Example #1
   Populates the vector of event data buffers (vectors), vector of
   event source objects, vector of event source fields and the vector
   of event datasets by querying the messages on InputVariables.
void NSDFWriter::openEventData(const Eref &eref)
    if (filehandle_ <= 0){
    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < eventInputs_.size(); ++ii){
        stringstream path;
        path << eref.objId().path() << "/" << "eventInput[" << ii << "]";
        ObjId inputObj = ObjId(path.str());
        Element * el = inputObj.element();
        const DestFinfo * dest = static_cast<const DestFinfo*>(el->cinfo()->findFinfo("input"));
        vector < ObjId > src;
        vector < string > srcFields;
        el->getMsgSourceAndSender(dest->getFid(), src, srcFields);
        if (src.size() > 1){
            cerr << "NSDFWriter::openEventData - only one source can be connected to an eventInput" <<endl;
        } else if (src.size() == 1){
            stringstream path;
            path << src[0].path() << "." << srcFields[0];
            hid_t dataSet = getEventDataset(src[0].path(), srcFields[0]);
        } else {
            cerr <<"NSDFWriter::openEventData - cannot handle multiple connections at single input." <<endl;
Example #2
void Shell::doMove( Id orig, ObjId newParent )
	if ( orig == Id() ) {
		cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move root Element\n";

	if ( newParent.element() == 0 ) {
		cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move object to null parent \n";
	if ( Neutral::isDescendant( newParent, orig ) ) {
		cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move object to descendant in tree\n";
	const string& name = orig.element()->getName();
	if ( Neutral::child( newParent.eref(), name ) != Id() ) {
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Shell::doMove: Object with same name already present: '"
			   	<< newParent.path() << "/" << name << "'. Move failed.";
			warning( ss.str() );

	SetGet2< Id, ObjId >::set( ObjId(), "move", orig, newParent );
	// innerMove( orig, newParent );
Example #3
void remoteFieldGetVec( const Eref& e, unsigned int bindIndex,
				vector< double >& getRecvBuf )
	static ObjId oi( 3 );
	static PostMaster* p = reinterpret_cast< PostMaster* >( oi.data() );
	p->remoteFieldGetVec( e, bindIndex, getRecvBuf );
Example #4
void Shell::recvGet( const Eref& e, const Qinfo* q, PrepackedBuffer pb )
	if ( myNode_ == 0 ) {
		if ( gettingVector_ ) {
			ObjId tgt = q->src();
			// unsigned int linearIndex = q->src().eref().index().value();
			unsigned int linearIndex = 
				tgt.element()->dataHandler()->linearIndex( tgt.dataId );
			if ( linearIndex >= getBuf_.size() ) {
				if ( linearIndex >= getBuf_.capacity() )
					getBuf_.reserve( linearIndex * 2 );
				getBuf_.resize( linearIndex + 1 );
			assert ( linearIndex < getBuf_.size() );
			double*& c = getBuf_[ linearIndex ];
			c = new double[ pb.dataSize() ];
			memcpy( c, pb.data(), pb.dataSize() * sizeof( double ) );
			// cout << myNode_ << ":" << q->threadNum() << ": Shell::recvGet[" << linearIndex << "]= (" << pb.dataSize() << ", " <<  *c << ")\n";
		} else  {
			assert ( getBuf_.size() == 1 );
			double*& c = getBuf_[ 0 ];
			c = new double[ pb.dataSize() ];
			memcpy( c, pb.data(), pb.dataSize() * sizeof( double ) );
			handleAck( 0, OkStatus );
Example #5
void remoteGetVec( const Eref& e, unsigned int bindIndex,
				vector< vector< double > >& getRecvBuf,
				vector< unsigned int >& numOnNode )
	static ObjId oi( 3 );
	static PostMaster* p = reinterpret_cast< PostMaster* >( oi.data() );
	p->remoteGetVec( e, bindIndex, getRecvBuf, numOnNode );
ObjId OneToOneDataIndexMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.element() == e1() )
		return ObjId( e2()->id(), f.dataIndex );
	else if ( f.element() == e2() )
		return ObjId( e1()->id(), f.dataIndex );

