Example #1
// CreateDynamicObjectNode
bool ObjectListNode::CreateDynamicObjectNode( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, Node * inputFile, const AString & baseDir, bool isUnityNode, bool isIsolatedFromUnityNode )
    const AString & fileName = inputFile->GetName();

    // Transform src file to dst object path
    // get file name only (no path, no ext)
    const char * lastSlash = fileName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
    lastSlash = lastSlash ? ( lastSlash + 1 ) : fileName.Get();
    const char * lastDot = fileName.FindLast( '.' );
    lastDot = lastDot && ( lastDot > lastSlash ) ? lastDot : fileName.GetEnd();

    // if source comes from a directory listing, use path relative to dirlist base
    // to replicate the folder hierearchy in the output
    AStackString<> subPath;
    if ( baseDir.IsEmpty() == false )
        ASSERT( NodeGraph::IsCleanPath( baseDir ) );
        if ( PathUtils::PathBeginsWith( fileName, baseDir ) )
            // ... use everything after that
            subPath.Assign( fileName.Get() + baseDir.GetLength(), lastSlash ); // includes last slash
        if ( !m_BaseDirectory.IsEmpty() && PathUtils::PathBeginsWith( fileName, m_BaseDirectory ) )
            // ... use everything after that
            subPath.Assign( fileName.Get() + m_BaseDirectory.GetLength(), lastSlash ); // includes last slash

    AStackString<> fileNameOnly( lastSlash, lastDot );
    AStackString<> objFile( m_CompilerOutputPath );
    objFile += subPath;
    objFile += m_CompilerOutputPrefix;
    objFile += fileNameOnly;
    objFile += GetObjExtension();

    // Create an ObjectNode to compile the above file
    // and depend on that
    Node * on = nodeGraph.FindNode( objFile );
    if ( on == nullptr )
        // determine flags - TODO:B Move DetermineFlags call out of build-time
        const bool usingPCH = ( m_PrecompiledHeader != nullptr );
        uint32_t flags = ObjectNode::DetermineFlags( m_Compiler, m_CompilerArgs, false, usingPCH );
        if ( isUnityNode )
            flags |= ObjectNode::FLAG_UNITY;
        if ( isIsolatedFromUnityNode )
            flags |= ObjectNode::FLAG_ISOLATED_FROM_UNITY;
        uint32_t preprocessorFlags = 0;
        if ( m_Preprocessor )
            // determine flags - TODO:B Move DetermineFlags call out of build-time
            preprocessorFlags = ObjectNode::DetermineFlags( m_Preprocessor, m_PreprocessorArgs, false, usingPCH );

        on = nodeGraph.CreateObjectNode( objFile, inputFile, m_Compiler, m_CompilerArgs, m_CompilerArgsDeoptimized, m_PrecompiledHeader, flags, m_CompilerForceUsing, m_DeoptimizeWritableFiles, m_DeoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken, m_AllowDistribution, m_AllowCaching, m_Preprocessor, m_PreprocessorArgs, preprocessorFlags );
    else if ( on->GetType() != Node::OBJECT_NODE )
        FLOG_ERROR( "Node '%s' is not an ObjectNode (type: %s)", on->GetName().Get(), on->GetTypeName() );
        return false;
        ObjectNode * other = on->CastTo< ObjectNode >();
        if ( inputFile != other->GetSourceFile() )
            FLOG_ERROR( "Conflicting objects found:\n"
                        " File A: %s\n"
                        " File B: %s\n"
                        " Both compile to: %s\n",
                        objFile.Get() );
            return false;
    m_DynamicDependencies.Append( Dependency( on ) );
    return true;
Example #2
// GetPrecompiledHeaderNode
bool FunctionObjectList::GetPrecompiledHeaderNode( NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
                                                   const BFFIterator & iter,
                                                   CompilerNode * compilerNode,
                                                   const BFFVariable * compilerOptions,
                                                   const Dependencies & compilerForceUsing,
                                                   ObjectNode * & precompiledHeaderNode,
                                                   bool deoptimizeWritableFiles,
                                                   bool deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken,
                                                   bool allowDistribution,
                                                   bool allowCaching,
                                                   const AString& compilerOutputExtension ) const
    const BFFVariable * pchInputFile = nullptr;
    const BFFVariable * pchOutputFile = nullptr;
    const BFFVariable * pchOptions = nullptr;
    if ( !GetString( iter, pchInputFile, ".PCHInputFile" ) ||
         !GetString( iter, pchOutputFile, ".PCHOutputFile" ) ||
         !GetString( iter, pchOptions, ".PCHOptions" ) )
        return false;

    precompiledHeaderNode = nullptr;

