i) * xscale(i);
    psi = computeFeasibility(xs);
    if (psi > 0.0) infeasibilityStep(xc,A,psi);

    while (convgd == 0) { 

      //*optout << " **** OptBCEllipsoid : iteration count = " 
      //	 << iter_taken << "\n";

      // put away the last solution to prepare for current iteration 
      xprev = nlp->getXc();

      // perform one ellipsoid iteration (xc,A changed upon return)
      step_type = halfSpaceStep(xc,A,psi);

      // if the next solution is infeasible, do deep cut
      if (step_type == -1) infeasibilityStep(xc,A,psi);

      // update solution and update function value
      for (i=0; i<n; i++) xs(i) = xc(i) * xscale(i);
      fprev = nlp->evalF();

      // check convergence
      acceptStep(iter_taken, 0);
      convgd = checkConvg();

      // debug  information - volume of ellipsoid
      //logdeterminant = A.LogDeterminant();
      //dtmp = 0.5 * n + 1.0;
      //determinant = sqrt(logdeterminant.Value()) * pow(pi,dtmp-1.0) 
      //					       / ComputeGamma(dtmp);
      //*optout << "Volume of current ellipsoid = " << determinant << "\n";