	return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
Example #7
// Utility function: return the compartment in which the specified
// object is located.
// Simply traverses the tree toward the root till it finds a
// compartment. Pools use a special msg, but this works for reacs too.
ObjId getCompt( Id id )
	ObjId pa = Neutral::parent( id.eref() ).id;
	if ( pa == ObjId() )
		return pa;
	else if ( pa.element()->cinfo()->isA( "ChemCompt" ) )
		return pa;
	return getCompt( pa );
Example #8
void EndoMesh::setSurround( const Eref& e, ObjId v )
	if ( !v.element()->cinfo()->isA( "ChemCompt" ) ) {
		cout << "Warning: 'surround' may only be set to an object of class 'ChemCompt'\n";
		cout << v.path() << " is of class " << v.element()->cinfo()->name() << endl;
	surround_ = v;
	parent_ = reinterpret_cast< const MeshCompt* >( v.data() );
ObjId OneToAllMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.element() == e1() ) {
		if ( f.dataIndex == i1_ )
			return ObjId( e2()->id(), 0 );
	} else if ( f.element() == e2() ) {
		return ObjId( e1()->id(), i1_ );
	return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
// static function, executed by the Synapse Element when a message is
// dropped from the Element. Contracts the parent synapse array to fit.
// Typically the SynHandler won't resize, easier to just leave an
// unused entry. Could even reuse if a synapse is added later, but all
// this policy is independent of the Synapse class.
void Synapse::dropMsgCallback(
				const Eref& e, const string& finfoName, 
			    ObjId msg, unsigned int msgLookup )
	if ( finfoName == "addSpike" ) {
		ObjId pa = Neutral::parent( e );
		SynHandlerBase* sh = 
				reinterpret_cast< SynHandlerBase* >( pa.data() );
		sh->dropSynapse( msgLookup );
Example #11
ObjId OneToAllMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.id() == e1() ) {
		if ( f.dataId == i1_ )
			return ObjId( e2()->id(), 0 );
		  return ObjId( e2()->id(), DataId::bad() );
	} else if ( f.id() == e2() ) {
		return ObjId( e1()->id(), i1_ );
	return ObjId::bad();
// static function, executed by the Synapse Element when a message is
// added to the Element. Expands the parent synapse array to fit.
void Synapse::addMsgCallback(
				const Eref& e, const string& finfoName, 
			    ObjId msg, unsigned int msgLookup )
	if ( finfoName == "addSpike" ) {
		ObjId pa = Neutral::parent( e );
		SynHandlerBase* sh = 
				reinterpret_cast< SynHandlerBase* >( pa.data() );
		unsigned int synapseNumber = sh->addSynapse();
		SetGet2< unsigned int, unsigned int >::set( 
						msg, "fieldIndex", msgLookup, synapseNumber );
Example #13
void dispatchBuffers( const Eref& e, HopIndex hopIndex )
	static ObjId oi( 3 );
	static PostMaster* p = reinterpret_cast< PostMaster* >( oi.data() );
	if ( Shell::numNodes() == 1 )
	if ( hopIndex.hopType() == MooseSetHop ||
	  	hopIndex.hopType() == MooseGetHop ) {
		p->dispatchSetBuf( e );
	if ( hopIndex.hopType() == MooseSetVecHop ) {
		p->dispatchSetBuf( e );
	// More complicated stuff for get operations.
Example #14
void HDF5DataWriter::recvData(const Eref&e, 
				ObjId src, const double* start, unsigned int num )
    string path = src.path();
    if (nodemap_.find(path) == nodemap_.end()){
        // first time call, initialize entries in map
        hid_t dataid =  get_dataset(path);
        if (dataid < 0){
            cerr << "Warning: could not create data set for " << path << endl;
        nodemap_[path] = dataid;
        datamap_[path] = vector<double>();
    const double * end = start + num;
    // append only the new data. old_size is guaranteed to be 0 on
    // write and the table vecs will also be cleared.
    datamap_[path].insert(datamap_[path].end(), start, end);