    AStackString<> pchObjectName;

    if ( pchInputFile )
        if ( !pchOutputFile || !pchOptions )
            Error::Error_1300_MissingPCHArgs( iter, this );
            return false;

        Node * pchInputNode = nodeGraph.FindNode( pchInputFile->GetString() );
        if ( pchInputNode )
            // is it a file?
            if ( pchInputNode->IsAFile() == false )
                Error::Error_1103_NotAFile( iter, this, "PCHInputFile", pchInputNode->GetName(), pchInputNode->GetType() );
                return false;
            // Create input node
            pchInputNode = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( pchInputFile->GetString() );

        if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( pchOutputFile->GetString() ) )
            Error::Error_1301_AlreadyDefinedPCH( iter, this, pchOutputFile->GetString().Get() );
            return false;

        uint32_t pchFlags = ObjectNode::DetermineFlags( compilerNode, pchOptions->GetString(), true, false );
        if ( pchFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC )
            // sanity check arguments
            bool foundYcInPCHOptions = false;
            bool foundFpInPCHOptions = false;

            // Find /Fo option to obtain pch object file name
            Array< AString > pchTokens;
            pchOptions->GetString().Tokenize( pchTokens );
            for ( const AString & token : pchTokens )
                if ( ObjectNode::IsStartOfCompilerArg_MSVC( token, "Fo" ) )
                    // Extract filename (and remove quotes if found)
                    pchObjectName = token.Get() + 3;
                    pchObjectName.Trim( pchObjectName.BeginsWith( '"' ) ? 1 : 0, pchObjectName.EndsWith( '"' ) ? 1 : 0 );

                    // Auto-generate name?
                    if ( pchObjectName == "%3" )
                        // example 'PrecompiledHeader.pch' to 'PrecompiledHeader.pch.obj'
                        pchObjectName = pchOutputFile->GetString();
                        pchObjectName += compilerOutputExtension;
                else if ( ObjectNode::IsStartOfCompilerArg_MSVC( token, "Yc" ) )
                    foundYcInPCHOptions = true;
                else if ( ObjectNode::IsStartOfCompilerArg_MSVC( token, "Fp" ) )
                    foundFpInPCHOptions = true;

            // PCH must have "Create PCH" (e.g. /Yc"PrecompiledHeader.h")
            if ( foundYcInPCHOptions == false )
                Error::Error_1302_MissingPCHCompilerOption( iter, this, "Yc", "PCHOptions" );
                return false;
            // PCH must have "Precompiled Header to Use" (e.g. /Fp"PrecompiledHeader.pch")
            if ( foundFpInPCHOptions == false )
                Error::Error_1302_MissingPCHCompilerOption( iter, this, "Fp", "PCHOptions" );
                return false;
            // PCH must have object output option (e.g. /Fo"PrecompiledHeader.obj")
            if ( pchObjectName.IsEmpty() )
                Error::Error_1302_MissingPCHCompilerOption( iter, this, "Fo", "PCHOptions" );
                return false;

            // Check Compiler Options
            bool foundYuInCompilerOptions = false;
            bool foundFpInCompilerOptions = false;
            Array< AString > compilerTokens;
            compilerOptions->GetString().Tokenize( compilerTokens );
            for ( const AString & token : compilerTokens )
                if ( ObjectNode::IsStartOfCompilerArg_MSVC( token, "Yu" ) )
                    foundYuInCompilerOptions = true;
                else if ( ObjectNode::IsStartOfCompilerArg_MSVC( token, "Fp" ) )
                    foundFpInCompilerOptions = true;

            // Object using the PCH must have "Use PCH" option (e.g. /Yu"PrecompiledHeader.h")
            if ( foundYuInCompilerOptions == false )
                Error::Error_1302_MissingPCHCompilerOption( iter, this, "Yu", "CompilerOptions" );
                return false;
            // Object using the PCH must have "Precompiled header to use" (e.g. /Fp"PrecompiledHeader.pch")
            if ( foundFpInCompilerOptions == false )
                Error::Error_1302_MissingPCHCompilerOption( iter, this, "Fp", "CompilerOptions" );
                return false;

        precompiledHeaderNode = nodeGraph.CreateObjectNode( pchOutputFile->GetString(),
                                                     nullptr, AString::GetEmpty(), 0 ); // preprocessor args not supported
        precompiledHeaderNode->m_PCHObjectFileName = pchObjectName;

    return true;