void ProceduralAnimApp::update()
	mLightPos.x = mRotationRadius * math<float>::sin( float( app::getElapsedSeconds() ) );
	mLightPos.z = mRotationRadius * math<float>::cos( float( app::getElapsedSeconds() ) );
	mFlapAngle += 0.01f * mFlapIncrement;
	float h = mAmplitude * 0.5f * math<float>::sin( mFlapAngle );
	float t = mAmplitude * 0.5f * math<float>::sin( mFlapAngle - M_PI / 2 );

	SkeletonRef skeleton = mSkinnedVboBird->getSkeleton();		
	NodeRef midL = skeleton->getBone("Gannet_Lwing_mid");
	NodeRef midR = skeleton->getBone("Gannet_Rwing_mid");
	NodeRef tipL = skeleton->getBone("Gannet_Lwing_tip");
	NodeRef tipR = skeleton->getBone("Gannet_Rwing_tip");
	midL->setRelativeRotation( midL->getInitialRelativeRotation() * Quatf( Vec3f::xAxis(), t ) * Quatf( Vec3f::zAxis(), mShoulderAngle ) );
	midR->setRelativeRotation( midR->getInitialRelativeRotation() * Quatf( Vec3f::xAxis(), t ) * Quatf( Vec3f::zAxis(), mShoulderAngle ) );
	tipL->setRelativeRotation( Quatf( Vec3f::yAxis(), h ) );
	tipR->setRelativeRotation( Quatf( Vec3f::yAxis(), h ) );
	NodeRef head = skeleton->getBone("Gannet_head");
	head->setRelativeRotation( head->getInitialRelativeRotation().slerp(0.5f, mMayaCam.getCamera().getOrientation() )  );
	skeleton->getBone("Gannet_body")->setRelativePosition( Vec3f(0, -t, 0) );
	/* The mesh isn't automatically updated when the skeleton it contained is modified, so
	 * an update call is necessary (for now). This may change since I don't find it very
	 * intuitive... */
	for( auto& d : mDust ) {
		d.z -= 0.75f;
		d.z = ( d.z < -SCENE_SIZE/2 ) ? SCENE_SIZE/2 : d.z;