// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_rbbinom(
    const int& n,
    const NumericVector& size,
    const NumericVector& alpha,
    const NumericVector& beta
  ) {
  if (std::min({size.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length()}) < 1) {
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
    return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);

  NumericVector x(n);
  bool throw_warning = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = rng_bbinom(GETV(size, i), GETV(alpha, i), GETV(beta, i),
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");

  return x;
Example #2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector ptsThresh(NumericVector values,NumericVector endDates,int window){
  int valuesLen = values.length();
  NumericVector out = clone(values);
  NumericVector startDates = endDates - window;

  for (int i = 0; i < valuesLen; ++i){
    LogicalVector idx = (endDates <= endDates[i]) & (endDates >= startDates[i]);
    NumericVector valuesWindow = values[idx];
    int lenCur = valuesWindow.length();

    if (lenCur == 1){
      out[i] = (1.4 / 1.3) * valuesWindow[i];
    if (lenCur == 2){
      out[i] = (1.5 / 2.4) * sum(valuesWindow);
    if (lenCur == 3){
      out[i] = (1.5 / 3.3) * sum(valuesWindow);
    if (lenCur == 4){
      out[i] = (1.5 / 4.0) * sum(valuesWindow);
    if (lenCur >= 5){
      std::nth_element(valuesWindow.begin(),valuesWindow.begin() + 5,valuesWindow.end());
      out[i] = valuesWindow[4];

  return out;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_qhcauchy(
    const NumericVector& p,
    const NumericVector& sigma,
    const bool& lower_tail = true,
    const bool& log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({p.length(), sigma.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);
  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector q(Nmax);
  NumericVector pp = Rcpp::clone(p);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  if (log_prob)
    pp = Rcpp::exp(pp);
  if (!lower_tail)
    pp = 1.0 - pp;
  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    q[i] = invcdf_hcauchy(GETV(pp, i), GETV(sigma, i),
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");
  return q;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_phcauchy(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const NumericVector& sigma,
    bool lower_tail = true, bool log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({x.length(), sigma.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);
  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector p(Nmax);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    p[i] = cdf_hcauchy(GETV(x, i), GETV(sigma, i),
  if (!lower_tail)
    p = 1.0 - p;
  if (log_prob)
    p = Rcpp::log(p);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");
  return p;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_rlst(
    const int& n,
    const NumericVector& nu,
    const NumericVector& mu,
    const NumericVector& sigma
  ) {
  if (std::min({nu.length(), mu.length(), sigma.length()}) < 1) {
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
    return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);
  NumericVector x(n);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = rng_lst(GETV(nu, i), GETV(mu, i),
                   GETV(sigma, i), throw_warning);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
  return x;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_dbern(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const NumericVector& prob,
    const bool& log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({x.length(), prob.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);
  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector p(Nmax);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    p[i] = pdf_bernoulli(GETV(x, i), GETV(prob, i),
  if (log_prob)
    p = Rcpp::log(p);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");
  return p;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_dhcauchy(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const NumericVector& sigma,
    const bool& log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({x.length(), sigma.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);
  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector p(Nmax);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    p[i] = logpdf_hcauchy(GETV(x, i), GETV(sigma, i),
  if (!log_prob)
    p = Rcpp::exp(p);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");
  return p;
Example #8
// we process each dimension individually using this function
RcppExport SEXP noSplitcv(SEXP R_x,SEXP R_xv,SEXP R_ngroup, SEXP R_xtest,SEXP R_ngrouptest ,SEXP R_args){

	NumericVector x(R_x);
	NumericVector xv(R_xv);
	NumericVector xtest(R_xtest);
	NumericVector ngroup(R_ngroup);
	NumericVector ngrouptest(R_ngrouptest);
	List args(R_args);
	std::string weights = Rcpp::as<std::string>(args["weights"]); 
	double gamma = Rcpp::as<double>(args["gamma"]); 
	double epsilon = Rcpp::as<double>(args["epsilon"]);
	NumericMatrix W = args["W"];
	NumericVector lambdalist = args["lambdalist"];

	NumericVector error(lambdalist.length());

	vector<double> sl = calculateSlope(x,ngroup,xv,weights,gamma,W,x.length());
	Group *G = maketree(&x[0], x.length(), &sl[0],&ngroup[0],epsilon);

	error_cv(G,&lambdalist[0],lambdalist.length(),&xtest[0], &ngrouptest[0],&error[0]);


// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_rprop(
    const int& n,
    const NumericVector& size,
    const NumericVector& mean,
    const NumericVector& prior
  ) {
  if (std::min({size.length(), mean.length(), prior.length()}) < 1) {
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
    return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);
  NumericVector x(n);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = rng_prop(GETV(size, i), GETV(mean, i),
                    GETV(prior, i), throw_warning);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
  return x;
NumericMatrix rbindCpp(NumericVector a, NumericVector b){
  if( a.length() != b.length() )
    stop("rbind failed due to mismatch in length");

