Example #1
bool SceneGadget::objectAt( const IECore::LineSegment3f &lineInGadgetSpace, GafferScene::ScenePlug::ScenePath &path ) const
	std::vector<IECoreGL::HitRecord> selection;
		ViewportGadget::SelectionScope selectionScope( lineInGadgetSpace, this, selection, IECoreGL::Selector::IDRender );

	if( !selection.size() )
		return false;

	float depthMin = selection[0].depthMin;
	unsigned int name = selection[0].name;
	for( const auto &i : selection )
		if( i.depthMin < depthMin )
			depthMin = i.depthMin;
			name = i.name;

	PathMatcher paths = convertSelection( new UIntVectorData( { name } ) );
	if( paths.isEmpty() )
		return false;

	path = *PathMatcher::Iterator( paths.begin() );
	return true;
Example #2
void GafferSceneTest::testPathMatcherRawIterator()
	vector<InternedString> root;
	vector<InternedString> a = assign::list_of( "a" );
	vector<InternedString> ab = assign::list_of( "a" )( "b" );
	vector<InternedString> abc = assign::list_of( "a" )( "b" )( "c" );

	PathMatcher m;
	PathMatcher::RawIterator it = m.begin();
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it == m.end() );

	m.addPath( abc );
	it = m.begin();
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == root );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it.exactMatch() == false );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it.exactMatch() == false );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == ab );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it.exactMatch() == false );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == abc );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it.exactMatch() == true );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it == m.end() );
Example #3
GafferScene::ConstPathMatcherDataPtr Duplicate::computeBranchSet( const ScenePath &parentPath, const IECore::InternedString &setName, const Gaffer::Context *context ) const
	ConstPathMatcherDataPtr inputSetData = inPlug()->set( setName );
	const PathMatcher &inputSet = inputSetData->readable();
	if( inputSet.isEmpty() )
		return outPlug()->setPlug()->defaultValue();

	PathMatcher subTree = inputSet.subTree( targetPlug()->getValue() );
	if( subTree.isEmpty() )
		return outPlug()->setPlug()->defaultValue();

	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = childNamesPlug()->getValue();
	const vector<InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();

	PathMatcherDataPtr resultData = new PathMatcherData;
	PathMatcher &result = resultData->writable();
	ScenePath prefix( 1 );
	for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator it = childNames.begin(), eIt = childNames.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		prefix.back() = *it;
		result.addPaths( subTree, prefix );

	return resultData;
Example #4
MurmurHash SharedDataHolder<PathMatcher>::hash() const
	IECore::MurmurHash result;

	HashStack stack;
	PathMatcher m = readable();
	for( PathMatcher::RawIterator it = m.begin(), eIt = m.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		// The iterator is recursive, so we use a stack to keep
		// track of where we are. Resize the stack to match our
		// current depth. The required size has the +1 because
		// we need a stack entry for the root item.
		size_t requiredStackSize = it->size() + 1;
		if( requiredStackSize > stack.size() )
			// Going a level deeper.
			stack.push( HashNodes() );
			assert( stack.size() == requiredStackSize );
		else if( requiredStackSize < stack.size() )
			// Returning from recursion to the child nodes.
			// Output the hashes for the children we visited
			// and stored on the stack previously.
			popHashNodes( stack, requiredStackSize, result );

		stack.top().push_back( HashNode( it->size() ? it->back().c_str() : "", it.exactMatch() ) );
	popHashNodes( stack, 0, result );

	return result;
Example #5
void expand( Context *context, const PathMatcher &paths, bool expandAncestors )
	GafferScene::PathMatcherData *expandedPaths = const_cast<GafferScene::PathMatcherData *>( context->get<GafferScene::PathMatcherData>( g_expandedPathsName, nullptr ) );
	if( !expandedPaths )
		expandedPaths = new GafferScene::PathMatcherData();
		context->set( g_expandedPathsName, expandedPaths );

