void QrcEditor::resolveLocationIssues(QStringList &files)
    const QDir dir = QFileInfo(m_treeview->fileName()).absoluteDir();
    const QString dotdotSlash = QLatin1String("../");
    int i = 0;
    const int count = files.count();
    const int initialCount = files.count();

    // Find first troublesome file
    for (; i < count; i++) {
        QString const &file = files.at(i);
        const QString relativePath = dir.relativeFilePath(file);
        if (relativePath.startsWith(dotdotSlash))

    // All paths fine -> no interaction needed
    if (i == count) {

    // Interact with user from now on
    ResolveLocationContext context;
    bool abort = false;
    for (QStringList::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ) {
        // Path fine -> skip file
        QString const &file = *it;
        QString const relativePath = dir.relativeFilePath(file);
        if (!relativePath.startsWith(dotdotSlash)) {
        // Path troublesome and aborted -> remove file
        bool ok = false;
        if (!abort) {
            // Path troublesome -> query user "Do you want copy/abort/skip".
            QAbstractButton *clickedButton = context.execLocationMessageBox(this, file, initialCount > 1);
            if (clickedButton == context.copyButton) {
                const QFileInfo fi(file);
                QFileInfo suggestion;
                QDir tmpTarget(dir.path() + QString(QDir::separator()) + QString("Resources"));;
                if (tmpTarget.exists())
                    suggestion.setFile(tmpTarget, fi.fileName());
                    suggestion.setFile(dir, fi.fileName());
                // Prompt for copy location, copy and replace name.
                const QString copyName = context.execCopyFileDialog(this, dir, suggestion.absoluteFilePath());
                ok = !copyName.isEmpty() && copyFile(file, copyName, this);
                if (ok)
                    *it = copyName;
            } else if (clickedButton == context.abortButton) {
                abort = true;
        } // !abort
        if (ok) { // Remove files where user canceled or failures occurred.
        } else {
            it = files.erase(it);
    } // for files
Example #2
QVariantMap S60EmulatorRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    QVariantMap map(ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration::toMap());
    const QDir projectDir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory());
    map.insert(QLatin1String(PRO_FILE_KEY), projectDir.relativeFilePath(m_proFilePath));
    return map;
Example #3
    .pls playlist save
void savePlsPlaylist(QIODevice* device, const QDir& playlist_dir, QList<MEDIA::TrackPtr> list)
    QTextStream stream(device);
    stream << "[playlist]" << endl;
    stream << "Version=2" << endl;
    stream << "NumberOfEntries=" << list.size() << endl;

    int n = 1;
    foreach (MEDIA::TrackPtr media, list)
      if (!media) continue;
      if (media->type() != TYPE_TRACK && media->type() != TYPE_STREAM) continue;

      // write metadata
      if (media->type() == TYPE_TRACK ) {
        QString media_path = media->url;
        media_path = playlist_dir.relativeFilePath(media_path).toUtf8();

        stream << "File" << n << "=" << media_path << endl;
        stream << "Title" << n << "=" << media->title << endl;
        stream << "Length" << n << "=" << media->duration << endl;
      else { // TYPE_STREAM
        stream << "File" << n << "=" << QString(media->url).toUtf8() << endl;
        stream << "Title" << n << "=" << QString(media->name).toUtf8() << endl;
        stream << "Length" << n << "=" << endl;
    } // fin Foreach
Example #4
    m3u playlist save
void saveM3uPlaylist(QIODevice* device, const QDir& playlist_dir, QList<MEDIA::TrackPtr> list)

    foreach (MEDIA::TrackPtr media, list)
      if (!media) continue;
      if (media->type() != TYPE_TRACK && media->type() != TYPE_STREAM) continue;

      QString info;
      QString media_path;
      if (media->type() == TYPE_TRACK ) {
        info = QString("#EXTINF:%1,%2 - %3\n").arg(QString::number(media->duration))

