Example #1
void CellmlFile::retrieveCmetaIdsFromCellmlElement(iface::cellml_api::CellMLElement *pElement)
    // Keep track of the given CellML element's cmeta:id

    QString cmetaId = QString::fromStdWString(pElement->cmetaId());

    if (!cmetaId.isEmpty())
        mUsedCmetaIds << cmetaId;

    // Do the same for all the child elements of the given CellML element

    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLElementSet> childElements = pElement->childElements();
    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLElementIterator> childElementsIter = childElements->iterate();

    try {
        for (ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLElement> childElement = childElementsIter->next();
             childElement; childElement = childElementsIter->next()) {
    } catch (...) {
        // Note: we should never reach this point, but it may still happen if a
        //       CellML file contains a child element that is not known to the
        //       CellML API. We are taking the view that this is a limitation of
        //       the CellML API and shouldn't therefore generate an error for
        //       something that should have been working fine in the first
        //       place...