    SetGet0::set(src, "clearVec"); //Unsure what this is for.
// #ifndef NDEBUG
//     // debug leftover entries coming from table
//     cout << "HDF5DataWriter::recvData: vec_size=" << vec_size << endl;
//     cout << "HDF5DataWriter::recvData: dataSize=" << pb.dataSize() << endl;
//     cout << "HDF5DataWriter::recvData: numEntries=" << pb.numEntries()  << endl;
//     cout << "HDF5DataWriter::recvData: size=" << pb.size() << endl;
//     cout << "HDF5DataWriter::recvData: data()" << endl;
//     for (int ii = 0; ii <= vec_size; ++ii){
//         cout << ii << "\t" << pb.data()[ii] << endl;
//     }
// #endif
Example #15
void Neutral::setName( const Eref& e, string name )
	if ( e.id().value() <= 3 ) {
		cout << "Warning: Neutral::setName on '" << e.id().path() << 
			   "'.Cannot rename core objects\n";
	ObjId pa = parent( e );
	Id sibling = Neutral::child( pa.eref(), name );
	if ( sibling == Id() ) { // OK, no existing object with same name.
		e.element()->setName( name );
	} else {
		cout << "Warning: Neutral::setName: an object with the name '" <<
			name << "'\n already exists on the same parent. Not changed\n";
Example #16
// static function
bool Neutral::isDescendant( Id me, Id ancestor )
	static const Finfo* pf = neutralCinfo->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();

	Eref e = me.eref();
	while ( e.element()->id() != Id() && e.element()->id() != ancestor ) {
		ObjId mid = e.element()->findCaller( pafid );
		assert( mid != ObjId() );
		ObjId fid = Msg::getMsg( mid )->findOtherEnd( e.objId() );
		e = fid.eref();
	return ( e.element()->id() == ancestor );
Example #17
double* addToBuf( const Eref& er, HopIndex hopIndex, unsigned int size )
	static ObjId oi( 3 );
	static PostMaster* p = reinterpret_cast< PostMaster* >( oi.data() );
	if ( hopIndex.hopType() == MooseSendHop ) {
		return p->addToSendBuf( er, hopIndex.bindIndex(), size );
	} else if ( hopIndex.hopType() == MooseSetHop ||
			 hopIndex.hopType() == MooseSetVecHop ) {
		p->clearPendingSetGet(); // Cannot touch set buffer if pending.
		return p->addToSetBuf( er, hopIndex.bindIndex(),
						size, hopIndex.hopType() );
	} else if ( hopIndex.hopType() == MooseTestHop ) {
		return addToTestBuf( er, hopIndex.bindIndex(), size );
	assert( 0 ); // Should not get here.
	return 0;
Example #18
void NSDFWriter::writeModelTree()
    vector< string > tokens;
    ObjId mRoot(modelRoot_);
    string rootPath = MODELTREEPATH + string("/") + mRoot.element()->getName();
    hid_t rootGroup = require_group(filehandle_, rootPath);
    hid_t tmp;
    htri_t exists;
    herr_t status;
    deque<Id> nodeQueue;
    deque<hid_t> h5nodeQueue;
    // TODO: need to clarify what happens with array elements. We can
    // have one node per vec and set a count field for the number of
    // elements
    while (nodeQueue.size() > 0){
        ObjId node = nodeQueue.front();
        hid_t prev = h5nodeQueue.front();;
        vector < Id > children;
        Neutral::children(node.eref(), children);
        for ( unsigned int ii = 0; ii < children.size(); ++ii){
            string name = children[ii].element()->getName();
            // skip the system elements
            if (children[ii].path() == "/Msgs"
                || children[ii].path() == "/clock"
                || children[ii].path() == "/classes"
                || children[ii].path() == "/postmaster"){
            exists = H5Lexists(prev, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
            if (exists > 0){
                tmp = H5Gopen2(prev, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
            } else {
                tmp = H5Gcreate2(prev, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
            writeScalarAttr< string >(tmp, "uid", children[ii].path());
        status = H5Gclose(prev);
Example #19
void Shell::destroy( const Eref& e, ObjId oid)
	Neutral *n = reinterpret_cast< Neutral* >( e.data() );
	assert( n );
	// cout << myNode_ << ": Shell::destroy done for element id: " << eid << ", name = " << eid.element()->getName() << endl;
	n->destroy( oid.eref(), 0 );
	if ( cwe_.id == oid.id )
		cwe_ = ObjId();
Example #20
Id ReadCell::startGraftCell( const string& cellPath )
	 * If path exists, return with error. This will also catch the case where
	 * cellPath is "/", and we will not have to check for this separately
	 * later.
	Id cellId( cellPath );
	if ( cellId.path() == cellPath ) {
		cerr << "Warning: ReadCell: cell '" << cellPath << "' already exists.\n";
		cerr << "File: " << fileName_ << " Line: " << lineNum_ << endl;
		return Id();
        ObjId parentObjId;
	string cellName;
	string::size_type pos_1 = cellPath.find_first_of( "/" );
	string::size_type pos_2 = cellPath.find_last_of( "/" );
	if ( pos_1 != 0 ) {
		cerr << "Error: ReadCell: *start_cell should be given absolute path.\n";
		cerr << "File: " << fileName_ << " Line: " << lineNum_ << endl;
		return Id();
	if ( pos_2 == 0 ) {
            parentObjId = ObjId("/");
		cellName = cellPath.substr( 1 );
	} else {
		string parentPath = cellPath.substr( 0, pos_2  );
		parentObjId = ObjId( parentPath );
		if ( parentObjId.bad() ) {
			cerr << "Error: ReadCell: cell path '" << cellPath
				<< "' not found.\n";
			cerr << "File: " << fileName_ << " Line: " << lineNum_ << endl;
			return Id();
		cellName = cellPath.substr( pos_2 + 1 );
	unsigned int size = 1;
	return shell_->doCreate( "Compartment", parentObjId, cellName, size, MooseGlobal );
Example #21
// Static function 
string Neutral::path( const Eref& e )
	static const Finfo* pf = neutralCinfo->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();