        //! Get the path to MediaItem relative to the Playlist File directory
        media_path = playlist_dir.relativeFilePath(media->url);
      else {
        info = QString("#EXTINF:\n");
        info = QString("#EXTINF:%1,%2 - %3\n").arg(0)

        media_path = media->url;

Example #5
static void migrateDataDir() {
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
	QString olddir = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/Library/Preferences/Mumble");
	QString newdir = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation);
	QString linksTo = QFile::readLink(olddir);
	if (!QFile::exists(newdir) && QFile::exists(olddir) && linksTo.isEmpty()) {
		QDir d;
		d.mkpath(newdir + QLatin1String("/.."));
		if (d.rename(olddir, newdir)) {
			if (d.cd(QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/Library/Preferences"))) {
				if (QFile::link(d.relativeFilePath(newdir), olddir)) {
					qWarning("Migrated application data directory from '%s' to '%s'",
					         qPrintable(olddir), qPrintable(newdir));
	} else {
		/* Data dir has already been migrated. */

	qWarning("Application data migration failed.");
Example #6
File: main.cpp Project: An-dy/qTox
QList<QString> scanDir(QDir dir)
    QList<QString> files;
    QStack<QString> stack;
    while (!stack.isEmpty())
      QString sSubdir = stack.pop();
      QDir subdir(sSubdir);

      // Check for the files.
      QList<QString> sublist = subdir.entryList(QDir::Files);
      for (QString& file : sublist)
          file = dir.relativeFilePath(sSubdir + '/' + file);

      files += sublist;

      QFileInfoList infoEntries = subdir.entryInfoList(QStringList(),
                                                       QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
      for (int i = 0; i < infoEntries.size(); i++)
         QFileInfo& item = infoEntries[i];
    return files;
Example #7
static void updateTsFiles( const MetaTranslator& fetchedTor,
                           const QStringList& tsFileNames, const QString& codecForTr,
                           bool noObsolete, bool verbose )
    QStringList::ConstIterator t = tsFileNames.begin();
    QDir dir;
    while ( t != tsFileNames.end() ) {
        QString fn = dir.relativeFilePath(*t);
        MetaTranslator tor;
        MetaTranslator out;
        tor.load( *t );
        if ( !codecForTr.isEmpty() )
            tor.setCodec( codecForTr.toLatin1() );
        if ( verbose )
            fprintf( stderr, "Updating '%s'...\n", fn.toLatin1().constData() );
        merge( &tor, &fetchedTor, &out, verbose, noObsolete );
        if ( noObsolete )
        if ( !out.save(*t) ) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
            char buf[100];
            strerror_s(buf, sizeof(buf), errno);
            fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 error: Cannot save '%s': %s\n",
                     fn.toLatin1().constData(), buf );
            fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 error: Cannot save '%s': %s\n",
                     fn.toLatin1().constData(), strerror(errno) );
void CPropBrowserWidget::on_treeView_clicked(const QModelIndex &index)
	QDir d;
	QString filePath;
	std::string stdFilePath;

		filePath = m_model->filePath(index);
		filePath = d.relativeFilePath(filePath);
		stdFilePath = filePath.toStdString();

		utils::changeExt(stdFilePath, "jpg");

			m_default = false;
		else if(!m_default)
			m_default = true;
Example #9
QString txEmissionsBase::saveCalcOptions() const {

    QDir calcConfDir;

    const QString fullPath =
            + QDir::separator()
            + m_currTime + ".conf";

    QFile confFile(fullPath);

    if ( !confFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly) ) {
        throw txError("Can not open file " + fullPath + "!");