  NumericMatrix out(2, a.length());
  out(0,_) = a;
  out(1,_) = b;
void samplingControl::setSliceWidths(NumericVector inWidths)
    if (inWidths.length() != 11)
        ::Rf_error("Slice widths must have length 11.\n"); 
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < inWidths.length(); i++)
        sliceWidths[i] = inWidths[i];
Example #12
void exposureModel::setOffset(NumericVector offsets)
    if (offsets.length() != (nTpt))
        Rcpp::Rcout << "Error: offsets must have length equal to the number of time points.\n";
        Rcpp::stop("Invalid offsets.");
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < offsets.length(); i++)
        offset(i) = offsets(i);
Example #13
  Rcpp::NumericVector rmvnorm(NumericVector mu, NumericMatrix eig_sigma) {
    NumericVector Z = no_init(mu.length());
    for (int i = 0; i < Z.length(); i++)
      Z[i] = R::norm_rand();

    NumericVector X = mu;
    for (int i = 0; i < X.length(); i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < X.length(); j++) {
        X[i] += eig_sigma(i,j) * Z[j];

    return X;
Example #14
//' FITS image writer
//' Writes a vector, matrix or 3D array to a FITS file as an image.
//' The data is written to the primary HDU.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int gv_writefits_img(NumericVector img, CharacterVector fits_name, CharacterVector hdu_name = "")
  IntegerVector dim;
  if (!img.hasAttribute("dim"))
    REprintf("ERROR: image has not been dimensioned.\n");
    return 1;
  dim = img.attr("dim");
  if (dim.length() > 3)
		REprintf("ERROR: dimension of more than 3 unsupported.\n");
		return 1;

  fitsfile *pfits=NULL;
	int err=0;

	std::string fname = as<std::string>(fits_name[0]);
	fits_create_file(&pfits, (char *) fname.c_str(), &err);
	if (err)
		return err;

#ifdef GV_DEBUG
  Rcout << "Number of dim: " << dim.length() << std::endl;
	for (int i=0; i<dim.length(); i++)
		Rcout << "Dim[" << i << "]: " << dim[i] << std::endl;
	Rcout << "Number of elements: " << img.length() << std::endl;
  double *p = &(*img.begin());
  for (int i=0; i<img.length(); i++)
    Rcout << "*(p+" << i << ") = " << *(p+i) << std::endl;
  long longdim[3], startpix[3] = {1,1,1}; // default start
  for (int i=0; i<dim.length(); i++) longdim[i] = (long) dim[i];
	// start writing to file
	fits_create_img(pfits, DOUBLE_IMG, dim.length(), longdim, &err);
	fits_write_pix(pfits, TDOUBLE, startpix, img.length(), &(*img.begin()), &err);

	fits_close_file(pfits, &err);
  return err;
Example #15
//' Finds a discord using brute force algorithm.
//' @param ts the input timeseries.
//' @param w_size the sliding window size.
//' @param discords_num the number of discords to report.
//' @useDynLib jmotif
//' @export
//' @references Keogh, E., Lin, J., Fu, A.,
//' HOT SAX: Efficiently finding the most unusual time series subsequence.
//' Proceeding ICDM '05 Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
//' @examples
//' discords = find_discords_brute_force(ecg0606[1:600], 100, 1)
//' plot(ecg0606[1:600], type = "l", col = "cornflowerblue", main = "ECG 0606")
//' lines(x=c(discords[1,2]:(discords[1,2]+100)),
//'    y=ecg0606[discords[1,2]:(discords[1,2]+100)], col="red")
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::DataFrame find_discords_brute_force(
    NumericVector ts, int w_size, int discords_num) {

  std::map<int, double> res;

  VisitRegistry registry(ts.length());
  registry.markVisited(ts.length() - w_size, ts.length());

  // Rcout << "starting search of " << discords_num << " discords..." << "\n";

  int discord_counter = 0;
  while(discord_counter < discords_num){

    discord_record rec = find_best_discord_brute_force(ts, w_size, &registry);

    //     Rcout << "found a discord " << discord_counter << " at " << rec.index;
    //     Rcout << ", NN distance: " << rec.nn_distance << "\n";

    if(rec.nn_distance == 0 || rec.index == -1){ break; }

    res.insert(std::make_pair(rec.index, rec.nn_distance));

    int start = rec.index - w_size;
      start = 0;
    int end = rec.index + w_size;
      end = ts.length();

