// Update the broad-phase state for this body (because it has moved for instance)
void CollisionBody::updateBroadPhaseState() const {

    // For all the proxy collision shapes of the body
    for (ProxyShape* shape = mProxyCollisionShapes; shape != NULL; shape = shape->mNext) {

        // Recompute the world-space AABB of the collision shape
        AABB aabb;
        shape->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, mTransform *shape->getLocalToBodyTransform());

        // Update the broad-phase state for the proxy collision shape
        mWorld.mCollisionDetection.updateProxyCollisionShape(shape, aabb);
* @return The axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the body in world-space coordinates
AABB CollisionBody::getAABB() const {

    AABB bodyAABB;

    if (mProxyCollisionShapes == NULL) return bodyAABB;

    mProxyCollisionShapes->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(bodyAABB, mTransform * mProxyCollisionShapes->getLocalToBodyTransform());

    // For each proxy shape of the body
    for (ProxyShape* shape = mProxyCollisionShapes->mNext; shape != NULL; shape = shape->mNext) {

        // Compute the world-space AABB of the collision shape
        AABB aabb;
        shape->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, mTransform * shape->getLocalToBodyTransform());

        // Merge the proxy shape AABB with the current body AABB

    return bodyAABB;
// Update the broad-phase state for this body (because it has moved for instance)
void RigidBody::updateBroadPhaseState() const {

    RP3D_PROFILE("RigidBody::updateBroadPhaseState()", mProfiler);

    DynamicsWorld& world = static_cast<DynamicsWorld&>(mWorld);
    const Vector3 displacement = world.mTimeStep * mLinearVelocity;

    // For all the proxy collision shapes of the body
    for (ProxyShape* shape = mProxyCollisionShapes; shape != nullptr; shape = shape->mNext) {

        // If the proxy-shape shape is still part of the broad-phase
        if (shape->getBroadPhaseId() != -1) {

            // Recompute the world-space AABB of the collision shape
            AABB aabb;
            shape->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, mTransform * shape->getLocalToBodyTransform());

            // Update the broad-phase state for the proxy collision shape
            mWorld.mCollisionDetection.updateProxyCollisionShape(shape, aabb, displacement);
// Recompute the center of mass, total mass and inertia tensor of the body using all
// the collision shapes attached to the body.
void RigidBody::recomputeMassInformation() {

    mInitMass = decimal(0.0);
    mMassInverse = decimal(0.0);
    if (!mIsInertiaTensorSetByUser) mInertiaTensorLocalInverse.setToZero();
    if (!mIsInertiaTensorSetByUser) mInertiaTensorInverseWorld.setToZero();
    if (!mIsCenterOfMassSetByUser) mCenterOfMassLocal.setToZero();
    Matrix3x3 inertiaTensorLocal;

    // If it is a STATIC or a KINEMATIC body
    if (mType == BodyType::STATIC || mType == BodyType::KINEMATIC) {
        mCenterOfMassWorld = mTransform.getPosition();

    assert(mType == BodyType::DYNAMIC);

    // Compute the total mass of the body
    for (ProxyShape* shape = mProxyCollisionShapes; shape != nullptr; shape = shape->mNext) {
        mInitMass += shape->getMass();

        if (!mIsCenterOfMassSetByUser) {
            mCenterOfMassLocal += shape->getLocalToBodyTransform().getPosition() * shape->getMass();

    if (mInitMass > decimal(0.0)) {
        mMassInverse = decimal(1.0) / mInitMass;
    else {
        mCenterOfMassWorld = mTransform.getPosition();

    // Compute the center of mass
    const Vector3 oldCenterOfMass = mCenterOfMassWorld;

    if (!mIsCenterOfMassSetByUser) {
        mCenterOfMassLocal *= mMassInverse;

    mCenterOfMassWorld = mTransform * mCenterOfMassLocal;

    if (!mIsInertiaTensorSetByUser) {

        // Compute the inertia tensor using all the collision shapes
        for (ProxyShape* shape = mProxyCollisionShapes; shape != nullptr; shape = shape->mNext) {

            // Get the inertia tensor of the collision shape in its local-space
            Matrix3x3 inertiaTensor;
            shape->getCollisionShape()->computeLocalInertiaTensor(inertiaTensor, shape->getMass());

            // Convert the collision shape inertia tensor into the local-space of the body
            const Transform& shapeTransform = shape->getLocalToBodyTransform();
            Matrix3x3 rotationMatrix = shapeTransform.getOrientation().getMatrix();
            inertiaTensor = rotationMatrix * inertiaTensor * rotationMatrix.getTranspose();

            // Use the parallel axis theorem to convert the inertia tensor w.r.t the collision shape
            // center into a inertia tensor w.r.t to the body origin.
            Vector3 offset = shapeTransform.getPosition() - mCenterOfMassLocal;
            decimal offsetSquare = offset.lengthSquare();
            Matrix3x3 offsetMatrix;
            offsetMatrix[0].setAllValues(offsetSquare, decimal(0.0), decimal(0.0));
            offsetMatrix[1].setAllValues(decimal(0.0), offsetSquare, decimal(0.0));
            offsetMatrix[2].setAllValues(decimal(0.0), decimal(0.0), offsetSquare);
            offsetMatrix[0] += offset * (-offset.x);
            offsetMatrix[1] += offset * (-offset.y);
            offsetMatrix[2] += offset * (-offset.z);
            offsetMatrix *= shape->getMass();

            inertiaTensorLocal += inertiaTensor + offsetMatrix;

        // Compute the local inverse inertia tensor
        mInertiaTensorLocalInverse = inertiaTensorLocal.getInverse();

    // Update the world inverse inertia tensor

    // Update the linear velocity of the center of mass
    mLinearVelocity += mAngularVelocity.cross(mCenterOfMassWorld - oldCenterOfMass);