* Find Playground in image and calc its Extrinsics
bool PlaygroundDetector::detect(const cv::Mat &image, Playground &playground, Contours &candidateContours, aruco::CameraParameters &cameraParameters)
  // pg not valid
  playground.id = -1;

  // get all contours from color thres image
  Contours contours;
  findContours(image, contours);
  // search for L shaped contours
  filterContours(contours, candidateContours);
    if(candidateContours.size() < 4) return false;
  // combine exatly 4 L-contours to one rectangle with 4 corners
  std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners; // max length: 4
  extractPlayGroundCorners(candidateContours, corners);
    if(corners.size() != 4) return false;
  std::copy(corners.begin(), corners.end(), playground.begin());
  // playground valid
  playground.id = 0;
  // calc translation and rotation
  return true;