    QTextStream fout(&confFile);

    fout << "task"           << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_task()           << "\n"
         << "Vh"             << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_Vh()             << "\n"
         << "standard"       << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_standard()       << "\n"
         << "chargingType"   << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_chargingType()   << "\n"
         << "fuelType"       << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_fuelType()       << "\n"
         << "NOxSample"      << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_NOxSample()      << "\n"
         << "PTcalc"         << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_PTcalc()         << "\n"
         << "PTmass"         << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_PTmass()         << "\n"
         << "addPointsCalc"  << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_addPointsCalc()  << "\n"
         << "testDate"       << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_testDate()       << "\n"
         << "calcConfigFile" << "=" << m_calculationOptions->val_calcConfigFile() << "\n";


    return "libtoxic: Calculation config file \"" + fullPath + "\" created.\n";
Example #10

 \param e
 \return QString
QString PlayList::playListEntry(const M3uEntry& e) const {
    //obtain the filename to be used in the m3u playlist
    //not nescessary the same name as the original file
    //could be pointing to the location the original file is copied, if copied
    //could be relative or absolute
    //will also be different from originalFile if keepFolderStructure

    const QDir outPutPath(guiSettings->value("outPutPath") .toString());
    const QFileInfo file = e.originalFile();
    QString playListEntryName = file.absoluteFilePath();

    bool useCopyFilesToPath = guiSettings->value("useCopyFilesToPath").toBool();
    if (copyFiles_ && useCopyFilesToPath) {
        playListEntryName = copyFilesToDir_.absolutePath() + "/" + file.fileName();
        bool keepFolderStructure = guiSettings->value("keepFolderStructure").toBool();
        if (keepFolderStructure) {
            QStringList dirs = file.absolutePath().replace("\\", "/").split("/");
            QString root = dirs[0];            
            playListEntryName = file.absoluteFilePath().replace(root, copyFilesToDir_.absolutePath());


    if (relativePath_) {
        playListEntryName = outPutPath.relativeFilePath(playListEntryName);

    return playListEntryName;
DeploymentData CMakeBuildConfiguration::deploymentData() const
    DeploymentData result;

    QDir sourceDir = target()->project()->projectDirectory().toString();
    QDir buildDir = buildDirectory().toString();

    QString deploymentPrefix;
    QString deploymentFilePath = sourceDir.filePath("QtCreatorDeployment.txt");

    bool hasDeploymentFile = QFileInfo::exists(deploymentFilePath);
    if (!hasDeploymentFile) {
        deploymentFilePath = buildDir.filePath("QtCreatorDeployment.txt");
        hasDeploymentFile = QFileInfo::exists(deploymentFilePath);
    if (hasDeploymentFile) {
        deploymentPrefix = result.addFilesFromDeploymentFile(deploymentFilePath,

    for (const CMakeBuildTarget &ct : m_buildTargets) {
        if (ct.targetType == ExecutableType || ct.targetType == DynamicLibraryType) {
            if (!ct.executable.isEmpty()
                    && !result.deployableForLocalFile(ct.executable.toString()).isValid()) {
                               deploymentPrefix + buildDir.relativeFilePath(ct.executable.toFileInfo().dir().path()),

    return result;
Example #12
QStringList KateProjectWorker::filesFromDarcs(const QDir &dir, bool recursive)
    QStringList files;

    const QString cmd = QStringLiteral("darcs");
    QString root;

        QProcess darcs;
        QStringList args;
        args << QStringLiteral("list") << QStringLiteral("repo");

        darcs.start(cmd, args);

        if (!darcs.waitForStarted() || !darcs.waitForFinished())
            return files;

        auto str = QString::fromLocal8Bit(darcs.readAllStandardOutput());
        QRegularExpression exp(QStringLiteral("Root: ([^\\n\\r]*)"));
        auto match = exp.match(str);

            return files;

        root = match.captured(1);