	vector< ObjId > pathVec;
	ObjId curr = e.objId();
	stringstream ss;

	pathVec.push_back( curr );
	while ( curr.id != Id() ) {
		ObjId mid = curr.eref().element()->findCaller( pafid );
		if ( mid == ObjId() ) {
			cout << "Error: Neutral::path:Cannot follow msg of ObjId: " <<
				   	e.objId() << " for func: " << pafid << endl;
		curr = Msg::getMsg( mid )->findOtherEnd( curr );
		pathVec.push_back( curr );
	if ( pathVec.size() <= 1 )
		return "/";
	for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < pathVec.size(); ++i ) {
		ss << "/";
		ObjId& oid = pathVec[ pathVec.size() - i - 1 ];
		ss << oid.element()->getName();
		if ( !oid.element()->hasFields() )
			ss << "[" << oid.dataIndex << "]";
		if ( !oid.element()->hasFields() )
			ss << "[" << oid.dataIndex << "]";
		if ( oid.element()->numData() > 1 )
			ss << "[" << oid.dataIndex << "]";
	// Append braces if Eref was for a fieldElement. This should
	// work even if it is off-node.
	if ( e.element()->hasFields() ) {
		ss << "[" << e.fieldIndex() << "]";

	return ss.str();
Example #22
ObjId SparseMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.element() == e1() ) {
		const unsigned int* entry;
		const unsigned int* colIndex;
		unsigned int num = matrix_.getRow( f.dataIndex, &entry, &colIndex );
		if ( num > 0 ) { // Return the first matching entry.
			return ObjId( e2()->id(), colIndex[0] );
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	} else if ( f.element() == e2() ) { // Bad! Slow! Avoid!
		vector< unsigned int > entry;
		vector< unsigned int > rowIndex;
		unsigned int num = matrix_.getColumn( f.dataIndex, entry, rowIndex );
		if ( num > 0 ) { // Return the first matching entry.
				return ObjId( e1()->id(), DataId( rowIndex[0] ) );
	return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
Example #23
 * Reads in SynChans and SpikeGens.
 * Unlike Compartments, HHChannels, etc., neither of these are zombified.
 * In other words, their fields are not managed by HSolve, and their "process"
 * functions are invoked to do their calculations. For SynChans, the process
 * calls are made by their respective clocks, and hence the process message is
 * not dropped. On the other hand, we drop the SpikeGen process messages here,
 * and explicitly call the SpikeGen process() from the HSolve via a pointer.
void HSolveActive::readSynapses()
    vector< Id > spikeId;
    vector< Id > synId;
    vector< Id >::iterator syn;
    vector< Id >::iterator spike;
    SynChanStruct synchan;