	GafferScene::PathMatcher &expanded = expandedPaths->writable();

	bool needUpdate = false;
	if( expandAncestors )
		for( GafferScene::PathMatcher::RawIterator it = paths.begin(), eIt = paths.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
			needUpdate |= expanded.addPath( *it );
		for( GafferScene::PathMatcher::Iterator it = paths.begin(), eIt = paths.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
			needUpdate |= expanded.addPath( *it );

	if( needUpdate )
		// We modified the expanded paths in place to avoid unecessary copying,
		// so the context doesn't know they've changed. So we emit the changed
		// signal ourselves
		context->changedSignal()( context, g_expandedPathsName );
Example #6
static void loadSetWalk( const SceneInterface *s, const InternedString &setName, PathMatcher &set, const vector<InternedString> &path )
	if( s->hasTag( setName, SceneInterface::LocalTag ) )
		set.addPath( path );

	// Figure out if we need to recurse by querying descendant tags to see if they include
	// anything we're interested in.

	if( !s->hasTag( setName, SceneInterface::DescendantTag ) )

	// Recurse to the children.

	SceneInterface::NameList childNames;
	s->childNames( childNames );
	vector<InternedString> childPath( path );
	childPath.push_back( InternedString() ); // room for the child name
	for( SceneInterface::NameList::const_iterator it = childNames.begin(), eIt = childNames.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		ConstSceneInterfacePtr child = s->child( *it );
		childPath.back() = *it;
		loadSetWalk( child.get(), setName, set, childPath );
Example #7
// we don't actually wrap the existing init, but rather reimplement it
// here using clear() and addPath(), so that we can support a mixture
// of strings and InternedStringVectorData.
static void initWrapper( PathMatcher &m, boost::python::object paths )
	for( size_t i = 0, e = len( paths ); i < e; ++i )
		object path = paths[i];
		extract<const char *> stringExtractor( path );
		if( stringExtractor.check() )
			m.addPath( stringExtractor() );
			IECore::ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr d = extract<IECore::ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr>( path );
			m.addPath( d->readable() );
Example #8
static list paths( const PathMatcher &p )
	std::vector<std::string> paths;
	p.paths( paths );
	list result;
	for( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = paths.begin(), eIt = paths.end(); it != eIt; it++ )
		result.append( *it );
	return result;
Example #9
bool SceneView::expandWalk( const GafferScene::ScenePlug::ScenePath &path, size_t depth, PathMatcher &expanded, PathMatcher &selected )
	bool result = false;

	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = preprocessedInPlug<ScenePlug>()->childNames( path );
	const vector<InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();

	if( childNames.size() )
		// expand ourselves to show our children, and make sure we're
		// not selected - we only want selection at the leaf levels of
		// our expansion.
		result |= expanded.addPath( path );
		result |= selected.removePath( path );

		ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = path;
		childPath.push_back( InternedString() ); // room for the child name
		for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator cIt = childNames.begin(), ceIt = childNames.end(); cIt != ceIt; cIt++ )
			childPath.back() = *cIt;
			if( depth == 1 )
				// at the bottom of the expansion - just select the child
				result |= selected.addPath( childPath );
				// continue the expansion
				result |= expandWalk( childPath, depth - 1, expanded, selected );
		// we have no children, just make sure we're selected to mark the
		// leaf of the expansion.
		result |= selected.addPath( path );

	return result;
Example #10
status_t PathMatcher :: PutPathsFromMatcher(const PathMatcher & matcher)

   for (HashtableIterator<String, PathMatcherEntry> iter(matcher.GetEntries(), HTIT_FLAG_NOREGISTER); iter.HasData(); iter++)
      if (_entries.Put(iter.GetKey(), iter.GetValue()) == B_NO_ERROR)
         if (iter.GetValue().GetFilter()()) _numFilters++;
      else return B_ERROR;
   return B_NO_ERROR;
Example #11
		void applySelectionWalk( const PathMatcher &selection, const ScenePlug::ScenePath &path, bool check )
			const unsigned m = check ? selection.match( path ) : 0;

			m_selected = m & Filter::ExactMatch;