    QStringList relFiles;
        QProcess darcs;
        QStringList args;
        args << QStringLiteral("list") << QStringLiteral("files")
             << QStringLiteral("--no-directories") << QStringLiteral("--pending");

        darcs.start(cmd, args);

        if(!darcs.waitForStarted() || !darcs.waitForFinished())
            return files;

        relFiles = QString::fromLocal8Bit(darcs.readAllStandardOutput())
            .split(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("[\n\r]")), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

    for (const QString &relFile: relFiles) {
        const QString path = dir.relativeFilePath(root + QStringLiteral("/") + relFile);

        if ((!recursive && (relFile.indexOf(QStringLiteral("/")) != -1)) ||
            (recursive && (relFile.indexOf(QStringLiteral("..")) == 0))
        ) {


    return files;
QVariantMap BareMetalRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    QVariantMap map(RunConfiguration::toMap());
    const QDir dir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory().toString());
    map.insert(QLatin1String(ProFileKey), dir.relativeFilePath(m_projectFilePath));
    map.insert(QLatin1String(WorkingDirectoryKey), m_workingDirectory);
    return map;
Example #14
static QString relativeFilePath(const QDir &dir,
                                const QString &fileName)
    // Likely a reference to a resource file
    if (fileName.startsWith(QLatin1Char(':')))
        return fileName;

    return dir.relativeFilePath(fileName);
Example #15
QString txEmissionsBase::saveSourceData() const {

    QDir reportDir;

    const QString fullPath =
            + QDir::separator()
            + "SourceData_"
            + m_calculationOptions->defStandardName(
            + "_"
            + m_currTime
            + ".dat";

    QFile srcData(fullPath);

    if ( !srcData.open(QFile::WriteOnly) ) {
        throw txError("Can not open file " + fullPath + "!");

    QTextStream fout(&srcData);

    fout << right
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<SRCDATACAPTIONS_EMISSIONS.size(); i++ ) {

    fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
         << "\n"
         << fixed
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH)
         << qSetRealNumberPrecision(PRECISION+1);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<m_numberOfPoints; i++ ) {

        fout << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);
        fout << i + 1;
        fout << ma_n[i]      << ma_Me_brutto[i] << ma_Ne_brutto[i]
             << ma_N_fan[i]  << ma_w[i]         << ma_t0[i]
             << ma_B0[i]     << ma_Ra[i]        << ma_dPn[i]
             << ma_Gair[i]   << ma_Gfuel[i]     << ma_CNOx[i]
             << ma_gNOx[i]   << ma_CCO[i]       << ma_CCH[i]
             << ma_CCO2in[i] << ma_CCO2out[i]   << ma_CO2[i]
             << ma_Ka1m[i]   << ma_KaPerc[i]    << ma_FSN[i]
             << ma_Pr[i]     << ma_ts[i]        << ma_tauf[i]
             << ma_qmdw[i]   << ma_qmdew[i]     << ma_rd[i];
        fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
             << "\n";


    return "libtoxic: Source data file \"" + fullPath + "\" created.\n";
Example #16
Utils::FileName QmlProject::targetFile(const Utils::FileName &sourceFile,
                                       const Target *target) const
    const QDir sourceDir(m_projectItem ? m_projectItem->sourceDirectory()
                                       : canonicalProjectDir().toString());
    const QDir targetDir(targetDirectory(target).toString());
    const QString relative = sourceDir.relativeFilePath(sourceFile.toString());
    return Utils::FileName::fromString(QDir::cleanPath(targetDir.absoluteFilePath(relative)));
QVariantMap DesktopQmakeRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    const QDir projectDir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory().toString());
    QVariantMap map(RunConfiguration::toMap());
    map.insert(QLatin1String(PRO_FILE_KEY), projectDir.relativeFilePath(m_proFilePath.toString()));
    map.insert(QLatin1String(USE_DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX_KEY), m_isUsingDyldImageSuffix);
    map.insert(QLatin1String(USE_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATH), m_isUsingLibrarySearchPath);
    return map;
Example #18
// Helper Function
static QString projectDirRelativeToBuildDir(BuildConfiguration *bc) {
    const QDir buildDir(bc->buildDirectory().toString());
    QString projDirToBuildDir = buildDir.relativeFilePath(
    if (projDirToBuildDir.isEmpty())
        return QLatin1String("./");
    if (!projDirToBuildDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
    return projDirToBuildDir;
Example #19
void Qt4RunConfiguration::save(PersistentSettingsWriter &writer) const
    const QDir projectDir = QFileInfo(project()->file()->fileName()).absoluteDir();
    writer.saveValue("CommandLineArguments", m_commandLineArguments);
    writer.saveValue("ProFile", projectDir.relativeFilePath(m_proFilePath));
    writer.saveValue("UserSetName", m_userSetName);
    writer.saveValue("UseTerminal", m_runMode == Console);
    writer.saveValue("UseDyldImageSuffix", m_isUsingDyldImageSuffix);
QVariantMap S60DeviceRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    QVariantMap map = ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration::toMap();
    const QDir projectDir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory());