    for ( unsigned int ic = 0; ic < nCompt_; ++ic )
        HSolveUtils::synchans( compartmentId_[ ic ], synId );
        for ( syn = synId.begin(); syn != synId.end(); ++syn )
            synchan.compt_ = ic;
            synchan.elm_ = *syn;
            synchan_.push_back( synchan );

        static const Finfo* procDest = SpikeGen::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "process");
        assert( procDest );
        const DestFinfo* df = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( procDest );
        assert( df );

        HSolveUtils::spikegens( compartmentId_[ ic ], spikeId );
        // Very unlikely that there will be >1 spikegens in a compartment,
        // but lets take care of it anyway.
        for ( spike = spikeId.begin(); spike != spikeId.end(); ++spike )
                SpikeGenStruct( &V_[ ic ], spike->eref() )

            ObjId mid = spike->element()->findCaller( df->getFid() );
            if ( ! mid.bad()  )
                Msg::deleteMsg( mid );
Example #24
   Utility function to delete incoming messages on orig.
   To be used in zombifying elements.
void HSolve::deleteIncomingMessages( Element * orig, const string finfo)
    const DestFinfo * concenDest = dynamic_cast<const DestFinfo*>(orig->cinfo()->findFinfo(finfo));
    ObjId mid = orig->findCaller(concenDest->getFid());
    while (! mid.bad())
        const Msg * msg = Msg::getMsg(mid);
        ObjId other = msg->findOtherEnd(orig->id());
        Element * otherEl = other.id.element();
        if (otherEl &&  HSolve::handledClasses().find(otherEl->cinfo()->name()) != HSolve::handledClasses().end())
            break; // Have to do this otherwise it is an infinite loop
        mid = orig->findCaller(concenDest->getFid());
Example #25
 * Adds a typical channel to a compartment:
 *     - Connects up the 'channel' message between chan and compt.
 *     - Sets the Gbar field on the channel.
 * Typical channels currently are: HHChannel, HHChannel2D and SynChan. All of
 * these have the same "channel" interface, and have a "Gbar" field.
bool ReadCell::addCanonicalChannel(
	Id compt,
	Id chan, 
	double value,
	double dia,
	double length )
    string className = chan.element()->cinfo()->name();
	if (
		className == "HHChannel" ||
		className == "HHChannel2D" ||
		className == "SynChan" ||
		className == "NMDAChan"
	) {
		ObjId mid = shell_->doAddMsg(
		if ( mid.bad() )
			cout << "failed to connect message from compt " << compt << 
					" to channel " << chan << endl;
		if ( value > 0 ) {
			value *= calcSurf( length, dia );
		} else {
			value = -value;
		if ( !graftFlag_ )
		return Field< double >::set( chan, "Gbar", value );
	return 0;
Example #26
bool Shell::innerMove( Id orig, ObjId newParent )
	static const Finfo* pf = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();
	static const Finfo* f1 = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "childOut" );

	assert( !( orig == Id() ) );
	assert( !( newParent.element() == 0 ) );

	ObjId mid = orig.element()->findCaller( pafid );
	Msg::deleteMsg( mid );