    // Rcout << "marking as visited from " << start << " to " << end << "\n";
    registry.markVisited(start, end);
    discord_counter = discord_counter + 1;

  std::vector<int> positions;
  std::vector<double > distances;

  for(std::map<int, double>::iterator it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); it++) {
  // make results
  return Rcpp::DataFrame::create(
    Named("nn_distance") = distances,
    Named("position") = positions
Example #16
//' Primary production
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector prod_BeFa(NumericVector chla, NumericVector irrad, NumericVector stemp, NumericVector daylength) {
  NumericVector out(chla.length()); 
  for (int i = 0; i < out.length(); i++) {
    out[i] = opp_befa(chla[i], irrad[i], stemp[i], daylength[i]); 
  return out; 
Example #17
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_rr_cds(NumericVector outcome, NumericMatrix covars) {
  int nrow = covars.nrow(), ncol = covars.ncol();
  if (outcome.length() != nrow) {
    stop("length of outcome should be the same as the number of rows in covars");
  NumericVector out(ncol);
  out.attr("names") = colnames(covars);
  for (int j = 0; j < ncol; j++) {
    double outcomes1 = 0;
    double outcomes0 = 0;
    double n1 = 0;
    double n0 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
      double covar = covars(i,j);
      if (covar == 0.0) {
        n0 += 1;
        outcomes0 += outcome(i);
      } else {
        n1 += 1;
        outcomes1 += outcome(i);
    double prev1 = outcomes1/n1;
    double prev0 = outcomes0/n0;
    double rr = prev1/prev0;
    out(j) = rr;
  return out;
//' Computes the convex minorant of a polygon.
//' @param x,y the coordinates of the polygon
//' @return vector of the y-coordinates of the convex minorant
NumericVector convexMinorant(NumericVector x, NumericVector y) {
  int ny = y.length();

  NumericVector XX = x; 
  NumericVector XY = y; 
  vector<Point> P(ny);
  for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
    P[i].x = XX[i];
    P[i].y = XY[i];
  vector<Point> convHull = convex_hull(P);
  int            nP = convHull.size();
  vector<int>    convHullX(nP); 
  vector<double> convHullY(nP); 
  for (int i = 0; i < nP; i++) {
    convHullX[i] = convHull.at(i).x;
    convHullY[i] = convHull.at(i).y;
  NumericVector XXX     = Rcpp::wrap(convHullX);
  NumericVector XYY     = Rcpp::wrap(convHullY);
  NumericVector slopes  = compute_slopes(XXX, XYY);
  return slopes;
  //return List::create(Named("slopes") = slopes, Named("x") = XXX, Named("y") = XYY);
Example #19
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double distan_def(DataFrame df) {
  // access the columns
  NumericVector value = df["value"];
  NumericVector weight = df["weight"];
  NumericVector binary = df["binary"];
  int i, n_act = 0, n_oth = 0, n = value.length();
  double actecdf = weight[0], otherecdf = 0, actbin = binary[0], dis = 0;
  for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
    dis += (value[i] - value[i-1])*(actecdf - otherecdf)*(actecdf - otherecdf);
    if(binary[i] == actbin){
      actecdf += weight[i];
    if(binary[i] == 1 - actbin){
      otherecdf += weight[i];
  // return a distance
  return corregir(n_act, n_oth, dis);
Example #20
NumericVector ewma(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const double& lambda = 0.2,
    const bool& na_prev = true
  ) {
  if (lambda < 0 || lambda > 1) {
    Rcpp::stop("lambda takes values between 0 and 1");
  int n = x.length();
  NumericVector z(n, NA_REAL);
  z[0] = x[0];
  for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
    if (R_IsNA(x[i])) {
      if (na_prev) {
        z[i] = z[i-1];
      } else {
    z[i] = lambda * x[i] + (1 - lambda) * z[i-1];
  return z;
Example #21
RcppExport SEXP reloadPars(SEXP Rlongpars, SEXP Rpars, SEXP Rngroups, SEXP RJ)
	const NumericVector longpars(Rlongpars);
    List pars(Rpars);
    const int ngroups = as<int>(Rngroups);
    const int J = as<int>(RJ);
    int ind = 0;

    for(int g = 0; g < ngroups; ++g){
        List glist = pars[g];
        for(int i = 0; i < (J+1); ++i){
            S4 item = glist[i];
            NumericVector p = item.slot("par");
            int len = p.length();
            for(int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                p(j) = longpars(ind+j);
            ind += len;
            item.slot("par") = p;
            glist[i] = item;
        pars[g] = glist;