    map.insert(QLatin1String(PRO_FILE_KEY), projectDir.relativeFilePath(m_proFilePath));
    map.insert(QLatin1String(COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS_KEY), m_commandLineArguments);

    return map;
QVariantMap RemoteLinuxRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    QVariantMap map(RunConfiguration::toMap());
    map.insert(QLatin1String(ArgumentsKey), d->arguments);
    const QDir dir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory());
    map.insert(QLatin1String(ProFileKey), dir.relativeFilePath(d->projectFilePath));
    map.insert(QLatin1String(UseAlternateExeKey), d->useAlternateRemoteExecutable);
    map.insert(QLatin1String(AlternateExeKey), d->alternateRemoteExecutable);
    map.insert(QLatin1String(WorkingDirectoryKey), d->workingDirectory);
    return map;
Example #22
void DataPrimitive::Private::saveFilename(const QString& fn, QXmlStreamWriter& s) {
    if (!fn.isEmpty()) {
        // QDir::current is set to *.kst's file path in mainwindow.cpp
        QDir current = QDir::current();
        QString relFn = current.relativeFilePath(fn);
        s.writeAttribute("file", current.absoluteFilePath(fn));
        if (QDir::isRelativePath(relFn)) { // is absolute if on a differnt disk/network
            s.writeAttribute("fileRelative", relFn);
Example #23
QStringList Kleo::makeRelativeTo(const QDir &baseDir, const QStringList &fileNames)
    QStringList rv;
    std::transform(fileNames.cbegin(), fileNames.cend(),
                   [&baseDir](const QString &file) {
                       return baseDir.relativeFilePath(file);
    return rv;
QVariantMap DesktopQmakeRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    const QDir projectDir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory());
    QVariantMap map(LocalApplicationRunConfiguration::toMap());
    map.insert(QLatin1String(COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS_KEY), m_commandLineArguments);
    map.insert(QLatin1String(PRO_FILE_KEY), projectDir.relativeFilePath(m_proFilePath));
    map.insert(QLatin1String(USE_TERMINAL_KEY), m_runMode == Console);
    map.insert(QLatin1String(USE_DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX_KEY), m_isUsingDyldImageSuffix);
    map.insert(QLatin1String(USER_WORKING_DIRECTORY_KEY), m_userWorkingDirectory);
    return map;
Example #25
QVariantMap RemoteLinuxRunConfiguration::toMap() const
    QVariantMap map(RunConfiguration::toMap());
    map.insert(ArgumentsKey, m_d->arguments);
    const QDir dir = QDir(target()->project()->projectDirectory());
    map.insert(ProFileKey, dir.relativeFilePath(m_d->proFilePath));
    map.insert(BaseEnvironmentBaseKey, m_d->baseEnvironmentType);
    return map;
void CPropBrowserWidget::on_treeView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
	QDir d;
	QString filePath;