	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( newParent.eref(), orig.element(), 0 );
	assert( m );
	if ( !f1->addMsg( pf, m->mid(), newParent.element() ) ) {
		cout << "move: Error: unable to add parent->child msg from " <<
			newParent.element()->getName() << " to " << 
			orig.element()->getName() << "\n";
		return 0;
	return 1;
Example #27
 * Static utility function. Attaches child element to parent element.
 * Must only be called from functions executing in parallel on all nodes,
 * as it does a local message addition
 * MsgIndex is needed to be sure that the same msg identifies parent-child
 * connection on all nodes.
bool Shell::adopt( ObjId parent, Id child, unsigned int msgIndex ) {
	static const Finfo* pf = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	// static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	// static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();
	static const Finfo* f1 = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "childOut" );

	assert( !( child.element() == 0 ) );
	assert( !( child == Id() ) );
	assert( !( parent.element() == 0 ) );

	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( parent.eref(), child.element(), msgIndex );
	assert( m );

	// cout << myNode_ << ", Shell::adopt: mid = " << m->mid() << ", pa =" << parent << "." << parent()->getName() << ", kid=" << child << "." << child()->getName() << "\n";

	if ( !f1->addMsg( pf, m->mid(), parent.element() ) ) {
		cout << "move: Error: unable to add parent->child msg from " <<
			parent.element()->getName() << " to " << 
			child.element()->getName() << "\n";
		return 0;
	return 1;
Example #28
ObjId Neutral::parent( ObjId oid )
	static const Finfo* pf = neutralCinfo->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();

	if ( oid.id == Id() ) {
		cout << "Warning: Neutral::parent: tried to take parent of root\n";
		return Id();

	ObjId mid = oid.element()->findCaller( pafid );
	assert( mid != ObjId() );

	ObjId pa = Msg::getMsg( mid )->findOtherEnd( oid );
	return pa;
Example #29
/// non-static func. Returns the Id found by traversing the specified path.
ObjId Shell::doFind( const string& path ) const
	if ( path == "/" || path == "/root" )
		return ObjId();

	ObjId curr;
	vector< string > names;
	vector< unsigned int > indices;
	bool isAbsolute = chopPath( path, names, indices );
	assert( names.size() == indices.size() );

	if ( !isAbsolute )
		curr = cwe_;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i ) {
		if ( names[i] == "." ) {
		} else if ( names[i] == ".." ) {
			curr = Neutral::parent( curr.eref() );
		} else {
			ObjId pa = curr;
			curr = Neutral::child( curr.eref(), names[i] );
			if ( curr == ObjId() ) // Neutral::child returned Id(), ie, bad.
				return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
			if ( curr.element()->hasFields() ) {
				curr.dataIndex = pa.dataIndex;
				curr.fieldIndex = indices[i];
			} else {
				curr.dataIndex = indices[i];
				if ( curr.element()->numData() <= curr.dataIndex  )
					return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	assert( curr.element() );
	if ( curr.element()->numData() <= curr.dataIndex )
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	if ( curr.fieldIndex > 0 && !curr.element()->hasFields() )
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );

	return curr;
Example #30
void ReadCell::addChannelMessage( Id chan )
	* Get child objects of type Mstring, named addmsg1, 2, etc.
	* These define extra messages to be assembled at setup.
	* Similar to what was done with GENESIS.
	vector< Id > kids;
	Neutral::children( chan.eref(), kids );
	Shell *shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	Id cwe = shell->getCwe();
	shell->setCwe( chan );
	for ( vector< Id >::iterator i = kids.begin(); i != kids.end(); ++i )
		// Ignore kid if its name does not begin with "addmsg"..
		const string& name = i->element()->getName();
		if ( name.find( "addmsg", 0 ) != 0 )

		string s = Field< string >::get( *i, "value" );
		vector< string > token;
		tokenize( s, " 	", token );
		assert( token.size() == 4 );
		ObjId src = shell->doFind( token[0] );
		ObjId dest = shell->doFind( token[2] );

		// I would like to assert, or warn here, but there are legitimate 
		// cases where not all possible messages are actually available 
		// to set up. So I just bail.
		if ( src.bad() || dest.bad()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
			cout << "ReadCell::addChannelMessage( " << chan.path() << 
				"): " << name << " " << s << 
				": Bad src " << src << " or dest " << dest << endl;
		ObjId mid = 
			shell->doAddMsg( "single", src, token[1], dest, token[3] );
		assert( !mid.bad());
	shell->setCwe( cwe );