Example #1
bool CellmlFile::exportTo(const QString &pFileName,
                          const QString &pUserDefinedFormatFileName)
    // Export the model to the required format, after loading it if necessary

    if (load()) {
        // Check that the user-defined format file actually exists

        if (!QFile::exists(pUserDefinedFormatFileName)) {
            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                       QObject::tr("the user-defined format file does not exist"));

            return false;

        // Make sure that the user-defined format file is valid XML
        // Note: you would normally expect CeLEDSExporter to check this, but all
        //       it does in case of an invalid XML file is crash...

        QString userDefinedFormatFileContents;

        if (!Core::readTextFromFile(pUserDefinedFormatFileName, userDefinedFormatFileContents)) {
            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                       QObject::tr("the user-defined format file could not be read"));

            return false;

        QDomDocument domDocument;

        if (!domDocument.setContent(userDefinedFormatFileContents)) {
            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                       QObject::tr("the user-defined format file is not a valid XML file"));

            return false;

        // Fully instantiate all the imports

        if (!fullyInstantiateImports(mModel, mIssues))
            return false;

        // Do the actual export

        ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::CeLEDSExporterBootstrap> celedsExporterBootstrap = CreateCeLEDSExporterBootstrap();
        ObjRef<iface::cellml_services::CodeExporter> codeExporter = celedsExporterBootstrap->createExporterFromText(userDefinedFormatFileContents.toStdWString());

        if (celedsExporterBootstrap->loadError().length()) {
            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                       QObject::tr("the user-defined format file could not be loaded"));

            return false;

        // Save the export

        if (!Core::writeTextToFile(pFileName, QString::fromStdWString(codeExporter->generateCode(mModel)))) {
            mIssues << CellmlFileIssue(CellmlFileIssue::Error,
                                       QObject::tr("the output file could not be saved"));

            return false;

        return true;
    } else {
        return false;