		filePath = m_model->filePath(index);
		filePath = d.relativeFilePath(filePath);
		emit propFilePathSelected(filePath.toStdString());
Example #27
QString SyncProcess::updateEntry(const QString & path, const QDir & source, const QDir & destination)
  QFileInfo sourceInfo(path);
  QString relativePath = source.relativeFilePath(path);
  QString destinationPath = destination.absoluteFilePath(relativePath);
  QFileInfo destinationInfo(destinationPath);
  if (sourceInfo.isDir()) {
    if (!destinationInfo.exists()) {
      progress->addText(tr("Create directory %1\n").arg(destinationPath));
      if (!destination.mkdir(relativePath)) {
        return QObject::tr("Create '%1' failed").arg(destinationPath);
  else {
    if (!destinationInfo.exists()) {
      // qDebug() << "Copy" << path << "to" << destinationPath;
      progress->addText(tr("Copy %1 to %2").arg(path).arg(destinationPath) + "\n");
      if (!QFile::copy(path, destinationPath)) {
        return QObject::tr("Copy '%1' to '%2' failed").arg(path).arg(destinationPath);
    else if (sourceInfo.lastModified() > destinationInfo.lastModified()) {
      // retrieve source contents
      QFile sourceFile(path);
      if (!sourceFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
        return QObject::tr("Open '%1' failed").arg(path);
      QByteArray sourceContents = sourceFile.readAll();

      // retrieve destination contents
      QFile destinationFile(destinationPath);
      if (!destinationFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
        return QObject::tr("Open '%1' failed").arg(destinationPath);
      QByteArray destinationContents = destinationFile.readAll();

      if (contentsDifferent(sourceContents, destinationContents)) {
        // copy contents
        if (!destinationFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
          return QObject::tr("Write '%1' failed").arg(destinationPath);
        progress->addText(tr("Write %1").arg(destinationPath) + "\n");
        // qDebug() << "Write" << destinationPath;
  return QString();
Example #28
static void migrateDataDir() {
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
	QString olddir = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/Library/Preferences/Mumble");
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
	QString newdir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation);
	QString newdir = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation);
	QString linksTo = QFile::readLink(olddir);
	if (!QFile::exists(newdir) && QFile::exists(olddir) && linksTo.isEmpty()) {
		QDir d;
		d.mkpath(newdir + QLatin1String("/.."));
		if (d.rename(olddir, newdir)) {
			if (d.cd(QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/Library/Preferences"))) {
				if (QFile::link(d.relativeFilePath(newdir), olddir)) {
					qWarning("Migrated application data directory from '%s' to '%s'",
					         qPrintable(olddir), qPrintable(newdir));
	} else {
		/* Data dir has already been migrated. */

	qWarning("Application data migration failed.");

// Qt4 used another data directory on Unix-like systems, to ensure a seamless
// transition we must first move the users data to the new directory.
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && ! defined(Q_OS_MAC)
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
	QString olddir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QLatin1String("/data/Mumble");
	QString newdir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QLatin1String("/Mumble");

	if (!QFile::exists(newdir) && QFile::exists(olddir)) {
		QDir d;
		d.mkpath(newdir + QLatin1String("/.."));
		if (d.rename(olddir, newdir)) {
			qWarning("Migrated application data directory from '%s' to '%s'",
			         qPrintable(olddir), qPrintable(newdir));
	} else {
		/* Data dir has already been migrated. */

	qWarning("Application data migration failed.");
QmakeBuildInfo *QmakeBuildConfigurationFactory::createBuildInfo(const Kit *k,
                                                              const QString &projectPath,
                                                              BuildConfiguration::BuildType type) const
    QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *version = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k);
    QmakeBuildInfo *info = new QmakeBuildInfo(this);
    QString suffix;
    if (type == BuildConfiguration::Release) {
        //: The name of the release build configuration created by default for a qmake project.
        info->displayName = tr("Release");
        //: Non-ASCII characters in directory suffix may cause build issues.
        suffix = tr("Release", "Shadow build directory suffix");
        if (version && version->isQtQuickCompilerSupported())
            info->config.useQtQuickCompiler = true;
    } else {
        if (type == BuildConfiguration::Debug) {
            //: The name of the debug build configuration created by default for a qmake project.
            info->displayName = tr("Debug");
            //: Non-ASCII characters in directory suffix may cause build issues.
            suffix = tr("Debug", "Shadow build directory suffix");
        } else if (type == BuildConfiguration::Profile) {
            //: The name of the profile build configuration created by default for a qmake project.
            info->displayName = tr("Profile");
            //: Non-ASCII characters in directory suffix may cause build issues.
            suffix = tr("Profile", "Shadow build directory suffix");
            info->config.separateDebugInfo = true;
            if (version && version->isQtQuickCompilerSupported())
                info->config.useQtQuickCompiler = true;
        if (version && version->isQmlDebuggingSupported())
            info->config.linkQmlDebuggingQQ2 = true;
    info->typeName = info->displayName;
    // Leave info->buildDirectory unset;
    info->kitId = k->id();

