Example #1
void MLTCam::Acquire( PvDevice *aDevice, PvStream *aStream )
    // Get device parameters need to control streaming
    PvGenParameterArray *lDeviceParams = aDevice->GetParameters();

    // Map the GenICam AcquisitionStart and AcquisitionStop commands
    PvGenCommand *lStart = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand *>( lDeviceParams->Get( "AcquisitionStart" ) );
    PvGenCommand *lStop = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand *>( lDeviceParams->Get( "AcquisitionStop" ) );

    // Get stream parameters
    PvGenParameterArray *lStreamParams = aStream->GetParameters();

    // Map a few GenICam stream stats counters
    PvGenFloat *lFrameRate = dynamic_cast<PvGenFloat *>( lStreamParams->Get( "AcquisitionRate" ) );
    PvGenFloat *lBandwidth = dynamic_cast<PvGenFloat *>( lStreamParams->Get( "Bandwidth" ) );

    // Enable streaming and send the AcquisitionStart command
    //qDebug() << "Enabling streaming and sending AcquisitionStart command." << endl;

    char lDoodle[] = "|\\-|-/";
    int lDoodleIndex = 0;
    double lFrameRateVal = 0.0;
    double lBandwidthVal = 0.0;

    timer = new QTimer;
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(WaitForExecution()));

    // Abort all buffers from the stream and dequeue
//    cout << "Aborting buffers still in stream" << endl;
//    aStream->AbortQueuedBuffers();
//    while ( aStream->GetQueuedBufferCount() > 0 )
//    {
//        PvBuffer *lBuffer = NULL;
//        PvResult lOperationResult;

//        aStream->RetrieveBuffer( &lBuffer, &lOperationResult );
//    }
Example #2
PvResult Source::StartAcquisition()
	PvGenStateStack lState( mDevice->GetGenParameters() );
	if ( mMultiSource )
		// Push change on stack, will be reset when lState goes out of scope
		lState.SetEnumValue( "SourceSelector", mSourceIndex );

	// Get payload size
	PvUInt32 lPayloadSize = GetPayloadSize();
	if ( lPayloadSize > 0 )
		// Propagate to pipeline to make sure buffers are big enough
		mPipeline->SetBufferSize( lPayloadSize );

	// Reset pipeline
	mBuffersReallocated = false;

	// Reset stream statistics
	PvGenCommand *lResetStats = mStream->GetParameters()->GetCommand( "Reset" );

	// Reset dislay thread stats (mostly frames displayed per seconds)

	// Use acquisition manager to send the acquisition start command to the device
	PvResult lResult = mAcquisitionManager->Start();
	if ( !lResult.IsOK() )
		return lResult;

	return PvResult::Code::OK;
Example #3
void PleoraVideo::SetDeviceParams(Params& p) {

    lStart = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand*>( lDeviceParams->Get( "AcquisitionStart" ) );
    lStop = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand*>( lDeviceParams->Get( "AcquisitionStop" ) );

    for(Params::ParamMap::iterator it = p.params.begin(); it != p.params.end(); it++) {
        if(it->first == "get_temperature"){
            getTemp = p.Get<bool>("get_temperature",false);
        } else {
            if (it->second == "Execute") {
              // This is a command, deal with it accordingly.
              PvGenCommand* cmd = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand*>(lDeviceParams->Get(it->first.c_str()));
              if(cmd) {
                  PvResult r = cmd->Execute();
                      pango_print_error("Error executing command %s Reason:%s\n", it->first.c_str(), r.GetDescription().GetAscii());
                  } else {
                      pango_print_info("Executed Command %s\n", it->first.c_str());
                  bool done;
                  int attempts = 20;
                  do {
                  } while(!done && (attempts > 0));
                  if(attempts == 0) {
                      pango_print_error("Timeout while waiting for command %s done\n", it->first.c_str());
              } else {
                  pango_print_error("Command %s not recognized\n", it->first.c_str());
            } else {
                try {
                    PvGenParameter* par = lDeviceParams->Get(PvString(it->first.c_str()));
                    if(par) {
                        PvResult r = par->FromString(PvString(it->second.c_str()));
                            pango_print_error("Error setting parameter %s to:%s Reason:%s\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str(), r.GetDescription().GetAscii());
                        } else {
                            pango_print_info("Setting parameter %s to:%s\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str());
                    } else {
                        pango_print_error("Parameter %s not recognized\n", it->first.c_str());
                } catch(std::runtime_error e) {
                    pango_print_error("Set parameter %s: %s\n", it->first.c_str(), e.what());

    // Get Handles to properties we'll be using.
    lAnalogGain = lDeviceParams->GetInteger("AnalogGain");
    lGamma = lDeviceParams->GetFloat("Gamma");
    lAnalogBlackLevel = lDeviceParams->GetInteger("AnalogBlackLevel");
    lExposure = lDeviceParams->GetFloat("ExposureTime");
    lAquisitionMode = lDeviceParams->GetEnum("AcquisitionMode");
    lTriggerSource = lDeviceParams->GetEnum("TriggerSource");
    lTriggerMode = lDeviceParams->GetEnum("TriggerMode");

    if(getTemp) {
        lTemperatureCelcius = lDeviceParams->GetFloat("DeviceTemperatureCelsius");
        pango_print_warn("Warning: get_temperature might add a blocking call taking several ms to each frame read.");