			ScenePlug::ScenePath childPath = path;
			childPath.push_back( IECore::InternedString() ); // space for the child name
			for( std::vector<SceneGraph *>::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(), eIt = m_children.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
				childPath.back() = (*it)->m_name;
				(*it)->applySelectionWalk( selection, childPath, m & Filter::DescendantMatch );
Example #12
IECore::PathMatcher SceneGadget::convertSelection( IECore::UIntVectorDataPtr ids ) const
	CompoundDataMap parameters = { { "selection", ids } };
	if( m_selectionMask )
		parameters["mask"] = m_selectionMask;

	auto pathsData = static_pointer_cast<PathMatcherData>(

	PathMatcher result = pathsData->readable();

	// Unexpanded locations are represented with
	// objects named __unexpandedChildren__ to allow
	// locations to have an object _and_ children.
	// We want to replace any such locations with their
	// parent location.
	const InternedString unexpandedChildren = "__unexpandedChildren__";
	vector<InternedString> parent;

	PathMatcher toAdd;
	PathMatcher toRemove;
	for( PathMatcher::Iterator it = result.begin(), eIt = result.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		if( it->size() && it->back() == unexpandedChildren )
			toRemove.addPath( *it );
			parent.assign( it->begin(), it->end() - 1 );
			toAdd.addPath( parent );

	result.addPaths( toAdd );
	result.removePaths( toRemove );

	return result;
Example #13
size_t SceneGadget::objectsAt(
	const Imath::V3f &corner0InGadgetSpace,
	const Imath::V3f &corner1InGadgetSpace,
	IECore::PathMatcher &paths
) const

	vector<IECoreGL::HitRecord> selection;
		ViewportGadget::SelectionScope selectionScope( corner0InGadgetSpace, corner1InGadgetSpace, this, selection, IECoreGL::Selector::OcclusionQuery );

	UIntVectorDataPtr ids = new UIntVectorData;
		selection.begin(), selection.end(), std::back_inserter( ids->writable() ),
		[]( const IECoreGL::HitRecord &h ) { return h.name; }

	PathMatcher selectedPaths = convertSelection( ids );
	paths.addPaths( selectedPaths );

	return selectedPaths.size();
Example #14
bool SceneView::expandWalk( const std::string &path, size_t depth, PathMatcher &expanded, RenderableGadget::Selection &selected )
	bool result = false;
	ScenePlug::ScenePath scenePath;
	ScenePlug::stringToPath( path, scenePath );
	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr childNamesData = preprocessedInPlug<ScenePlug>()->childNames( scenePath );
	const vector<InternedString> &childNames = childNamesData->readable();

	if( childNames.size() )
		// expand ourselves to show our children, and make sure we're
		// not selected - we only want selection at the leaf levels of
		// our expansion.
		result |= expanded.addPath( path );
		result |= selected.erase( path );
		for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator cIt = childNames.begin(), ceIt = childNames.end(); cIt != ceIt; cIt++ )
			std::string childPath( path );
			if( *childPath.rbegin() != '/' )
				childPath += '/';
			childPath += cIt->string();
			if( depth == 1 )
				// at the bottom of the expansion - just select the child
				result |= selected.insert( childPath ).second;
				// continue the expansion
				result |= expandWalk( childPath, depth - 1, expanded, selected );
		// we have no children, just make sure we're selected to mark the
		// leaf of the expansion.
		result |= selected.insert( path ).second;

	return result;
Example #15
void GafferSceneTest::testPathMatcherIteratorPrune()
	vector<InternedString> root;
	vector<InternedString> abc = assign::list_of( "a" )( "b" )( "c" );

	// Prune an empty iterator range.
	PathMatcher m;
	PathMatcher::Iterator it = m.begin();
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it == m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it == m.end() );

	// Prune the root iterator itself.
	m.addPath( root );
	it = m.begin();
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == root );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == root );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it == m.end() );

	// As above, but actually with some
	// descendants to be pruned.
	m.addPath( abc );
	it = m.begin();
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == root );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( *it == root );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it != m.end() );
	GAFFERTEST_ASSERT( it == m.end() );

Example #16
static unsigned matchInternedStringVectorData( const PathMatcher &p, const IECore::InternedStringVectorData *d )
	return p.match( d->readable() );
Example #17
static bool addPathInternedStringVectorData( PathMatcher &p, const IECore::InternedStringVectorData *d )
	return p.addPath( d->readable() );