    // check if this project is in the source directory:
    Utils::FileName projectFilePath = Utils::FileName::fromString(projectPath);
    if (version && version->isInSourceDirectory(projectFilePath)) {
        // assemble build directory
        QString projectDirectory = projectFilePath.toFileInfo().absolutePath();
        QDir qtSourceDir = QDir(version->sourcePath().toString());
        QString relativeProjectPath = qtSourceDir.relativeFilePath(projectDirectory);
        QString qtBuildDir = version->versionInfo().value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"));
        QString absoluteBuildPath = QDir::cleanPath(qtBuildDir + QLatin1Char('/') + relativeProjectPath);

        info->buildDirectory = Utils::FileName::fromString(absoluteBuildPath);
    } else {
        info->buildDirectory = defaultBuildDirectory(projectPath, k, suffix, type);
    info->buildType = type;
    return info;
Example #30
void Controls::on_actionSave_QML_triggered()
    QString modelFileName = m_model->fullPath();
    QFileInfo fi(modelFileName);
    QString qmlName = fi.baseName();
    qmlName = qmlName.mid(1).prepend(qmlName[0].toUpper()) + ".qml";
    QString path = fi.absoluteDir().absoluteFilePath(qmlName);
    QFileDialog::Options options = 0;
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
    // work around data loss bug with KDE: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=210904
    options = QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog;
    QString file = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save QML file"), path,
                                                tr("QML files (*.qml)"), 0, options);
    if (!file.isEmpty())
        QFileInfo fi2(file);
        QDir d = fi2.absoluteDir();
        QString relName = d.relativeFilePath(modelFileName);
        QString n2 = fi2.baseName();
        n2 = n2.mid(1).prepend((n2[0].toUpper())) + ".qml";
        file = fi2.absolutePath() + "/" + n2;
        QmlGenerator gen(file);
        gen.setProperty("modelFileName", relName);
        QString options = m_model->getOptions();
        if (!options.isEmpty())
            gen.setProperty("options", options);
        QVector3D p = m_view->position();
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(p.x()))
            gen.setProperty("x_translation", QString::number(p.x()));
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(p.y()))
            gen.setProperty("y_translation", QString::number(p.y()));
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(p.z()))
            gen.setProperty("z_translation", QString::number(p.z()));
        QVector3D o = m_view->orientation();
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(o.x()))
            gen.setProperty("x_rotation", QString::number(o.x()));
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(o.y()))
            gen.setProperty("y_rotation", QString::number(o.y()));
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(o.z()))
            gen.setProperty("z_rotation", QString::number(o.z()));
        QVector3D s = m_view->scale();
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(s.x()))
            gen.setProperty("x_scale", ((s.x() < 0.0f) ? QString::number(1.0f / qAbs(s.x())) : QString::number(s.x())));
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(s.y()))
            gen.setProperty("y_scale", ((s.y() < 0.0f) ? QString::number(1.0f / qAbs(s.y())) : QString::number(s.y())));
        if (!qFuzzyIsNull(s.z()))
            gen.setProperty("z_scale", ((s.z() < 0.0f) ? QString::number(1.0f / qAbs(s.z())) : QString::number(s.z())));