//testing initial system for particle filter
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List initPF(NumericMatrix data, NumericVector init_state, int n_particles){
  //initialize system
  int n_iter = data.nrow(); //number of iterations for main particle filter
  NumericVector time_points = data(_,0); //extract time points to run model over
  double loglike = 0.0;
  NumericVector particle_current_state(Dimension(1,init_state.length(),n_particles));
  NumericVector particle_traj(Dimension(n_iter,init_state.length(),n_particles));
  double init_weight = 1 / Rcpp::as<double>(wrap(n_particles));
  NumericVector particle_weight = NumericVector(n_particles,init_weight);
Example #23
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double getlambdashrinkC(NumericVector y) {
  double n=0;
  int m=y.length();
  double lambda;
  for (int i=0;i<m;i++) {
  NumericVector u=y/n;

  NumericVector temp(m,1.0);
  NumericVector varu=u*(temp-u)/(n-1);

  double msp=0;
  for (int i=0;i<m;i++) {
  if (msp==0) {
  } else {
    for (int i=0;i<m;i++) {
  if (lambda>1) {
  if (lambda<0) {
  return lambda;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector constrOptimC(NumericVector init, NumericMatrix ui, NumericVector ci){
	double p[4] = {0, 5, 0, .5};
	int n = init.length(), m=ci.length(); 
	size_t nt = init.length(), mt = ci.length();  
	RcppGSL::vector<double> x(init);
	RcppGSL::matrix<double> ui1(ui); 
	RcppGSL::vector<double> ci1(ci); 
	double mu_n= 1; 
	double *mu = &mu_n; 
	struct constr_par mypar={ui1, ci1, mu, p}; 
	// Initiate multimin minimizer; 
	const gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type *T;
  	gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer *s;	
	T = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs;
	s = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc (T, n);
	// Claim minimizing function; 
  	gsl_multimin_function_fdf my_func;
  	my_func.n = n;
	my_func.f = RC;
	my_func.df = dRC;
	my_func.fdf = RdRC;
	my_func.params = &mypar;
	// Claim the original function; 
	gsl_multimin_function_fdf orig_func;
  	orig_func.n = n;
	orig_func.f = FC;
	orig_func.df = gradC;
	orig_func.params = p;
	// Initiate the constrained optimization structure; 
	struct constr_multimin my_constrOpitm = {s, my_func, orig_func, 1e-4, 100, 1e-05}; 
	NumericVector out(n+1); 
	gsl_vector *opt;
	opt = gsl_vector_alloc(nt); 
	double f; 
	f = my_constrOpitm.inner_multimin(x, opt);
	out = my_constrOpitm.constr_optim(x); 
	gsl_vector_free(ci1); gsl_vector_free(x); gsl_vector_free(opt); 
NumericVector pow15(NumericVector v){
  int n = v.length();
  NumericVector out(n);
  for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
    out(j) = pow(v(j), 1.5);

  return( out );
Example #26
	double splEval(NumericVector xnew){
		int Nx1 = x1.length(), Nx2 = x2.length(), Nx3 = x3.length();
		int x3_index = findInterval1(xnew(2), x3);		//Find which discrete value it is in the 3rd dimension; 
		NumericVector y2(Nx2);
		// Interpolate the first dimension conditional the other values; 
		for(int j=0; j<Nx2; j++){
			y2(j) = spl_vec[(x3_index-1)*Nx2+j].splEval(xnew(0));
		// Set up another spl object for the 2nd dimension; 
		struct spl spl2 = spl_init(x2, y2);
		double out = spl2.splEval(xnew(1));
Example #27
//' Likelihood function for time-varying microcephaly
//' Calculates the likelihood of observing a vector of microcephaly births given the total number of births and microcephaly probabilities. Note that all vectors must be equal lengths.. Assuming binomial distribution.
//' @param microBirths the vector of observed microcephaly cases over time
//' @param allBirths the corresponding total number of births
//' @param probM the corresponding vector of microcephaly probabilities as calculated by generate_probM.
//' @return a single likelihood value
//' @export
double likelihood_probM(NumericVector microBirths, NumericVector allBirths, NumericVector probM){
  double lnlik = 0;
  int max = probM.length();
  for(int i = 0; i < max; ++i){
    lnlik += R::dbinom(microBirths[i],allBirths[i],probM[i],1);
Example #28
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double sigFunc(const double sigma,
               const NumericVector x_i,
               const double perplexity) {
  const NumericVector xs = exp(- pow(x_i,2) / sigma);
  const NumericVector softxs = xs / sum(xs);
  const double p2 = - sum(log(softxs) / log(2)) / xs.length();
  return pow(perplexity - p2, 2);
NumericVector pow2(NumericVector v){
  int n = v.length();
  NumericVector out(n);
  for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
    out(j) = v(j) * v(j);

  return( out );
Example #30
File: diff.cpp Project: 3sR/adv-r
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector diff_cpp(const NumericVector x, const int lag = 1) {
  int n = x.length();
  NumericVector y(n - lag);
  for (int i = lag; i < n; i++) {
    y[i - lag] = x[i] - x[i - lag];
  return y;